Thursday 31 December 2009

BN's Controversial Perak MB Zambry Abdul Kadir Denied Entry into the US ?

Read here for more

Amerika Syarikat menghalang Menteri Besar Barisan Nasional Perak, Zambry Abd Kadir daripada memasuki Amerika negara itu kerana namanya tercatat dalam senarai pengganas yang dikenalpasti oleh negara tersebut.

Memetik laporan akhbar rasmi PKR, Suarat Keadilan, Zamry berlepas ke San Francisco 9 Disember lalu atas misi perdagangan dan pelaburan anjuran Lembaga Kemajuan Perindustrian Malaysia (MIDA).

Menurut sumber yang rapat dengan pejabat Menteri Besar Perak, sampai sahaja di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa San Francisco pihak imigresen menahan Zambry dari memasuki negara itu apabila nama beliau tersenarai dalam pangkalan data pengganas.

Sumber tersebut memberitahu Suara Keadilan keadaan itu menimbulkan kecurigaan pada pihak keselamatan dan Zambry gagal meleraikan syak wasangka pegawai AS berkenaan.

Zambry tidak ada pilihan kecuali menaiki pesawat untuk pulang ke Malaysia.

"Beliau sepatutnya mengetuai delegasi Perak untuk mempromosi peluang pelaburan dan perdagangan tetapi diarah pulang dan tidak ada perwakilan Perak untuk misi itu," kata sumber.

Misi perdagangan dan pelaburan ke Amerika Syarikat anjuran MIDA berlangsung dari 7 hingga 12 Disember di San Francisco dan Los Angeles.

Ketika dihubungi Penolong Pengarah Kanan MIDA (FDI Amerika), Norhizam Ibrahim berkata pihaknya hanya diberitahu Zambry ada komitmen lain dan tidak dapat menghadiri misi berkenaan.

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Malaysiakini's News Maker of the Year (2009)

Read here article by Hazlan Zakaria in Malaysiakini


2009 was a tumultuous year.

In politics, we had the involuntary sneeze-change of prime ministers, the knee-jerks of crises in the ruling coalition's component parties, Barisan Nasional's takeover of Perak, and an apparent attempt at a coup in Selangor.

The year also saw more troubles with the royals as the monarchy was put before the public eye. Once more, for all the wrong reasons. The ruckus fueling calls for rules to regulate the royals. Some even advocating a straight exit to a monarch-less republic.

Our News Maker of the Year (2009)

But this year's newsmaker tops them all.

Not only in how this particular person made headlines, but also because of the resulting aftershock which drastically affected the multi-layered landscape of our nation.

Standing tall amongst giants

Neither titan nor giant, nevertheless, this person stood tall amongst them.

He was the active, humble and pleasant 31-year-old political secretary to a Selangor executive council member, youthful, eager and full of anticipation.

To those who knew and worked with him, the late Teoh Beng Hock was an earnest, diligent and reserved person. His often expressed intention was to serve in politics and work towards a better Malaysia.

The second eldest of four children, he came from a humble family. His father was taxi driver, while his mother a dedicated home maker. He was the first in his family to have ever attended university.

Formerly a reporter for Sin Chew Daily, he was plunged into the heady world of politics in the wake of the March 8 political tsunami.

Approached by then political underdog Ean Yong Hian Wah of DAP, Teoh was asked to scout for viable candidates to serve as the newly-made politician's aide. Instead, he eagerly volunteered himself.

When Ean Yong unexpectedly won in what was once the MCA stronghold of Seri Kembangan, he was sworn in as a state assemblyperson, and at 29, went on to become the youngest state exco.

Teoh followed Ean Yong in his sojourn at the state secretariat and became the latter's political secretary.

Last seen talking on handphone

He is remembered often as a friendly person, albeit with the habit of often talking on his handphone, probably because the nature of his work.

Indeed, that was how he remained in the memories of many... talking on his handphone, while walking towards his date with destiny in the office of the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission).

Before him was a vibrant future, a bright career and plans of matrimony. He was supposed to tie the knot with his fiancee the next day. With a child already on the way.

But it all was not to be...

Teoh's broken body was found on the fifth floor rooftop of Plaza Masalam the next day, scant hours after his 'interrogation'.

His tragic death opened up a whole cans of worms on many spectrums - in politics, governance, and a myriad of other mentions.

His demise added fuel to rumours of an attempted BN takeover in Selangor, sparked the debate over the misuse of MACC as a political tool, magnified the issue of transparency in allocations to MPs and state reps, as well as highlighted cases of suspicious deaths in law enforcement custody.

Beng Hock's legacy

His death is probably most poignant to many, for it echoes what the nation itself is going through.

His ghost continues to haunt us at the inquest into his death, news reports, coffee-shop talk, online chats and nationwide discussions.

Even in missives beyond the grave from a self-professed 'medium' and the ghostly apparitions, some claimed, to haunt still the hallways of Plaza Massalam.

More than 2,000 people attended Teoh Beng Hock's funeral, but his travails touched more and affected many others. While he might not have lived to see it, his death did force the change that he so wanted to make.

  • His memory, a comfort to friends and family.

  • His name, the battle cry of activists.

  • His visage, a banner for justice.

  • His tragedy, society's wake-up call.

  • His legacy, a spur to Malaysia's ailing democracy.
Teoh Beng Hock, our Newsmaker of 2009.

The Late Teoh Beng Hock with his fiancee

PAS: Adakah Sekarang Menjadi Parti Sekeluarga?

Read here for more on Husam Musa's blog

LATEST : 30th Dec 2009
Two senior government aides to Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat quit as the ruling PAS is rocked by strained ties between him and erstwhile protégé, Datuk Husam Musa.

Nik Aziz announced the resignations of his political secretary Anual Bakri Haron and press secretary Mohd Saiba Yaakob .

The pro-Ariffahmi faction in Kelantan PAS has also started a campaign against Anual early this month through party-linked blogs.Anual also stands accused of conspiring to have Nik Aziz’s son-in-law, Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman removed as the CEO of Kelantan Mentri Besar Corporation (PMBK).

In his blog posting today (read below article ), Husam Musahad said that
“state matters must be separated from family matters,” in an apparent reference to Ariffahmi’s position and the public attacks by Nik Aziz’s family members against him.Read here for more

Related article:
PAS's Tok Guru Nik Aziz's Troubles with his Son-in-Law and his Daughter

"... Calls for the immediate resignation of Kelantan Mentri Besar Incorporated (PMBK) chief executive officer Abdul Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman, who is also Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat’s son-in-law, is not easing up with the latest pressure coming from the state PAS Youth.

In a recent entry on Seri Suri blog , Nik Amalina, who is Nik Aziz's daughter and wife of Abdul Ariffhami had demanded a senior state executive councillor, whom she did not name, to resign, claiming that the person was responsible for her husband’s present dilemma.Her entry had caused ripples within party circles because as Nik Aziz’s daughter, her writing carries some weight and she had made a serious allegation against the senior exco member whom many believe to be Datuk Husam Musa. ..." Read here for more

Malaysia atau diri


Husam Musa

Husam Musa


Konsep BERKERAJAAN yang baik ialah pengasingan antara FAMILY MATTERS dan STATE MATTERS . Bukan sahaja LEGALLY , tetapi juga MORALLY

PAS - satu masa dulu pernah digelar Parti Asri Sekeluarga - kerana pemegang beberapa jawatan tinggi ada kaitan keluarga dengan Presiden PAS waktu itu, Datuk Asri. Serangan sedemikian ketika PAS berdepan dengan krisis politik pada waktu itu, merugikan PAS dan menjadi modal lawan yang berkesan sekali.

Antara isu yang sukar ditepis oleh Dr. Mahathir ialah penglibatan anak-anaknya dalam perniagaan. Isu bail out syarikat kapal Mirzan oleh Petronas kekal dibangkitkan sampai ke hari ini. Anaknya yang lain, Mokhzani akhirnya membuat pengumuman berundur dari dunia korporat apabila menjadi sasaran serangan dan digunakan sebagai bukti amalan kronisma Mahathir sekitar awal 1990an.

Abdullah Badawi sangat popular sebelum isu anak dan menantunya muncul dalam kehidupan politik beliau. Beliau berjaya membawa UMNO/BN menang paling besar dalam sejarah politik negara pada tahun 2004.

Selepas riak dan alpa dengan kemenangan besar itulah, isu penglibatan perniagaan syarikat anaknya, Scomi mula menikam politik beliau. Ditambah dengan penglibatan ekonomi dan politik KJ, Abdullah akhirnya kecundang dalam masa yang sangat singkat.

Anak dan menantu atau keluarganya, gagal mempertahankan beliau. KJ telah berkhidmat secara langsung dengan Pak Lah melalui jawatan di Tingkat Empat, yang tak lama kemudian ditentang hebat termasuk oleh ahli UMNO sendiri.

KJ kemudian memperolehi saham ECM Libra, yang menjadi isu hangat. Sekalipun KJ melepaskan jawatannya di Tingkat Empat dan menjual sahamnya dalam ECM Libra, namun Pak Lah terus dikaitkan dengan KJ dan anaknya Kamaludin dalam banyak perkara.

KJ berada di belakang semua keputusan Pak Lah - dalam minda hampir semua orang.

Namun, politik Malaysia memandang serong politik keluarga seperti ini. Kemenangan besar tahun 2004 tidak berulang. Isu-isu keluarga antara penyumbang kepada tumbangnya Pak Lah selepas pilihanraya 2008.

Dihimpit antara kritikalnya kedudukan negara dan sedikit sebanyak gangguan dalaman yang wujud, peliharalah integriti pemimpin-pemimpin kita dengan anggota keluarga tidak merasa diri mereka adalah stake holder yang lebih penting dari pihak yang dipilih oleh rakyat secara yang sah.

Dilihat dari sirah Rasulullah, ada keadaan-keadaan di mana anggota keluarga memberikan pandangan atau diminta pandangan dalam pelbagai isu. Namun, keputusan akhir adalah di tangan Rasulullah s.a.w dan isu-isu itu pula bukan berbentuk monetary gain atau percaturan politik keluarga tetapi lebih kepada public interest.

A'isyah memberi pendapat kepada suami baginda bahawa ayahandanya Abu Bakar seorang yang penghiba dan tidak perlu dilantik menggantikan Rasulullah sebagai imam solat yang dikira penting. Rasulullah s.a.w meneruskan hasrat baginda. A'isyah memberikan pandangan itu atas kepentingan awam dan bukan untuk kepentingan dirinya sendiri.

Salah seorang isteri Rasulullah memberikan idea Rasulullah mesti memulakan tahalullul sebagai penyelesaian terhadap keengganan sesetengah sahabat menerima terma perjanjian Hudaibiyyah dan idea ini diterima dan berjaya.

Namun, sampai kepada isu monetary gain, rule of law dan isu governance yang lain, Rasulullah mengambil sikap menjunjung prinsip pemisahan itu mengatasi hubungan kekeluargaan. Baginda sampai berkata, kalau anaknya sendiri didapai melakukan jenayah, hukuman sepatutnya akan dikenakan dan ia akan dilakukukan oleh baginda sendiri.

Batas inilah yang perlu dipelihara ketika madsyarakat sedang tertunggukan kebangkitan yang solid tanpa kecelaruan sedangkan kecelaruan tersebut boleh dielakkan.


Surat terbuka gua kepada Nik Aziz..



Read here for more
Salam Tuan Guru..

Gua dah kekok nak tulis ala2 bahasa biasa dalam surat macam gua belajar time UPSR dulu. Gua hentam jer la cara yang gua dah terbiasa nih. Nak gua tulis ala2 sastera kang segan plak gua kat Anual Bakhri. Nama die jer dah sastera dah tu. Mau dia gelak baca bahasa sastera gua plak nantih.

Salam Tuan Guru..

Gua sentiasa percaya dengan fakta yang telah lu tunjukkan bertahun-tahun bahawa lu jenis yang terbuka. Jenis smol metter punya pemimpin. So, gua harap surat gua ni sesat sampai ke pancaindera lu.

Salam Tuan Guru..

Gua sangat setuju bahawa penaklukan institusi keluarga ke atas pemerintahan rakyat perlu disekat. Ini last punya kaedah la nih. Yakni meminta lu sekat atau pun kurangkan. Sebelum ni gua minta pada keluarga lu sendiri untuk tidak menakluk pemerintahan negeri. Kali ni, last punya usaha, gua minta lu sendiri la sekat.

Salam Tuan Guru..

Gua tak kisah langsung Arifahmi itu dilantik as CEO kalau dia dilantik ikut prosedur yang betul, ikut kelayakan yang betul. Tapi bila dah jadi isu yang memburukkan persepsi, yang mengundang fitnah; maka, memang wajarlah Arifahmi meletak jawatan. Dia pun bukan jenis cikai untuk tidak bergantung kepada kerja-kerja kerajaan negeri.

Itu pasal gua dah berpuas hati dah dengan pelan pengundurannnya. Dan menentang golongan yang tak sabar-sabar nak tarik rambut dalam bancuhan tepung likat. Tamat 1 bab.

Salam Tuan Guru..

Bab anak perempuan lu plak yang tiba-tiba buat kelakar berminat dengan dunia blog. Buat blog hal-hal resepi dah la... tak payahlah menggangu fokus parti dengan mengarut secara emosi perihal parti. Gua dah minta dia supaya berhenti, malah lain-lain pemimpin PAS pun dah minta dia berhenti.

Ni last punya usaha, gua minta lu sekat lah. Gua tak tahu nak buat caner lagi dah. Sebagai ayah yang bukan sahaja dimiliki oleh keluarga lu, tapi juga dimiliki oleh 22 juta rakyat Malaysia, minta lah anak prempuan lu berhenti dari menggangu kerja-kerja orang dalam keahlian.

Lu celakakan blog yang menimbulkan spekulasi Husam letak jawatan. Memang wartawan merujuk kepada Penarik Beca, dan memang reaksi lu menunjukkan betapa pentingnya Husam pada parti. Tapi takdirnya, anak lu sendiri yang berblog meminta satu exco yang dipercayai Husam meletak jawatan jauh lebih dulu dari Penarik Beca sehingga ditegur oleh beberapa pemimpin PAS lain.

Gua harap Tuan Guru baca surat gua nih. Kejayaan satu individu lelaki ada wanita dibelakangnya. Satu individu. Tetapi kemusnahan satu empayar ada wanita dibelakangnya. Satu empayar. Tamat satu bab lagi.

Salam Tuan Guru..

Bab 2 pegawai yang tidak disambung khidmat mereka. Pun gua takda hal punya. Kalau lu nak ambil jalan tengah atau sebarang taktikal politik lain, gua sokong. Jangan Anual jadi bangsat ala kickthefella dah. Bila ditarik khidmat, bertukar jadi niamakahai. Falsafah sesat. Majikan mengupah khidmat, dan majikan boleh menamatkan upah khidmat. Lainlah kalau rakyat yang pilih dan letak dia di situ, barulah rakyat juga yang boleh menamatkannya di situ.

Tapi, dapatkanlah penganti yang bukan PENAKLUKAN KELUARGA dan BUKAN PENAKLUKAN HUSAM. Ambillah orang yang layak dan berkecuali. Jika tidak, gua terpaksa bantah. Bantah secara kebebasan bersuara lah.

Biarlah Nik Aziz sendiri yang pilih, bukan Husam dan bukan Nik Abduh atau Arifahmi. Settle 1 bab lagi.

Last kopek.

Gua terbukakan surat gua ni kerana model Islamic State itu terletak di Kelantan. Dan Kelantan itu terletak atas kepala lu. Dan skang ramai pihak turut nak naik atas kepala lu. So, kedudukan model Islamic State sudah goyang seh..

Harap awan hitam berlalu. Harap lu dapat kembalikan Kelantan yang kami sayangi seperti dulu. Tanpa campur tangan keterlaluan dari keluarga, tanpa cengkaman dari satu exco secara perseorangan, dan tidak seimbang. Meletak orang2 aneh dengan kontrak kerja aneh seperti kickdefella bukan sahaja di PMBK tetapi di agensi kerajaan negeri yang lain.

Hentikanlah semua ini.

From Dr Rafick to Dr Ridhuan Tee

Read here for more on Rights2Write



Dr Mohamed
Rafick Khan Abdul Rahman
" Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah writing in Mingguan Malaysia (27th December 2009) under the heading “Antara tuduhan penjahat dan jahat” certainly invoked a myriad of responses from the public.

Outright, I must admit that I am shocked that such writing came from a learned Muslim like him.

The core content of Dr Tee writing is on the defense of Utusan. It appears that in his vocabulary, writing a racially seditious article is fine but calling one that writes such article is seditious.

What Dr Tee failed to highlight is that Utusan is not a political party tabloid that is restricted to its members. It is a newspaper with long historical followers behind it. It easily influences the masses. It is also able to enhance the flame of racism far more successfully than any other political tabloids which is only restricted to its members.

Dr Tee also failed to highlight the fact that Utusan is owned by the powers that-be and appears to have the legal immunity in fanning this racial flames which the other political party tabloid don’t.

Dr Tee also touched on the issue of Islam and ethnic dominance in this country where he hide behind the term of “social contract”.

Respectfully, as one Muslim to another, I felt his understanding of the matter is too shallow and has been oversimplified. He is looking at it with a tunnel vision. Allah did not create all Malays to be Muslims. Neither did Allah restrict Islam for the Malays only.

A person's ethnicity and religion are two dichotomous issues. Tee himself is a living example where he is a Muslim (and probably a better Muslim than me) and a Chinese.

To use the social contract as the basis of denying others of their right is very wrong and totally un-Islamic. Dr Tee writing had embarrassed me on this matter and I take offense of it.

We must appreciate that the term “social contract” is an UMNO recent creation that is being used as a defensive line to ensure their political survival. Legally and socially, such thing does not exist.

It took me quite a while to figure out, who Dr Tee was targeting in his writing. I felt that it has something to do with Tony Pua questioning our Minister on Federal financial allocation on Islam and other religion in this country. Instead of addressing the matter intelligently, certain quarters made a police report and claim it is to be seditious.

What is wrong with us in this country that has led us to a point that we cannot even ask questions? Was it a difficult question that has no answer? I don’t think so.

Dr Tee suggested that financial allocation is to distribute along religion and ethnic lines based on population ratio. Respectfully, this is probably the WORSE idea that I have ever heard in my lifetime coming from an academician.

The more I read, the more I begin to question this guy sanity.

I hope the government will NOT consider Dr Tee view seriously. If they do I believe we are heading for a disaster.

At this point, though I have not addressed all Dr Tee argument is his long article, I felt it is enough. It pains me to read the rest. ..."

For the obvious reasons we now can appreciate why Utusan Malaysia hired him as a columnist. He is there to add the necessary fuel to ensure that this beloved nation of ours continues to be divided along ethnic and religious lines. I do not think Utusan will hire people like me..."
-Dr. Rafick

Tuesday 29 December 2009

Orang Melayu Perlu Terus Lupakan Utusan Malaysia

Read here for more


"... Kita perlu terus lupakan media perdana yang keterlaluan sepertimana yang ada hari ini.

Mahu tak mahu, perniagaan mereka tetap bergantung kepada kuasa beli rakyat.

Kalau rakyat tolak untuk membeli, maka nasib akhbar itu kini di tebing liang lahad… menunggu masa untuk dikebumikan. Mungkin kita perlu lancarkan sekali lagi kempen besar-besaran untuk itu.

Pembodohan, persendaan dan kebiadaban akhbar Utusan Malaysia tak pernah berlaku sebegini buruk, meskipun selepas lebih 10 tahun.

Kepala-kepala editor di media itu masih tak belajar dan menginsafi bahawa orang Melayu sendiri sudah berubah.

-Hasmi Hashim

Lupakan Terus Utusan


Hasmi Hashim

Pembodohan, persendaan dan kebiadaban akhbar Utusan tak pernah berlaku sebegini buruk, meskipun selepas lebih 10 tahun.

Lihat sahaja misalnya Utusan yang seolah-olah jadi tok dalang utama untuk memecah-belahkan parti-parti dan pemimpin dalam Pakatan Rakyat, membakar sentimen perkauman bahkan langsung tidak mahu menuliskan perkataan “Pakatan Rakyat”. Mereka tulis hanya sebagai “pakatan pembangkang”.

Kepala-kepala editor di media itu masih tak belajar dan menginsafi bahawa orang Melayu sendiri sudah berubah.

Mereka cuba menentang kenyataan bagaimana pembaca pernah menolak dengan begitu kuat akhbar tersebut pada period awal Reformasi dahulu sehingga jualannya merosot teruk.

Waktu itu, pekerja di pejabat kerajaan sekalipun tak mahu membeli dan membaca. Sesiapa yang memegang di tangan, akan terasa dan dipandang jelek kerana menyokong puak pemfitnah.

Jualan Utusan Mingguan dikhabarkan jatuh teruk daripada lebih 500 ribu pada setiap Ahad (sebelum 1998), menjadi kurang separuh iaitu sekitar 250 ke 300 ribu sahaja selepas itu.

Laporan Biro Audit Pengedaran (ABC) yang terkini juga menunjukkan bagaimana edaran Utusan Malaysia merosot sehingga 8 peratus kepada sekitar 181 ribu naskhah, sementara Berita Harian pula turun 5 peratus kepada sekitar 183 ribu naskhah. Edarannya semakin parah berbanding audit dari tahun 2005 ke 2006 yang masing-masing mencatat edaran sekitar 213 ribu dan 203 ribu sehari.

Corak penolakkan (khususnya orang Melayu) terhadap dua media propaganda utama Umno-BN ini tetap kuat dan prestasi kedua akhbar tersebut nampaknya sukar untuk pulih berbanding sebelum 1998.

Namun begitu, jumlah kehilangan pendapatan hasil kemerosotan jualan itu ‘ditampal’ pula oleh akhbar tabloid terbitan syarikat yang sama. Edaran Kosmo! naik sebanyak 12 peratus kepada sekitar 129 ribu naskhah, manakala Harian Metro naik 4 peratus kepada sekitar 338 ribu naskhah.

Kurangnya mainan propaganda yang mengongkong minda tidak pula bermakna rakyat digalakkan membeli akhbar yang penuh dengan sampah sensasi.

Ternyata ada kekosongan luas di mana pembaca mahukan sesuatu yang lebih bermakna sebagai ‘panduan’ dan sumber berita mereka yang lebih seimbang.

Oleh itu, akhbar milik Pakatan Rakyat harus segera mengambil peranan lebih besar. Tak cukup seperti lembaran surat khabar lama, dengan paras wajah (lay-out, grafik dan foto) serta gubalan kandungan masih seperti dulu-dulu juga. Ia harus lebih muda, lebih segar.

Dalam kata lain, akhbar-akhbar hubungan Pakatan harus siap untuk benar-benar ‘memimpin’ dan mempertajam pandangan rakyat. Berita harus lebih luas, termasuk kepada bidang yang sebelum ini tidak menjadi keutamaan untuk dilapor atau dijadikan kandungan.

Realiti masalah rakyat di bawah seperti kes jenayah, kebakaran, kemalangan dan banyak lagi perlu mulai menjadi laporan bentuk baru bagi akhbar-akhbar Pakatan yang sebelum ini hanya dilihat sebagai ‘akhbar politik’.

Begitu juga segmen sosial lain termasuk seni-budaya, hiburan, sukan, bahkan laporan ekonomi yang lebih berwibawa perlu dijadikan keutamaan selain kekal dengan ulasan, wawancara dan berita politik atas keperluan perjuangan.

Beberapa contoh akhbar luar negara, yang walaupun milik parti politik, misalnya The Guardian di UK menjadi akhbar nasional dan bukan lagi hanya dibaca oleh penyokong Parti Buruh sahaja.

Saya pernah menyebutkan hal ini, lebih-lebih lagi sejurus Anwar Ibrahim bebas 5 tahun lalu di mana segera saya yakin bahawa lanskap politik Malaysia akan segera berubah sejak itu. Saya kira, ramalan tersebut ada benarnya.

Harus diingat, Pakatan kini ’separuh memerintah’ dan bukan sepenuhnya pembangkang seperti dahulu.

Saya faham bahawa perubahan sedemikian hanya bisa dilaksanakan dengan persetujuan pimpinan parti, dan tidak cukup diperingkat editorial sahaja. Kerana itulah, pimpinan wajar menginsafi bahawa perubahan yang perlu ini tidak lain adalah formula untuk memenangi hati rakyat keseluruhannya, dan bukan hanya untuk kekal dengan pasaran kalangan ahli dan penyokong tegar sesama sendiri.

Maka hanya dengan itu, kemenangan lebih besar mampu kita capai apabila media kita sudah benar-benar hidup dalam denyut nadi rakyat.

Kita perlu terus lupakan media perdana yang keterlaluan sepertimana yang ada hari ini. Mahu tak mahu, perniagaan mereka tetap bergantung kepada kuasa beli rakyat.

Kalau rakyat tolak untuk membeli, maka nasib akhbar itu kini di tebing liang lahad… menunggu masa untuk dikebumikan. Mungkin kita perlu lancarkan sekali lagi kempen besar-besaran untuk itu

Empayar yang lebih besar pun bisa tumbang, inikan pula sesebuah syarikat media. Setiap kehancuran itu hendaknya jadi pengajaran kepada anak cucu kita agar jangan keterlaluan terus-terusan angkuh dan sanggup memperbodoh bangsa sendiri.


Utusan Melayu or Ugutan Melayu?


Azly Rahman

Read here for more

What is the function of a newspaper in a multicultural society? Is it to expand the mind of readers or to instill fear of others --or even of oneself?

Utusan Melayu (I am still familiar with this name rather than Utusan Malaysia) or the Malay Messenger has some good stuff to contribute to society but generally its and mission and vision is to build soul cages for the Malays.

The mind of the Malay is warped, distorted, and archived into a realm of fear of itself and of others. Through the Malay language it brings thinking into a tabloidic dimension and relegates politics into a subject of advancing the backwardness of ultra-communalism.

Utusan Melayu is synonymous with Ketuanan Melayu, Tuntutan Melayu, Rasul Melayu, Kongres Melayu, Kesatuan Melayu, and other forms of glorified anomalies of the progressive Malay mind yearning to be free from the shackles of feudalism, superstition, and neo-feudalistic and urban-superstitious beliefs.

Utusan Melayu claims to be "Penyebar Fikiran Rakyat". But does it expand the mind nor spread the message of peace of the Malays in relation to the much-needed marhaenism with other races?

By calling the Malays not to be "bacul" or "wimp" and to "bangkit" or to rise, the newspaper is showing its irrelevance and outdatedness of rhetoric. Tabloidic and tantric treatment of totalitarian thinking.

The Malays are confused what these messages mean because they now have no reason to de-wimp themselves nor to rise. Against who? Are Malaysians not seeing the emergence, though with growing pains, of a two -party system that in which a multicultural coalition is gnawing the roots of ethnocentric-based political alliance that have survived on fear management?

Back to my confusion on the role of Utusan Melayu. On the idea of "kebaculan" and "kebangkitan" (whimpiness and wakefulness)

Perhaps there is a hidden message in all these. The call to de-wimp and rise is a call to arms against the few Malays in power that are using the media to create a false consciousness of who the real enemy is and what the real issue has been. Perhaps the call is to revolt against all forms of authoritarianism and totalitarianism that have made the Malays of these days carry an unpleasant name.

Perhaps the call is to rise against all kinds of organizations, paid or volunteer, that seems to advance the "rights of the Malays" and insist on keeping repressive intact to bludgeon others.

Is Utusan Melayu a threat to the advancement of the Malays?

Is it still a popular tabloid that now uses threatening means to maintain readership? Or is it merely a continuation of a cultural transmission of fear and trembling, superstition and sensationalism, to get modern Malays to do shadowboxing/shadowpuppet play with bogeymen and bogeymen created from an old script of Ketuanan Melayu?

I do not know. But is it called Ugutan Melayu or Utusan Melayu?

I grew up reading this newspaper. I think Malays must STOP reading it.

Monday 28 December 2009

Lawyer Art Harun Replies to the Wannabe-More-Malay Chinese Muslim Convert, Tee Chuan Seng

Read here for more on ARTiculation Blog

Related article:

An Open Reply to Dr Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah


Art Harun

Dear Doctor,

I refer to your article "Accused as criminals better than being evil."

Before I join issue with you on several matters in your article, allow me to state some disclaimers. This is to prevent me from being labeled anti this and that or pro this and that.

First and foremost I am just an ordinary citizen of this country of ours who is just concerned with the well being of our country. Although I have my own political views, I am not affiliated to nor am I associated with any political party at all.

I am a Malay and a Muslim. I am not anti-Malay or anti-Islam. Nor am I pro non-Malays or non-Muslims.

Now that I have made that clear, I shall address some of the issues raised.

Firstly, the "social contract". These two words have become a cliche in Malaysia. Whenever somebody or some parties raise some sensitive issues which the Government does not wish to address, they will be referred to the "social contract". Soon, I suppose when a thief snatches a handbag from a poor woman, he will shout to the woman, "social contract"!

What is the "social contract"? I will not repeat what it is as I have written about it HERE.


The FIRST thing to note about it is that any social contract is NOT cast in stone. It may change as the society and state change and the need of the two parties to the contract evolve with time.

What was deemed good 52 years ago may not be good anymore now, and vice versa.

If we take our Federal Constitution as an example, there have been hundreds of amendments made to it. That is the nature of it. It is a breathing and living contract which changes or ought to change according to the time.

Being so, QUESTIONING the provisions of the social contact is not a blasphemous act. Nor is it an act of treason.

It is in fact a necessity for our society and our state to evolve into a progressive one.

With all due respect, for you to label a certain party as "ultra kiasu" just because it apparently questions - if at all they did that - the "social contract" is UNBEFITTING of your stature as a respectable ulamak and a well known senior lecturer.

It is like labeling YOUR own students "kiasu" for asking too many questions.

Why can't we be positive about things? Are we so used to be told what to do, what to hear and what to say all these while that we have forgotten to engage with each other properly without any ill feeling?

If an ulamak and academician like yourself can't engage properly and without emotion, I shudder to think of the prospect of this nation of ours. Have we all closed our heart and soul to any opposite views?

The SECOND thing to note about the social contract is the fact that this contract, like any other contract, has TWO parties to it. The first party is the people. The second party is the State (or the government). It runs two ways.

The people say "I give you, the government, some of my rights in exchange of you giving me certain benefits". So, the obligations exist on both side of the fence. NOT only one.

That means BOTH side must conform to the social contract. Both sides have their own respective obligations to perform.

Nowadays, we talk as if only the people are supposed to perform the social contract. We talk as IF the government does not have any obligation to perform under the social contract. That is an obvious misconception.

The thing is this. The government is powerful because it holds the power. If the people do not perform the social contract, the government would come with all its might and prosecute him or her. I ask you, what can the people do if the government does not perform its side of the bargain? Do you expect the people to keep quiet?

THIRDLY , it is to be noted that as a living document, the terms of the social contract may be renegotiated from time to time. Among others, John Locke posits as such. Locke even posits the rights of rebellion in the event the social contracts lead to tyranny.

Of course I am not advocating a rebellion here. I am stating that the people have every right to question about the social contract and to scrutinise the performance of its terms by the government. And the people have every right - in fact it is arguable that it is the people's duty - to prevent a tyranny or an act of tyranny.

Being so, I am sure it is not such a sin as made out by you for any party to question the social contract. That is within his or her right as a party to the social contract.


The next issue which I wish to address is the misstatement of the real issues in contemporary Malaysia. I have to state this because when the issues are misstated, the arguments in support would also go wrong.

Emotions can seep in and everything will turn ugly.

The issues at hand, in my opinion, are NOT t the status of Islam as the religion of the Federation or the special positions enjoyed by the Malays and the natives of Borneo. Those are entrenched in the Federal Constitution.

I have chosen the words in the preceding paragraph deliberately. Nowadays, when the arguments for "equality" are raised, the other side quickly jump and say "you are questioning the status of Islam" or "you are questioning the special rights of the Malays" or worse still, "you are questioning the position of the Malay rulers".

Notice how the issues have been misstated to suit their purpose.

What are in existence are NOT "special rights" but "special POSITIONS " and the parties which enjoy these positions are NOT only the Malays but also the natives of Sabah and Sarawak. Please read THIS ARTICLE for further explanation on this issue.

On the position of Islam, I don't think anybody in their right mind would question the status of Islam as the religion of the Federation.

But dear Doctor, you must be wise enough to discern between official religion and the law of the country. These are two different things.

Similarly, you must also be unemotional enough to discern the difference between Bahasa Malaysia as the official language and the rights of the people to speak whatever language they wish.

What have been raised in contemporary Malaysia is not the status of Islam as the religion of the Federation. Many events have taken place so far in relation to inter-faith integration that would call for a closer look at the freedom of religion as enshrined in our Constitution in order to find solutions.

These events were perhaps not within the foresight of the fathers of our nation when the Constitution was being drafted.

It is then left to us, the children of today, to take the bull by the proverbial horn and try to find acceptable solutions to everybody in accordance with the common standard of fairness and civility.

Among others, these problems are:

  • the controversy surrounding inter-faith marriages between Muslims and non-Muslims where a non-Muslim would convert to Islam to marry a Muslim but later re-convert to his or her original faith;

  • the controversy surrounding the forced indoctrination of a certain faith - whether Islam or other faith - on children who are below the age of majority;

  • the controversy surrounding the issue of apostasy in Islam;

  • the controversy surrounding the unfair allocation of budget for the erection of temples or churches as compared to the mosques and suraus;

  • the controversy surrounding the right to practise Islam by Muslims in accordance with their sectarian beliefs;

  • the controversy surrounding some fatwas issued by some body of ulamaks;

  • the controversy surrounding the usage of the word "Allah" to signify God;

  • the controversy surrounding the publication of Bible in Bahasa Malaysia;

  • the controversy surrounding moral policing.
These are issues which are being raised. They have NOTHING to do with the status of Islam under the Constitution or the status of the Malay rulers.

Like it or not, these issues exist and will persist so long as we huddle ourselves in our dark caves, secure in our belief that those people who raise these issues are ultra kiasu and they have treasonous tendency.

This nation is built, from day one, by one strength and that strength is the unity of her people, regardless of race or religion.

There is NO such thing as this is "OUR " nation and not "THEIRS".

In fact, may I respectfully point out that YOU , as a Chinese Muslim, are contradicting yourself when you refer to this land as "our own land" if what you meant by "our own land" is that this land is the land of the Malays.

Please dear Doctor. Be more sensitive to the feelings of all Malaysians. You are after all an influential ustaz or teacher whose views are respected by many.

Tee Chuan Seng @ Mohd Ridhuan tee

Now, as this nation of ours go into adulthood, it must confronts issues which naturally arise in the course of nation building. It must confront these issues unemotionally and with great respect to everybody involved. Lest the very basis of this nation, namely, the unity of her people, would just fade away and we can bet our last dime that destruction would be on its way.

I fear for my children. I fear for this nation if we continue to count "OUR rights" as opposed to "THEIRS". There is no "opposite parties" mind you. WE are in this TOGETHER.


Now you have come up with a rather ingenious formula. It is based on the entitlement to more rights for the majority. It is numerical power, which many argue is the direct result of democracy.

Jeremy Bentham postulates the utilitarian principle under which it is said that whatever brings the most happiness to the greatest number of people would be good. It would appear that you have managed to reduce the utilitarian principle into a science by reducing the yardstick of happiness and greatest number of people into a mathematical formula.

But with respect, you are threading on a DANGEROUS path. Stretched to its logical conclusion, you are validating the might of the majority over the helplessness of the minority.

In the end, finally, what matters in your equation is the numbers involved.

What if, in the future, the non-Muslims become the majority in this country, may I ask you?
Would you accept their lording over you as a minority then?

  1. What about the ban of the Islamic minarets in Switzerland? Do you, as a Muslim, accept that because after all Christians are the majority in Switzerland?

  2. What about the ban of the hijab and head scarf in France? Do you accept that on the same basis, ie, that Christians are the majority in France?

  3. What about the killing of Muslims Bosnians by the Serbs and Croats? You accept that too? After all Christians are the majority in that region.

  4. What if the Israelis manage to forcefully fill Gaza with Israelis leaving the Palestinians to be the minority, would you accept the desecration of everything that is Islam in Gaza?
What you are preaching, in my humble opinion, is political expediency suited for the current moment and nothing else.

You are not seeing the bigger picture.
  • With respect, YOU FAIL to look into ourselves as Muslims and spot our weaknesses as an Ummah against the backdrop of globalisation and openness.

  • You pay scant regard to spirituality and our ability as Muslims, to face this new aged world on any ground other than the strength in numbers and loudness of our voice.
You mentioned Ibn Khaldun in your article. Can you point out the existence of what Ibn Khaldun termed in his "Muqadimmah" as the spirit of "assabiya" in our contemporary Muslim society?

Do we have "assabiya" nowadays? Or is it a matter of whatever is mine is mine and yours is yours?

In your mathematical formula, you are in fact preaching AGAINST Ibn Khaldun's "assabiya." The communal spirit, comradeship and camaraderie are obviously not important in your formula.

What about the numerical superiority of the non-Muslims in education for instance?

  1. Non-Muslims do get 9As or 10As in the examinations. Based on your numerical formula, wouldn't they have the right to be in our public university? If so, why don't they get what they are entitled to?

  2. What about the numerical superiority in the non-Muslims' contribution to our national coffers through the payment of taxes, duties and investments made? If your numerical superiority formula is applied, wouldn't the non-Muslims then have more rights to build churches and temples compared to Muslims?
Don't get me wrong. I am not saying they are so entitled. But I am just applying your formula to real situations.


Non-Muslims' festivities should be limited to the percentage of their numbers.

Sorry Doctor, I am laughing at the suggestion.

Is that what matters?

Festivities? Public holidays? They should have less number of temples and churches and we should have more mosques and suraus?

(You seem to suggest that there are far too many churches and temples in Malaysia but have you seen the state of these churches and temples? Some are by the side of the road and in shop lots. Some are just housed in a small doggie house.)

How much space we occupy on our way to our graves?

And how big our graves are?

Good God, WHO is kiasu?

What have we, the good people of Malaysia, become?

And why have we descended into this deep pit of triviality? Oh my goodness.


Sometime I find your reasoning inconsistent Doctor.

While you preach goodness and high morality and you make such huge outcry against the evil of living immorally as practised by some politicians and the likes, at the same time you don't really mind a newspaper which sometime write obvious lies and spread hatred.

This is because, according to you, this newspaper is being frank. Well, is it okay to be bad as long as we are frank about it?

You view with contempt the act of living together outside marriage by some non-Muslims but you can accept the act of lying and spreading hatred because the perpetrator is being frank?

The last time I checked Doctor, even Hitler was being frank in wanting to kill all the Jews that ever walked the Earth. Was that okay?

The only way out of this racial and religious time bomb which is ticking fast in contemporary Malaysia to my mind is for all of us to confront all the issues in an unemotional manner.

We should list them all out in the open. We should accept that those issues constitute problems and acknowledge that fact. We cannot deny their existence. We should stop assigning guilt. We should avoid pointing fingers.

We should NOT adopt the my-religion-is-more-righteous-than-yours attitude.

After we manage to do that, we should then sit down and find the solutions as best as we can.

And we better do it fast. Because the longer we delay it, the more insidious and deep they will become. Soon more people will misuse those issues for whatever personal purpose which they may have. The situation may then become irreversible.

May God give all of us the wisdom.



Sunday 27 December 2009

Tee Chuan Seng: An Opportunist Converted Muslim CHINESE Ass Licker of UMNO Worse than the MCA Lap Dogs

Read here for more in Malaysian Insider

A Former Pork-Eating Converted Muslim
Playing UMNO's Anti-Chinese Race Card

A Wannabe-Malay and a Religious Bigot
Calling Himself

Read HERE on his Blog Profile

Tee Chuan Seng

Converted Muslim Name: "Mohd Ridhuan Tee"

Tee Chuan Seng @ Mohd Ridhuan Tee

Name at Birth : Tee Chuan Seng

Converted Muslim Name: Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee bin Abdullah

Race: Chinese

Religion: Islam

  • BA(Hons)Political Science (UKM),
  • MA Strategic Studies (UKM),
  • PhD Politics and Government (UPM),
  • Dip. Islamic Studies (UIA)
Marital status: Married

No. of Children: 5
  • Secretary General, Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce,
  • Vice President, Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association,
  • National Council Member of The Muslim Welfare Organization Of Malaysia (PERKIM),
  • President, Resident Assoc, Chairman, Perbadanan Pengurusan De Casa,
  • Chairman, Parent-Teacher Association,
  • Chairman of the At-Taqwa Surau,
  • Maal Hijrah Award Recipient (Convert)1424 H Selangor, 1427 H Wilayah Persekutuan, 1428 H Perak Tengah.
  • Student's leader in UKM
  • President, Royal Military College's Parent-Teacher Assoc,
  • Council Member, Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce etc
Current Employer: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia

Occupation: Senior Lecturer

Excerpts: Read here for more

Mingguan Malaysia columnist Dr Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah today pushed the powder-keg issues of race and religion further, by arguing that the Malay-Muslim’s majority meant they had more rights and accused the other races of putting their interests above national needs.

The column — “Beza antara penjahat dan jahat” — was also posted on his personal weblogs at for Bahasa Malaysia and for the English translation.

Tee also put forward a formula based on the racial and religious breakdown of the country’s 27 million population....adding NO one should question the “social contract” from the founding of the nation 52 years ago.

Tee wrote in his column in Mingguan Malaysia today:
  • As the majority Malay-Muslims, they (MALAYS) have the rights, (and) it had been agreed upon through the SOCIAL CONTRACT.

  • The number of NON-MUSLIM places of worship EXCEEDED overwhelmingly, their (CHINESE and INDIANS) festival celebrations actually drowned the Muslims celebrations even though they (CHINESE and INDIANS) are less in numbers.

  • Just look at the shopping malls, although CHRISTIANS are only nine (9)per cent, the Christmas and New Year 2010 celebrations are incomparable to the Hari Raya and the Islamic New Year.

  • If you do not believe, visit the states ruled by the ultra kiasu (CHINESE) and its allies (PAS and PKR) , and the shopping malls of their allies throughout the country.”

  • I think the MUSLIMS in this country are very tolerant and soft. Their religious festivals and funerals are well mannered and simple. Roads are NOT congested. Their graves are very small.

  • Compared to OTHER religions , which the number is already smaller, at times the roads are congested the whole day on certain festivals. Their (NON MUSLIMS) graves are so wide and large.

  • So far, the MUSLIMS are NOT that noisy compared to others (NON MUSLIMS) , although their graves are narrowing and protests from the NON-MUSLIMS are increasingly bolder when there is an increase in Islamic cemeteries.

  • Is it FAIR if the NUMBERS of NON-MUSLIMS are NOT many, but their (NON MUSLIMS) graves actually sink the Muslims graves? Have we asked the views of the Muslims and their sensitivity?

  • Those with money build their (NON MUSLIMS) tombs so high and so wide and beautify them with statues as far as the eyes can see.

  • Meanwhile, the Muslims graves, irrespective of their positions, are simple because Islam does not believe in the designing of the tomb. Having no graves is also not a problem.

  • Have the Muslims ever claimed equal rights and equal opportunities? No, because they (MALAYS) are NOT ultra kiasu (CHINESE).

  • Are the number of CHURCHES and the pile of houses of worship sinking the number mosques and suraus not considered as RIGHT?

  • Have we ever prevented THEM (CHINESE and INDIANS) from going to church every Sunday? Do not compare with the Muslims because WE (MALAYS) worship differently. We (MALAYS) have different needs. Similarly goes the requirements for jamaah prayers.

  • All this while THEY (CHRISTIANS) have never use the word Allah in our (MALAY) country, so why the sudden need for the word of Allah to be used?

  • It is definitely their (CHRISTIANS) strategy to CONFUSE the MUSLIMS into following THEIR religion.

  • My advice to all (MUSLIM) parents is to take care of your children and NOT to be deceived by their (CHINESE and INDIANS) EVIL strategies and EVIL intentions.

  • Unfortunately, these will and has occurred in Selangor and Penang, if WE (MALAYS) continue to allow this ultra kiasu (CHINESE ) to rule and to be mighty.

  • Look at PENANG today, as if it is NO longer a MALAY island. It is full of Santa Claus and New Year greetings, while THEY (CHINESE and INDIANS/CHRISTIANS) consist of only nine per cent

  • Therefore, let us (MALAYS) make the changes before it is too late. Do not end later with OUR religion (ISLAM) going nowhere in OUR (MALAY) own land. By then, it will be too late. You cannot allow the creepers to grow higher. When they have gone up, they will remain there, and it will be difficult for them to come down.

  • The extremist (ie Pakatan Rakyat supporters) labelled the newspaper (UTUSAN MALAYSIA) as criminals. If the newspaper is considered as criminal then it also meant that the journalist, newspaper columnist and author are also criminals.

  • My question is, whether the ultra kiasu party (CHINESE party, DAP) news tabloid and the other racist political parties and those concocted with them, are THEY (CHINESE) also not evil?

  • The ultra kiasu (CHINESE) party and its group are not only EVIL , but it is already clearly a fact that THEY (CHINESE) have an EVIL intention by NOT accepting the SOCIAL CONTRACT and REJECTING the Federal Constitution and also challenging sensitive matters that have long been agreed upon.

  • If we (MALAYS) spy their (CHINESE) movement, I am confident WE (MALAYS) will see their (CHINESE) true colours, including the one exco (CHRISTIAN) that brought Santa Claus to meet their state leader.

  • To this leader, if you enjoy celebrating with Santa Claus (ie CHRISTIANS) , please do not over do it. As Muslims, we (MALAYS) are taught to respect other religions, but do not go overboard.

  • They (ie CHINESE and NON-Muslims) are very cunning at planning.

  • Many MALAYS have sidetracked because of being too close to Santa Claus(CHRISTIANS).

  • The sensitive issues were raised to demand equal rights and opportunities for the ultra kiasu (CHINESE) group. They (CHINESE) know these things cannot be raised openly as they (CHINESE) can be held under the Sedition Act.

  • They (CHINESE) deliberately want to test UMNO, which currently is at its most crucial situation because of not getting two-thirds majority [in Parliament] and [is] also facing the painful disunity of the Malay-Muslims.

  • My question is that, if UMNO can sacrifice the Grik parliamentary seat, why can’t Gerakan? Who is more tolerant and having the nature of giving?

  • The Malay majority had to vote the non-Malay (Gerakan) even with resentment. This is the noble nature of the Malay-Muslims. Is this tolerance being appreciated? It is like a dog biting its own master.

  • ALL(CHINESE and INDIANS) are putting the race interests ahead rather than the national interests. If this is how it is done, I think, WE (MALAYS) are far from achieving the 1 Malaysia concept.

  • To them (CHINESE and INDIANS) , THEIR race strength must be defended even with whatever reasons and challenges given. Who are the real criminals and more evil?"

ROYAL MALAYSIAN AIR FORCE (RMAF): A Bunch of Scamming Morons Defending the Country

Read here for more on Sakmongkol 47 Blog


Dato' Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz aka Sakmongkol AK47
(former ADUN of Pulau Manis, Pekan, Pahang.(2004-2008)


The RMAF (is) saying the Brigadier General (BG) was sacked because of incompetency (not for the loss of the two F5- E jet engines). Could it be possible there were two generals involved?

It is impossible for a person to attain the rank of a BG through incompetence. That would suggest his superiors were more incompetent than he. Or it would also suggest that the system allows incompetents to rise through the ranks.

This would then lend credence to the expression, NOT only does the cream rise to the top, the scum does too.

If that is, then it calls into question, the quality of our airmen.

Can THEY be depended upon to defend OUR country?

If one incompetent BG is a measure of the general quality of his subordinates( the entire division which he heads), our AIR DEFENCE is suspect.

Then we might as well say the whole RMAF is FULL of MORONS:
You join at the age of 20 and then maybe attain the rank of BG at the age of 45.

That means for 25 years, RMAF couldn't detect your incompetence?

If they couldn't detect this, can they interpret what's on our radar screens?
It is highly unlikely that the BG was sacked because of incompetence. He must have committed some gross misconduct which warranted dismissal.

It is better for RMAF to shut up and not issue any more public utterances about this mater. How do we know those issuing such statements are not incompetent themselves?

If you are stupid, let the stupidity stays with you. Don't make us stupid too.

The Engine Theft is Tip of an Iceberg

Suppose, like someone said- the engines theft is only the tip of the iceberg. We need to lose at least 14 F-5Es to arrive at the figure.

Remember we have lost RM 100 million or USD 29 million. One unit of F-5E costs USD 2.1 million.

What have we actually lost that could total up to USD29 million? Perhaps more than 20 planes each costing around USD 900,000 like A4 Skyhawks for example?

What if, for the past 10 years, this syndicate has been selling a number of engines and planes each year?
  • At regular intervals, you booked out a few engines for repairs somewhere.

  • They were never returned or some people just 'booked' in the same number on paper. Not until a physical inventory check is carried out, will you become aware that physically the engines were not there.

  • For the whole scam to work there must be close collusion between the various departments.

  • There must be a dummy company somewhere which acts as the exporter. This company processes the necessary export documents, gets customs clearance, does all the shipping or even air freighting arrangements.

  • If we have lost so many planes, then there must be an internal syndicate in the RMAF which has been consistently stealing our assets. That would make any claims by anybody that the auditing and/or stock taking system within the RMAF as being 1000% solid are just brinkmanship talks.
The phrase 'tip of the iceberg' can mean, the RMAF is FULL of even worse morons. The incompetent BG is only the tip.

That can either mean, those subordinate to him are all confirmed mental retards or those above him are even worse mental retards.

If I am not mistaken, the current PAT is an air force 4 star general. Is he competent or not?

It can also mean, the RM100 million lost is miniscule compared to the actual loss/theft/corruption that occurs within the RMAF and by extension right through the Ministry of Defence.

Can We Trust the RMAF to Defend the Country ?

Do we now trust, the incompetent RMAF to conduct a thorough investigation into the sordid affair?

Now, by their own inadvertent admission, the RMAF is full of incompetent people.

We therefore cannot afford to depend on the RMAF people for who knows, the investigation team may be led by another incompetent person- a colonel maybe, a BG perhaps.

We must therefore set up an independent auditing team to investigate the full scale and extent of any larceny that is going on. This is simply an aggravated burglary.

The Ex-General Who Had RM 300,000-400,000 in His Suitcases

On another unrelated matter- the ex-General who suffered calamity and personal loss when his residence was hit by a massive landslide had his suitcases with RM300,000-400,000 recovered- were those loose change, mein general?

That was also the tip of the iceberg, no?

Bigger Corruption in the Defence Ministry

(Note: PM Najib was the Defence Minister before he became Prime Minister)

Let us further assume that, the real intent of the leaked information was to highlight the magnitude of the corruption and other forms of thievery that are occurring within the entire defence ministry. The plane engines were just a decoy leading us to bigger game.

That bigger game is corruption within the defence ministry.

Why did the theft of the engines take place with such superciliousness and impunity and more alarmingly, taken lightly by the relevant authorities charged with overseeing these matters?

The thieves and those responsible for stealing engines or bleeding the military coffers dry were doing what they did with extraordinary boldness.

Strange indeed.

That would suggest many things.
  1. They had some leader powerful enough who was daring enough to thump the nose of the upper echelons in the military establishment.

  2. Or, they were emboldened enough to carry out what they did, because everyone knows that everyone who matters in the Ministry of Defence were responsible for even greater larceny.

Friday 25 December 2009

PAS in Selangor will LOSE Heavily IF HASAN ALI is Not SACKED Quickly

Read here article in Malaysian Insider

PAS in Selangor Will Be History
in Next General Election
This PAS State Leader

Read here for more


PAS may end up the biggest losers in Selangor come the next general elections.

PAS had WON 8 out of the 56 state seats in Election 2008, in mostly URBAN or SEMI-URBAN constituencies.

PAS stands to LOSE the support of NON -Muslims who make up between 20 and 40 per of voters in these constituencies, according to its own ground reports.

PAS LOST all 12 seats to Umno in predominantly rural Malay majority constituencies.

A PAS state lawmaker said that the support the party received from non-Muslims is dissipating.

“I don’t even know if I can retain my own seat in the next general elections. I’m on the ground, we meet the non-Malays and know they are not happy,” he said, adding that their main grouse is against the state Pas leadership, which has invited one controversy after another.

The Hasan Ali Factor.

  1. Earlier this year, PAS Commissioner Datuk Dr Hasan Ali proposed a beer ban for Muslim-majority areas and moved to empower mosques officials to arrest Muslims caught drinking.

    Although PAS attempted to explain that the proposals, which were eventually not implemented, would only affect Muslims, it triggered uneasiness among non-Muslims and created the perception that PAS was pushing a hard-line Islamic agenda.

    Non-muslims make up 47 per cent of Selangor ‘s population.

  2. Worse still, Hasan Ali has repeatedly clashed with his Pakatan Rakyat (PR) partners.

    Hasan Ali made an open challenge in the media calling for his State Executive colleague, Ronnie Liu, to resign for allegedly ordering the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) to return beer seized illegally from a 7-Eleven outlet.

  3. More recently, Hasan Ali caused another stir by undermining the authority of the special select committee for competency, accountability and transparency (Selcat) which was investigating abuse of state funds by former Barisan Nasional (BN) lawmakers just before the general elections last year.

    Hasan Ali accused Speaker Teng Chang Khim, who heads the state government watchdog, of bullying civil servants during a public inquiry into the misuse of funds.
I think we are going to be in trouble if there is no change in direction or in the state leadership,” said the Pas lawmaker.

Before the March 8 general elections, NON -Malay sentiment was to vote for any party which was not in the ruling BN coalition including PAS despite the reservations they might have had about PAS.

In subsequent by-elections, Chinese and Indians, especially in Perak, WILLINGLY voted for PAS.

In Selangor, the NEGATIVE publicity generated by PAS Selangor including forcing their values on non-Muslims cannot be discounted.

Decision of PAS Disciplinary Committee on Hasan Ali

Whether Selangor PAS continues to clash with their PR partners and alienate non-Muslims could depend on the party’s disciplinary committee.

Hasan Ali has been hauled up before the committee for “jeopardizing the party’s image.” The disciplinary committee is expected to decide on the next course of action today.

The committee could decide there is no case to answer, which would lead to status quo in the state leadership, or opt to suspend or remove Hasan Ali as PAS state commissioner, but this is UNLIKELY because of Hasan Ali's close links to PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang, who appointed him in the first place.

Thursday 24 December 2009

Why UMNO-BN Should Rot in Hell

Read here for more in ARTiculations blog


".... The public has to endure living in fear of crimes. We have to keep even our rubbish bins in locks and chains. Our drainage cover has to be welded lest it will be stolen in bright day light. Our roads and lanes have instant holes as the sewage covers are stolen.

The women can't even walk on the side of our roads for fear of being dragged to their death by handbag snatchers.

Nowhere is safe.

Not even in the police lock-ups, as Kugan found out the hard way.

Not at the MACC office either, if reports of torture and even death are to be believed.

Meanwhile, those upon whom are entrusted the duty to protect us are busy tracing individuals like Raja Petra Kamarudin.

And at the same time, billions are squandered, pillaged and stolen. PKFZ have become really dirty alphabets.

We have become, or been reduced to, a society which is shallow. We are a society which is almost bereft of any spiritual and moral guidance. As if whatever is fair is foul and foul is fair. As if the very fabric of our existent has changed. And for worse, that is.

It is little wonder that two whole jet engines could be stolen from our royal air force. It is a right royal embarrassment, by any count. But what do we care? They are old engines. We could buy thousands more. We have the money. We have oils and gas which we plunder from some states without compensation. And the persons whom we think are responsible for this shameful, dastardly and treasonous act have left.

Never mind any criminal offence which have quite obviously been committed by these people. They have after all been punished by being told to quietly leave. That was what we did to Ahmad Ismail, remember? And Isa Samad, remember?

Remember what they said in Parliament when questions were raised as to why there was no open tender for the submarines that we bought? It was said that open tenders should not be called because that will expose our national security matters unnecessarily.

Oh well, why must we worry. We still have our submarines...."

-Art Harun

Ladies and Gentlemen, and the Award goes to.....


Art Harun

The THEFT of not one, but TWO F5-E fighter jet engines from the Royal Malaysian Air Farce, eh sorry, Air Force, perhaps aptly defines the year 2009 as far as Malaysia (1 or otherwise) is concerned. (see related article BELOW)

The GE J85 Turbo-Jet Engine used in the F-5 Fighter Jets

The absurdity of it all. And not to mention the audacity of it all. And as if to further add sodium chloride to the wide gaping wounds that all of us, Malaysians, suffer every time our so called leaders forget to take their medications, we are told that so and so have been sacked or told to leave their job, some even earning pensions and whatever.

  1. First it was some plastic explosives being taken out from the storage to blow to smithereens some poor woman from far away lands, whose entry into Malaysia was erased from record. Just like that. As if C4 explosives from the people who are supposed to protect our country are just some cheap chewing gum which could be taken by anybody, at any time, for whatever reason.

  2. As if Immigration records are notations made on some scrap book which could be altered, amended or erased by anybody, at any time and for whatever reason.

    And nobody even shake their butt to do anything. No report. No investigation. No blinking nothing. Just like that.

  3. At the same time, the public has to endure living in fear of crimes. We have to keep even our rubbish bins in locks and chains. Our drainage cover has to be welded lest it will be stolen in bright day light. Our roads and lanes have instant holes as the sewage covers are stolen. The women can't even walk on the side of our roads for fear of being dragged to their death by handbag snatchers.

    Nowhere is safe.

  4. Not even in the police lock-ups, as Kugan found out the hard way.

  5. Not at the MACC office either, if reports of torture and even death are to be believed.

    Meanwhile, those upon whom are entrusted the duty to protect us are busy tracing individuals like Raja Petra Kamarudin, who apparently had so insulted Islam that he was, and still is, deemed to be a threat to national security. Even then, with all the might and powers of the State behind them, they are not able to trace him!

  6. If RPK had insulted Islam, what about those who had walked after Friday prayers with bloodied and severed cow head with the policemen standing by the side doing nothing for fear of "making the situation worse"? Haven't they insulted Islam?

  7. What about those who said non-Malays are second class citizens?

  8. And those who wrote that the Kelings are so lucky to be in Malaysia that they should just shut up and count their blessings? Oh well, they are given a pat on their shoulder because the newspaper they wrote for is the "voice of the people".

    And at the same time, billions are squandered, pillaged and stolen.

  9. PKFZ have become really dirty alphabets. And what do we all get? Yes. We get engineers, architects and some minions charged for falsifying claims and the likes. Now, the questions are, were all those false claims paid? If so, why? And who are the beneficiaries of those payments? Who authorised those payments? Aren't they guilty of something too?
Elsewhere we are the masters of sloganeering and self-glorification. We shout and scream 1 Malaysia at every possible instant and opportunity. Why? Even our mandatory "salam" has been reviewed to "Salam Satu Malaysia".

We have become, or been reduced to, a society which is shallow. Which is no deeper than our skin and the colour of it.

We are obsessed with some drama actress becoming the second wife of a Member of Parliament who ironically declared that women "leaked" once a month. Never mind the FDIs. Never mind the proposed GST. Never mind the Copenhagen Conference failing to reach any kind of tangible consensus on climate control.

Never mind. Because we are a society who love celebrities and their weddings. And divorce too.

An old Professor of mine remarked something profound to me over tea some months ago.

After leaving Malaysia for Japan for so many years, he observed that Japan had gone through a period of extreme physical and material transformations. Coming back to Malaysia briefly after some years, he also noted that Malaysia had achieved so much physical and material transformations, just like Japan.

But there is one marked difference.

Japan and her people have not seen their values and honour change. Their values and old aged honour are still part of their society. They still know their responsibilities. Their duty to account. They still possess a deep sense of honour. And all that despite their physical and material achievements.

Malaysia and her people, according to him, have lost their sense of honour. We have changed our values. We are now measured not by our honesty, honour and sense of responsibility.

We are now measured by the location of our house and mansions; by the Cayennes, X6 and whatever road going behemoth that we drive; by how much power we could wield to bend the rules and laws in our favour; by how much favour we could call our friends in high places to do us.

And of course by the trophy wives and girl friends (and vice versa) who are seen beside us with the obligatory gold and diamond crusted watch, LV handbag and Blahnik shoes.

Because that is what we are now. How we acquire those material possessions is not important.

The question is what we do possess.

We are a society which is almost bereft of any spiritual and moral guidance. As if whatever is fair is foul and foul is fair. As if the very fabric of our existent has changed. And for worse, that is.

It is little wonder that two whole jet engines could be stolen from our royal air force. It is a right royal embarrassment, by any count.

But what do we care? They are old engines. We could buy thousands more. We have the money. We have oils and gas which we plunder from some states without compensation. And the persons whom we think are responsible for this shameful, dastardly and treasonous act have left.

Never mind any criminal offence which have quite obviously been committed by these people. They have after all been punished by being told to quietly leave.

That was what we did to Ahmad Ismail, remember? And Isa Samad, remember? We dealt with them internally. They have served their sentence. And they, as everybody else, deserve a second, or even a third, chance. Why? Even Anwar Ibrahim, a convicted criminal, is now a Member of Parliament.

And so we are told that we do have a full-proof system which would ensure these kind of things do not happen. But is this system fool-proof? Because if it is not, then there will always be some fools who can't even operate within a full-proof system. That is quite obvious.

And so we are told that there will not be a cover up. Yes, we, the people expect that there will be no cover up.

But of course what constitute a "cover-up" is subject to interpretation, isn't it?

Like "we will not discuss it ever ever because the matter concerns national security". Is that a cover up?

Or "we cannot charge them because matters concerning national security should not be discussed in open Courts". Is that a cover-up?

Or "we can only charge them behind closed doors because the matter concerns national security". Is that a cover-up?

And we are left to wonder how it all happen. And why did it take a full year before the whole magical act was discovered by our ever vigilant military who is supposed to protect our nation from rogues countries, evil terrorists, Islam-insulting individuals scum of the Earth and hell and Ketuanan Melayu evil objectors who really should just go back to wherever they came from (never mind the fact that these people were born in this country).

And quite why it takes another full year before this event is made known to all of us, the stupid, gullible and irrelevant stakeholders of the military?

Well, never mind. We will tell you what we think is relevant. And at the most opportune moment as deemed by us.

Would it be a severe case of paranoia if we, the people, start to wonder what else has been stolen from our military? Like our defence strategy? Or tactical blueprint? After all, these are sensitive and highly protected secrets (or supposed to be).

Remember what they said in Parliament when questions were raised as to why there was no open tender for the submarines that we bought? It was said that open tenders should not be called because that will expose our national security matters unnecessarily.

Oh well, why must we worry. We still have our submarines.


From the Star

Missing Jet Engines "Found"

The missing RM50mil jet engines have been 'found' - they are in Argentina.

It is learnt the General Electric J85-21A afterburner turbojet engines (the power plant for the single-seater F-5E Tiger 11 and RF-5E Tigereye) were shipped off from Port Klang to a third country before ending up in Argentina.

All documents on the sale and shipping of the parts are said to be originals.

It is believed that the engines are in the possession of an individual. A quick search over the Internet revealed that the Argentina military does not use the F-5E Tiger 11 and RF-5E Tigereye.

Several senior Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) officers, including generals, are expected to be quizzed by police in connection with the theft.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hasan said police would question the generals although four people, including three low-ranking RMAF personnel, had been arrested and released on bail for their alleged role in the theft.

'We need to question all of them as it is not easy to just cart away the engines without authorisation and proper documents. Our investigators have so far seized and recovered several documents pertaining to the sale and shipping of the engines,' he said.

Police have also seized and frozen the property of the local jet engine buyer, said to be worth millions of ringgit, as they believe the assets were bought from ill-gotten gains.

It is learnt that the properties - a double-storey bungalow, two luxury condominium units and cash in the bank - were seized under the Anti-Money Laundering Act.

More people are expected to be quizzed and more assets seized as investigations continue.

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the engines were discovered missing from the Sungai Besi RMAF airbase during routine maintenance service. Also missing were its maintenance and service records.

He said a brigadier-general and 40 other armed forces personnel had been sacked over the incident.

Meanwhile, Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail has given an assurance that his Chambers would go 'all out' in this case.

'It is a serious matter. I need a full investigation,' he said in New Delhi.