Menteri Dalam Negeri,
Sepupu dengan Perdana Menteri, Najib Razak
(Gambar sebenar)

Zaid minum arak!!
Pertama sekali mereka yang menimbulkan isu ini perlu ukur di baju sendiri terlebih dahulu.
- Ada juga terdengar pemimpin yang ada skandal seks dengan seorang artis.
- Ada juga dengar seorang pemimpin terlibat dalam kematian seorang wanita rakyat asing.
- Ada juga dengar seorang pemimpin mengambil komisien rasuah berjuta-juta ringgit.
- Ada juga orang tertentu yang menggunakan bomoh, jampi dan santau.
Kita kena tahu apabila Zaid Ibrahim meminum arak dahulu adalah Zaid Ibrahim yang berada di UMNO. Bukan Zaid Ibrahim yang kini berada di Pakatan Rakyat.
Mengapa dahulu bila Zaid dalam UMNO tidak berani menimbulkan isu ini? Tiada seorang pun dalam kalangan UMNO yang cuba menasihatkan beliau? Mungkin UMNO sedar itu juga budaya mereka?
Serangan mereka hanya menyerang diri sendiri kerana menyerang Zaid Ibrahim yang minum arak semasa berada di UMNO.
- Ada juga bekas Menteri Besar Selangor yang terlibat dalam 100 juta rasuah di Australia.
- Ada juga seorang bekas Menteri Besar Selangor yang kata orang menerima suntikan botox di muka dan pada masa yang sama menggunakan wang rakyat berhibur di Disneyland.
- Ada juga bekas Ketua Bahagian salah satu bahagian di Selangor yang membina mahligai dan Istana sendiri.
Jangan lupa Pengerusi MCA kini juga adalah seorang yang memiliki video dan skandal seks yang jauh LEBIH TERUK berbanding Elizabeth yang menjadi mangsa seks.
Jangan lupa. Seteruknya-teruknya Barisan Nasional cuba hendak merendah-rendahkan Zaid Ibrahim sebenarnya menunjukkan kegagalan dan kelemahan mereka sendiri.
Sebab seteruk-teruk Zaid mereka bukankah UMNO dan Barisan Nasional yang melantik Zaid menjadi Menteri Kehakiman?
Khairy pula jangan cuba melaga-lagakan Zaid dengan Azmin sebab UMNO sendiri Palanavel, Mugilan, Kamalanathan dan Taib dari UMNO juga berkrisis.
Ali Rustam dalam videonya menuduh Khalid Ibrahim membantu orang kaya sahaja. Habis UMNO bukan tolong Melayu kaya sahaja ke? Tolong India Ananda Krishna dan Cina Vincent Tan?
Ingat rakat:
- 1 undi kepada BN adalah undi kematian menghalalkan kematian Teoh Beng Hock Cina
- 1 undi kepada BN adalah undi kematian bersetuju kematian Kugan India
- 1 undi kepada BN adalah undi memberi mereka menembak 5 kali kepada Norizan Melayu
- 1 undi kepada BN adalah undi menyokong kematian wanita warga asing di Malaysia
Kalau kita berperikemanusian yang mengasihani roh-roh yang telah meninggalkan kita maka kita perlu memangkah BN.
Kalau kita bersetuju dengan tindakan pembunuhan dan tindakan kejam itu makalah teruslah undi BN sebab kita tidak akan tahu satu hari nanti ibu kita, bapa kita, kekasih kita, keluarga kita, anak kita atau sesiapa yang rapat dengan kita juga akan mati sedemkian.
Antara minum arak dengan pembunuhan, pilahlah sendiri.
Lagipun isu minum arak adalah isu lama semasa beliau berada di dalam UMNO.
This Is How Low UMNO Will Go
Read here for more
Art Harun
The Barisan Nasional, especially UMNO is devoid of any usable issue in the Hulu Selangor I suppose. It is also absolutely corrupt of any idea on how to win the heart and mind of the voters.
And so they resorted to character assassination from the word go. That, I suppose, has been their trademark. And we all have come to expect it from them.
How sad.
On one hand we want to be a high-income country by whatever year. We want to be a world class country with world class infrastructure blah blah blah. But deep down inside, we are just a bunch of useless, vile, vicious and selfish animals, waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting and helpless.
That is what we are.
And so Zaid Ibrahim used to drink.
So what?
He had said he had repented. At least, he is a Muslim who had even performed the Haj. The BN candidate is not even a Muslim! (I am not being a race or religious-centric here. I am just continuing with the same rationale and theme as theirs).
You want to talk about moral? Hahahahah...excuse me.
- What about detaining people without trial?
- What about having sex with under-age girl?
- What about corruption in PKFZ?
- What about building a huge mansion from money which apparently came down from the sky?
- What about corruption?
- About sanctioning the torture and death of arrested persons?
- About paying "commissions" for national purchases?
- About abuse of power?
- About pinching a woman's ass?
- About using the religion for political mileage?
- About money politics?
- Hell, what about being video taped while having sex with a personal friend and later becoming the President of a major component party of the Barisan Nasional?
As if that is not enough, just visit THIS SITE and look at the picture of Zaid with apparently a bottle of Jack Daniels.
(Image courtesy of ARTiculation blog)
And look at the original picture as compared to the picture appearing on that site.(see photo above) .It is sinful!
1 comment:
It shows clearly that DARK SKIN "MELAYU" Kamal bin Nathan is a candidate of Umno, not MIC. The way he acted like a lapping dog to Perkasa/UMNO shows that he is obviously targeting the 53.9 percent Malay votes instead of the 19 percent Indian votes. That jives with PKR's campaign that says that the contest is actually PKR vs Umno.
My conclusion is that the dark skin "melayu" is a tool of Umno, and Umno is determined to capture the 53.9 percent Malay votes, whatever it takes. That means Indian issues will drop out of sight for 'Kamal'. That also means Umno runs his campaign and tells him what to say to the Malay electorate. The foregone conclusion is that if this self claim melayu wins, the rakyat esp the indian community can rest assure Ulu Selangor will be the same as it was 53 years ago, if not worst.
Zaid is a great man irrespective of his past.Those bums like that half dead, foul mouth mamak kutty, MELAYU1 mooooyidin, Mr. C4, old great porn star, big dark white shark semi value and all their cronies have much much worst past than him. So what big dealabout Zaid past la?
Zaid is repentant while those bums have not even display an inkling of guilt on their dirty past deeds.
Vote PKR !!!!!!!!
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