Friday 31 July 2009

Himpunan Mansuhkan ISA - 1 Ogos, 2009 (SABTU),Kuala Lumpur

PAS has made it COMPULSORY for ALL of its members to participate in an anti-Internal Security Act (ISA) rally in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow, said its vice-president Salahuddin Ayub.

He added that the party’s spiritual leader Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat and president Abdul Hadi Awang have given the nod for the rally.

He also said the duo, who are Islamic scholars, had also decreed that the rally would NOT be haram or forbidden by Islam.

Read here for more
akan mengadakan perhimpunan di ibu negara pada 1 Ogos, 2009 (Sabtu) ini sempena penyerahan memorandum kepada Istana Negara
menggesa supaya Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA)

Tanggal 1 Ogos 2009 juga adalah tahun ke-49 ISA diluluskan Parlimen.

Kenyataan Umum Dari:

Kamaruzaman Mohamad
Setiausaha Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat.
Timbalan Pengarah
Himpunan Mansuh ISA

" Sekretariat Himpunan Aman Mansuhkan ISA mengumumkan tempat berhimpun dan pergerakan himpunan (1 Ogos, 2009) seperti berikut:

1. Tempat berhimpun dan negeri-negeri berkaitan:

a. Sogo:
Peserta-peserta dari Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang dan Perak

b. Masjid Jame Kuala Lumpur:
Peserta-peserta dari Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang dan Wilayah Persekutuan

c. Masjid Negara:
Peserta-peserta dari Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan dan Selangor.

(Peserta-peserta himpunan aman dikehendaki berkumpul mengikut negeri masing-masing)

2. Perarakan ke Istana Negara akan dimulakan tepat jam 2 petang untuk menyerahkan Deklarasi Rakyat membantah ISA

3. Semua peserta dikehendaki mengikut arahan pihak keselamatan (Jabatan Amal) yang berpakaian merah

4. Peserta digalakkan masuk awal ke Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur dengan meggunakan kenderaan awam untuk mengelakkan kesesakan

Related Article

Testimoni Anak Seorang Tahanan ISA
Petik Dari Harakah Daily

Nama saya Suhaib. Saya berusia 16 tahun.

Ketika bapa saya, Mat Sah Satray ditahan di bawah ISA pada 18 April tahun 2002, saya berusia 8 tahun 5 bulan.

Saya masih terlalu kecil dan tidak dapat mengingati semua peristiwa. Ketika itu saya sedang tidur, tetapi terjaga apabila beberapa orang polis masuk ke bilik tidur saya dan dengan kasar menyelak cadar, mengangkat hujung tilam, menarik rak baju, membuka serta menutup almari pakaian hingga mengeluarkan bunyi kuat yang membuatkan saya terjaga.

Umi, panggilan saya pada emak, mendukung saya dan diletakkan di sebelah abah yang ketika itu duduk di sofa di ruang tamu.

Aku menoleh ke arah Abah dan nampak kedua-dua tangannya bergari.

Aku menangis kerana terlalu takut melihat gari itu. Gambaran gari yang melengkar di kedua-dua belah tangan Abah amat sukar untuk hilang dari minda saya......

Agak lama juga POLIS menggeledah rumah kami.

Seorang wanita sibuk menyoal Abah dan Umi bergilir-gilir dan kemudian menulis sesuatu di atas kertas. Manakala lima orang lelaki yang lain, sibuk membuka rak buku Abah, mengeluarkan Quran dan buku-buku agama serta menyelak-nyelak setiap muka surat dengan pantas.

Saya tidak tahu, apa yang mereka cari. Tidak lama selepas itu, mereka membawa Abah masuk ke dalam van putih. Umi dukung saya dan kami berdua sempat melambai tangan kepada Abah. Sebaik sahaja van putih hilang dari pandangan, aku menangis lagi sambil memanggil-manggil Abah. Saya baring di riba Umi hingga tertidur...

Saya bagaikan melalui satu mimpi buruk di mana Abah dilarikan dari rumah oleh sekumpulan lelaki. Bila terjaga dari tidur, saya mencari Abah di semua bilik termasuk bilik air tetapi tidak ditemui. Saya mendapatkan Umi yang sedang membancuh minuman untuk bertanya tentang Abah, tetapi saya nampak Umi juga sedang menangis....

Saya asyik teringatkan Abah. Dari pagi saya tunggu Abah, tengah hari, hinggalah cuaca gelap dan masuk waktu maghrib, Abah masih juga belum pulang.

Saya mula menangis kerana rindukan Abah... Ketika itu telefon rumah berdering, saya dan Umi berlari ke arah telefon tetapi apabila gagang diangkat, tiada siapa yang bercakap di hujung talian....

Tujuh (7) Tahun Telah Berlalu

Peristiwa buruk itu telah berlalu tujuh tahun yang lalu, namun ianya sukar untuk hilang semuanya dari fikiran saya. Tujuh tahun lalu Abah saya dibawa pergi, hingga kini beliau tidak pernah balik ke rumah kami.

Pada tahun 2009 ini, maknanya hampir separuh usia saya membesar tanpa belaian kasih sayang, bimbingan dan sentuhan Abah walaupun beliau masih hidup. Saya membesar bertemankan barang-barang peribadinya seperti jam tangan, dompet, baju, seluar, kain pelikat dan buku-buku beliau.

Saya sekadar mengikuti nasihat dan kata-kata beliau melalui surat-surat kirimannya. Jika rasa terlalu rindu padanya, saya akan pakai baju, seluar dan kain pelikat beliau. Saya letak gambar Abah di dompet duit bersebelahan dengan gambar saya.

Umi akan memastikan kami melawat Abah sekurang-kurangnya dua kali sebulan. Namun waktu lawatan selama 45 minit itu jauh dari mencukupi untuk Abah menghilangkan rindu, memberikan bimbingan, tunjuk ajar serta melepaskan kasih sayangnya kepada saya.

Satu peristiwa yang tidak dapat dilupakan ialah ketika lawatan pertama ke Kem pada 24 Jun 2002. Setelah hampir tiga minggu tidak melihat Abah sejak pertemuan terakhir di Bukit Aman, saya rasa terlalu rindu kepadanya.

Kami berbual selama 45 minit dan di akhir pertemuan, Abah dibenarkan keluar dari bilik kurungan untuk bersalaman dengan saya dan Umi. Abah mengangkat, mendukung dan mencium saya berkali-kali.

Saya terlalu rindukan Abah dan apabila warden bertugas menyuruh Abah masuk kembali ke bilik kurungan, saya menangis dan tidak mahu melepaskan pegangan pada lengan Abah...

Bagaikan Binatang di Zoo

Sejak hari pertama penahanan Abah hinggalah di saat ini, saya tidak pernah berpeluang mengerjakan solat dan membaca quran bersama beliau. Saya tidak mengharapkan duit belanja atau keluar membeli belah kerana memahami semua itu tidak mungkin dapat dilakukan bersama.

Namun, satu perkara yang lebih memedihkan bermula pada bulan April 2005, kami keluarga tahanan hanya dibenarkan bertemu menggunakan interkom di sebalik dinding kaca lutsinar. Bila sahaja melihat Abah di sebalik cermin kaca, hati saya terasa hancur...

Ketika itu, saya teringat binatang di zoo yang diletakkan di dalam kotak kaca. Apakah dosa dan kesalahan Abah diperlakukan sedemikian rupa.

Sejak tarikh itu, setiap kali melawat Abah, saya hanya berpeluang bercakap melalui interkom dan duduk di sebalik kaca. Saya hanya dapat melihat wajah Abah, tetapi tidak dapat menyentuhnya...hati ini memang pedih yang teramat sangat.

Tujuh tahun saya dipisahkan dari Abah, namun tiada sebarang tanda beliau akan dibebaskan. Walaupun pada tahun 2009 ini ada dua pembebasan beramai-ramai yang mendapat tempat di dada media, namun nama Abah saya tiada dalam kedua-dua senarai pembebasan tersebut....

Perpisahan dengan Abah benar-benar membuat saya rasa rendah diri dan terpinggir. Saya terlalu ingin menjalani kehidupan harian bersama Abah. Saya ingin makan, berbual, bergurau senda dan melakukan pelbagai aktiviti harian bersamanya. Saya juga punya keinginan mempunyai keluarga yang lengkap, sama seperti orang lain.

Hingga kini saya tidak faham kenapa Abah saya, seorang yang pendiam dan mudah tersenyum, masih juga BELUM dibebaskan.

Saya tidak tahu apakah sebenarnya kesalahan beliau kerana tahanan ISA lain yang ditahan bersama Abah tujuh tahun dulu, hampir semuanya telah pun dibebaskan... namun Abah masih tetap dikurung di Kem.

Saya setuju dengan pendapat Umi bahawa Abah sepatutnya dibicarakan di mahkamah.

Kalau benar ada bukti menyatakan dia salah, sekurang-kurangnya hakim akan menetapkan, bilakah tarikh akhir dia menjalani kehidupan sebagai banduan.

Saya amat sedih mengenangkan kehidupan Abah dalam ketidakpastian selama tujuh tahun dan terus berlarutan.

Saya akan terus berdoa pada Allah supaya Abah segera dibebaskan...

*Testimoni ini ditulis oleh Suhaib Mat Sah, anak kepada tahanan ISA Mat Sah Satray. Mat Sah Satray ditahan sejak tahun 2002, dituduh terlibat dalam aktiviti Jemaah Islamiah, namun tidak pernah dibuktikan di mahkamah. Dipetik daripada blog merdekareview.

Reporter Tan Hoon Cheng - Ex-ISA detainee
(She was arrested under ISA simply for reporting the news about the racist Ahmad Ismail)
Read here for more: Press Statement from the Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF)

21 Jun 1960
Ucapan Tun Abdul Razak Husain,
Timbalan Perdana Menteri merangkap Menteri Pertahanan,

Rang Undang-undang (Keselamatan Dalam Negeri) dibawa ke Dewan Rakyat
Tuan Yang Dipertua, saya suka hendak terangkan sedikit berkenaan dasar Rang Undang-undang (Keselamatan Dalam Negeri) ini.
Seperti Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat ketahui bahawa Kerajaan bercadang hendak menamatkan darurat yang ada pada ketika sesudah 12 setengah tahun lama-nya iaitu akan tamat pada 31 haribulan Julai.

Oleh itu mustahaklah diadakan Rang Undang-undang termasuklah Rang Undang-undang Keselamatan Dalam Negeri atau Internal Security Bill.

Seperti yang telah diterangkan, kerap kali bahawa sungguhpun Darurat akan tamat pada 31 haribulan Julai ini, tetapi musuh iaitu pengganas KOMUNIS masih lagi ada di negeri kita di antara sempadan Tanah Melayu.

Sudah saya terangkan tadi lebih kurang 580 orang lagi pengganas KOMUNIS di sempadan Tanah Melayu dan barangkali 90 orang lagi ada dalam negeri Tanah Melayu. Jadi, mustahak-lah kita mengadakan satu undang-undang supaya dapat Kerajaan meneruskan serangan terhadap pengganas-pengganas KOMUNIS ini supaya dapat dihapuskan dengan seberapa segera.

Begitu juga oleh sebab musuh masih ada dalam negeri kita yang mana musuh itu disebabkan dan memikirkan yang mereka itu telah kalah dalam peperangan yang akan menjalankan seberapa usaha tenaganya dengan cara meresap subversif hendak menjatuhkan Kerajaan negeri ini dan hendak merosakkan keamanan. Oleh sebab itu, mustahak-lah kita mengadakan undang-undang bagi mencegah atau melawan anasir-anasir subversif itu.

Undang-undang atau Rang Undang-undang yang ada ini bertujuan satu bagi hendak menjalankan peperangan di sempadan antara Tanah Melayu dengan Siam supaya pengganas komunis akan dihapuskan dengan segera. Kedua, hendak mencegah anasir-anasir pengganas KOMUNIS yang ada dalam negeri ini yang menjalankan pekerjaan dengan cara meresap atau subversif.

Berkenaan dengan bahagian yang kedua Rang Undang-undang ini iaitu bagi melawan pengganas KOMUNIS di sempadan Siam, dan oleh sebab peperangan akan diteruskan maka terpaksalah diadakan kuasa-kuasa yang banyak sedikit pada pihak Kerajaan dan pihak tentera dan juga pihak Polis bagi menjalankan tugas mereka itu.

Oleh sebab itulah didapati bahagian yang kedua dalam Rang Undang-undang ini ada kuasa yang besar itu diberi setengah dari pihak Kerajaan dan pihak pegawai-pegawai tentera, akan tetapi kuasa itu hanya-lah boleh digunakan dalam kawasan-kawasan yang TERTENTU yang telah diisytiharkan menjadi security areas (kawasan keselamatan), dan Kerajaan hendak menjadikan di-kawasan sempadan Siam ia-itu kawasan-kawasan di sebelah utara negeri Perlis, sebelah timur negeri Kedah, di utara negeri Perak, dan sebelah barat negeri Kelantan.

Kawasan yang LAIN TIDAK akan dijadikan 'security area'.

Jadi, kawasan yang kedua dalam Rang Undang-undang ini akan digunakan dalam tempat yang tersebut sahaja. Berkenaan bahagian yang pertama dalam Rang Undang-undang ini sebagaimana yang saya katakan tadi bahawa kuasa yang dikehendaki itu supaya hendak mencegah anasir-anasir subversif yang ada dalam Tanah Melayu ini. Dan fasal yang mustahak sekali dalam bahagian ini ialah bahagian Fasal 8 berkenaan dengan kuasa hendak mempertahankan orang yang difikirkan merbahaya kapada Keselamatan dalam Negeri.

Saya suka terangkan di sini Kerajaan TIDAK suka hendak memberi perintah supaya seseorang itu ditahan. Akan tetapi oleh sebab difikirkan kadang-kadang mustahak kerana keselamatan negeri, maka terpaksa di-gunakan kuasa ini. Dan apabila seseorang itu telah ditahan, Kerajaan berusaha supaya mereka itu dapat dilepaskan dengan seberapa segera.

Semenjak tahun 1957 hampir 200 orang tahanan telah dikeluarkan, bagitu juga orang yang ditahan sekarang apabila Kerajaan berpendapat mereka itu tidak lagi merbahayakan kepada keselamatan negeri dan mereka itu benar-benar taat setia kapada negeri ini, mereka itu akan dilepas dan dibebaskan dengan saberapa segera. Jadi itulah caranya Kerajaan menjalankan kuasa yang ada di dalam tangan Kerajaan pada masa yang telah lalu.

Dan saya boleh memberi akuan kapada Dewan ini bahawa kuasa-kuasa yang akan diberi kapada Kerajaan akan digunakan dengan cermatnya dan dengan semata-mata memikirkan kepada kepentingan dan keselamatan negeri.

Oleh itu, saya harap Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat akan memberi sokongan kapada Rang Undang-undang ini.

Thursday 30 July 2009

P. Waytha Moorthy and P. Uthayakumar are Opportunists and Pretenders

Following article is reposted from Tumpang sekole blog. Read here for more

I believe Waytha Moorthy should stop his nonsense.

It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black. He has yet to come clean on his own actions.

On what authority is he issuing statements as Hindraf chairman?

Does the original Hindraf exist?

When and who elected him as Hindraf chairman or as the spokesman for the Indian community?

Did he read the Sunday Star? The article clearly traces Hindraf's origin and how he was appointed its chairman. It also provided photographic evidence. But he has been behaving as if Hindraf is his family property. How come?

He and his brother promised the poor Indians that they stand a 50:50 chance of winning the class action suit againt the British government? What has happened to the case?

Promising there is a good chance of winning the case, both of them collected funds from these poor people throughout the country.

It is estimated that the total amount collected is RM8 million, which is now being held by his family members. How much was actually collected? Where are the accounts?

Have the villagers really been living there continously for 200 years? Where is the evidence? I visited the village and learnt that the families have been living there for 30 to 40 years. They are not the descendants of the original indentured labourers who were brought by the Brown family to work in the plantations 200 years ago.

Just to refresh on Malaysian Indian history, up to the 1910s only indentured labourers, mostly men, were brought to work in plantations. They never settled here because they either died due to diseases or were sent back to India when they were too weak to continue working.

There is no evidence that it is a TRADITIONAL Indian village.

Where is the temple?

Where is the Tamil school?

Where are the bullock carts? The fake bullock cart the MIC goons used to demonstrate in Penang was only made a few weeks ago.

The houses in the village resemble the ones in the Sungai Way new village.

But I agree the current residents were the rightful owners of the land and they have been unjustly classified as "squatters."

They deserve a just compensation and should be resettle properly.

I can go on...suffice to say Waytha Moorthy and his brother are the biggest OPPORTUNISTS and pretenders. It's a matter of time before they are exposed for what they truly represent.


Wednesday 29 July 2009

Updated ! The Sickening Bastards in the Malay Mainstream Newspaper Strike Again

UPDATE: 31st July 2009:

Kosmo! issued a front-page apology to Yasmin's family on 30 July.

But the damage to Yasmin's reputation has been irreversibly done.
The journalists in Utusan Malaysia and KOSMO should use their their God-given brains before writing their articles.,... and should read the Al-Quran more often for divine guidance against bad attitudes and behaviour.

And this is NOT the first time these journalists have shown bad attitudes and behaviour to fellow Malaysians.


Utusan Malaysia-owned Kosmo tabloid, headlined “Takdir Yasmin” about the celebrated movie-maker Yasmin Ahmad, who died last Saturday from a stroke, suggesting that "Yasmin had duped everyone and had attempted to hide who she really was.”

The article has touched off a storm of protest from her friends in the media and advertising industry.

The newspaper article chose to focus on how she should have been buried, and is being seen as a gross invasion of privacy as well as being highly insensitive to her family.

A letter has been drafted by former and current journalists protesting against Kosmo’s story.

The letter is addressed to Utusan chairman Tan Sri Hashim Makaruddin and a copy is expected to be sent to the Home Minister.

The Utusan-Malaysia-owned Kosmo article headlined “Takdir Yasmin” was described in the letter as “despicable, vile and cruel.”

The letter said,
" Yasmin’s family was grieving and at their most vulnerable. Yet your editor saw fit to run a story that showed utter disregard for the late Malaysian filmmaker, her family and the many Malaysians who still mourn her.

The front-page copy… suggesting that Yasmin had duped everyone and had attempted to hide who she really was. ”

Obviously, your editor has never encountered the loss of anyone dear, or a vicious attack on loved ones.

Yes, you carried tributes both in this story and others. But all these failed to mask the real intention of your paper and its editor, which was to defame and destroy Yasmin’s good name with salacious gossip.

If your only criterion is to sell newspapers, you achieved your goal. But if your objective is to practice ethical journalistic conduct and act with humanity, you have failed — miserably.”
The death of Yasmin, who was 51, has been widely mourned.

She was considered one of Malaysia’s most creative sparks, with her annual Petronas television advertisements never failing to touch the public.

Her prowess as a movie-maker came to light with the movie “Sepet” when she explored race relations and young love.

She was considered one of the few Malaysian movie-makers who was willing to tackle the subjects of race and religion with her movies and television commercials.

The subject of her movies frequently got her into confrontation with the censorship board.

The newspaper articles which have sparked protest chose, however, to focus on how she should have been buried, and are being seen as a gross invasion of privacy as well as being highly insensitive to her family.

campaign against the newspapers is a rare coming together of journalists and advertising agencies in an attempt to punish the newspapers, and is testament to the large number of friends who are still willing to stand up for her.

Utusan Malaysia should apologise over an article that appeared to suggest political aide Teoh Beng Hock, whose suspicious death has sparked public outrage, was aware of alleged misappropriation of funds by Selangor executive councillors, says Kampung Tunku assemblyman Lau Weng San.

In the article “Selangor Oh Selangor 2: Apa ada dalam notebook Beng Hock” ( Selangor Oh Selangor 2: What was in Beng Hock’s notebook), the unnamed writer speculated that Teoh was nervous when his computer notebook was accessed by the interrogators.

Lau told reporters that the article was highly speculative and misleading because it suggested that Teoh was guilty of a crime.

I think they should withdraw the statement and offer an apology to the family of the late Teoh Beng Hock because it has implied that Beng Hock is guilty of something. I think the police should investigate whether the article is true or not. If it is not true then Utusan should take responsibility,” he said.

He also wants the writer of the newspaper lodge a report to help with the investigation into Teoh's death if he has exclusive information which could help the police.

Lau today lodged a police report here and confirmed that more reports against Utusan would be lodged soon in relation to other articles.
HERE FOR MORE article by Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani

The Making of a Future Prime Minister

Text of the Keynote Speech by Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

at The Fourth Oxbridge-Malaysia Dinner Dialogue Series

Thursday, 9 July, 2009

Hosted by the Oxford & Cambridge Society of Malaysia at the Bankers Club

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for your invitation for me to speak today. When I accepted your kind offer, I was ‘party-less.’ But things have now changed. I have drawn my line in the sand. And I have chosen sides. Today, I am a proud member of Parti Keadilan Rakyat.

Today I am persuaded by the argument that for Malaysia to have democracy and the Rule of Law, we must have a new government; a viable inclusive government of the people; a government for all Malaysians. Today I am dedicated to the cause of securing the success of Parti Keadilan and Pakatan Rakyat, and ensuring that it galvanises the best talents and ideas to form a robust alternative Malaysian political force to lead the nation, to deliver true integration and nationhood.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This country was established as a secular multicultural and multi-religious democracy a’la the Westminster model. The Constitution, however, provides for a special position for the Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak. They unfortunately omitted to include the Orang Asli in this special category, although they were naturally the first original inhabitants of this country. All they got was a Jabatan Orang Asli.

The special provisions for Bumiputras under Article 153 do not make them more special than other citizens, for the fighters of independence did not envisage an Orwellian society where some are more equal than others. The acceptance of equality of rights as citizens is central to the success of our Malaysian journey.

When the Prime Minister announced his ‘1Malaysia’ slogan, I asked if that meant he would make a declaration that all Malaysians are equal. The answer was not forthcoming till today. All he said was rights must be understood in the context of responsibilities. Another fuzzy reply When critics asked if ‘1Malaysia’ is an affirmation of the rights of ALL the citizens under the Constitution, an affirmation of the multicultural and multi-religious nature of our country; and that the principles of Rukun Negara will continue to be the mainstay of our society, I say no.

My detractors then say that my views are fodder for the egos and insecurities of those who detest the constitutional position of the Malays. They say I work too hard at being a Malaysian and by doing so, I have forgotten my roots and responsibilities to the Malays. And that no right thinking Malay, who truly understands what is at stake, would ever support me. I know my heritage. I know my humble beginnings. And I know my roots and responsibilities as a Malay. They are wrong.

To them, let me say this: UMNO – being hidden in a cave for so long and concealed from the real world -have almost abandoned the idea of a shared and common nationhood. They believe that for so long as the MCA and the MIC remain with them as partners of convenience; that is sufficient to build a nation. They think it’s sufficient to forge a new nation by electoral arrangements. The MCA and the MIC also think it’s sufficient for nationhood if they remain business partners of UMNO.

A new united Malaysia can only come true when UMNO changes and abandons racial politics and the politics of racial hegemony. Or when the Malays can be made to understand that patronage, authoritarianism and nationalist extremism, which underpins UMNO’s style of leadership, does more harm to the community and the country than good.

That Malays themselves must break from the shackles of narrow nationalism so that they may realise self-actualisation and emancipation. The first is difficult to achieve but I take it as my responsibility to try and achieve the second.

Let me now get into the subject of the speech by giving you an understanding about how UMNO ticks. This, to me, is critical in order for you to appreciate what hope we have for the preservation of the Rule of Law and Democracy in Malaysia.

At the heart of UMNO’s philosophy on leadership is a conviction that there is an inherent, almost ‘divine’ right to retain power at all costs.

This is so for two reasons: Firstly because THEY ASSUME that they are the only political force, by way of Barisan Nasional, to offer a workable power-sharing leadership of this nation.

And secondly, because THEY BELIEVE that the Malay hegemony that UMNO maintains is necessary to prevent the Malays from becoming marginalised.

It is these beliefs that are at the centre of UMNO’s self-indulgent sense of indispensability and self-importance that is today causing them to steer the nation to an authoritarian rule.

It is this sense of self-importance that is accountable for the authoritarianism in leadership and government.

It is this that has helped justify in their minds their right to quell anyone who threatens the status quo, whether it be a group of politicians or activists protesting against abuses in government or a group of Indians protesting against their treatment and lack of opportunities or a previous Deputy Prime Minister who was no longer in step with the ‘Big Boss.’

It does not matter. Self-preservation demands expedience at all costs to resolve any impending threat.

But there is more.

Since the hegemony is protected by policies that benefit the elites and other powerful forces, this sense of self-importance become even more dangerous. Because it justifies why real checks and balances against governmental abuses can be done away with. It justifies trampling on fundamental safeguards in the Federal Constitution in the last 20 years.

But there is more.

If you are on the cause of preserving the rights of the elites, the oligarchs, then it brings you no shame to have a former UMNO lawyer as Chief Justice; in fact, you become proud of that achievement.

Even if the Attorney-General had committed many errors in the discharge of his functions and duties, a well-known fact amongst the legal fraternity, you will not change him; nor would you change the Chief of Police despite so many reports of transgressions committed by him.

All for the ‘Malay cause’ they would say!

And if you are on the Bench writing your judgement on the Perak fiasco; you can tailor it to suit your master’s political interests, and you will be lauded for that.

The ‘MALAY CAUSE ’ is everything. The Constitution can wait; sound legal reasoning can wait, justice can wait..

But there is more.

Many in UMNO see the hegemony as a ‘be all and end all,’ with the power sharing between component parties as being a means to an end.

Ketuanan Melayu, a mantra of Malay supremacy, has gained ground instead of receding over time. More accurately it is Ketuanan ELIT Melayu as the majority of the Malays have found out to their dismay.

What is the price that we ultimately pay as a nation, if this pernicious doctrine is embraced by many? Clearly to start with, we would continue to be cursed with a non-transparent government without the capability of functioning in a way that respects the rule of law. We will be cursed for having laws that oppress, that curtail and suffocate the basic freedoms of the people.

We now have a set of rules for the elites and one for the rakyat, one for Barisan Nasional and one for Pakatan Rakyat.

If the public believes that the government is not beholden to a set of commonly revered values and principles, and its actions are tainted by racial biases, there will continue to be physical and emotional segregation of communities, regardless of how many times we change the slogans to break such divisiveness. The notion of creating a free and democratic Malaysia therefore becomes unachievable.

The ultimate price that the country suffers from the present political culture is that the Malays and non-Malays will continue to be DENIED a sense of ownership of Malaysia’s nation-building journey. And instead of becoming partners in this voyage to mature nationhood, they continue to bicker and remain suspicious and distrustful of one another. Because of this segregation, the government is unable to set a new direction for the country.

Because of racial polarisation, the people are not ready to accept a multi-racial dimension for this country. As a result, we are not able to enact or even discuss comprehensive national policies whether it is regarding the police, education or judicial and civil service reforms. The distrust of the communities will prevent objective appraisals and solutions to the problems.

Ethnic interests take precedence over national interests. National interests become a strange and fearful concept. And there will continue to be a brain drain of Malaysian talents who would have decided that they would rather make their homes elsewhere. This is a high price that the country can ill-afford to pay given the increasingly challenging global outlook.

Authoritarianism, patronage, and nationalist extremism from any quarter destroy the key ingredients necessary for the Malaysian community to really build on and retain that wealth and knowledge.

Competitiveness and true economic and scholastic success, is a function of instilling in the hearts and minds of beneficiaries a set of new behaviours, around the capacity and desire to take personal accountability, to trust one another, to be achievement-oriented, to develop a sense of curiosity, a sense of solidarity that go beyond our own ethnic clans and groups; so that together, we are to be able to build this country.

We must do away with unprincipled politics, with Machiavellian methods but instead seek to change with reforms that encourage the development of a viable democracy and a prosperous country for all.

The government says it hopes to amend up to 33 laws, which involve discretionary powers to the Home Minister, beginning with the controversial Internal Security Act (ISA) in the next Parliament session. Let’s hope and see if this will bear fruit.

Authoritarianism in government will continue albeit in a different guise, unless the whole of the ISA, Official Secrets Act, the Sedition Act and similar such laws are abolished. This would be an example of good governance. However authoritarian policies will most likely continue while corruption is rampant when the elites need protection from their misdeeds. Najib will not be able to change any of these.

Perak State Government

The whole cloak-and-dagger story of intrigue about the overthrow of the Pakatan Rakyat government gave rise to much suspicion about Najib’s style, well before he took office. He could have allayed fears that he would not be one to resort to below-the-belt tactics in his leadership by calling for fresh elections.

Najib’s unwillingness to dissolve the Perak Assembly has gotten the country deeper into a political quagmire.

By doing so he will also help the Federal Court judges from having to come up with a convoluted legal reasoning, like that of the Court of Appeal, to please the Prime Minister.

Malay Unity Talk

This is again Najib’s idea to strengthen himself. If PAS were to support UMNO under the guise of a ‘unity government,’ a viable alternative to Barisan Nasional at the next elections will be seriously undermined. Najib wanted the internal difficulties between Pakatan Rakyat parties to continue and fester as the mainstream media went full steam ahead to ensure Pakatan’s demise.

Let me assure you that such a scenario will not happen. Pakatan will only get stronger. Pakatan has its weaknesses but we do not have the culture of hegemony.

We do not suppress dissent. Hence you will hear of occasional disagreements. You will hear of occasional flare-ups; but PAS, Keadilan and DAP are committed to finding ways to strengthen their partnership. They will not break up. Instead they will form a formidable coalition that will be ready to provide an alternative government to the people.

Today Malaysians are suffering the deleterious effect of a stagnating world economy, and the GDP will contract by 4.4 percent according to the World Bank. FDI’s continue to fall while talent is being lost. The standard of education and the skill sets including the command of English, necessary for the workforce to remain globally competitive continues to plummet. Now after spending billions on teaching Science and Maths in English in the last 6 years, the Government has announced the reversal of the policy effective 2012.

One wonders if the farcical National Service programme, which is neither a national service nor an educational programme will be scrapped too.

Crimes and home security issues have increased since 2003 and these remain major concerns of the people. In the 1998 case of Anwar Ibrahim, allegations by the investigating officer himself of tampering with evidence by the IGP and the A-G have not been answered satisfactorily. Of course the government had formed a certain panel comprising three ex-judges deliberating in a secret place. Not surprisingly the Panel cleared them.

The findings of the Royal Commission in the Lingam case have not been acted upon in a satisfactory manner also. And many high profile cases reported to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) remain unattended. Such is the state of the Rule of Law in Malaysia. Will Najib attend to these issues? Certainly not.

All Najib can do is to announce the scrapping of some outdated policies that he had little choice but to do it anyway, as part of the demands of the international and ASEAN trade agreements. After decades of the NEP, the 30% equity requirement in companies listed amongst the 27 services sub-sectors are taken away. Also the Foreign Investment Committee regulating investments in Malaysia, have been scrapped.

The reasoning of the government, which is disputed by many Malays, is that the Bumiputra participation in the relevant services sub-sectors are satisfactory and hence the removal of the quota requirement.

Whilst the move has made Najib popular in the short term, it will come back to haunt him. Economics and social justice require him to address the larger question of disparities in income of the people. The plight and grievances of ordinary people will not be redressed by one or two populist policies.

On the question of the preservation of the Rule of Law and Democracy, Najib did nothing and probably will continue to do nothing. He should have acted as if he has only 100 days before his reign comes to an end. He should have embraced Roosevelt’s dictum, “there is nothing to fear but fear itself,” and embarked on far-reaching policies to give back judicial power to the Courts, to give back integrity, trust and respectability to governmental institutions like the Police, the Attorney-General’s Office, the Election Commission; that of which Malaysia desperately needs. In doing so, he can show the people he was prepared to sacrifice his neck if that is required of him.

He should not have started the Perak Debacle but since it had already gotten under way, he should have had the courage to win back the support of the people by allowing for the dissolution of the Legislative Assembly.

Instead of embarking on the inane idea of UMNO-PAS unity – confirming the suspicion that he is like his Deputy who only understands UMNO-PAS unity at the expense of everything else – Najib should have called for a national debate amongst all leaders of major political parties for a serious discussion on key and core values for the country.

The problems in our country are not race or religion based but BN has worked very hard to make them so. It’s always about the Rakyat against the elites or the powerful oligarchs that run and control the country’s institutions and wealth. The Rakyat for too long have become pawns in this political game where the race and religious issues are being played out to divide them.

Najib should have started his administration with pushing through a Race Relations Act that will punish racism and racist speeches and writings from all quarters, even if it’s from leaders of his own part and from Utusan Malaysia. This single greatest impediment to Malaysians being united and working together for the common good is racist policies in Malaysia.

Racism here is not the same kind that the Anglo Saxon whites have over blacks and coloureds (or vice-versa) for many years. It’s not the apartheid kind of racism where whites generally believe they are superior to blacks and coloureds in genetics and all spheres of life.

Our racism is driven more by ethnic distrust and ethnic rivalry for the economic cake. They are mainly economic and culture in nature based on the fear that the wealth of the country will be taken away by the Chinese and vice-versa. But it’s just as divisive and dangerous.

It refers to both institutionalised racism and those exhibited by individuals.

Malaysia needs to combat this problem because it’s particularly acute. Because we have three major races that did not have the luxury of time for natural assimilation or the time to gel and live in harmony, we need legislation and governmental support to push through the unity factors and manage the divisive factors found in the community.

To bring about a truly united ‘1Malaysia,’ our Prime Minister must not always refer to the deprivation of the Malays suffered under the British. No amount of wallowing of the past can change history nor can we just tell the Chinese and the Indians how grateful they should be for events taking place 100 years ago.

Equally he cannot just be happy that he has the MCA and the MIC taking care of the non-Malays. He has to do more to make sure that the non-Malays are equally responsible and generous with the Malays. Will they open their businesses to the Malays? Will they give credit on the same terms they do to their own clans?

But at the same time, the people, including the Malays, must be convinced that democracy and a functioning bureaucracy are good for them. That they have a better chance of realising their potentials and benefiting from their rights and privileges under a government that respects just laws. They must resist corruption by all means at their disposal.

The notion of Bangsa Malaysia will not detract or take away anything from them but instead they become a part of a larger and more diverse community where they too can experience the generosity, beauty, strength and richness of Malaysian cultures. They will benefit from the solidarity of people from all walks of life and their worldview will change to make them stronger and more confident of themselves.

A Prime Minister of this country must not succumb to the idea that force and repression will prevail over the people’s will. The Prime Minister of this country must not suffer from the delusion that the Police, the Army, the Courts, the Election Commission and the Attorney-General could strike fear in the hearts of the people to the extent that they will and must retreat.

No leader in ancient and modern times has survived the outrage of the masses. Today we have witnessed a new sense of outrage; outrage against the abuse of power, against inequality, outrage against the continued persecution of Anwar Ibrahim, and outrage against the policies of divide and rule.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The winds of change have never blown so strong.

Today the rakyat has spoken and they want their voices heard. They want a new beginning, so that this country, which we all call home, will be transformed into a dynamic, open and vibrant democratic sanctuary.

A sanctuary where we live without fear of police harassment, without fear of wearing black or yellow, without fear of detention without trial, without the nausea of reading newspapers whose editors have to toe the line to keep the papers alive. We will make this country such that we have room and space for all of us to have our dreams and hopes come true.

But the window of opportunity has opened for one central reason. And that is because the people now have a choice; between the establishment that has led the country astray over the last 50 years or a viable alternative in Pakatan Rakyat that can inclusively carry the hopes and aspirations of all Malaysians, no matter they be Malay, Chinese or Indian. For without this alternative, the self-indulgent and delusional sense of self-importance of UMNO and its cohorts in Barisan Nasional will continue to impose itself.

No doubt Keadilan is a new party, and Pakatan Rakyat is in its infancy, and the coming together of different political parties to find a common thread with which to build meaningful solidarity to work together, is a long andarduous journey.

Let us not kid ourselves.

Many challenges lie ahead to make it a truly viable alternative political force to Barisan Nasional and acceptable choice to all Malaysians. And the traps and snares to trip up this fledgling alternative are being laid everywhere; the ‘Unity’ talks being just one.

My colleagues and I in Pakatan Rakyat must be cautious and yet courageous, patient yet purposeful, tolerant yet principled, to ensure that Pakatan Rakyat steers clear of these traps, and that we build a truly robust and secure alternative from which the electorate can choose to form government. We must desist from any temptation to go back to the ways of the past, in which opposition parties represent their own narrow factional interests, only to grant a walkover victory to the status quo.

As for Parti Keadilan Rakyat, it must soldier on come what may, as a party that will protect the people regardless of race and ethnicity. The ’special’ position of the Bumiputras and Islam as mandated by the Constitution will be honoured but it will do so in an open transparent manner, as a democratic multi-racial party that observes the Rule of Law will be obliged to do.

Keadilan will not champion racial politics and will not seek racial hegemony. We are a lot more humble than UMNO but we will be fearless in the defence of the rights of the Rakyat against powerful oligarchs and vested interest groups. We will make the public institutions in this country respectable and full of integrity. These institutions will regain the respect and the trust of the people.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We do not live in a world of black and white. We live in a world full of different colours, shades and textures. No truer is this than in Malaysia. I can stand here and tell you of my immense sense of pride and affection in being a Malaysian, just as I can do the same about being Malay. And I believe that we all are just as capable of feeling that way about being Malaysian and yet similarly proud of being Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan or Iban, no matter who we are.

And it is this mix of seemingly conflicting values, which when blended and tempered with courage, tolerance, good faith and framed by universally held moral and civic values, that makes the canvas of Malaysia so rich, so powerful and so full of potential. Let us preserve this living piece of art and ensure that it continues to beautify and enrich our personal lives, as private citizens.

For if we fail, then the providence with which we are blessed today to make a breakthrough change, will disappear as quickly as it came; and we will be back to square one.. Our future and that of our children and their children, depends on our success. Failure is not an option. God favours the brave.

Thank you.

Monday 27 July 2009

Teoh Beng Hock was NOT Released at 3.45 am. He Died DURING MACC Custody Between 8.30 am - 9.30 am

Read here for more article by Raja Petra Kamarudin "Teoh Beng Hock was still under custody when he died " on Malaysia-Today

The crucial question is:
  1. Did Teoh Beng Hock die WHILE STILL under custody of MACC ?


  2. Had Teoh ALREADY been released when he met his death?
Malaysia-Today's investigation shows Teoh was STILL under custody at time of his death.

Teoh was NEVER released at 3.45am.

He was STILL under custody right up to the time of his death at around 8.30-9.30am.

The statement by MACC that he was released at 3.45am is "UTTER BULLSHIT "

Teoh’s hand phone was STILL with the MACC when he died. (The police had confirmed this).

If he had been released, MACC would either return his hand phone or give him a receipt confirming they are retaining his hand phone. None were found on his body.Teoh's Hand Phone

Teoh would NOT walk out of the MACC office at 3.45am WITHOUT his hand phone or at least a receipt that the MACC had confiscated his hand phone. He would need evidence (that MACC had kept his handphone). This is a requirement under the MACC Act (2009).

Teoh Beng Hock's handphone
was STILL with MACC when he met his death

  • His hand phone was STILL with the MACC. And the police confirmed this. And that hand phone is now with the police.

  • If Teoh had been released, his hand phone would have been in his pocket or beside his body (or on the sofa where he had slept). It would NOT have been in the ‘safekeeping’ of the MACC.

  • If the MACC had released Teoh at 3.45am but wanted to retain his hand phone then they would have had to issue a piece of paper listing down all Teoh’s property that was going to be retained for further investigation.

  • Assuming the MACC was going to retain Teoh’s hand phone then this paper would not only list down all the property to be retained but full details such as make, model, serial number, and so on.

  • If MACC find incriminating evidence in his hand phone and Teoh later denies that it is his hand phone, then MACC would need to prove that they had confiscated Teoh’s hand phone to be able to use this evidence in court.

  • And that would make the paper very crucial for both Teoh and the MACC. And both Teoh and the MACC would need to sign this paper (regarding the confiscation of the handphone) for it to be valid.

  • And the ABSENCE of that piece of paper required under Section 33 of the MACCA proves that Teoh died DURING MACC's custody and NOT AFTER he was released as claimed by MACC.


Even when under Internal Security Act (ISA) detention, the Special Branch is supposed to interrogate detainees DURING ‘office hours’. They are NOT allowed to interrogate detainees at night or outside ‘office hours’. And, in particular, detainees should NOT be subjected to marathon interrogation sessions or subjected to sleep depravation, a form of torture.

And these are ISA detainees, mind you, said to be ‘threats to national security’ and/or suspected ‘terrorists’. Yet there are certain rules to be observed.

What more if one is merely a witness to a suspected crime, NOT even established yet whether a crime had or had not been committed, as in the case of Teoh Beng Hock?


The MACC says that Teoh Beng Hock was released at 3.45am AFTER a gruelling marathon interrogation session that lasted the whole night. But Teoh was NOT under arrest or even a suspect in a crime, says the MACC. He was merely a witness, and a very cooperative witness on top of that, claims the MACC.

If Teoh was merely a witness, as what they say, WHY was there a need to interrogate him throughout the night? Could not his interrogation have been done during normal working hours?

In Teoh’s case he was subjected to a marathon interrogation session and OUTSIDE ‘office hours’ on top of that. He was subjected to sleep depravation. And he was not a detainee, he was not under arrest, and he was not a suspect in a crime, claims the MACC. He was merely a witness to a suspected crime, and a very cooperative witness too.

According MAC's statement:
  • After Teoh’s statement was recorded by MACC, he was released and allowed to go home at 3.45am.

  • Teoh was supposed to go home and come back at 8.00am with some documents that the MACC required.

  • Teoh was supposed to return at 8.00am for the interrogation to continue. And

  • But Teoh decided instead to sleep on the sofa at the MACC office.

  • At 6.00am he was alleged to have ‘disappeared’.

  • He NEVER returned at 8.00am for his interrogation to be continued.
And the MACC NEVER bothered to go look for their witness who had ‘absconded !! According to the pathologist, Teoh died between 8.30-9.30am.

But they never found his body UNTIL LUNCH TIME


The MACC ACT (2009) says:
Section 33(1):
…any movable property which is the subject matter of an offence or evidence relating to the offence shall be liable to seizure.

Section 33(2):
A list of all movable property seized pursuant to subsection (1) and of the places in which they are respectively found shall be prepared by the officer of the Commission affecting the seizure and signed by him.

Section 33(3):
A copy of the list referred to in subsection (2) shall be served on the owner of such property or on the person from whom the property was seized as soon as possible.

-Raja Petra Kamarudin


MACC death tragedy – "CSI" Technique Investigation


Dr. Raffick

Read for more on Rights2Write blog ( here ,here, ,here, here, here here and here) AND HERE on Zorro Unmasked

It was reported that Teoh Beng Hock (TBH) was supposedly to register his marriage on the 16th July 2009 at the registrar of marriage. He was already married (via traditional marriage ceremony) and his wife is pregnant. Is there a problem at home that is so gravely torturing that would force TBH to take his own life? My reading so far showed that there is no grave problem at the home front.

He was at MACC office between the 15th (500 pm) and the 16th July 2009 (600am). The MACC office is at Plaza Masalam. He drove to the building. How is that no one heard anything or sound of a screaming man between 600 am to 130pm when his body was found. Plaza Masalam is a busy area. The Concorde hotel is next door. Many government offices are in that building and surprisingly no one heard anything? This raises several questions?

The first, could it be that he did not fall between 600 am to 130 pm on 16th July 2007 but much earlier than that? In other words he could have died while he was in MACC office itself. No documented evidence so far to indicate that he was heard screaming, could it be that at the exact moment he “fell from height”, he was actually unconscious?

Dato Mohd Shukri Abdul claims that there was NO CCTV in the MACC office. This can be taken at face value.

However I have been to Plaza Masalam on several occasions visiting the Jabatan Ukur office which is located on the 17th floor. Based on my experience, I need to register at the guard post before entering the lift which is located on the 5th Floor (or 4th floor) and if I am not mistaken; the building management has a CCTV around the building? So far no one has come forward to explain about his official arrival and departure time based on evidence.

Based on pictures on the nut graph blog, it shows 3 ladies peeping out through the small window on one of the floor of Plaza Masalam. On closer look, we can appreciate that the window opening is rather small. It would NOT be easy for anyone to climb out via such a small opening.

The base of the window would be about 4 to 5 feet from the floor. It would not be easy for a small man like TBH to climb out unless he stands on something. The only other possibility is that he could have been lifted into the window. His small body could “scrape thorough” the window opening if push forcefully.

On Malaysiakini, there is a photo of TBH lying motionless on the roof of a building.

  1. Closer look at the pictures shows a few important clues. Among others, these include the dry blood from the body near the head area which seems to have drained towards where the policeman was standing.

    The Forensic team can make an estimate the time of death based on the body and the condition of the blood. The small volume of blood certainly draws suspicion on whether he had died before the fall or upon impact.

    If he was alive at the point of impact, there would be large volume of blood on the floor (provided that there is no intrathoracic or intraabdominal bleeding) oozing from the open wound.

  2. The second item of concern is that his body posture is lying on his right side. Why not face down? A man that is conscious at the time of his fall is most likely to fall on his face flat down or his back if he is being pushed through a window. If he had jumped I would expect that he would have ended leg first. The pictures are not conclusive enough to indicate any lower limb fractures. Post mortem would be able to shed some light.

  3. The third item being is his torn pants at the buttock area. Why is torn? It appears as if the pants were hooked to something at the time of fall and that is why it is torn in such a manner. A fall per se unlikely to cause this kind of damage on his clothing?

    Could it have been hooked on the window lock at the base of the window? Looking at those gruesome photos suggest that someone (or two) lifted his unconscious body and tried to push through the windows and this is when the pants could have hooked up on the window locked.

  4. The fourth item are the 3 pieces of bricks that lies to the side of TBH. It is not certain if the bricks were there coincidently or it is related to the incident. Are there such similar bricks in the MACC office being used as a base of a flower pots or for other purpose? This can only be answered by the police in their course of their investigations.
Without the floor plan of the MACC building and the location of the body, it is hard to determine the trajectory of the fall. The press has been quick to point to the fact that he had fell from the 14th floor. I am not sure on what basis they had come to this conclusion.

If he fell through one of the windows, there are bound to be tell-tale signs of signs at the windows and on the side of the building. The options on the possible causes of the incident are rather limited and suicide is the weakest possibility among all.

We have to wait for the outcome of the police investigations. Sadly, the public perception on the RMP is at the esteem low in 2009.

The public has already an expectation on the outcome of the incident and if the police cannot provide adequate evidence to support any of their theories, my gut feeling tells me that the people will not be satisfied and the police will continue to lose the confidence of the public. The image of the RMP will go down further.

The possibility of TBH died DURING interrogation CANNOT be ruled out. Based on the limited information, there are signs that suggest that he might have died during custody and his body was disposed via a fall.

More evidence will surface soon, I am confident that those that is involved will be caught and punished.


After the release of the first part of my investigative findings on TBH death, it appears that what I have been postulating so far seems to fall into place. With the trickling information from Selangor Police Chief and other readers, I believe we (me and my blog readers) would probably solve the first part of the mystery ahead of the police revelation.

I believe we are the first to postulate that TBH actually fell from height (possibly the MACC office) and first to highlight the relevancy of the torn pants on the motionless body and the possibility that the pants was caught in the window latch that leads it to a big tear.

Before moving forward, let us look at some of the confirm facts that we have established based on the information available online. Among others this includes:
a) The police has confirmed that based on CCTV recording, TBH went to MACC office at about 515pm on the 15th July 2009

b) There is no evidence on CCTV that he had actually left the building at anytime between the 15th and the 16th July 2009 until his body was discovered at 130pm by a “janitor”. This means that at no point in time that TBH had left the building.

c) Information on this janitor and how he/she found this body is still not clear. It is really intriguing to know what the janitor was doing at that hour where the body was found.

d) The police have confirmed that he fell through the window of the 14th floor (MACC office) and landed on the roof of the 5th floor podium.

e) They have confirmed that a piece of the window latch was found near the body and a matching broken latch was found in MACC office.

f) There is a contradicting statement by Dato’ Shukri Abdul with regards to the time TBH was questioned. The CCTV showed that he entered the building at 515pm. I assume it would take him at least 15 minutes to go up and get himself ready for questioning. I believe the questioning started at 530pm.

g) Dato Shukri also said that TBH was released after 345 am but he chose to stay behind. This is kind of unusual. The fact is that no one in a right frame of mind would want to stay in such a place after an intense interrogation. If indeed he was released then why is that MACC is holding on to his Hand phone? It appears that the officers at MACC has not been truthful.
In my theory, TBH died in the custody of MACC. This is NOT disputable as it is now confirmed that he “left the MACC office” via the 14th floor window.

The issue now is how was his condition when he left the building? Was he dead, unconscious or alive?

Dato Khalid says that based on Post Mortem, he died about 4-5 hours BEFORE he was found. I disagree on this conclusion because it would mean that he would have fall at about 8.30am to 9.30am.

If he had been alive someone would have heard him screaming. If he was dead and was thrown out of the window, someone would were bound to have seen it or heard a loud thud!

In my first write up, I suggested that the possibility is that he had died more than 6 hours based on the visual examination of the image of the body and the blood on the roof that was shown on the internet.

My theory is that he had died DURING the interrogation.
The IO panicked and hence made the quick plan. I suspect the body was thrown out of the window before 600am.

Though there is an eyewitness (Tan) that says that he saw TBH at the toilet (or pantry) at about 6am, I believe he had his timing wrong. He was interrogated through out the night and probably got himself confused. Personally apart from the MACC officers, I believe this eyewitness should be considered a suspect. Online news report indicates that Tan has refused to cooperate with the police.

I believe he had already died when he was squeezed and thrown out the window. Before 6.00 am it was still dark and the possibility that anyone saw anything at this hour is remote.

I suspect one man of reasonable strength carried TBH with his head on the right side of person. He then tried to squeeze TBH into the small window. His pants got caught in the latch and this tore his pants and the weight of his body actually broke the latch.

I believe that he had died prior of hitting the slab roof the 5th floor podium based on the limited amount of blood on the roof. If his was alive and his heart was pumping, then there would be a large amount of blood on the roof if he did not die instantly.

One reader commented about a big wound gash on TBH right hand. I could not appreciate this on the image that I saw on the internet despite enlarging with ms paint. The triangle red mark does not appear to be a wound to me. It is just too “perfectly triangle”. As such if there is an indication of any kind of struggle would not be conclusive.

So far the police investigation and our own assessment appears to be consistent i.e. he died during the custody of MACC and he exited the MACC building via the window of the 14th floor. I wonder what the room is used for where this particular window is located. The police has not come out with any statement whether he had died upon impact or way before it.


The conclusion of the last 2 days of internet research and photographic evaluation has led us to the following conclusion.
a) TBH died while he was in the MACC custody and it is quite certain that he had exited the MACC office via the window at the 14th floor. Chemistry department confirmation would merely be a formality.

b) The police has confirmed that TBH did NOT leave at 345 a.m. and TBH personal belongings like wallet, P1 hand phone and his backpack was still in the possession of MACC until it was given to the police 2 days later.

c) It was also reported that TBH died about 4-5 hours BEFORE he was found. I had disagree on this issue.

d) Another DAP member by the name of Tan mentioned that he met TBH at the Pantry (or toilet) at about 6 am in the morning on the 16th July 2009

e) NO definitive official statement has come out to indicate whether he had died BEFORE exiting the window or he died on impact.
I was kind of disturbed about the actual time TBH was last seen by Tan. I decided to place a few phone calls to establish the fact. From a reliable source that claims that has spoken to Tan personally, I was informed that Tan did NOT look at the time when he met TBH.

He asked TBH how the interrogation went through but TBH did not respond. He just made a humming sound which Tan could not make out its meaning.

TBH was reported to be in a somber mood. What does that mean, I am not too sure. I guess someone who do not have enough sleep and has been awake the whole night was place under a lot of pressure, must not be in a very good mood.

I tried to piece the time Tan met TBH and according to my source, when Tan left a short while later the sun was brightly coming up. He had estimated the time based the sun. I checked the time for sunrise in Shah Alam for the last few days. The sun is up at about 5.49 am.

Assuming that by the time Tan came out from the building, it was about 5.49-5.55 a.m., I estimate that Tan saw TBH at about 530am. This means that TBH was indeed alive at 530am. This is about 8 hours before he was found dead.

If we go by the police pathologist estimate that he died about 5 hours before he was found, that would mean it is about be about 830 a.m. I had estimated that the time of death to be at least 6 hours which would lead to about before 730 a.m.

Based on the information that I have described, it appears that Teoh died at about 600 a.m. At that time, in Shah Alam the sun is just coming up, children preparing to go to schools, guards would probably still snoozing and traffic volume on the road is small but building up slowly.

As I had theorized earlier, he died in the MACC office. His body was thrown out by one or maximum of two people out of the window to make it look like a suicide from the 9th floor but there is mounting evidence against suicide theory.

I believe the time of death has been narrowed down significantly. Now what we need to do is to established WHO was at the scene of the crime at the given time and date i.e. 600 a.m. on the 16 July 2009.

I believe that the MACC officers in Shah Alam knows about it.

I was informed a few minutes ago that actually Dato Mohd Shukri Abdul was not the head of MACC Shah Alam. He was the FORMER head and now is the Investigation Director at Putrajaya.

The Selangor MACC has no head past few months and the deputy was acting and taking instruction from Putrajaya.It appears that he had received a call that morning from MACC HQ instructing him to make a press release.

The text was NOT prepared by him. He was purely the messenger. It was reported that he had told DSAI that day when he went to MACC HQ for a fact finding mission. He claims that he is also not sure on what has transpired as he was only asked to give a press statement.

I would not be surprised if MACC officers are being posted in and out as this article is being written.

It is quite clear that MACC officers knew about the death. The HQ in Putrajaya was informed much earlier than 1. 30 p.m. and Dato Mohd Shukri was brought in to give his statements.

I search the internet to verify the time of the press conference was held but did not find anything. Can anyone help?

If we know the time of the press conference , we could work back words and estimate the movement of information between the MACC office in Shah Alam and its HQ in Putrajaya.

I am now more inclined to believe that the MACC officers in Shah Alam was trying to cover up the whole event. TBH died accidentally in the custody of MACC officers. They panicked and try to cover up by creating a suicide. Let see what Najib will say tomorrow about the Royal Commission.

There is still a big debate on where and when did TBH died. We know of the date which is on the 16th July 2009 but what is still a big question mark is time of death and where he died exactly.

I am sure many would be confuse on why I am saying this despite my earlier writings that the stage has been set. Allow me to explain.

It is quite certain that he died within the custody of MACC. It means that he could have died in the office of MACC PRIOR to exiting the window OR he was alive at the point of exiting the window in MACC office and died upon impact on the slab roof of the plaza.

Let us look at the facts.
  • The picture of TBH on the roof showed there was very little blood coming out from the head and there appears to be some wound on the buttock.

  • The misaligned right leg indicates that there is a fracture on the right leg, probably around the hip region.
If he had been alive upon exiting the window and died upon impact, I expect to see MORE blood on the roof. The blood would take about 15 to 30 minutes to clot properly and hence in that amount of time, the blood would ooze through any open wound profusely. This is very true especially there is an arterial bleed.

Since we do NOT SEE such huge amount of blood, it would either be there the open wound is rather small or the blood has already thickened and forming soft clots. From the pictures it is hard to imagine the size of wound but, it would be illogical to assume that there would be a small wound upon such an impact.

As pointed out a smart physics commentator, it is estimated that he fell at the speed of about 80km/hr. I expect TBH to have multiple big wounds AROUND THE HEAD.

Since the blood stain is SMALL , we have to go back to the fact that he died in the office BEFORE exiting the window. On the basis of estimating time, I expect that he would have died 30 minutes BEFORE exiting the window.

Once his heart stopped beating, his blood starts to thickened and coagulates.

I know some doctors would argue that the normal clotting time (CT) is about 5 min to 15 minutes. We must differentiate the lab CT which is based on the duration it takes for 4ml of blood in a test tube to coagulate. A lab experiment is different from a traumatic injury. It is on this basis that I suspect that he died in the MACC office.

Let us ASSUME that Teoh died around 6 am with a margin of 30 mins. This would mean that he would have exited the window at any point of time between 630 aOPEN but the shopping mall is still close.

Those who worked in the building would probably NOT notice anything due to the time.

Those in the car around the area would not see anything. If ever anyone would be able to see something, it would be the guests that stayed in Concorde Hotel in rooms facing the plaza.

At 700 am how many guest would be up and looking out their room towards the plaza? A very remote probability I would say. This means that the chances of finding an eyewitness outside the MACC office are very remote.

A commentator highlighted a writing in Malaysia Today where a reporter by the name of Rahmah Ghazali of Malaysiakini went to MACC office and found that the MACC wooden office door is closed between 1.15pm to 1. 50pm. This is an important clue.

I do NOT expect MACC office to close for lunch.
  • What was actually going on? How long before 1.50pm, the door was closed?

  • Rahmah first noted that it was close at 1. 15pm. WHY was it closed?

  • Is it a routine thing to see that it is close?
There is a need to establish whether this has anything to do with the TBH death.

. Surprisingly, if we refer back to what Dato Shukri said, they were alerted that a body was found at 130pm and later they realized that it was TBH.

Is this a pure coincidence? My gut feeling says NO!

I suspect that there is more to it?

If he had been alive upon exiting the window and died upon impact, I expect to see MORE blood on the roof. The blood would take about 15 to 30 minutes to clot properly and hence in that amount of time, the blood would ooze through any open wound profusely. This is very true especially there is an arterial bleed.

Someone commented in my blog that the body is located about 20 feet from the building wall and hence it is impossible for someone to be exit the window. Based on this argument as well as the posture of the body lying on the ground, some believed that the body was placed there. I beg to differ.

Firstly, I do not know how the reader came out with the figure of 20 feet. Based on the pictures on the internet, the wall cannot be seen. What is shown is the flower based, parapet wall which is located next to the body. The body lies on concrete slab which in one section there is a 3 feet x 3 feet imprint.

In some of the pictures on the internet, there were several bricks brought in by the police located next to the body. We all know the construction brick has a standard size of 4inch x 8 inch. Based on the size of the brick, I made my calculation and it is estimated that the furthest distance that can be seen from the parapet would be 9 feet.

I estimated the size of space next to the building wall is about 9-12 feet based on the photos shown below.

In my previous article, I theorized that either one or two person carried the late TBH whom had died for about 30 mins to the window. He carried the person with TBH on his right side and places it on the windows edge. As he pushed the body out the window, the latch got hooked to the pants at the centre of the trousers.

TBH weight and the action of trying to push the body down literally tore the pants towards the left pocket.

I wrote because my conscience tells me that what had happen is wrong. Today it happened to TBH. Tomorrow it can happen to us, our siblings and our kids.

It is my religious duty (Fardu Kifayah) to share and to find conclusion to this dark episode.

Coming back to my writings in part V, one of the commentators wrote that based on the image that I had put up, he could magnified the watch in the picture and tells the time. He came out with 4 possibilities. That got me thinking that there is a possibility that the watch would have stopped on impact which would tell us the time the body exited the window (not the time of death). I emailed him and ask him to send the magnified picture but I have yet to get it.

Well, I am not sure whether he has the pictures or otherwise but the technology is available where images can be magnified and sharpened (at least in the movies). There are 26 millions Malaysian. Maybe among these networks of people in the world of internet, someone could actually magnify and reproduce image of TBH in greater clarity for us to appreciate.

If someone can actually enlarge and readjust the resolution of the watch we would be able to determine the time accurately. This would be helpful. At the moment, the facts tell us that he died in custody of MACC. The MACC officers did not tell the truth that they have released him at 345am.

Our own postulation is that he died around 6 am and exited the 14th floor window within 20-30 minutes after his death.

Let us not waste time dwelling on the suicide theory as that has not been supported with reasonable evidence.

He had exited from MACC office via one of the windows. MACC is a government office. That means that there are people in the office at that time. Government offices are never left without people at all times. Even when they place people in a lockup there are officers guarding the lockup. Therefore it is not possible for TBH to be alone in the SELANGOR STATE HQ. MACC suppose to protect and interrogate witnesses and villains. If there is a death in their custody, irrespective of cause, they should be made accountable. This is not about ethnicity. This is about a human life.


A reader sent me the last photo (from kosmo) which I have enlarged and marked accordingly. From this angle, the wound in the buttock is clearer. The two legs appears fractured. The presence of a kerb that contribute to the direction of blood flow is also confirmed. There is visible signs that there is a hip fracture. The last piece of picture conclusively prove that his injuries are consistent with a fall from height.

Please note that

(a) There is NO watch on the left wrist

(b) Right shoe looks odd, as if the base came off the main shoe leaving behind the glue marks.

(c) The sole of the right shoe looks odd. It appears that the sole is split from the main shoe leaving behind glue marks on the main shoe.

Last night I received an email from an anonymous (Lets call him Mr. A ) claiming to be working with the mainstream media who said all MSM media will be running stories in the next few days that the wound on TBH base LEFT hand (the media will say wrist) will be played up as a sign of suicide.

My initial assessments without an image magnifier suggest that it could be some sort of a stain. With a magnifier, several important points could be highlighted. The first being, the location of the wound is NOT on the wrist but at the base of the RIGHT hand.

Secondly, the wound looks like a jagged wound and not a clean cut with blood dripping towards the center of the palm. It certainly looks like a deep laceration wound but then one thing that strikes me is that the amount of blood is MINIMAL .

For a DEEP laceration wound, one would expect large amount of blood and blood clot over the wound.

It was not there. Why?

This is indeed a tough question to answer and there are several possibilities that can explain the nature and severity of the wound.
  1. Firstly it could be that injury to the hand occurred after he died! Going by the nature of the wound on the right hand, it could have scraped a sharp object as he was being moved. Could it be that the sharp object is actually the retained portion of the broken window latch?

  2. The other explanation is that it is simply a superficial laceration and as such the bleeding is minimal. Whether it is a superficial (shallow) or a deep laceration, it is not a clean cut. It looks like it has scraped against a sharp object. It does not look like a cut on the wrist.
Certainly if someone wants to commit suicide he will not cut there. It is just far too far (distal) from the wrist line where the major blood vessels are located. The cut would be from a sharp object and it would be a clean cut.

If the person is RIGHT-handed the cut would be on the LEFT. I am not sure if TBH is right or left handed.

Some readers have postulated that the body was carried and placed at the site where the body was found.

Humbly, I beg to differ. There are just too many tell tale signs to suggest that he had a fall from height.

Some readers suggested that a metal piece that was lying on the ground is not a watch and suggested that it could be a part of the window. I disagree that it is part of the window based on the color of the material alone.

With the help of a magnifier, I had a chance to have a closer look at the brightly shining object. What I saw is a metallic chromed object which may look like a watch or a bracelet. There is another thing that I saw on the object which looks like an image of Charlie Chaplin. I had magnified it for the readers to judge. Now I am not exactly sure what it is but I still have a strong believe that it is a watch. I might be wrong.

At this stage, I believe suicide theory is definitely out.