" In the eyes of other world leaders, the rulers of Malaysia are undemocratic.
When you still have a law like the Internal Security Act (ISA), why ask about democracy?
Other leaders feel the same way as me in that it is impossible that Anwar would have committed such a crime. As such, these allegations have got to be false.
I have advised Anwar against swearing upon the Quran to prove his innocence as it was unIslamic."
- Former Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur)
"...I am appalled that many Malaysian Muslims are calling for Anwar to debase himself to the same sewer level as Saiful by swearing on the Quran.
If the truth could be had so simplistically, we would not need the court system and extensive police force.
Those Muslims’ commitment to things Islamic does NOT extend to their suggesting that the Sharia Court takes jurisdiction over this case. After all both participants are Muslims, and Anwar has already lodged a complaint to the religious department.
Those Muslims suddenly have more faith with our secular criminal justice system than with the Sharia."
-Bakri Musa
From Malaysiakini: Read here
Excerpts: Former Indonesian president Abdurrahman Wahid, popularly known as Gus Dur, said it was his personal belief that Anwar was innocent in the latest sodomy claim during a visit to Kuala Lumpur.
The long-time president of Nahdlatul Ulama also clarified the views were his personal opinion and does not reflect the party's beliefs.
Gus Dur said,
"I've known Anwar for more than 15 years and he is a man of integrity. It is impossible that he would have committed a crime such as sodomy.
In fact, together with former US Supreme Court justice Sarah O'Connor, we've put our thoughts on Anwar's charge in the Financial Times.
When he was first charged with this crime 10 years ago (under former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad), none of us believed it either.
Other leaders feel the same way as me in that it is impossible that Anwar would have committed such a crime. As such, these allegations have got to be false.
In the eyes of other world leaders the rulers of Malaysia are undemocratic.When you still have a law like the Internal Security Act (ISA), why ask about democracy? "
Gus Dur also said that he had advised Anwar AGAINST swearing upon the Quran to prove his innocence as it was unIslamic. Read here for more
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From Bernama: Read here
The Syarie Lawyers Association of Malaysia said Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, who has accused Anwar Ibrahim of having sodomised him, should confine his accusation and testimony in a court of law and NOT announce them in any public place or to the media.Commentary
Saiful Swearing on the Quran.
Association secretary-general Musa Awang said he felt that Mohd Saiful Bukhari's gesture of swearing on the Quran implied his purported disrespect for and challenge of the integrity of the institution of the court.
Mohd Saiful Bukhari had sworn on the Quran at the Federal Territory Mosque last Friday, claiming that he was telling the truth when he accused Anwar of having sodomised him on June 26.
From M.Bakri Musa Blog: Read here
I Was Raped, DammitI am appalled that many Malaysian Muslims are calling for Anwar to debase himself to the same sewer level as Saiful by swearing on the Quran.
If the truth could be had so simplistically, we would not need the court system and extensive police force.
Those Muslims’ commitment to things Islamic does not extend however to their suggesting that the Sharia Court takes jurisdiction over this case. After all both participants are Muslims, and Anwar has already lodged a complaint to the religious department. Somehow at this particular instance and circumstance, those Muslims suddenly have more faith with our secular criminal justice system than with the Sharia.
With rocketing oil prices threatening the global (and Malaysian) economies, (Prime Minister) Abdullah and his deputy Najib are content busying themselves that Saiful would swear on the Quran that he had been sodomized.
It is the height of obscenity to see this young man wearing his songkok and Baju Melayu, symbols of everything pure and pristine in our culture, entering the sanctity of the holy mosque in the heart of Malaysia to utter, “… telah memasukkan zakarnya ke dalam lubang dubur saya.”
All so clinical, and so well-timed politically! It would have been obscene even without the ugly smirk on Saiful’s face after he blurted his utterance.Thankfully, he spared us the lurid details. One’s fantasy can get quite vivid, especially when given some attention and encouragement. As for the frequency, he has yet to decide on that. He is waiting to see Anwar’s diary first!
With his hands above the Holy Quran, witnessed by the Imam and nationally televised, those crudities issued forth from his sullied mouth. Obviously the cleansing ablution he took only minutes earlier before entering the mosque was merely a ritual, and a meaningless one at that.
Surely Saiful, and others beside him including and especially the pious Imam, realized that by just uttering those crudities he had effectively nullified his ablution. Yet there he was, piously declaring Allah hu Akhbar (God is Great!), and then proceeding to his prayers.
I cannot imagine a more despicable sight of desecration of our Holy Book. I would not stoop to this college dropout’s gutter level to even translate the obscenities coming forth from his soiled lips.
Someone had put a microphone on the young man so the world could hear his filthy utterance. How thoughtful! The event was broadcasted at prime time! I pity those parents who would have to explain to their young children on what had transpired.
Such are the priorities of this dysfunctional duo of Abdullah and Najib.
More importantly, (Abdullah Badawi's) lack of diligence as a leader, that on such important matters as our energy policy he remains blissfully detached except for making empty silly remarks.
In Abdullah (Badawi), we have a dull and apathetically detached leader who exploits the differences among us in order to remain in power.
In Anwar we have a charismatic leader well regarded especially internationally. He nurtures our commonalities and challenges us to rise above our differences.
Abdullah’s “I am Prime Minister for ALL Malaysians” utterance rings HOLLOW when he allows, nay encourages, the RACIST taunting of UMNO Youth leaders.Again illustrative of his opportunistic and exploitative character, right after the March elections when his party’s position was threatened in many states, he initiated a series of secret meetings with the opposition PAS. In so doing he showed contempt for his Barisan coalition partners.
Abdullah was also insensitive, or more accurately contemptuous of the feelings of those non-Malays who voted for his Barisan candidates, UMNO and non-UMNO alike. The rewards he dangled must have been quite substantial to tempt the otherwise self-righteous PAS leaders to participate in those talks. Fortunately wiser heads prevailed in PAS; the futile discussions were aborted.
It is a testament to his leadership skills that Anwar could forge an alliance comprising the DAP and PAS, two parties that represent the polar extremes of political views in Malaysia.
Anwar was successful because he builds on their commonalities, their yearning for a clean, efficient and transparent government, one not blighted by cronyism and corruption.
I am also impressed with Anwar’s ability to attract many young talents. While UMNO had to content with such worn-out retreads like Ezam Noor, Anwar managed to attract many young educated individuals like Nik Nazmi and Sim Tze Tzin.
- M. Bakri Musa
From The Aisehman Blog: Read here
Saiful is insisting he was raped. He claims that Anwar “deflowered” him and that he had no feelings for the man.
He hints that Anwar had gone medieval on his ass more than once, although it’s hard to see how a fine young Muslim man like him would let Anwar have his way again and again after the first time.
Moreover, it implies that after you kena once and go see the Deputy Prime Minister about it, you get yourself into a situation where you get raped again and again, over two days (between Aug 26, the alleged “first time’, and Aug 28, the day he underwent medical checks and made a police report)
What in f.....g hell was the boy thinking ?
All of the above is going to put the prosecution into all sorts of trouble.
These questions remain:
- If Saiful was raped, why did the police charge Anwar with consensual sex?
- If Saiful was raped several times, why was Anwar charged with one count of sodomy only, and consensual sodomy at that?
- And when exactly did Saiful go see Najib?
I can barely wait for the trial.
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