"... Left to Mahathir, MALAYS will ALWAYS be given a handicap and be 'handicapped' for life.
Mahathir said,"Simply to catch up with them (the Chinese) we need handicaps. To be given handicaps is to ensure fairness."One would have thought that after 53 years of Umno, the Malays would NOT need this handicap.
Why perpetuate the MYTH that Malays need handouts?
Why is Mahathir denying the ordinary Malay the chance to excel, be disciplined, stretch himself, shake off his provincial thinking, be rewarded by hard work and realise that fear of failure is only in the mind?
Mahathir needs to be reminded that his policies perpetuate division.
Mahathir's obsession with race continues to be championed by Malay extremists. Extremists are fuelled by Mahathir's racist rhetoric and will NEVER earn the respect of others. These 'ultras' assume arrogance and tell unhappy non-Malays to 'return to their homeland'.
Mahathir said,“If we study these people (non-politically educated Malays) almost invariably they have benefited from the NEP but they are ashamed to admit that they were unable to compete with the other races.”Why insult the Malays who succeeded on their own?
Why disbelieve and begrudge the competence and capability of other Malays?
If PERKASA, who echoes Mahathir's sentiments, is keen on Malay supremacy, why lap up every word of Mahathir , who has INDIAN ancestry?
-Mariam Mokhtar

EXCERPTS: Read here for more
Left to Mahathir, Malays will always be given a handicap and be 'handicapped' for life. One would have thought that after 53 years of Umno, the Malays would not need this handicap.
Mahathir said (in his blog),
“The Chinese excel in developing Malaysia (for which they are amply rewarded)Mahathir failed to mention that once golfers become competent, they are 'scratch players' and do NOT need handicaps.
Simply to catch up with them we need handicaps. To be given handicaps is to ensure fairness, not discrimination , as in a game of golf.
It is selfish if having benefited from the handicaps you want to deny others from having them.”
It is Mahathir who is selfish in wanting to continue putting the Malays down.
Mahathir's obsession with race continues to be championed by Malay extremists. The problem is that the average Malay has a high expectation that his race entitles him to profits and riches.
Extremists are fuelled by Mahathir's racist rhetoric and will never earn the respect of others. These 'ultras' assume arrogance and tell unhappy non-Malays to 'return to their homeland'.
Mahathir needs to be reminded that his policies perpetuate division.
From the time we are born we are obliged to classify our racial orientation on our birth certificate, and later our identity cards. At school, specific subjects are taught to certain races.
Racial quotas determine eligibility for scholarships or for civil service jobs. No one can escape their racial identity.
Non-Malays identify themselves as Malaysians. They were born here. Malaysia is home. It is the government which fails to acknowledge that.
We must be honest and make the most of ourselves by building our self-confidence. Aspiration and hard-work are not something we are born with, but something which anyone of us can learn.
Mahathir seems disingenuous especially as his upbringing proved his success. As a child, his highly motivated and disciplined father subjected him to a rigorous regime of study which made him excel at school and improved his mathematics and English.
Mahathir developed positive traits of discipline, hard-work, self-improvement and good learning habits. He spoke good English and was a voracious reader. All these changed his life.
Why is Mahathir denying the ordinary Malay the chance to excel, be disciplined, stretch himself, shake off his provincial thinking, be rewarded by hard work and realise that fear of failure is only in the mind? Is this political expediency or lack of political will?
On a social level, Mahathir easily made friends with people from all ethnic backgrounds. And yet, his racial stance encouraged enmity amongst the various races.
Why perpetuate the myth that Malays need handouts? Mahathir told his children “nothing came easy” and there was “no shortcut to success”.
Mahathir's Classification of Malays
Mahathir argues that Malays who condemn the NEP fall into TWO groups.
- The first group includes politicians or party supporters “motivated by a desire to get Chinese support”. He said “They assume that they themselves would lead the nation and enjoy power and opportunities through Chinese support” and branded ex-Perak Menteri Besar Nizar Jamaluddin as a “mere puppet”.
- The second group is the non-politically educated Malays who are “ashamed they have to be helped”. He said, “If we study these people almost invariably they have benefited from the NEP” but “they are ashamed to admit that they were unable to compete with the other races.”
Why disbelieve and begrudge the competence and capability of other Malays?
Not all non-Malays are rich and successful. There are poor Malays AND poor non-Malays. Only the cronies benefit.
Whilst Prime Minister Najib is desperate for his 1Malaysia policy to work, his efforts are hampered by Mahathir, goading from the sidelines, like a bully and a spoilsport.
If Perkasa, who echoes Mahathir's sentiments, is keen on Malay supremacy, why lap up every word of Mahathir who has INDIAN ancestry?
Najib Has NO Backbone
Two school principals who made derogatory comments about their students and the Biro Tata Negara assistant director, Hamim Husan who called the Chinese and Indian communities “si mata sepet” and “si botol” respectively, have conveniently disappeared from the public radar.
No one knows if investigations proved they were guilty of racism and punished. A motion to debate racism was disallowed by the speaker of the Parliament.
Najib's insincerity towards 1Malaysia is shown by his failure to censure the racists. Moreover, a Race Relations Act was rejected presumably because Umno benefits from racial inequality.
Unsurprisingly, BN's non-Malay political parties were hardly vocal and did not hold Najib to account. Why?
If Najib was more decisive and used the laws on sedition to lock-up Mahathir, racist politicians including Cabinet members and key civil servants, only then will Malaysians get the message he is serious about 1Malaysia and racism.
If he was a capable leader, he would sack those ministers who claim they lack the 'power' to act.
Unless Najib is willing to demonstrate steadfastness and commitment, few will believe in his 1Malaysia ideal.
If Perkasa, who echoes Mahathir's sentiments, is keen on Malay supremacy, why lap up every word of Mahathir who has Indian ancestry?
Dear Mariam,
I do not know to which generation you belong to. But if you went to school betwen the the end of World War II and 1965, you will realise that the Malays of that generation did not need assistance to compete with their chinese and Indian friends. I left the school system in 1994. I an no difficulty to admit that some of the Malay students did better than me in the exams leading to entry into Universiti Malaya.
Who came up with this idea that the Malays need to helped?
the obsession with bm as national language is killing
our future generations.
Why are our malay graduates not easily employable-they study
using the same books, eat the same canteen food and socialise
with the non malays -indians and chinese?
Ans. Their command of english is not upto standard. No confidence
to leave the country and get a job in singapore.hong kong or even
Why is this happening?
While the malays take what the gomen say as gospel truth-
bahasa jiwa bangsa
bahasa malaysia/bahasa kebangsaan
the non malays and their politikos merely give lip service-
yes sir, yes sir but when they congregate among their communities
they tell their people - fu*k the gomen policies.
What is the special thing about chinese schools?
They run english programs from singapore education system.
Chinese parents who spoke broken english try to speak english
with their children
Only malay parents faithfully believe in the gomen shit
Father of bm
mahathir may look great as the bapa pembangunan -build the twin towers
,pootjaya and such like
He is also credited with destroying the melayus by introducing a
bm policy in the school curricullum
In this sense , TDM can be described bapa pelingkup melayu
Tdm is also credited as bapa judi malaysia
Why so?
Though a Melayu and a muslim to boot,tdm is liberal in the
giving out of 4D/ extending the toto to a 4D thingy, and extending
the gambling days from 2 days/week to 5 day gambling spree.
The privatisation of toto gave chingkies oppurtunities to encourage
melayus to gamble 5 days/week and disband social welfare lotteries
and gave licences to damacai to run the lotteries
When gambling operations were run by gomen in the style of the colonial
masters, we followed their european standard, No excesses
when a melayu like tdm who wants to better than the colonials and
have the propensity to be corrupted, the whole melayu race are in
disarray. Melayus spend a lot of money in the toto/damacai/4D shops
upto 5 days/ week
Parting shot
How do we turn back the clock?
can Najib be the man to bring back english in schools?
So far he has only had madam Rozmah trying to improve the education of
a selected few using lots of money.
The result will only be known in 20 years.
Melayu politicos are also in someways retards be it anwar or najib.
When anwar was minister of finance, he was garnering chinese votes
by giving special allocation for individual classroom airconds for
classrooms in chinese schools.
Likewise najib is doing the same thing. Now najib says to the chinese
schools- gomen will pay your aircond bills.
Meanwhile the melayus continue to study in bm. It is like a tale
of two people in 1 Malaysia city. one is exposed to the cultured
and advanced language of the world. On The other side, the melayu
sadly had to make do with language that has limited demand from the outside world.
khong khek khuat
There is a special quota fully allocated for only those who insist
to be called handicaps . That place will be only for lazy human that never want to work hard just dream big pay big house 4 wives where possible and plenty of shopping time we called those place GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT where 10 men are doing one men job.
Gaji mahu besar
Kerja mahu senang
Rumah mahu Gaya
Bibi mahu tukar
Negara ini
Kasi kepada siapa
Dear Mariam,
I think that TDM is using the racial card the same way the white supremacist use it. The latter uses it to say how superior they are the former uses it to 'stoop to conquer and remain in political power'.
If you ask me I will tell you that and Indian from the rubber estate, if we do still have indians in rubber estates, will find it impossible to compete with a malay child whose father happens to live in Damansara Heights.In Australia , if I am not mistaken , children who sit for public exams from the rural schools are given a 5% premium in marks. Frankly, no matter what TDM thinks, you cannot give the same treatment to a child from the rural areas and a child who comes from Damansara Heights.
If we go on with this type of Special Position of the Malays you will find that Putrajays ,which YAB PM wants to reserve for UMNO, will be dominated by the children of Ministers,politicians, KSNs, KSUs,Directors General,Doctors, and other Division One officersin government service. We can, but, say that this will be the end to Vertical Social mMbility which in India is also dead because of the traditional caste system.
What we should be asking is, 'is this what we want the future of Malaysia to be?'
Dear Mariam,
athir's vision for the MALAYS is only camouflaged. He is a cunning fox and his main concern is to siphon wealth wihout rakyat's knowledge for his family. What is his ulterior motive ? - u know & I know !!!!
Hello All my former Malaysians !
Thank the lucky stars that I took my family out of Malaysia; anyway, I am illiterate in Malayu and that is added reason for me to leave. Malaysia is not for the Chinese and the earlier that it is possible for you to migrate the better.
Mahatir will go down in Malaysian History in infamy ! He will be known as the PM who has permanently divided Malaysian society into contentious groups and so disadvantage the Chinese that anyone who is Chinese will want to migrate. Chinese who use to make up 45% of Malaysia has shrunk to today we are only 24% and by 2020 we will be 18% and from then we will go on to shrinl to 12% in another 5 years. Indo and Fillipines the Chinese are only 3 % but all the same they still hold sway in the economy of the country. For all my Chinese brothers & sisters, Malaysia will not be happy if 3% Chinese still retain control of the economy which is really a given. While the going is still calm MIGRATE ! Come to Australia or go to Singapore. The Malays are only waiting to go out to cause another "513" don't wait for that do it now and leave Malaysia.
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