
"... Di dalam kedua-dua isu, kepala lembu dan kuil S23, kepimpinan tertinggi PAS (Presiden Hadi Awang dan Timbalan Presiden Nasharuddin Isa) serta Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor Hassan Ali mengambil SIKAP BERDIAM DIRI.
Hanya MP PAS Shah Alam Khalid Samad dibiarkan berseorangan diri di dalam menghadapi isu ini tanpa apa-apa bantuan serta sokongan dari Presiden ataupun Timbalan Presiden PAS.
Pengempen2 MIC dari rumah ke rumah menggunakan isu bahawa PAS dan UMNO adalah SAMA. Pengundi India merasakan PAS tidak ikhlas apabila kepimpinan tertinggi mereka mengambil sikap berdiam diri.
SOKONGAN SENYAP Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor Dato Hassan Ali kepada sikap UMNO dalam isu kuil S23 ini sudah menjadi rahsia umum. Pengempen2 MIC lah yang mendedahkannya kepada pengundi2 India di Bagan Pinang. Ia (Hassan Ali) menjadikan PAS dilihat sebagai hipokrit dan tidak dipercayai oleh pengundi2 India di Bagan Pinang.
Saya amat yakin kalau Khalid Samad menjadi calon PAS di Bagan Pinang, PAS sudah tentu mendapat 70-80% undi kaum India kerana Khalid Samad terbukti tidak bercakap seperti seorang yang munafik dan menipu kaum India.
Maklumat “kumpulan Erdogan” telah disisihkan oleh Presiden sudah sampai ke pengetahuan ramai orang. Pengempen2 MIC terutamanya menggunakan hujjah ini dan ianya berjaya.
ADUN BANGI, Dr Syafiee telah menaikkan isu ini sejak tahun lepas lagi, yakni mengapa program “PAS for All” sudah tidak ada lagi pengisian yang bersifat berterusan sekarang ini.
Malahan tokoh PAS seperti Hassan Ali, dengan terus terang mengatakan yang PAS akan memperjuangkan hak Melayu sedangkan pada waktu yang sama PAS sudah ada slogan “PAS for All”.
- Tulang Besi
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Read here for more in Malaysia Waves blog
Satu kejutan berlaku. Majoriti pengundi-pengundi India di Bagan Pinang telah mengundi UMNO/BN walaupun isu “kepala lembu” dan isu “kuil s23” telah berlaku.
Di dalam kedua2 isu, kepala lembu dan kuil S23, kepimpinan tertinggi PAS (Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden) mengambil SIKAP BERDIAM diri dan membiarkan UMNO bermaharaja-lela mengutuk serta menzalimi hak penduduk Hindu S23.
Pengempen2 MIC dari rumah ke rumah menggunakan isu bahawa PAS dan UMNO adalah SAMA. Ini kerana dalam isu Kuil S23 dan Kepala Lembu, sikap yang mereka tunjukkan adalah sama, yakni tidak menentang tindakan sekumpulan orang-orang UMNO itu.
Dan pengempen2 MIC/IPF ini memulakan jarum sejurus selepas kematian arwah ADUN Bagan Pinang yang lepas. Itu maklumat yang saya dapat sebelum penamaan calon lagi dari beberapa pengkaji yang berada di lapagan. Saya sendiri tidak percaya tapi keputusan Bagan Pinang ini membuktikannya.
- PAS TIDAK Dilihat Membantu Kaum India Di Dalam Mempertahan Hak Mereka
Presiden PAS terutamanya (serta Pesuruhjaya PAS Selangor) mengambil sikap berdiam diri dalam isu ini. MP PAS Shah Alam, dibiarkan berseorangan diri di dalam menghadapi isu ini tanpa apa-apa bantuan serta sokongan dari Presiden ataupun Timbalan Presiden PAS.
Oleh kerana kita semua telah tahu bahawa Presiden PAS terikat dengan kehendak “geng Terengganu” maka kita boleh membuat kesimpulan bahawa sikap PAS dalam isu Kuil dan Kepala Lembu ini adalah sikap “geng Terengganu”(yang sekarang ini sudah terkenal dengan sikap “assabiyyah” dan kebangsaan melayu mereka).
Pokoknya, Bagan Pinang adalah peluang keemasan bagi PAS bagi menguatkan lagi tahap sokongan pengundi berbangsa India kepada PAS. Isu “Kepala Lembu” dan “Kuil Seksyen 23” adalah isu keemasan yang disia-siakan oleh PAS hasil kerana kepimpinan PAS Pusat dikuasai oleh mereka2 yang pro kepada kerjasama dengan UMNO.
Presiden PAS sendiri secara pribadi telah turun ke Shah Alam dan memberitahu bahawa Islam tidak mengharamkan rumah ibadat bukan Islam hampir dengan Masjid dan Surau. Ini kerana, Presiden telah mengambil pendapat dari madzhab Maliki yang lebih sesuai dalam waqi’ Malaysia yang berbilang bangsa dan agama.
Namun, Presiden PAS tidak langsung mengeluarkan kenyataan umum kepada media dalam isu ini hatta selepas MP PAS Khalid Samad diberikan ancaman bunuh sekalipun. Perkara ini menjadi isu di Bagan Pinang kerana pengundi India merasakan PAS tidak ikhlas apabila kepimpinan tertinggi mereka mengambil sikap berdiam diri.
Malahan, mereka sudah maklum betapa Dato Hassan Ali sendiri sebenarnya lebih cenderung kepada geng2 UMNO S23 berbanding dengan hak orang-orang India di sana.
Maklumat saya dapat, Dato Hassan dalam mesyuarat Exco memberitahu yang beliau memperjuangkan Titah Baginda Sultan Selangor yang tidak mahu rumah ibadat bukan Islam dalam penempatan majoriti orang Islam.
Sokongan senyap Dato Hassan kepada sikap UMNO dalam isu kuil S23 ini sudah menjadi rahsia umum. Dan, pengempen2 MIC lah yang mendedahkannya kepada pengundi2 India di Bagan Pinang. Ia menjadikan PAS dilihat sebagai hipokrit dan tidak dipercayai oleh pengundi2 India di Bagan Pinang. Hasilnya, PAS gagal menuai hasil dari kedua-dua isu sensitif ini.
Kalaupun PAS Selangor mahu mengambil sikap yang serupa dengan UMNO Selangor, kenapa PAS Selangor tidak boleh pergi berunding dengan Hindu Sanggam dan mencadangkan lokasi baru untuk kuil tersebut? - Apabila PAS Mengambil Sikap Ke”Melayuan”, UMNO yang Untung
PAS Selangor dan PAS Pusat dilihat semakin rapat kepada UMNO dari segi isu dan sikap UMNO dalam beberapa isu sejak kebelakangan ini.
Hakikatnya, kumpulan yang bertanggungjawab kepada polisi seperti “PAS for All” ( yang digelar sebagai kumpulan Erdogan) telah disisihkan. Presiden PAS sudah tidak lagi mendengar nasihat dan rintihan dari mereka2 yang bertanggungjawab ke atas kemenangan PAS 2008.
Malahan Presiden PAS sekarang dikuasai pemikiran dan pergerakan beliau oleh geng2 Terengganu dan mereka yang pro kepada kerjasama dengan UMNO. Tidak hairanlah dalam isu Kuil Seksyen 23 dan Kepala Lembu Presiden PAS berdiam diri dan TIDAK membantu Khalid Samad.
Saya amat yakin kalau Khalid Samad menjadi calon PAS di Bagan Pinang, PAS sudah tentu mendapat 70-80% undi kaum India kerana Khalid Samad terbukti tidak bercakap seperti seorang yang munafik dan menipu kaum India.
Calon yang diketengahkan oleh PAS pula menjadi mangsa sikap “assabiyyah” kepimpinan PAS dan kasihan kepada beliau. Beliau seorang yang jelas komited kepada konsep “PAS For All” dan menjadi mangsa. Lagi pula, beliau tidak dikenali oleh pengundi India di situ menjadikan beliau susah untuk disokong pengundi India.
Secara mudah, buat apa pengundi India mengambil risiko mengundi PAS sedangkan sikap PAS dan UMNO adalah serupa?
- Slogan “PAS for ALL” PAS Sudah Mula Dicurigai Pengundi BUKAN Melayu
Sudah tentu. Maklumat “kumpulan Erdogan” telah disisihkan oleh Presiden sudah sampai ke pengetahuan ramai orang. Pengempen2 MIC terutamanya menggunakan hujjah ini dan ianya berjaya.
Dan yang lebih mengewakan kita, ADUN BANGI, Dr Syafiee telah menaikkan isu ini sejak tahun lepas lagi, yakni mengapa program “PAS for All” sudah tidak ada lagi pengisian yang bersifat berterusan sekarang ini.
Malahan tokoh seperti Hasan Ali, dengan terus terang mengatakan yang PAS akan memperjuangkan hak Melayu sedangkan pada waktu yang sama PAS sudah ada slogan “PAS for All”.
Bukankah Islam memperjuangkan nasib semua manusia TIDAK KIRA AGAMA dan BANGSA? Malahan, bukan setakat manusia, Islam juga memperjuangkan keadilan untuk binatang dan tumbuhan dan melindungi mereka dari kezaliman.
Ada riwayat yang muttawateer yang mengatakan bahawa seorang wanita dimasukkan ke neraka kerana menyiksa kucingnya dan seorang pemuda dimasukkan syurga kerana memberi air kepada seekor anjing yang haus.
Puak2 Fraksi UMNO ini jelas menampakkan akidah mereka yang telah rosak dan hancur.
Apabila diuji mereka membuang Islam dan mengambil akidah assabiyyah/kebangsaan melayu.
-Tulang Besi
42% Rise in NON-Malay Support for UMNO/BN
Read here in Malaysiakini for more
UMNO/BN obtained a whopping 42 percent INCREASE in NON -Malays support in the Bagan Pinang by-election on Sunday , according to political analyst Ong Kian Ming's estimation of the Election Commission's data when he examined the change in the level of BN support from 2008 to 2009 by 'saluran' or polling stream and the ethnic composition of the respective 'saluran'.
Umno candidate Mohd Isa Samad had registered an increase of 4 percent in Malay support in the Negri Sembilan state seat compared to the results in the 2008 general election, despite being found guilty of vote buying in Umno polls.
About 67 percent Malay voters had backed Isa.
A higher proportion - 73 percent - of NON -Malay voters gave their support to the Umno candidate.
In the 2008 general election, BN got 3,080 postal votes against PAS' 1,189.
Nevertheless, he said Bagan Pinang is a wake-up call for Pakatan Rakyat.
"It is a stark reminder, especially to PAS, that they CANNOT take the NON -Malay vote for granted," Ong said.
10 Reasons You'll Never See in any Honest Analysis Why UMNO/BN Won a Landslide in Bagan Pinang
Read here for more.
10) The Chinese can relate to a corrupt candidate more than they can to an alien.
9) PAS' only physical presence in Negeri Sembilan was its HQ located within a pondok.
8) Some Pakatan leaders were uncomfortable campaigning for PAS when Hassan Ali appears to be the 'other' face of the party.
7) PKR has vested interest PAS does not get a foot into the state.
6) The Indians suddenly have an abundance of political vehicle choices and they hopped on the 1Malaysia bus.
5) The Malays had a choice between Isa Samad and going fishing. PAS was never an alternative in the by-election.
4) The NON-Malays will NOT blindly vote for Pas unless it stands moderate icons like Nizar or Khalid Samad.
3) Bookies' generous odds swayed the decisions of punters and their families.
2) The PAS candidate was tongue-tied and couldn't do the usual bullshit multilingual greeting before his speech.
1) It was Allah's plan to knock some sense into the Mullah wannabes ahead of GE13.
Read here for more in HARAKAH DAILY
PAS, you need to find your way back fast!
"Tohkong Mosjid"
(Penulis adalah seorang Pemuda bukan Muslim )
Excerpts: Read here for more
5,435 majority win by Isa Samad !!
5,435 from 2,333, an increase of 133% in majority votes.
Yes, I hope PAS was humbled by that number, and this loss is worst than UMNO's loss in Permatang Pasir (4551 votes).
After spending over 50 years in Malaysia being attacked by UMNO/BN day-in-day-out as the extremist Islamic party; to being able to overcome that perception on March 2008; only to lose it all 19 months later in Bagan Pinang? You were supposed to be on your way to replace UMNO as the biggest party in Malaysia.
Have you asked yourself, what has gone so wrong?
Don't blame the voters. Don't try to blame it Tan Sri Isa's popularity either.
The fact that you lost with a bigger majority to a tainted candidate like him, regardless whether Bagan Pinang was his stronghold or not, there must be something VERY wrong about you.
Why did 75% voters in Bagan Pinang voted against you? Ok, perhaps you wanted to say they had 4600 postal votes in hand.
Fine, let's take out the 4600 votes then. Yet you still lost by 3413 votes to 2,578 votes. So, don't even try to pin it on postal votes as well.
But the question remains, why did 57% of ground voters in Bagan Pinang voted against you across all races?
How come voters in Bagan Pinang viewed PAS's candidate in such low quality, that he was not even given the chance to beat Rohaizat's (the disbarred lawyer) score?
So, what went wrong?
Was it due to a campaign strategy gone wrong? Or was it due to the dented image of PAS caused by controversial statements from its own leaders?
Attacking Isa Samad's past record as a MB was a very unintelligent move.
For 22 years he was the MB, there must be so much that he had done right, compared to his wrongs, right?
If his money politics scandal did not deter people from nominating him, what makes you think people will hate him for his past failed projects? Even for a very successful corporate leader, there must be some broken projects under his belt along the way.
You cannot underestimate the number of voters in Bagan Pinang that Isa Samad had helped directly and indirectly during his tenure as MB. Your actions of exposing Isa's failed projects as a MB would certainly piss them off and set off a chain reaction of disgust.
Mind you, 22 years was a very long tenure, even the baby that was born on Isa's 1st year as a MB has turned into a eligible voter in Bagan Pinang today! Most of the people grew up into eligible voters under Tan Sri Isa' s leadership.
Instead of attacking Isa's past, PAS should have adopt the psychology attack strategy in wooing the young ones in Bagan Pinang by increasing their political awareness. By playing the sentiments over Isa' s candicacy against their morale barometer and religion beliefs would have driven more young voters over to PAS.
The young voters (in the age of internet) could have convinced their parents that a vote for BN is a vote to endorse their corruption practice and their super lousy way of governing the country. They could have set off a chain reaction to make people accept PAS and PR as the better party for Malaysia.
Fortunately for PAS, you need not to look far, as the answers were staring right in your face. The answers were so clear that there's something wrong with PAS when Zulkefly Omar could not answer these questions (below) posted by TheNutGraph (on 7 Oct 2009 http://www.thenutgraph.com/zulkefly-omars-dilemma):
- What is his stand on concert banning, as called for by central PAS Youth against both Danish soft-rock band Michael Learns to Rock and US R&B diva Beyonce Knowles.?
- What is his stand on the open sale of alcohol?
- What is his position on the whipping sentence dropped on Kartika Sari Dewi Sukarno?
- Whenever PAS-DAP-PKR met and came out with the statement "the matters were solved" at then end of the meeting, he did not know exactly what they really meant by the word "solved" because PR NEVER explained how the matter was solved.
PAS did NOT explain what was their final stand on those issues. If ZO was confused about his party's stand, I believed the voters were even MORE confused. - Whenever there's a controversial statement made by a certain PAS leaders, PAS top leaderships NEVER responded quickly enough to counter those statements.
More often than not, they let those controversial statements to float around until enough damage was done before stepping in. Most of the time, they would tell everyone that. "The matter is now closed." WITHOUT telling us exactly what's their final stand was.
In the end, the people are left alone to judge PAS' s stand on their own, and this is bad for the party. - ZO had the answers to the above questions, but he knew his answers were going to piss off Pakatan Rakyat leaders or the non-Muslim voters so he decided to stay mum.
PAS itself dug the hole subconsciously for playing the rat race with UMNO to prove who is more Islamic between them. - In the BEER fiasco, PAS Selangor was probably trying to prove themselves they are the real protector of Islam instead of UMNO. It was just a mind game without strategy to prove a useless point using the wrong way.
Is there a need to prove PAS is more Islamic than UMNO by playing such high-stakes game? Is there a need to be caught up in this game while getting yourself being cornered politically? - Something is terribly wrong with the people perception of PAS lately.
After a series of victory in Peninsular by-elections, PAS has lost track on its real focus. During these times, PAS did not do anything to improve itself, instead they are actually regressing to the old PAS. - Since March 08, PAS has stopped putting in more effort into turning 'PAS for ALL' slogan into actions. They hallucinated that the non-Muslims votes are going to stay with them as long as 'PAS for ALL' slogan is chanted everyday like the 1Malaysia slogan.
They forgot about the 'value of the people believing' in 'PAS for ALL' slogan was the recipe why people across racial divides decided to vote for them in all previous by-elections.
PAS's internal bickering since the unity government fiasco had sent a variety of confusing signals about PAS's real identity to the rakyat. The benefit of the doubts that the rakyat gave to PAS on the past few by-elections are now gone for good.
PAS has to restart to brand themselves all over again. Rhetoric and slogans can only last so long as they refused or ignorant to learn from current UMNO's predicament. - Who are the real you, PAS? If you happened to forget who you are, PAS, allow me to remind you.
PAS is a multi racial party who fights for Islam.
You are NOT a Malay party like UMNO, but you are just a party dominated by Malays.
So, now how does PAS want to show its Islamic side to be accepted by all MALAY-sians?The rakyat knows that PAS and Islam is inseparable. Therefore, fighting for Islam is completely acceptable to non-Muslims.
The only problem is that lately it seemed very evident to the non-Muslims that PAS put more focus on petty issues rather than the big picture in their fight for Islam, which is to emphasis on fighting corruption, "kebajikan awam", fairness and transparency in all PR state's government.
PAS, you need to find your way back fast! Remember "PAS for ALL" was your best selling slogan, now you just have to focus to put it into actions. It is just that simple!
You paid a very cheap price in Bagan Pinang to realise that something has gone wrong in your struggle and focus.
You should be glad that "Status-quo" is the cheapest price to lose an election for a good wake-up call!
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