Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) general surgeon Dr Mohd Razali Ibrahim REFUSED to look at the clinical notes taken despite NOT remembering parts of Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan's three-hour medical examination he and two other doctors took on June 28, 2008.
Dr Razali was badgered with several questions by senior lawyer Karpal Singh, who sought to entice him to refer to the clinical notes.
At Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy trial Dr Razali persistently refused to take a look at the notes made by him or the other two doctors who had examined Saiful.
Despite some uncertain answers, and being urged by Karpal many times, Dr Razali REFUSED to look at the clinical notes to help jog his memory.
Karpal Singh had resorted this after High Court judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah had earlier rejected the defence's application to obtain the clinical notes, but allowed its application to have a copy of the preliminary examination report, which was dated July 10, 2008.
Karpal had to ask pointed questions in an attempt to glean information from the clinical notes, but on ALL occasions during the 30-minute questioning, Dr Razali repeatedly refused to refer to the report.
“We cannot force you to look but may persuade gently,” Karpal said at times to Dr Razali.
Normally, witnesses who cannot remember details of a particular incident are allowed by the court to refer to the notes they made on that case.
On more than one occasion, solicitor-general II Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden had objected to Karpal's line of questioning.Karpal pointed out that the full medical report which was dated July 13, 2008, has only two lines on Saiful's medical history.
He argued that there certainly was much more on the matter during the doctors' three-hour examination of the complainant.
All three doctors - hey had Dr Razali, clinical pathologist Dr Siew Sheue Feng and Dr Khairul Nizam Hassan - said texamined Saiful from 9pm and to slightly after midnight on July 29.
Asked by Karpal whether he knew that Saiful was inspected earlier at the Pusrawi Hospital, Dr Razali said he knew there was an examination but did not know who or how many physicians had attended to the complainant.
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- Assalamualaikum wbt Dr Razali... semoga hentikan kelakuan yang memalukan diri doktor, mak bapa doktor, keluarga doktor, bangsa melayu, orang Islam dan kerjaya doktor perubatan. Ingat Allah dan sebagai doktor ingat mati.
- Come on Dr, don't put your race to shame! Your incompetency will make others doubtful of what entrance qualification you had to study your medical degree, and how low quality is our country's own 'specialist' standard; no wonder we decide not to recognise MRCP anymore!
- Dr Razali, you are not answerable to Kapal Singh, Anuar Ibrahim or Justice Zabidin or any mortal being in this earth. Damn it, you are answerable to Allah. Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Allah shall protect and guide you and your family for akhirat. All those worldly things is only temporary but the akhirat is real like being born and death. Be a man of principle if you are the true believer of Allah and follower of Prophet Muhammad. You are special if you tell the truth. Believe me, I had faced the same situation and I am relieved that I had passed my test. Thanks to guidance of Allah. Yes Sir you have choice to tell the TRUTH or NOT. The truth will prevail and if you lie, think of your family that may succumb to your choice.
- This is called Malaysian Justice..Defence cannot be given anything.If this case was in England it would have been thrown out long ago
- The integrity of the medical fraternity in this country is brought to disrepute by Razali's action. What is the Malaysian Medical Council going to do about this? Nothing. As long as it is filled with doctors with ties to the government, you can bet your bottom dollar that they are going to be as effective and honest as the prosecuting team.
- Dr Razali, you are not answerable to Kapal Singh, Anuar Ibrahim or Justice Zabidin or any mortal being in this earth. Damn it, you are answerable to Allah. Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Allah shall protect and guide you and your family for akhirat. All those worldly things is only temporary but the akhirat is real like being born and death. Be a man of principle if you are the true believer of Allah and follower of Prophet Muhammad. You are special if you tell the truth. Believe me, I had faced the same situation and I am relieved that I had passed my test. Thanks to guidance of Allah. Yes Sir you have choice to tell the TRUTH or NOT. The truth will prevail and if you lie, think of your family that may succumb to your choice.
- Razali you are not sitting for the SPM Exams to be afraid to refer to notes that you yourself wrote.. This is about you as a witness giving evidence in a court of law stupid. Where were you schooled anyway?. You are a STUPID IDIOTIC NUT OF THE FIRST ORDER.
- Today you are facing Karpal and those present in court but from this day on, you will face the people's court and at the end of your days, there is the court of final judgement. You have been given a chance to redeem yourself. Will you do it, tomorrow? It is never too late.
- Oh my god!!! First our DPM said he cannot take action against a headmistress, now.. we have ajudge that said he can't order or instruct a witness to refer to the report.. oh my, my!!!
- What shameful conduct from the doctor, the DPP and the judge? Disgusting situation in a country I call my own. Does not the AG realise that he is a joke internationally. But it does bring home the point that the BN/UMNO government is terrified of Anwar's PKR leading the charge in the next GE.
- Dr. Razali, I don't know what medical school you went to but i'm quite sure your medical training is not very complete or up to date. You probably were'nt taught about Bioethics when you were a student doctor. Doctors are taught about the four sacred bioethical principals which are 1) Autonomy, 2) Beneficence, 3) Non-maleficence and most importantly 4) Justice- the consequences of your actions must be fair to the patient or to the wider community. None of this ring a bell? You were probably brought up on Biro Tata Negara brainwashing then.... Please do not bring shame to your noble profession, doctor razali.
- Cant remember the details but steadfastly refused to refer to his own clinical notes. This is something extraordinary. Many of those in the medical profession especially in govt sector is compromised as suspected by the public. Is it reasonable not to refer to your own notes if you cant remember them exactly?
- Dr Razali's face exposes the true nature of this person--a totally untrusted and a congenital liar. I dont know how he can become a medical doctor-- a disgrace to the noble profession. He cant remember the details but at the same time refuse to look at the clinical notes. A clear cut case of conspiracy.
- This must be the first time in any court of law that the court is not interested in finding out the truth. In any fair system, the judge would have ordered the witness to refer to the notes, presumably made by him, to jog his memory or at least ensure that his testimony and his contemporaneous notes are consistent, and therefore the witness is credible. Here in Bolehland, the judge refuses admission of the notes and allows the witness to insist he cannot remember while the notes are there but all parties are forced to close their eyes to it.How can a judge refuse the defence the clinical notes in cross-examination? How can the judge and the witness both collaborate to the exclusion of the evidence by simply refusing to refer to it? This sandiwara (theatre) is becoming too obvious.
- Why is the prosecution not tendering the initial medical report signed by three doctors, but the final medical report only? Was there something to hide? If Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu's entry into the country could be erased from immigration records at the airport, anything could be done to a government hospital's records. This is 1Malaysia Boleh.
- Deny, deny. So what is in the notes that it cannot be made public? Somebody tried to manufacture something and is worried that it may give away something? If not, it should be open to all. Equal access to all evidence - that's a fundamental principle of natural justice.
- Access to the clinical notes was not in the script given to the judge. He is so afraid the defence get their hands on it. Even a one-year-old kid can tell this whole trial is being run using Umno's script.
- This is an absolutely ludicrous case and a bunch of highly-paid actors doing the bidding of a puppet master. Unfortunately, it is the rakyat who will be bearing the costs. Each day, the case drags, more venom and hate is being spat at the perpetrators who orchestrated the charge.
- Ini bermakna lapuran awal ini telah diubah oleh mereka atas arahan atasan. Mereka sengaja tidak memberikan laporan ini pada awal dengan harapan Karpal Singh akan 'overlook' dan mereka mengatur permainan ini mengikut rentak Karpal. Anwar Ibrahim, saya amat simpati dengan apa yang berlaku.
- What is wrong with these Umno judges? Anything that Anwar requests is denied. Why this hide-and-seek game? This is simply disgusting.
- I cannot imagine what kind of trial this is. Is this a private trial or a public one run by the government ? Everything is so secretive and hush-hush. It is obvious they have something to hide. Are the prosecutors working for Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan or the government, or both?
- I have never supported Anwar, but come on, PM Najib Razak, let us win the next general elections like gentlemen. This is not good for my children.
- This trial is no longer a joke. It sickens me to read that all requests by Anwar's lawyers are denied time and again. Where is the rule of law? What justice is this? How can one defend oneself when the judge is so biased and aligned with the prosecution? Imagine playing football where the referee is always favouring the other side. You'll have no chance at all.
- The court decision was made long ago in Putrajaya. All these actors are there to "draw the concentric circles for the target, after the arrow has been shot. This is justice for those who oppose them.
This is an absolutely ludicrous case and a bunch of highly-paid unethical actors doing the bidding of a puppet master. And here we have a so called doctor who is not fit to be one by the way he talks and behaves.This is a very interesting development. It seems so unusual for that so called "doctor" to persist in not referring to his notes. Die, die, also don't want to see. It makes you wonder what is written on those pages.
This must be the first time in any court of law that the court is not interested in finding out the truth. In any fair system, the judge would have ordered that so called doctor witness to refer to the notes, presumably made by him, to jog his memory or at least ensure that his testimony and his contemporaneous notes are consistent, and therefore the witness is credible.Here in Bolehland, the judge refuses admission of the notes and allows the so called "doctor" to insist he cannot remember while the notes are there but all parties are forced to close their eyes to it.
How can a judge refuse the defence the clinical notes in cross-examination? How can the judge and the witness both collaborate to the exclusion of the evidence by simply refusing to refer to it? This sandiwara (theatre) is becoming too obvious.
where the hell is the mma? no comment on this ethical issue?
When The Late President Tito was in power in Yugoslavia until the end of 1980 the nation's administration lived on the slogan 'tie the hores where your boss wnat you to tie it even if you know that because of your actions the horse will die the next day.
I do not have to go any furhter all of you know what happened to that country. Today it has become seven independent states.
I really dont know how and where this bum got his doctor degree. It is a disgrace to the medical profession. Anyway in Bolehland, anything can happen. By the way, why our MMA is not dudok diam diam?
No problemo...want to know where these pariah arsehles bought their degrees ...just look onto the malaysian medical council website under medical register....
All these jokers are marked men anyway...starting with kopi o pathologist fro UPM "water in the lungs case from Kugan...then that Penang Bai who masquerades as a pathologist but dont have balls to face Porntnip
But what to do...led by spineless MCA Liow and conman cum womaniser DG of Health Merican.....medicine in this country is no more noble...with crooks like this ...even legal fraternity is looking better
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