The Sultan of Kelantan, Sultan Muhammad V ,
today STRIPPED PERKASA chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali
of his datukship with IMMEDIATE effect.

Daulat Tuanku
Daulat Tuanku
Daulat Tuanku
today STRIPPED PERKASA chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali
of his datukship with IMMEDIATE effect.

Daulat Tuanku
Daulat Tuanku
Daulat Tuanku
But Ibrahim Ali said he still has datukships from two other states - Selangor and Melaka.
So to say he is a primitive man not civilized to earn a Datuk. His supporters are either stupid or allowing themselves to be stupid.
he said he should get more & higher
titles for his part in perkasa !!
This bum is a big disgrace to datukship. How can a bum with such narrow mind, cunning and opportunistic can earn become a datuk was amazing indeed.
Good riddance.
at least not a cry baby like chua jui meng that blame UMNO/BN for his datukship stripping....grow up man...
he said we can still call him Datuk bcoz he ada 2 lagi from selangor & malacca wo !!
He lost his datukship & heart-nya so SAKIT has to be operated soon !!
Poor katak yang numb.
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