Bukti Ternyata Terletak di Jalan Suasa, Jalan 7/L, Section 7, SHAH ALAM
"YB Datuk Seri Khir Toyo, Duit Kau Datang Dari Mana?
A Menteri Besar earns RM576,000 per annum.
Khir Toyo would NOT have accumulated enough to foot the RM 24 MILLION bill for his palatial mansion."
A Menteri Besar earns RM576,000 per annum.
Khir Toyo would NOT have accumulated enough to foot the RM 24 MILLION bill for his palatial mansion."

Jalan Suasa, 7/L, Shah Alam

"...Banglo mewah kepunyaan Khir Toyo bernilai RM24 JUTA bukanlah atu perkara yang mengejutkan, malah ia menjadi satu perkara biasa bagi sebahagian besar pemimpin UMNO.
Mereka menjadikan medan politik sebagai satu kaedah mencari kekayaan dan kemewahan secara melampau.
Oleh sebab itulah setiap kali UMNO mengadakan pemilihan jawatan dalam parti bagaikan hendak runtuh satu dunia dibuatnya kerana untuk merebut jawatan. Semakin tinggi jawatan seseorang itu dalam haeriki UMNO, maka semakin besar pengaruh dan kuasanya.
Melalui kuasa, mereka boleh membuat apa sahaja yang mereka mahu. Merembat, merompak dan memfaraidkan harta rakyat semahu-mahunya untuk membuncitkan perut masing-masing.
Dengan kuasa yang mereka pegang, bukan untuk membela rakyat, tetapi untuk memperhambakan rakyat dan mereka tetap menjadi tuan. Semua badan-badan kerajaan dijadikan pencacai dan barua kepada para pemimpin UMNO jenis ini.
SPR, SPRM, PDRM, AG dan Kehakiman adalah barua terpenting kepada UMNO.
Dajal-dajal ini menjadi benteng pertahanan mempertahankan kuasa bagi membolehkan para pemimpin UMNO meragut dan merompak harta-harta rakyat dengan semahu-mahunya.
Mereka tidak pernah puas. Rakyat menderita.
Mereka adalah SYAITAN-SYAITAN BESAR yang merosakan agama, bangsa dan negara.
Rumah kediaman mantan Menteri Besar Selangor, Dato' Seri Dr Mohamed Khir Bin Toyo dekat sini dibina dengan kos keseluruhan sebanyak RM24 juta.

Banglo tersebut yang terletak di Jalan Suasa, Seksyen 7 dekat sini dibina diatas DUA lot tanah yang dicantumkan dan kedua-dua tanah ini berjumlah RM4 juta dengan keluasan 52,041 kaki persegi.

Tanah pertama yang bernombor HSD 22904 di lot PT 62, Seksyen 7 dengan keluasan 31,794 kaki persegi berharga sebanyak RM2.9 juta iaitu RM93 ringgit untuk satu kaki persegi yang dibeli dari sebuah syarikat Ditamas Sdn. Bhd.

Syarikat tersebut dimiliki oleh Shamsuddin Hayroni yang merupakan sahabat baik kepada Mantan Menteri Besar Selangor itu.
Namun, harga yang dibeli untuk tanah kedua yang bernombor HSD 22905 adalah lebih murah iaitu RM900,000 iaitu RM46 untuk satu kaki persegi di di lot PT 65 seksyen 7, seluas 20,427 kaki persegi.

Kedua-dua tanah ini mempunyai tempoh pajakan selama 99 tahun yang bermula sejak 20 Mac 1987 dan berakhir pada 19 Mac 2086 dan ia didaftarkan dibawah nama Mohamad Khir Toyo dan isterinya, Zahrah Kechik.
Demikian fakta yang didedahkan oleh Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun), Sekinchan, Ng Suee Lim ketika ditemui selepas membawa pemberita meninjau banglo tersebut yang beliau sifatkan sebagai Istana Khir Toyo.
Katanya, harga rumah ini lebih kurang RM18 juta dan belum dicampurkan dengan harga perabot yang diimport sepenuh dari Bali. Jadi semuanya berharga RM20 juta dan dicampur pula dengan harga tanah yang berjumlah RM4 Juta.

"Harga sebuah pintu gerbang sahaja berharga, RM290,000. Persoalannya, saya bukan ada hasad dengki atau pun iri hati kerana beliau memiliki rumah sebesar ini. Tetapi sekiranya, dia mampu dan memiliki kekayaan dari sumber yang halal, saya tiada masalah malah saya ucapakan tahniah. Apa yang saya nampak sebelum ini, dia merupakan seorang doktor gigi biasa," katanya
Apabila lapan tahun katanya, dia menjawat jawatan Menteri Besar Selangor, dia mampu untuk membina sebuah rumah sebesar itu.
"Setahu saya sebagai seorang penjawat awam, Menteri Besar Selangor tidak boleh berniaga dan tidak boleh terlibat dalam apa-apa aktiviti perniagaan termasuk semua Adun dan Speaker," katanya.
Menurut beliau, gaji Menteri Besar hanya RM48,000 yang meliputi semua elaun dan makan minum dan gaji pembantu semua ditanggung oleh Kerajaan Negeri dan ini bermakna gaji seorang menteri besar alam tempoh setahun sebanyak, RM576,000, gaji Khir Toyo sewaktu menjadi menteri besar.
Katanya, selama lapan tahun gaji keseluruhan yang beliau dapat dalam masa lapan tahun RM4.7 juta termasuk 'interest', belum tentu dapat mengumpul kekayaan sebanyak itu.
Beliau mendesak Khir Toyo beri penjelasan mengenai isu ini, daripada jumlah ini, bolehkan memiliki banglo sebesar ini. Dari mana sumber, rakyat nak tahu, sebab kerajaan negeri Selangor yang baru ini sedang mengamalkan dasar ketelusan.
Dalam sidang media yang sama, beliau ditanya adakah beliau akan membuat laporan kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), katanya, tidak perlu membuat laporan di SPRM.
"Saya tak perlu lapor sebab secara peribadi saya tidak berapa yakin dengan keberkesanan dan peranan badan itu dan apa yang saya nampak sebelum ini banyak mengecewakan. Biar rakyat yang memutuskan, terpulang kepada budi bicara SPRM untuk menyiasat atau tidak," katanya.

Khir Toyo's new 'Balinese-theme palace' talk of the town
Read here for more in malaysiakini
Selangor opposition leader Dr Khir Toyo's lavish new home in Shah Alam is beyond his means, or ANY menteri besar who served for ONLY eight years.
The 50,000 sq feet or 0.5 hectare PROPERTY was constructed at an estimated cost of RM20 million while the LAND was bought at a price of RM3.8 million according to Sekinchan state assemblyperson Ng Suee Lim. The property is located in the secluded Jalan 1/7L in Section 7 of Shah Alam.
A menteri besar earns RM576,000 per annum and thus Khir would NOT have accumulated enough to foot the RM24 million bill.
Khir was a practising dentist before he rose up the ranks in Umno and became Selangor menteri besar in 2001 at the age of 33.
Khir's property was FAR LARGER r than the infamous 17-room bungalow built by the late Umno politician Zakaria Mat Deros who caused a controversy in 2006.
From documents from the Selangor Land and Mineral Office, Ng showed proof that Khir, 44, and his wife Zahrah Kechik, 44, jointly bought the land from Ditamas Sdn Bhd in 2007.
The documents showed that a director of Ditamas is one Shamsuddin Hayroni, who is Khir's buddy. He also said both are of Javanese descent.
Calling the property a "Balinese-style palace", Ng said that building industry experts have estimated the construction and furnishing to cost about RM20 million.
"The frontage alone costs approximately RM290,000. The tiles you see are imported," he said.
"He (as opposition leader) wants to monitor the current government, but he should also explain himself first in the name of transparency," he said.
Khir should explain the source of his wealth before accusing the current state government of corruption.
Ng said he will not lodge a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission because he has no faith in them to operate independently. However, he said that it is up to the MACC to take action, failing which he would drop the matter and let the public judge the commission and Khir.
Allegations that Khir owned the palatial home first emerged during the run-up to the March Umno party elections, where he was running as a candidate for the Umno Youth wing chief.
NOTE: Dr Mohd Khir Toyo said he bought the house with a loan of RM3.5 million from a foreign bank."Since Ng claims the house costs RM24 million, he is now officially my (real estate) agent. If he can sell it at that price, I will give him 50 percent commission," he quipped. Read here for more
- Stephen Ng:
Khir Toyo said he had purchased his house with a loan of RM3.5 million from a foreign bank. Unless he is saying that he only had to borrow RM3.5 million to purchase his huge bungalow and the rest was paid in cash, it is hard to believe the word of this man. From the size of the bungalow and the plot of land on which it is built, it is hard to believe that it costs only RM3.5 million. If it is true, Khir Toyo should put his palatial bungalow on the market and see how much the value of such properties has escalated. I am sure there will be more than one buyer for the home.
An ordinary double-storey link-house in Damansara Heights already costs close to RM1 million. A condominium at Kiaraville is sold at slightly above RM1 million.
What can RM3.5 million buy these days? Maybe a Lamborghini and a condominium at a high-end neighbourhood in Kuala Lumpur or Petaling Jaya! - Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahman:
“Since Ng claims the house cost RM24 million, he is now officially my (real estate) agent. If he can sell it at that price, I will give him 50 percent commission," Khir Toyo had quipped.
I will make a counter-offer, YB. Give me one month to sell the place (free of all encumbrances) for RM7 million (100 percent profit for you). No, make it RM10.5 million (200 percent). Just a one-month option. - Patriotic Malaysian:
It is blatant abusive of power. How could he accumulate such wealth within eight years? A COO or CEO could not afford such a monstrous house even after working for 20 years. The most they can afford is RM4 million to RM5 million. - Disgusted:
Khir Toyo is just unbelievable. He has no shame and takes Malaysians to be idiots who have never bought a house or piece of land in their life. He is lying through his teeth!
He bought a piece of land measuring 52,221 square feet and built a magnificent mansion complete with swimming pool and god-knows-what-else.
And all this for RM4 million, inclusive of renovations? Land alone is worth that much, at just RM72 per square foot. So did the mansion, with a built-up area of 20,000 square feet, come free of charge? Cool. I will offer him a deal: I give him RM6 million for his home, lock, stock and barrel. He makes a whopping 50 percent return on investment in less than a year. I will also pay his legal fees and stamp duty. How about it?The Humble Home of PAS Menteri Besar Kelantan,
Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat
Video Clip to Tok Guru Nik Aziz's House
Disgusted u say....?
If there's any other word more perverse than that..I will not hesitate a second to use it on this so called "former head of one of the richest malaysian state"
To me personally ..I must admit that he's the most pathethic of what a muslim head of state shud not be.
I rest my case
Does it take a high IQ to say MACC for cows & cars is only functioning for persecuted victims? Or is Lemabga Hasil Dalam Negeri squeezing the hard-earned moneys from the rakyat to foot the Goverment expenses? WHY BOTHER TO PAY YOUR TAXES WHEN THE BIG, WEALTHY & CORRUPTED are getting away scott free with their misdeeds?
MACC, apakah langkah selanjut harus di buat? Takkan se-Malaysia dah tahu kejadian ini tetapi MACC tidak tahu lagi? Bola sekarang ada dikaki MACC. Agensi MACC bertugas untuk rakyat Malaysia, bukan untuk BN-UMNO.Untuk kesucian nama MACC, jalankan tugas awak.
ADUN Ng Swee Lim will be wasting his time because MACC, Police & other government agencies will be goyang kaki at Khir's Istana. Nothing will happen. Corruption is very very rampant in M'sia. M'sians must wipe off UMNO/BN in the next GE if they want good future for their children/kids. Totally hopeless & corrupted.
First we have Zakaria of Klang, and now we have Khir Toyo! MALAYSIA BENAR-BENAR BOLEH (mati) lor!
And just what does this Toyol intend to do with such a huge mansion? Is he going to practise what Chinese emperors practised, keeping CONCUBINES? Wouldn't he feel lonely in such a big house?
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