Sunday 17 June 2007

Mongolian Woman's Murder Trial: The Attorney-General Compromises Malaysian Justice System and the Rule of Law

Media Statement From:
1. Alaigal
2. Aliran Kesedaran Negara (Aliran)
3. Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ)
4. Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC)
5. Civil Rights Committee of the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
6. Community Development Center (CDC)
7. Jemaah Islah Malaysia (JIM)
8. Kata Gender
9. Labor Resource Centre (LRC)
10. Malaysia Youth and Student Democratic Movement (DEMA)
11. National Council of Women’s Organization Malaysia (NCWO)
12. National Human Rights Society (HAKAM)
13. Persatuan Alumni Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua USM (Lihua) Selangor and Kuala Lumpur
14. Persatuan Masyarakat (PERMAS)
15. Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (KOMAS)
16. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)
17. Tenaganita
18. Writers Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)
19. Women’s Aid Organization (WAO)
20. Women’s Development Collective (WDC)
21. Youth for Change (Y4C)
22. Youth Section of the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall

" We, the undersigned, express our grave concerns regarding the sudden twist of events in the murder trial of Mongolian national, Altantuya Shaariibuu, which has led to an unfair delay in the court process.

The abrupt replacement of the public prosecutors by Attorney-General (AG) Abdul Gani Patail raises a number of disturbing concerns.

  1. First: WHY was the replacement team informed less than 24 hours before the start of the trial, when it was widely known in the legal fraternity that the sitting judge and the former lead prosecutor had been playing badminton for months before 4th June?

    While changing prosecutors during a trial may not be uncommon, the manner and speed in which the change took place fuels justifiable speculation that there is political interference in the trial by third parties trying to derail the court process.

  2. Second: WHYC Tun Majid Tun Hamzah, the CIVIL Division head of the AG Chambers, is appointed to lead a criminal prosecution as with the Altantuya’s case, as opposed to prosecutors from the Criminal Division?

    We question this unusual appointment by the AG’s chambers. Surely there are equally capable and experienced prosecutors in the Criminal Division to lead the team.

  3. Third: The two-week postponement of the June 4th trial is unjustified and has unnecessary disrupted the court schedule of the trial judge, prosecutors and legal counsels, while prolonging the agony of the family of Altantuya.

We demand an assurance that there be NO further delay as this will mean justice being denied, not just for the family of Altantuya, but for the three accused as well.

ONCE AGAIN, our criminal justice system comes under the international scrutiny.

After the despicable court process and condemnation by the international community of the sham trials of Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Guan Eng, the AG and the judiciary owe it to the public and Altantuya’s family that there will be a free, fair and transparent trial to ensure that justice will not only be seen to be done but will truly be done.

It is not only the accused who are on trial, but justice and the rule of law of this country.


1. Alaigal
2. Aliran Kesedaran Negara (Aliran)
3. Center for Independent Journalism (CIJ)
4. Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC)
5. Civil Rights Committee of the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
6. Community Development Center (CDC)
7. Jemaah Islah Malaysia (JIM)
8. Kata Gender
9. Labor Resource Centre (LRC)
10. Malaysia Youth and Student Democratic Movement (DEMA)
11. National Council of Women’s Organization Malaysia (NCWO)
12. National Human Rights Society (HAKAM)
13. Persatuan Alumni Persatuan Bahasa Tionghua USM (Lihua) Selangor and Kuala Lumpur
14. Persatuan Masyarakat (PERMAS)
15. Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (KOMAS)
16. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)
17. Tenaganita
18. Writers Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)
19. Women’s Aid Organization (WAO)
20. Women’s Development Collective (WDC)
21. Youth for Change (Y4C)
22. Youth Section of the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall

Read here on SUARAM'S Website

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