- Too Many Warlords in Malaysian Government Departments: Read HERE for MORE
....There are far TOO many warlords in the various government departments and they are wielding their own powers and setting terms and conditions at their own whims and fancies and giving out notices in the name of the Director.
....One such Department is the Veterinary Service Department Clinic located at Jalan Cheras Kuala Lumpur. This department also observes “Thursday prayers” - no work on Thursday afternoon!. You will be LUCKY if they observed these stated hours.
It is the ONLY government clinic in the whole of Kula Lumpur providing the much needed services for the animals. But look at their working clinical hours. The notice further shock you, supposed to be from the Director, the Seperti Biasa (common hours) in the afternoon is from 2.15 pm to 3.30 pm and NOT up to 4.15 pm....
... And it is no better in Dewan Bandar RAYA KL. Even if you need to pay a summons, you MUST wait sometimes. There are TWO counters (and if one staff is on sick leave) the other need to take his lunch and was back at 2.20 pm.
...Go to Traffic Police HQ in Jln Tun H S Lee and they would NOT accept your fines at 8.30 am sharp, the stated opening hours. Apparently, they need to have the computers “warm up”. So how will the delivery system be improved if the working hours are not adhered to? ..." - New University Course Proposed by Govt: Read HERE for MORE
"....the government is planning to get certain public universities to teach Toilet Management and Care.....this move was necessary to ensure the Malaysian toilets are properly maintained and clean.
The courses will teach Malaysian graduates about the suitability of toilet cleaning tools, soaps, deodorant and tissue paper, Deputy Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew Robert told Bernama.
....It is probable that the course will also include teaching the under-graduates the techniques on how to sit on toilet bowls as most Malaysians are still squating on the pedestal WC.
It is most likely that the government would be very selective in the process of selecting the right universities to conduct the course to ensure that only the highest quality universities are only allowed to teach this specialised course to ensure high quality toilet graduates and to ensure that the graduates would be able to serve the society effectively when they managed the public toilets.
...The government will also ensure that more non-bumiputeras will be given opportunity to enroll in the course and if the response are good, the government would even consider a Master Degree course in Advance Toilet Management..." - Why Cost of Middle Ring Road Bloated from RM 20 Million to RM 70 Million? Read HERE for MORE
"....How did the repair bill on the Middle Ring Road 2 (MRR2) balloon from some RM40 million, as reported a year ago, to RM70 million now?
The answer from Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu yesterday is that this amount includes the fee for the German consultant appointed to do the repair early last year. "That is why the repair cost had increased to RM70 million....(covers) the pay for the appointed German consultant," he told reporters.
....Samy Vellu did not give a breakdown of the RM70 million bill, although in a Bernama report dated Feb 22 last year, he was quoted as saying the repair of the 31 pillars would cost more than RM40 million...." - Immigration Office: All Done Under 2 Hours !! Read HERE for MORE
"....I am in shock today. I’d had an experience in a government office, which I never thought was possible. My visit to the Jabatan Imigresen, Cawangan Wangsa Maju to renew my international passport was actually a no-fuss and stress-free and pleasurable experience.When I set off this morning I was frankly quite skeptical.
... All done within 2 hours. And the air in the office was cool and fresh and they even have a room set aside for nursing mothers.
Now when was the last time you experienced a customer friendly, service-oriented government department?.." - Don't Talk Cock-Lah! - Read HERE for MORE
"....If there was one thing I learnt from Decision Making & Statistics, it was Anchor & Adjust (A&A) as a common form of decision making.A&A can hide incompetence and mask sub-par analysis. All you do is anchor to the most recent point of reference and adjust up or down according to available data.
While that is not wrong, it is a chicken-shit way of analysis or offering an opinion. A bit like "after the horse has bolted", and all the expert is saying is "well, I think he went that way, and should continue doing so".
For someone to come out this week and saying "Bursa Malaysia is expected to surpass the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index’s (KLCI) all-time high of 1,332.04 in Januray 1994 based on the current rally, underpinned by the increased liberalisation of economy, accommodative fiscal and monetary policies and improving corporate returns on equity (ROE)" ... is pretty much talking cock-lah.
....These so called experts will A&A their predictions and think of new reasons to justify their existence and the desired levels, but will not stray from the pack, cause it is safe.
Part of the reason why there is so much talking cocks and b.s. is also due to the very average journalistic ability and integrity exhibited in most Asian papers.
To parrot opinions without "sifiting out the chaff from the wheat" give rise to empty headlines and little-value-add information in an era of information overload.
Besides just reporting news (biz news in particular), to move from being mere reporters to journalists requires investigative journalism, thought-provoking commentary and hard line questioning. Need to move up the ladder, y'all.
Seriously, a good analyst will be able to come up with a decent thesis for the KLCI to be at 900 or 1,200 or 1,500 ... all within 15 minutes.
Give me a level and I will tell you a story, usually its called b.s. but if I do it persuasively well, you will nod along in agreement.
Hence to sift out the really good opinions from mere stuff that smells of ammonia is to seek out...." - PAN-ASIAN PROTESTATION: Read HERE for MORE
".... It was with a sense of deja vu that I read the discussion on ads using Pan Asian faces yesterday.
Many Ministers of Information ago, the same directive was issued. Malaysians memang mudah lupa (Malaysians forget easily).
We were in a throes of nation-building then.(We still are, but there are delays and missed datelines and cost overruns etc. You know what I mean).
Being a rojak nation, in a way, we really do NOT have a face that is instantly recognizable as Malaysian.
....Much as I like Brad Pitt, Brittney Spears or recently the EPL stars, I would want Malaysians working in the advertising industry to keep on working, with or without Pan-Asian looking personalities. ..." - The REAL meaning of DAP's "The Rocket": Read HERE for MORE
The DAP website explains the meaning of the Rocket symbol as:
a) The blue circle stands for the unity of the multi-racial people of Malaysia.
b) The white background stands for purity and incorruptibility.
c) The red rocket symbolizes the Party’s aspiration for a modern, dynamic and progressive society.
d) The four rocket boosters represent the support and drive given to the Party objectives by the three major races and others.
That was in the 1960s.
It’s the 21st Century now and the party convention may vote to give the Rocket a more comtemporary meaning.
(i)The blue circle = singing the blues and going around in circles.
(ii) The white background= the virgins in the background who have yet to score politically.
(iii) The red rocket = the colour of the Party’s balance sheet.
( iiii) The four rocket boosters = four decades of liftoff problems getting real support from outside one community.
Houston, we have a problem !!!"
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