Rais Yatim,
Malaysia's Minister for Information, Communications and Culture
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is apparently disappointed with Information, Communications and Culture Minister Rais Yatim for lodging police reports against several bloggers.
The premier, who used the term “terkilan” (disappointed), said that a dialogue would have been a more reasonable approach.
“He said he will personally ask Rais to explain what many saw as an unnecessary action taken when other means of finding a solution could have been conducted,” stated the Barking Magpie blog.
Rais had filed the police reports against blogger Ahirudin Attan, who runs the popular Rocky's Bru blog, BigDog and TnT. The reports were related to the allegation that Rais' son was one of the beneficiaries of the ministry’s RM1 billion grant to improve broadband access within the nation.
Another blog, Apanama, also reported that Najib had expressed disappointment with Rais, and warned that the latter's political future could be at stake.
“Our friend Dr Rais Yatim appears to be in trouble and may need the services of a real (I mean medical) doctor soon. He might also need a 'political' doctor to save his career, apart from the dumb spin-doctors who have successfully dragged him into the pit. Rais's decision to lodge the police reports could just be one of his biggest mistakes in his tenure as a minister and politician in Malaysia,” read the posting.
Meanwhile, Ahirudin said the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), which falls under Rai's ministry, had called him for another round of investigation relating to the matter.
“I doubt they're meeting me to return my (seized) laptop, though,” he said.
on National Television
The biggest clown in the cabinet who presented the budget 2011 cannot afford to sack the clown doing the supporting act. And really, why should Rais be denied his right to lodge a police report? Is Rocky immune from any police report? Saiful lodged a police report against Anwar. And people were not saying then that Saiful should have talked it over with Anwar before lodging the report and making it public?
sri hartamas
Rais made a mistake for making police report without referring to Najib first. He should follow Saiful by reporting to Najib first then everything will be ok.
Just like rocky he must have reported to Najib that Rais made the report agaist him!!!
Free country ba... whoever wants to make police report so be it! Apasal nak mengadu!!!
This old senile bum does not even know what modern communication technology works, yet he can become an Info Minister. How pathetic!!!
Seems like UMNO/BN havent got a person with caliber to run this important ministry.
This guy is should go back to his kampong and sell "chicken Rais" la.
Just take a long at the current news on the young malaysian law graduate. He was literally grab by our neighbour. But, who cares in UMNO/BN. Is it because he is a non bumi or else????????? I believe any sane malaysian will know the answer.
All these talk, talk and talk by our leaders esp from UMNO are just talk. Malaysia will never ever become forward looking.
Half our cabinet Ministers are world class crowns. Who ever nominate them must be nut or crazy. Just have to go along and watch the show.
Like Ibrahim Ali Rais going to end up in ICU.
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