is a Vote for
UMNO's "Ketuanan Melayu"

PAS Youth is sidling closer to Umno-linked NGOs' views on the definition of 'ketuanan Melayu', agreeing that Malay rights should neither be questioned nor politicised.
Both sides spoke during a forum titled 'The Polemic of Malay Supremacy' organised by PAS Youth in Kajang last night.
However, the virtual ideological alliance between PAS with UMNO-friendly GPMS and MPM may backfire, as the 100-strong crowd last night gave PAS's Ahmad Sabki's views a rather LUKEWARM reception.
Former Perlis Mufti Mohamad Asri Zainul Abidin who believes that instead of imposing silence on the issue, the phrase ketuanan Melayu should be DISCARDED altogether.
The Islamic scholar said.
“I am rather surprised by the response by PAS on this matter, or perhaps I am still unclear on what is being said (by Ahmad Sabki) on the issue.”PAS Youth vice-chief Ahmad Sabki Yusof at a PAS forum on the issue last night said,
His statement was greeted enthusiastically by Umno-linked NGOs Federation of Malay Students' Union (GPMS) and Malay Consultative Council (MPM).“Ketuanan Melayu is not about lordship but about being owners or the original inhabitants of the land.
The special RIGHTS of the Malays as defined in Article 153 of the constitution is fair and appropriate. It has been upheld by all races.
The only problem is the policy or implementation of the special rights to help Malays, that he said is problematic in its implementation and should be adapted to current situations."
GPMS vice-president Ezaruddin Abd Rahman, with one hand placed on Ahmad Sabki's shoulder, responded:
It is a non-issue, it's appearance is a political tremor, used by politicians for political gain,” chimed in MPM secretary-general Hasan Mad, mirroring both PAS's Ahmad Sabki and UMNO's Ezaruddin earlier comments on the topic.“If this is PAS' view on ketuanan Melayu, then we of the GPMS have no worries and no problem to cooperate and work together with PAS on this issue. "
The trio agreed that the problem arose because no one has defined the phrase 'ketuanan Melayu'.
Hasan also stated that because of the vagueness in the meaning of ketuanan Melayu, the issue was being played up by politicians for their political games and muddied by academicians and writers who continue to write their narrow responses to the topic based only on their expertise, and not holistically.
All three agreed that the matter of Malay rights should not be questioned and should be left alone and not be used by anyone for politic polemic.
They believe that while Ketuanan Melayu is NON-EXISTENT in any documentation, it is in spirit the incarnation of the principles of the special rights of the Malays accorded in the constitution.
Malays a chosen race?
Former Perlis Mufti Mohamad Asri Zainul Abidin's urging for the return to Islamic principles however received rousing cheers and clapping by the mainly PAS crowd, hinting perhaps at the sentiments of the Islamic party's grassroots on the issue.
“I worry that when you use 'Melayu' or the race as motivation, you will lose sight of the real fight, which is for Islam.This may even mirror the chosen race philosophy of the Jews. Ketuanan Melayu will NOT save the Malays, but Ketuanan Islam can,” cautioned Mohd Asri.
If there is any 'ketuanan' to be used, said the former Perlis Mufti, it must be ketuanan Islam, albeit not 'supremacy' but the application of the inclusive Islamic justice that is fair to all, said the religious scholar.
back in terengganu pas ganu held a seminar on "pas ganti umno". and here pemuda pas is supportive of 'ketuanan melayu'. i would like to caution all pakatan supporters of this pemuda pas standing. tok guru nik aziz should be our guidance as who to vote. pemuda pas is actually the loudspeaker for mustapa ali/nasharudin mat isa camp - ug specialist. sadly pas ignored tuan guru nik aziz's proposal for special egm in 2009. this is the result of manupulation by the pas secretary general, none other than mustapa ali!
insya' Allah in the 2011 muktamar pas, these umno worshippers will be neutralised! pas must do the 'ethnic cleansing' within the party in line with the aspirations of tok guru nik aziz and the rakyat.
pakatan aupporters, you know who these people are. so come election you know what to do. let's help tok guru nik aziz by conducting a pre-egm for pas!
you fool!.. you said
"A Vote for PAS is a Vote for UMNO's "Ketuanan Melayu" Policies"
BUT read carefully
"Former Perlis Mufti Mohamad Asri Zainul Abidin's urging for the return to Islamic principles however received rousing cheers and clapping by the mainly PAS crowd, hinting perhaps at the sentiments of the Islamic party's grassroots on the issue."
you bloody idiot,making overall judgement without using your pea brain
Pandangan Ahmad Sabki Yusuf ni bukan pandangan majoriti ahli-ahli PAS.Dia bersama ketuanya(Ketua Pemuda) memang pengikut tegar Presiden PAS yang mahu dilaksanakan Unity Government bersama UMNO.Tak heiranlah Ahmad Sabki menyokong Ketuanan Melayu yang sudah dikecam oleh Mursyidul Am,Tuan Guru Nik Aziz.
Apa yang dikomen oleh Anon 8.27(diatas) tepat dan wajar dijadikan panduan oleh semua ahli-ahli PAS.Dibawah pimpinan Tantawi,Pemuda PAS sudah tidak boleh diharapkan untuk menjulang bendera PAS lagi.
pemuda pas juga jangan setakat tengok tantawi je. tengok2 juga harun din, nasharudin mat isa dan hassan ali. mereka ada pejabat sebelah menyebelah katanya. tantawi tu mengikut je, yang tiga ni executioner. gembalanya stopa ali.
baca blog msomelayu bab bakal peristiwa yang akan berlaku pasal politik melayu. mungkin ada kaitan dengan perenggan di atas. rujuk apa stopa ali kata semasa seminar pas ganu "pas ganti umno". kerusi parlimen maleyu majoriti. ada maksud tersirat di situ. ada hubungkait dengan ucapan ahmad sabki.
anon 15:27,
benar pandangan ahmad sabki bukan pandangan majoriti ahli pas. tapi pandangan yang sikit ni yang merosakkan yang banyak. yang banyak dilihat macam lembu je (maaf ya), biarlah apa yang sikit nak buat. inilah akibatnya kerana membiarkan yang sikit buat yang mereka suka. contoh, saranan muktamar khas oleh tgna. kawasan2 hanya berdiam diri. yang sikit ni tahu perangai ahli2 pas. lalu dieksploitasi oleh mereka.
Lembu 2 pas banyak di terengganu antaranya hadi, mustafa, dan lembu dari luar terengganu saperti nasa
It is against Islam to support any ketuanan policies.
Irregardless of such policies are carved on a stone .
If it is unIslamic then it must be discarded as it is Haram jadah.
There are also news that some Pas minor leaders are still engaging with umno regarding "perpaduan" against Tok Guru's direct order.
What will happen to Pas if and when Nik Aziz is no longer around.
This is a big headache for Pakatan and for Pas .
Those whom are supporting the keTuanan cannot be a Malay and yet be a Muslim at the same time.
Choose one.
Melayu Berdaulat Islam Cemerlang ... Antara TG Nik Azizz dan TG Hadi..kedua2nya adalah ijtihad semasa yang perlu di tangani secara usuli dan ilmi bukan emosi...Latarbelakang mereka membentuk mereka..PAS Kelantan PERNAH di tipu UMNO,katanya TG Nik Aziz, tetapi itu zaman D Asri dan ketika itu PAS tidak pandai berpolitik cuma tumpang...TG Hadi berkelulusan POLITIK, memang bidangnya , untuk berijtihad..KEDUA2 insan di ketepikan, balik kepada ASAS iaitu usul tahalluf...asas kerjasama...ASASNYA ADALAH AQIDAH...Bebas sebarkan Aqidah, Sekolah berAqidah, ofis berAqidah, kedai berAqidah, politik berAqidah, majikan berAqidah, masyarakat berAqidah dan akhirnya NEGAR BERAQIDAH insyaAllah..Ya AQIDAH...Siapa yang menjanjikan keselamatan dan kepanjangan Aqidah..Selain PAS adalah UMNO,TIADA,sebab bukan DAP (Dulu Gobala ucap SALAM semua melayu dalam PAS tepuk tangan, harini macamana), bukan KEADILAN ( sebab ahli PKR dan UMNO sama je cuma UMNO lebih sedar dan perlu PAS dan PKR belum dapat kuasa lagi)...Hanya dalam BARISAN, UMNO mampu menyekat MCA dan MIC dari menyoal tindakan berAqidah dan jauh sekali PKR tidak mampu buat sedemikian dalam PKR..Mesti Janji dengan UMNO bahawa PELUANG BERDAKWAH MESTI DIBENARKAN DAN KEBAIKAN ISLAM MESTI DI LAKSANAKAN BERPERINGKAT (tadarruj) DAN EFICIENT (ihsan)...Tunggu apa lagi Wahai Pemuda PAS...teruskan pastikan Melayu BerAqidah Berdaulat, Aqidah Islam Cemerlang..tak kan nak kena tipu oleh LGE dgn retorik Umar Abdul Aziz nya dan Karpal dgn taubatnya pula..berpa orang yang telah ikut Islam sejak anda bersama PR
Dear All...Is Imam Shafii more right than Imam Hanbali..Is Imam Hanafi the truth and others SESAT....No, definitely NOT to the Muslims...ALL are considered RIGHT and blessed by scholars throughout time becos this is not a matter of FAITH but branches of faith and they carry out Ijtihad (conclusions) based on sound knowledge...No Shafii followers can declare Hanafi as deviant unless he himself is such...So true are the case of the 2 Tok Gurus..TG Nik Aziz has experience and Islamic knowledge(may not be the truth) while TG Hadi has qualifications in Political Science and Experience (Not as much as TG Nik Aziz) are both correct, both wrong or both on the right path and merely giving the humble opinion relevant to the present time...To me both are correct and we must accept them as such and let discussions prevail...Bitter experience of TG Nik due to previous Kelantan failure and inexperience should not be a life long hatred as forgiveness is above personal grudges...So, TG Hadi, Us Nasha, Mus ALi adn Mujahid Yusuf, CARRY ON...Highlight your views...Melayu Berdaulat Islam Cemerlang Malaysia Berkat
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