
Read here the offending article "Syed Hamid: Bukan 'jenaka yang boleh dipermainkan'" in Mingguan Malaysia
The Umno-owned Mingguan Malaysia (the weekend paper of Utusan Malaysia ) ran a banner headline (30 November) with the words "Do not question" (Ketuanan Melayu).
Umno leaders (particularly Home Affairs Minister, Syed Hamid Albar, a wannabe-Malay but who is essentially of Arab descent ) said Ketuanan Melayu was not a joke to be taken lightly in reference to a comment by MCA Deputy President Dr Chua Soi Lek. Read here for more in Malaysian Insider . Mingguan Malaysia reported:
"...Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar menegaskan....bahawa perkara berkaitan ketuanan Melayu bukanlah 'jenaka yang boleh dipermainkan'...."
We say to Utusan Malaysia and to UMNO, "Why NOT ?"
- Firstly, the phrase or the very idea of Ketuanan Melayu does not exist in the Federal Constitution, and thus has no legal standing or force.
- Secondly, Ketuanan Melayu is a blatant racist concept that has no moral justification to be injected into the national psyche. It goes against basic human sensibilities and an affront to our decency as citizens of a multiracial society. The concept of Ketuanan Melayu is synonymous with the abhorrent and rejected concept of APARTHEID (a separatist structure based on the supremacy of the whites over the blacks of South Africa).
- Thirdly, Ketuanan Melayu is NOT an Islamic concept, and totally out of sync with the teachings of Islam. As a matter of fact, it is un-Islamic for the Malays, as Muslims, to claim RACIAL supremacy. The "Ummah" has NO racial divide. Thus it is hypocritical for the UMNO ultra-Malays, while at the same time to claim themselves as Muslims, to propagate this morally offensive myth.
- Fourthly, Ketuanan Melayu was never devised as a constitutional mandate for the Council of Malay Rulers. The protection of Islam and the the Malays' special position under the Constitution have nothing to do with UMNO's racial supremacist ideology wrapped in the Ketuanan Melayu myth. Any attempt by UMNO ultra-Malays to link Ketuanan Melayu myth to the role and function of the Malay Rulers and the Agung, as the royal heads of state for citizens of all races, is political mischief and a direct insult to the respected status of the Malay Rulers.
- Fifthly, never in the history of the great Malay race in this region has this arrogant idea of Ketuanan Melayu embedded in its culture. It was never part of the refined culture of the Malays, then and now. Certainly it has NO place in the Malay culture. No decent Malay individual in the country today, in his/her heart of hearts would even countenance such a culturally arrogant and offensive idea.
What Malaysians are finding it absurd (and surprising to ethnic Malays and other Non-Malays) is that this harping of Ketuanan Melayu comes from someone in UMNO of Arab descent such as the Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar, as well as some UMNO Indian Muslims, such as the former Bukit Bendera UMNO Division Chief Ahmad Ismail, who, claiming to be a Malay, subscribe to this racist Ketuanan Melayu idea.
Indian Muslim-descent from India - Sixthly, Ketuanan Melayu is a political gimmick created and propagated by UMNO to hem in the Malay populace so as to remain in power at all costs. A myth concocted by the UMNO-ultra Malays during the years of the Mahathir regime when UMNO thought it is the one and only saviour of the Malay race in Malaysia.
There is nothing in the concocted myth of Ketuanan Melayu that is sacrosanct and thus it is par for the course for Malaysians to have discussions in the public domain. What it means is that UMNO ultra-Malays simply have to deal with their own emotions and come to terms with their self-inflicted sensitivities if they cannot handle the debate/discussions on the worthlessness of Ketuanan Melayu to the general wellbeing of the Malay community and to the social fabric of our nation. As they say, "Go sulk in your own little corner."
Thus, it is within every right of Malaysians to question Ketuanan Melayu since it is a concocted myth by UMNO to enhance its negative racial politics to divide and rule multi-racial Malaysians.
We re-emphasise our view: Ketuanan Melayu is a mirage created by UMNO that is devoid of any factual basis, and without any legal, moral or religious standing. It should rightly be treated very lightly, or better still, as one of UMNO's many sick jokes to hoodwink the Malays and other Malaysians.
No amount of intimidation or threats by Utusan Malaysia or UMNO leaders will prevent rationally-minded Malay, Chinese or Indian Malaysians to debate or even question the concocted myth of Ketuanan Melayu of UMNO.
Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat had said Islam was a religion above race, so it was wrong to identify Malays with Islam as there were also Chinese and Indian who were Muslims. It was for this reason, he said, that he disagreed with the Ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy) ideology because in Islam there was NO emphasis on race. Read here for more We DO NOT normally subscribe to the politics of MCA, but in this case, we agree fully with the views of MCA Deputy President Chua Soi Lek.
We share the same view as Dr. Chua Soi Lek that , firstly, Malaysians of all races have generally accepted Malay political leadership but that does not mean acceptance of the obnoxious supremacist idea of Ketuanan Melayu. Secondly, the ruling parties in Government should focus on NATIONAL issues NOT RACIAL ISSUES.
The problem today in the country is the entrenched tendency of this UMNO-Government to have public funds and services sorted by column headings of Malay, Chinese, Indian,Ibans, Dayaks, etc.The MCA President Ong Tee Keat has shown he is a spineless and a self-indulgent leader in not supporting his Deputy President when the latter is being harassed unfairly by UMNO and the Mingguan Malaysia paper for speaking out what most Malaysians and particularly MCA grassroot members are saying about Ketuanan Melayu.
UMNO has not learnt the lessons of March 8 election, nor has Ong Tee Keat fully understood the frustrations of Chinese voters against the previous MCA leadership and its dominant partner, UMNO.
We ask, why shouldn't Malaysians question UMNO's myth about Ketuanan Melayu? Why should Malaysians fear the threat and intimidation? Another UMNO-inspired riot? ISA?
Malaysians have moved on to seek a more inclusive national agenda since March 8, 2008.
We say to UMNO, STOP this crap about Ketuanan Melayu. It is a myth and YOU know that.
For as long as UMNO leaders persist on harping on Ketuanan Melayu, we and ALL decent-minded Malaysians will continue to question its existence and its worthlessness to nation-building.
Here are what Malaysians think of the myth of Ketuanan Melayu
Posted by GRADUAN MELAYU (1st December 2008)
1st December 2008
So What????
Cina makan babi....
Keling makan biawak........
Catch me if U can!!!!!
Posted by Graduan Melayu at 11:25 AM
Posted by Graduan Melayu at 1:05 PM Saturday, November 29, 2008 Read here
Posted by Graduan Melayu at 3:40 PM Friday, November 28, 2008. Read here
Keling makan Biawak.....Kulit hitam macam arang....Makan sirih ludah sini sana...Melayu bangsat pergi jilat ludah sirih keling tu...
Melayu GGMM baik....Melayu bangsat tak sokong GGMM...
Kami meluat melihat gelagat pemimpin Melayu sekarang. Bila cina dan keling kurang ajar dan mencabar Perlembagaan Persekutuan, selain dari berhimpun dan menghantar memorandum, hebat sikit kita buat laporan polis. THEN WHAT?????
Adakah cina dan keling takut? adakah mereka menghentikan serta merta cabaran mereka terhadap bangsa Melayu??? Jawapannya TIDAK. Malah mereka mencabar lagi....dan lagi.........
Jadi GGMM ingin memperkenalkan satu budaya baru di kalangan orang Melayu.Kita heret mereka ke mahkamah.
Panel peguam GGMM terdiri daripada 8 orang Peguam berpengalaman dan 5 orang Pegawai Penyelidik yang 3 antaranya memiliki ijazah sarjana Undang-undang Perbandingan dan Syariah serta turut di sertai dan di sokong oleh 4 orang Pensyarah Undang-undang IPTA yang kesemuanya memiliki PhD.
Terima kasih kepada yang telah menyumbang. Kempen RM1 seorang untuk Tabung Undang-Undang GGMM kini mencecah angka RM562.80.
Posted by Graduan Melayu at 2:43 PM Read here GGMM RASIST Bab 2 and here
Are we Chinese Malaysians "all women ?" We have already lived under the UMNO yoke of political oppression and we have lost all our balls in the last 50 years because Chinese Malaysians were led by eunarchs in the MCA from the 1st days of Tun Chan Cheng Lock up til today. For the first time in all of Malaysian Chinese history we have a resolute Chinese leader who has the brains, the valour and the strength to truely lead our Chinese Malaysians to be a truely meaningful COMPONENT OF THE GOVERNMENT; although from my perspective I would have liked if all Chinese Malaysians had the courage to openly throw our support for Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Our Chinese people have been led by weak spineless WORMS IN THE MCA and since we are not able to pull all Chinese from MCA and by that association from the Barisan National, we need to throw our 100% support for this charismatic Chinese leader Dr. Chua Soi Lek. I hail Dr Chua Soi Lek as a worthy leader for the Chinese people. Our Chinese and Indian Malaysians must have the common sense to realise that we are not now merely fighting Syed Albar or Hamid but IF WE ALLOW THIS SHIT, to become malaysian culture as UMNO wants for the Malays, then we have surrendered to the evil machinations of so called Malay leaders who are only interested to entrench their power base. REMEMBER THIS BULLSHIT KETUAAN MELAYU IS MERE FICTION AND BORROWED FROM THE NAZI PARTY OF GERMANY LED BY ADOLF HITLER. The idea of this shit SOCIAL CONTRACT AND THE SUPREMACY OF THE MALAY RACE ARE BORROWED IDEAS AND ARE THE WORST MEMORY OF eUROPEAN HISTORY.
I call on all members of the MCA to show your courage and to PUSH FOR DR CHUA SOI LEK TO OUST THIS PIECE OF SHIT ONG TEE KIAT (I HOPE I GOT HIM RIGHT). and for Dr Chua Soi Lek to become PRESIDENT OF MCA and to eventually lead the MCA to join with PAKATAN RAKYAT to take government from UMNO. Do not fear and to openly lobby for the support for Dr Chua Soi Lek, this is the only way that our next generation of Chinese Malaysians can get the shit rid of this scurge of the Chinese and oppression by UMNO, a political party that is led by so called leaders who knows shit about anything and has for 50 years brught nothing meaningful to develop Malaysia into a modern nation. Malaysia is 3rd rate and this the Malays and UMNO will sure to deny !
It is straight talk to say that our Chinese community have from the very early days of
Merdeka, realised that MCA has never ever sincerely and honestly represented the interests
of the Chinese. "Leaders" of MCA treacherously fought mostly by foul means to gain
leadership positions for personal aggrandisement and covert by fair means and foul, mostly
by foul means to ingratiate themselves with UMNO leaders to obtain their "Tan Sri", "Dato
Seri", "Tunship" as badges of honour. This is how shallow our MCA so called leaders have
sought as an end in itself. What is so distinguishing for having the priviledge to wear such
awards, after all these awards are very often been bought. It is the lure that UMNO keeps to
enslave all those vain Chinese charletans in MCA to do the Malays' bidding. It is not a badge
of honour for these MCA types to have to buy these awards by SELLING OUT THEIR OWN
CHINESE CONSTITUTENTS. This is what MCA leaders amount to, just nothing that is worth
talking about. The extent to which these MCA miscreants stoop to for personal gain is
pathetic. All these years, generations of Chinese have come and gone and we Chinese still
know what MCA amounts to (anything that is less than nothing) and we let this woeful
situations pass year after year, and yet we do nothing to stop MCA from abusing the trust
that the Chinese members give them.
I say that the begining of this 21st century, we Chinese must wrest back from these MCA
crooks our right to become honourable citizens of a true Malaysia, A UNITED MALAYSIA
MALAYS ARE EQUAL UNDER THE LAW. For too long we Chinese had been led by an MCA that
had sold out the rights of our Malaysian citizenship as DEFINED BY THE MALAYSIAN
CONSTITUTION. This begining of this 21st century and especially the history making March
8th general election, we have demonstrated that our Chinese & Indian 32% of the national
voting strength is equal if not surpassed the strength of UMNO, because for the first time in
PERSON OF OUR BELOVED DATO SRI ANWAR IBRAHIM, leader of the opposition. This Malay
leader is the hope of all Malaysians regardless of race or religion. This small window of
opportunity will not be there if we do not hold it open by wresting the government from
UMNO and we under the charismatic & visionary leadership of Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim, HAVE
THIS OPPORTUNITY. We must hold this wndow open by rallying behind Dato Sri Anwar.
However, the biggest obstacle in the way of all Malaysians to realise our full citizenship rights
and our right to full freedom according to the LAWS OF THE LAND is the meaningless
parnership of UMNO & MCA under the umbrella of the Barisan National. I say this partnership
is MEANINGLESS because MCA does not represent the sentiments and true interests of the
Chinese community and MCA truely disgraces the Chinese by their slavish obsequity, MCA is
the ARSE-LICKERS OF UMNO. I am so ashamed that MCA claims to represent our Chinese
represent our Chinese people.
I read an article in Malaysiakini this evening, written by a Malaysian living in Britain
and he had suggested that Dr. Chua Soi Lek leave MCA and form another party that honestly
MISTAKE. It is more convienient and easy to wrest control of MCA legally and under the
provisions of the constitution of the MCA party. MCA needs a strong and honest President to
truely represent our Chinese community. We reject charletans like this Ong Tee Keat fellow
who from his performances these months since the last elections has shown that he is an
arsehole licker of UMNO. We reject him for good.
that a responsible group of MCA members call an EGM to debate the issue of MCA sending to
UMNO a resolution that MCA, representing the interests of all Malaysians demand that UMNO
by an UMNO resolution of the UMNO Central committee, make a public apology for insulting
the dignity of the Indians & Chinese by their insensitive and arrogant claim to entrench the
nonsense that Malays ARE KETUAAN MELAYU. Here is an issue that will polarise the general
membership of MCA, and tis should be the ploy to ask for a vote as to who should be the
Leader of MCA; and by this ploy we open the issue of the election Presidency on a more
equitable basis because whether the Chinese will or will not accept this bullshit Ketuaan
Melayu becomes the main issue.
I plead to our Chinese brothers & sisters not to be so spineless to be scared of that little
KERIS BULLSHIT. Throw your whole hearted support behind Dr Chua Soi Lek. Elect him and
support a campaign to break away from UMNO and join with Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim.
To all GGGM followers., racism is an outmoded concept in the advancement of mankind. In the UK institutional racial discrimination is a punishable offence. Just think carefully. Racial supremacy died with Hitler's demise. Of course one still gets racism masked as other forms of discrimination in todays globalised societies, as in Malaysia calling it Ketuanan Melayu. Apartheid is apartheid clear and simple. We are a mere drop in the ocean of the world. 26million Malaysians in a World of 6billion. What sort of supremacy are you talking about.? Remember the movie INDEPENDENCE DAY? When all humans and nations joined together to fight the aliens? The directors did not show Malaysian airforce right? They show the Russians, Chinese, Arabs, Japanese , Brits etc where were the Supremo Malays? Zilch ! because Malaysia is insignificant. Small minded people like you take take a long hard look, walk the deserts, swim the vast oceans and contemplate what you mean. Demanding this and that in the name of race is futile. Work together with your fellow Malaysians to advance the country then we can all be proud Malaysians.
Salam, embrace diversity
GGMM : Gerakan Gangster Melayu Muda
is more perfect !!
GGMM : Gerakan Gabungan Melayu Maharaja !!
Kepada semua Melayu Bangsat Cina dan Keling
Saya Presiden GGMM
Call saya 012-9770412
If you dare...
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