Wednesday 30 September 2009

Negeri Sembilan MALAYS Prefer a Convicted Corrupt UMNO Politician to Win the By-Election


Negeri Sembilan PAS Commissioner Zulkefly Mohamad bin Omar, 45, will stand against UMNO's Isa Samad for the Bagan Pinang state seat.

--End of Update ---

Its Official: Mohd Isa Samad will be UMNO's candidate for the Bagan Pinang (N 31) state by-election.

Warning to UMNO President !!
Nominate Our Man, Isa Samad, as Candidate, Even If He is Corrupt, Or Else......

Note: There are 13,664 voters in Bagan Pinang, of which 9,060 are ordinary voters with the remainder of 4,604 - or about one-third - being postal voters. The large number of postal voters is due to the several army camps located in the constituency. In the general election in March 2008, Azman defeated PAS' Ramli Ismail with a majority of 2,333 votes. He polled 6,430 votes against Ramli's 4,097.

Breakdown by race:

Malays - 8577 (62.77%)

Chinese - 1498 (10.96%)

Indians - 2834 (20.74%)

Others - 755 (5.53% )

Bagan Pinang is situated within the Teluk Kemang parliamentary constituency of which Isa is the leader of the Umno division there.

Isa was suspended for three years from June 24, 2005, for money politics in the 2004 UMNO elections.He was originally suspended for six years or two terms but it was reduced after he appealed.

"... It is indeed sad that (UMNO) members has chosen to proposed and demand a particular candidate instead of demanding that only the truly clean and trustworthy candidate will contest.

Indirectly UMNO Teluk Kemang support corruption.

Who knows maybe they had benefited in some way or other previously and expected the same after the election?...."

- Dr Mohamed Rafick Khan bin Abdul Rahman

A Convicted Corrupt High Profile UMNO Politician
Nominated by UMNO to Stand for Re-Election

The Likely Outcome of the By-Election.....

Isa, who was Negeri Sembilan mentri besar for over two decades, is extremely popular in Teluk Kemang.

He is so influential that if he tells people not to vote for Umno, they will not vote for Umno,” a local resident in Port Dickson said. Read here for more

His influence, and the unprecedentedly strong campaign to put him as a candidate, has caused top Umno leaders to favour Isa’s candidacy.

Bagan Pinang Election: Serving UMNO members or Serving the People

Read here for more in "Rights2Write" Blog


It is official. Isa Samad will represent BN in the Bagan Pinang upcoming election.

The online news splash the news of banners that was placed at several places where UMNO members claims that they will boycott the election if Isa was not chosen. It is obvious that the banner was put up in a timely manner to pressurized UMNO national leadership.

I believe the biggest factor that led to the decision to choose Isa, is the fear that BN will lose again for the 8th time. BN need a win badly too boost its degrading image. Despite the advantage of having about 4000 odd postal votes, it appears that UMNO/BN is still worried that they will lose if Isa is not chosen.

Isa Samad is popular but he carries the burden of being involved in money politics. He carries the scar of being “corrupted”.UMNO has chose to neglect the wave of expectation of the ordinary people.

Isa Samad may be popular in UMNO because of his “generosity” but it does not mean that he is popular among the rakyat. This time around I believe the rakyat, will look at the background, character and the moral values of the candidate. It appears that UMNO is short of clean candidates and this is not a good sign.

At the state level, UMNO has overlooked the current MB(Dato Mohamed Hassan) factor whose position would be indirectly threatened if Isa Samad wins. Mohamed Hassan and his people would not sit on the sideline and let the inevitable to happen.

Certainly having the postal advantage helps. The 4000 odd votes would serve the much needed buffer in event there is some internal sabotaging by any parties within UMNO. If by any chance there is a possibility that UMNO loss this election, the national leaders then can claimed that they had listened to the voice of the grass root members and it was they who made the mistake.

Since the last General Election, people expectation has change dramatically. The people want transparency. They want a personality that is clean and trustworthy.

It is clear that UMNO is still not ready to shed its old dirty skin. It has to calculate the risk involved and it has to play ball by Isa Samad rules.

It is indeed sad that the members has chosen to proposed and demand a particular candidate instead of demanding that only the truly clean and trustworthy candidate will contest. Indirectly UMNO Teluk Kemang support corruption. Who knows maybe they had benefitted in some way or other previously and expected the same after the election?

Maybe what is important for now is winning the election and boast the possibility of ending a losing streak.

Who knows how UMNO will control Isa samad and his supporters after the election. Maybe the whiplash will come in later whether he wins or lose.

Starting tomorrow, UMNO will have to work hard to ensure their tainted candidate will win.


Artikel berikut telah ditulis oleh seorang Ahli UMNO yang menentang pencalonan Isa Samad, sebelum Isa Samad disahkan sebagai calon di Bagan Pinang..

Pesalah Rasuah Jadi Calon? Transformasi Korokmu Najib!

Saya pada kali ini tidak bisa lagi menyembunyikan perasaan kecewa dan menyimpan kata kecil hati saya lagi. Mohon ampun dan maaf jika tulisan saya pada kali ini melukankan hati ahli-ahli UMNO, khususnya UMNO Bagan Pinang.

Namun demikian, itu tidaklah bermakna saya harus menutup mulut saya untuk bercakap perkara yang sebenar - demi memastikan UMNO terus relevan dan diterima oleh rakyat kembali.

Secara jujur dan berterus-terang saya mungkin merupakan ahli UMNO kedua selepas Tun Mahathir yang sangat keras menentang pencalonan Tan Sri Isa Samad sebagai calon pilihan raya kecil di Bagan Pinang - walau apa-apa juga alasan yang diberikan oleh para penyokongnya, saya dengan tegas tetap berpendirian, Tan Sri Isa Samad harus ditolak terus daripada menjadi calon UMNO di DUN tersebut.

Alasan saya amat mudah, pencalonannya itu hanya akan mengundang fitnah yang dahsyat kepada diri beliau, di samping menyemarakkan lagi api kebencian rakyat kepada UMNO, sekali gus rakyat akan membuat tohmahan bahawa transformasi yang ingin dilakukan oleh DS Najib dan Tan Sri Muhyiddin adalah palsu dan tidak ikhlas. Dalam hal ini, rakyat mahu DS Najib dan TS Muhyiddin bertegas bahawa mana-mana ahli UMNO yang sudah jelas terlibat dengan politik wang dan rasuah haruslah ditolak terus tanpa banyak soal dan rasa kasihan lagi, hal ini adalah jelas untuk menyelamatkan UMNO daripada golongan yang hanya mahu menimbunkan kekayaan peribadi.

Kita tidak harus ada rasa serba salah dalam hal ini. Sebagai pemimpin tertinggi UMNO, DS Najib dan TS Muhyiddin harus bertegas dan berani berkata "tidak" kepada TS Isa Samad dan para penyokongnya di Bagan Pinang. Jika tidak, UMNO akan tetap dilihat sebagai parti yang masih sayangkan pemimpin-pemimpin korup. Rakyat biasa yang berada di luar DUN Bagan Pinang pasti akan kecewa jika Tan Sri Isa Samad masih menjadi pilihan pucuk pimpinan tertinggi UMNO, dan impaknya adalah besar terhadap maruah dan integriti UMNO secara keseluruhannya.

Walau apa pun keadaanya, pencalonan Tan Sri Isa Samad harus segera dihalang dan digantikan dengan muka baru yang bersih daripada unsur rasuah dan politik wang. Hujah-hujah saya untuk menolak Tan Sri Isa Samad adalah seperti berikut : -

  1. UMNO sama sekali tiada hujah untuk membela Tan Sri Isa Samad dalam soal rasuah dan politik wang - hal ini adalah kerana, terbukti UMNO telah menjatuhkan hukuman bahawa Tan Sri Isa Samad didapati bersalah terlibat dengan rasuah dan politik wang. Ini merupakan senjata yang paling ampuh parti pembangkang bagi menyerang peribadi dan integriti calon.

    UMNO sudah tentu akan dituduh sebagai sebuah parti yang tidak pernah mahu insaf dan sedar diri, UMNO seolah-olah masih mahu menjadikan bekas perasuah sebagai calon pilihan raya. Malah, UMNO juga akan dilihat sebagai sebuah parti yang ketandusan calon dan pemimpin muda yang bersih daripada gejala rasuah dan politik wang.

    PAS akan mendakwa bahawa, "Lihatlah tuan-tuan semua, bekas perasuah dijadikan calon UMNO, UMNO sebenarnya masih tidak serik dan mahu bertaubat, niat murni DS Najib kononnya mahu UMNO kembali bersih adalah retorik dan janji kosong semata-mata. Apakah rakyat boleh diperbodohkan lagi dengan mengundi seorang perasuh? UMNO cuba memperbodohkan rakyat, tetapi rakyat bijak dengan menolak calon yang terbukti pernah terlibat dengan rasuah dan kita tidak mahu UMNO terus-menerus memperbodohkan para pengundi di Bagan Pinang agar mereka tetap memilih seorang perasuah sebagai wakil mereka di sana."

  2. Implikasi menjadikan Tan Sri Isa Samad sebagai calon pilihan raya kecil hanya mengundang krisis keyakinan yang berterus kepada ahli-ahli UMNO di seluruh negara. Kesannya bukan sekadar UMNO di Bagan Pinang semata-mata, sebaliknya memberi impak negatif kepada seluruh UMNO itu sendiri. Kita, kononnya mahu membersihkan UMNO daripada para rasuah dan pengamal politik wang, tetapi malangnya kita masih mahukan bekas perasuah sebagai calon kita - di mana kewarasan dan kebijaksanaan kita? Ahli-ahli UMNO yang ikhlas tidak akan yakin lagi terhadap UMNO, jika kita masih tidak mahu belajar daripada sejarah. Pembangkang pasti akan berkata, UMNO tidak bijak memilih calon bagi mewakili parti tersebut di DUN Bagan Pinang, sebaliknya rakyat yang lebih bijak jika menolak calon UMNO yang jelas terlibat dengan rasuah.

  3. Mari sama-sama kita fikirkan, sudah berapa lama Tan Sri Isa Samad menjadi MB Negeri Sembilan? Pada hemat saya, cukuplah dengan rezeki yang telah Allah kurniakan kepadanya selama ini. Sudah tiba masanya beliau bersara daripada politik. Jika benar Tan Sri Isa samad ikhlas berjuang untuk agama, bangsa dan negara, serta sayangkan UMNO, maka adalah lebih baik jika beliau bersara sahaja daripada politik - atau setidak-tidaknya lebih awal menolak sebarang pencalonan untuk dirinya bagi kerusi DUN Bagan Pinang.

  4. Ajaib dan sedikit aneh, 33 orang ahli jawatankuasa UMNO Bagan Pinang sanggup menentang arahan kepimpinan tertinggi UMNO Pusat yang sebelum ini meminta agar disenaraikan 7 nama sebagai pilihan untuk dijadikan calon UMNO di DUN tersebut, sebaliknya AJK UMNO Bahagian tersebut sebulat suara hanya mahu menghantar satu nama sahaja kepada TS Muhyiddin - dan nama tersebutnya sudah semestinya TS Isa Samad - hal ini bukan sahaja menentang arahan Timbalan Presiden UMNO, malah menunjukkan seolah-olah sudah tiada lagi ahli UMNO di Bagan Pinang yang layak untuk menjadi calon UMNO selain TS Isa Samad sahaja!

    Dalam hal ini, Lembaga Disiplin UMNO harus segera menyiasat jika 33 ahli jawatankuasa UMNO Bagan Pinang yang bermati-matian menyokong pencalonan TS Isa Samad itu terlibat dengan sebarang kegiatan politik wang, atau mungkin juga telah dijanjikan dengan pelbagai projek jika TS Isa Samad kembali menjadi Wakil Rakyat di kawasan tersebut. Banyak fitnah dan tanda-tanya akan berlegar di dalam kotak minda rakyat, jika TS Isa Samad terus menjadi calon UMNO dalam pilihan raya kecil kawasan DUN Bagan Pinang kelak. Hal ini adalah berpunca daripada rekod peribadi TS Isa Samad sendiri yang selama ini terjejas teruk berhubung isu politik wangnya. Kita harus ingat, UMNO bukan sahaja mahu menang dengan majoriti 2333 undi sahaja, tetapi UMNO perlu menang dengan lebih besar di kubu kita sendiri serta kembali membina imej bersihnya di mata rakyat, dan bukan di mata rakyat Bagan Pinang sahaja.

  5. Cadangan saya, dalam soal ini kita harus akui Tan Sri Isa Samad mungkin dikelilingi dengan para pembodek dan penyokong yang mengharapkan imbuhan, jadi adalah lebih molek jika TS Isa Samad sendiri yang menarik diri dan bersara terus daripada politik. Kita harus sedar, dalam dunia politik, mana-mana ahli politik yang sudah terlibat dengan politik wang dan perempuan - mereka harus segera berundur dan bersara.

    Hal ini adalah jelas bahawa batang tubuh mereka hanya menjadi liabiliti dan fitnah kepada UMNO sampai bila-bila. Lantaran itu, saya secara ikhlas dan jujur mohon TS Isa Samad berundurlah, berilah peluang kepada muka baru untuk diketengahkan sebagai calon UMNO pada kali ini. Lagi pun, saya fikir tiada apa-apa lagi yang hendak dikejarkan lagi oleh TS Isa Samad dalam arena politik UMNO. Beliau sudah merasa segala-galanya, sebagai Menteri Besar, sebagai Menteri, sebagai Ahli Parlimen dan sebagai Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri - semua ini sudah memadai bagi seorang ahli politik yang menginginkan kuasa, pangkat, kekayaan dan pengaruh. Nasihat saya, bersaralah!

  6. Kita akui, DS Najib dan TS Muhyiddin berada di persimpangan - ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapak. Jika TS Isa Samad tidak terpilih, dibimbangi akan wujud unsur sabotaj dari dalam - umpanya, jentera pilihan raya tidak bergerak, tiada kerjasama dan komitmen daripada AJK UMNO Bahagian dan pelbagai lagi - malah tidak mustahil parti pembangkang juga akan menghasut para penyokong TS Isa Samad agar berpaling tadah serta mengapi-apikan mereka supaya ahli-ahli UMNO di bahagian tersebut bersengketa, mensabotaj dan saling berpecah.
Semua ini pasti menguntungkan parti pembangkang. Kita tahu - DS Najib dan TS Muhyiddin berada dalam dilema. Namun demikian, ingin saya mengingatkan kepada mereka berdua- yakinlah kepada Allah, jika kita ikhlas mahu membersihkan UMNO daripada para perasuah dan pengamal politik wang - InsyaAllah, Allah pasti menolong hamba-hamba-Nya selagi mana mereka ikhlas dan menolak kemaksiatan dan dosa.

Maafkan saya jika ahli-ahli UMNO Bagan Pinang memarahi saya atas kritikan ini - namun demikian saya ikhlas dan hanya menyampaikan kebenaran yang nyata.



PROFESSION: Businessman

Age: 45 TAHUN

Date of Birth: 14/5/1964

Qualifications: M.Sc. (UPM) & Bachelor in Communication ScienceI (UITM)

Marital Status: Married with 6 children

Civic Service Positions Held Outside PAS


Professional Experience



4. Corporate Executive Officer, PUSAT ZAKAT SELANGOR.

5.Communication Officer KOPERASI CELCOM BERHAD.

6.Communication Officer, BIRO ANGKASA.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Hassan Ali's Protector-Godfathers are the Pro-UMNO Faction in PAS Leadership from Trengganu

PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa (who is from Trengganu) said the party was NOT planning to take any disciplinary action against Dr Hassan Ali over his most recent outburst over Select Committee for Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat).

Despite Pakatan Rakyat members pressing for action to be taken against Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Dr Hassan Mohamed Ali over his many outbursts, PAS leaders are standing fully behind him. Read here for more

UMNO's Mole
in Selangor PAS

Hassan Ali's Protectors in PAS
-The Triumvirate Pro-UMNO Faction in PAS Leadership from Trengganu
(Read here and here and here for more)

Kemungkinan Besar Tiada Tindakan Dari PAS Ke Atas Hassan Ali


"Tulang Besi"

Read here for more on Malaysia Wave Blog

Dato Hassan Ali tau bahawa apa sahaja yang beliau lakukan, tiada tindakan yang akan diambil ke atas beliau.

Ini kerana beliau tahu PRESIDEN PAS TIDAK akan mengambil apa-apa tindakan terhadap beliau.

Presiden PAS adalah seorang yang baik dan seorang ulama yang wara' dan banyak berjasaa dalam dakwah.

Tetapi di dalam menjalankan kerja-kerja pentadbiran, beliau tidak akan berani membuat apa-apa keputusan tanpa mendapat kebenaran dari "kawan-kawan" Terengganu beliau, yakni Cikgu Pa, Ustaz Harun Taib dan Ustaz Bakar Chik.

Maklumat yang saya dapati, puak-puak Terengganu amat gembira dan amat menyokong tindakan Hassan Ali menggangu keharmonian Pakatan Rakyat di Selangor.

Ini bererti Presiden PAS pun kelak akan menyokong dan mendokong tindakan Hassan Ali walaupun jelas tindakan Hasan Ali ini berlawanan dengan keputusan Muktamar di Ipoh dan Shah Alam.

Presiden PAS tidak akan dapat membuat keputusan yang mana keputusan itu berlawansan dengan kehendak dan kemahuan geng Terengganu.

Dan yang lebih menyedihkan tindakan Hassan Ali kali ini adalah bermotivasikan perkauman atau Kebangsaan Melayu.

Presiden PAS sewaktu tahun 80an adalah antara yang lantang menentang kebangsaan Melayu. Ceramah ceramah beliau teruk menghentam kebangsaan Melayu dan beliau kerap memberi kuliah dan ceramah agama berkenaan dengan keburukan kebangsaan Melayu.

Namun apabila Hassan Ali jelas menghina usaha dan ajaran Tuan Guru Haji Hadi seperti sekarang ini, Presiden tetap tidak akan mengambil tindakan terhadap Hasan Ali.


Kerana Presiden tertakluk kepada kemahuan dan kehendak "Geng" Terengganu yang sudah tidak laku dan bergantung ke jubah Presiden.

Saya kata tak laku kerana orang macam Abu Bakar Chik ditolak di DUN beliau sendiri pada 2004.

Cikgu Pa telah kalah bertanding dalam DUN yang sepatutnya PAS menang tetapi pengundi PAS sendiri menolak beliau menyebabkan beliau kalah.

Ustaz Harun Taib baru2 ini di "boo" dalam satu ceramah di Kemaman. Belum pernah seorang Pesuruhjaya PAS di layan seperti budak umur 12 tahun sebegitu sekali.

Dan lagi menyedihkan Ustaz Harun Taib adalah Ketua Dewan Ulama, namun beliau tetap di boo dan disorak oleh rakyat Terengganu dengan begitu mengaibkan sekali.
  1. Presiden PAS, malangnya, masih meletakkan harapan dan kepercayaan kepada orang-oirang yang bertanggungjawab kepada kekalahan PAS di Terengganu 2004.

  2. Presiden PAS tidak meletakkan kepentingan dan keharmonian parti di atas.

  3. Presiden PAS melektakkan kemahuan dan kehendak "geng Terengganu" di atas segalanya malah melebihi kepentingan serta parti.
PAS akan melalui zaman kegelapan kembali. Orang2 yang bertanggugjawab di atas kemenangan PAS pada 2008 telah dibuang jauh-jauh. Orang2 yang bertanggungjawab atas kekalahan PAS di Terengganu 2004 telah diletakkan di posisi yang teratas dalam parti oleh Presiden.

Maka, walaupun Hassan Ali menghina Pakatan Rakyat, menghina PAS malahan memperlekehkan ajaran Presiden yang menentang kebangsaan Melayu, Presiden akan terus mendokong Hassan Ali sehinggalah agaknya PAS ditolak oleh orang Melayu dan juga orang Bukan Melayu.

PAS menang baru2 ini adalah atas undi ORANG BUKAN Melayu.

Tindakan dan kenyataan Hassan Ali mengecewakan orang bukan Islam yang mengundi PAS. Mereka merasakan mereka ditipu.

Pada waktu yang sama, agenda Melayu yang diperjuangkan Hassan Ali tidak akan menambah undi Melayu kepada PAS kerana PAS bukan parti Melayu. Orang-orang yang sensitif undi Melayu akan mengundi UMNO, dan bukan PAS kerana UMNO adalah parti Melayu. PAS tidak sebut pun perkataan Melayu dalam perlembagaan.

Hasilnya nanti, tindakan Hassan Ali yang disokong Presiden akan menyebabkan orang bukan Islam lari, dan orang Melayu tidak bertambah.

Hasilnya nanti UMNO akan kembali berkuasa dan orang Melayu yang diharapkan mengundi kita tidak kesampaian. Orang bukan Islam sudah tidak akan mengundi kita lagi.

Pegawai2 kerajaan yang dilindungi Hassan Ali ini akan kembali dengan tugas mereka menindas dan melakukan korupsi yang menjadikan PAS terus kalah dalam pilihanraya umum dan kecil.

Itulah nanti jasa dan pembalasan Presiden PAS kepada parti.

Itulah nanti jasa Hassan Ali kepada PAS dan perjuangan Islam.
-"Tulang Besi"

PAS's Hassan Ali is Najib's Mole to Bring Down the PR Selangor State Government

to Topple Pakatan Rakyat's State Government

UMNO's Choice
for Selangor's Menteri Besar



Immediately after 2008 March election, PAS Selangor Commissioner Hassan Ali engaged in secret negotiations with Khir Toyo to explore the possibility of PAS forming an alliance with Umno to jointly rule the state. This alliance would of course exclude PKR and DAP who were going to be Menteri Besar and Deputy Menteri Besar respectively.

Most of PAS grassroots members were kept in the dark of the secret talks. During their secret negotiation, UMNO proposed that Hassan Ali to be appointed Selangor Mentri Besar in a BN-led State Govt with Khir Toyo as Deputy Menteri Besar . Read here and here


"... The mainstream media seems to be having a gala time in keeping the Selangor state government on the defensive over the actions of a member of its PR partner and Executive Councillor from PAS Hassan Ali, who is seen to have acted in a way that runs contrary to the spirit of unity within the loosely led PR state government.

Some have even predicted that the ongoing spat between Hassan Ali and its PR partners may inevitably cause the breakup of the Selangor state government, if PAS does not wish to make any compromises to resolve the actions of Hassan Ali.

Having caused a stir over the sales of Beer, Hassan Ali has gone further to criticised the on-going proceedings of the Select Committee for Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat), particularly with regards to the manner in which the witnesses are being questioned over the unusual spendings of the previous BN assemblymen prior to the March 8, 2008 General Elections.

One has only to follow the proceedings reported in the media, and if one does not see these unusual spendings of public funds that amounts to several millions as an act of unscrupulous abuse by the former BN assemblymen, then I do not know what else to say of Hassan Ali.

If Hassan Ali is not too happy with the method used in the questioning of witnesses by Selcat, I would only be too pleased to learn from him as to the correct method of questioning witnesses.

I do not believe that Hassan Ali will subscribe to the methods used by MACC, nor will he be pleased to used the methods adopted by the PDRM.

I would love to see how Hassan Ali reacts to Selcat over its investigations into the Balkis affairs and Khir Toyo's excessive family spendings overseas on the pretext of it being official business trips.

Personally, I do not know what is in the mind of Hassan Ali when he is seen to act and play into the hands of the opposition, rather than to act and play as a member of the PR team.

Is he trying to play the 'voice of conscience' with the hope of being a populist, or is there anything that is troubling him in his relationship with the PR led government?

Strangely, UMNO Selangor is backing up Hassan Ali in his spat with his PR partners, for this is exactly what UMNO wants to see happening in Selangor.

Even UMNO Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin has said that the PR led government in Selangor is incompetent to govern. Is Hassan Ali not emboldened by this remark?

Whatever be the reasons for Hassan Ali to act the way he did, his actions have not been well received by his PR partners. There is now a growing demand that he quits if he persist to remain at divergence with his PR partners, and if he does quit, I guess that will be the end of his political career.

I do not believe UMNO would willingly accept him into their fold, and if he still wants to continue his political career, he still has one final option i.e. to join M. Kayveas Peoples Progressive Party which is a party open to all Malaysians. Read here for more in "Mind No Evil" Blog
-Muhammad Arshad Raji
(Retired Army Officer)

Hassan Ali is viewed by many within the Pakatan as being an Umno Trojan Horse and few would be surprised if he were to jump ship to UMNO when the crunch came. Read here for more

The Attack on PR Coalition Partners and the Selangor State Government
  • Datuk Dr Hassan Ali, the state PAS chief, Hassan issued a directive to appoint mosque officials to arrest Muslims drinking in public. Hassan Ali was summoned to the palace. As the head of state, the Sultan is responsible for religious affairs and expects to be consulted on all issues relating to Islam. His consent is naturally necessary before new directives or new laws are proposed. Hassan was given a royal ticking off. Read here for more
  • Datuk Dr Hassan Ali, the state PAS chief, openly called for DAP's Ronnie Liu to be removed from the powerful local government portfolio. He accused Ronnie Liu of meddling in a recent action by the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) to confiscate beer worth RM620 from a 7-Eleven outlet in Section 8 . Insiders in both parties think Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Hassan Ali has played into the hands of Umno, which will reap the benefits of the wedge between the Islamic party and secular DAP, ahead of the Permatang Pasir by-election in Penang. Read here and here for more

  • Senior party leaders are unhappy with Hasan and Selangor PAS secretary Mohd Khairuddin Othman who backed his boss, Hassan, by saying that the party was ready to pull out of PR in Selangor if all its elected representatives agreed. Read here for more

  • Dr Hassan hit out at Selcat, which is chaired by Selangor state assembly Speaker Teng Chang Khim, for “grilling” senior civil servants over allocations. Several PAS leaders said Dr Hassan should have not publicly questioned the body and put the state’s interest last.PAS vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar said the issue should not have been brought up in this manner and it was tantamount to attacking the principle of separation of powers. Said PAS CC member Dzulkefly Ahmad: "I’ve spoken to most of the other central committee members and we are of the view he has gone too far.” Said PAS MP for Shah Alam Khalid Samad: "Hassan is a senior member of the Selangor cabinet and this is a coalition government. There must be team work, I cannot emphasis this enough. Otherwise, he will be subverting the whole process, destroy the image of the Pakatan Rakyat government and foil its ability to work and function effectively.“ Read here for more and here
UMNO's Support for PAS's Hassan Ali

Selangor Umno said it fully supported the calls by Hassan Ali, the state PAS commissioner, to stop the Pakatan Rakyat's public inquiry on misuse of state allocations by Barisan Nasional assemblymen.Selangor Umno deputy chief Noh Omar said the inquiry conducted by the Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and Transparency should be done behind closed doors. Read here for more


Looks like Hassan Ali is at it again. How was this guy, who is so anti-Pakatan Rakyat, selected by PAS as a assemblyman for Gombak Setia seat?

He seems to be doing his best to make Pakatan look bad. Perhaps, he is a Trojan horse within the Pakatan government. It is no secret he hopped from Umno to PAS so that gives rise to suspicion he must be one. He has not outwardly hit out or condemned any of BN's previous actions nor taken to task Mohd Khir Toyo for his corrupt actions in the past but keeps battering Pakatan for one thing or other.

The Selcat has every right to probe and question every action and corrupt practices of politicians as well as civil servants in Selangor. As long as they do it openly and not like MACC in secrecy like Gestapo to bash intimidate suspects and even witnesses.

Has MACC investigated any of the reports made to them on corrupt practices of the past BN government in Selangor?

Why didn't Hassan Ali make a hue and cry about the way police and MACC treats suspects and witnesses. I suspect that he is not sincere to Pakatan's cause. He only wants to bring down Pakatan in Selangor and then jump back to Umno and claim his reward.

If PAS still insists on keeping him as a candidate for the next election, the people of Gombak should teach him a lesson and not vote for him. It is better to lose the seat to an independent then to have him in Pakatan. It is high time PAS rein him in or even expel him from the party for working against the party and Pakatan coalition.
Read here for more

Dr Hassan Ali - whose side is he on?

Read here for more on KTEMOC KONSIDERS blog

What can you say about Selangor PAS Commissioner, Hassan Ali, a member of the State Pakatan-led exco, when he wants the State government to stop Selcat (the State special select committee for competency, accountability and transparency) from carrying out public inquiries.

He wants the inquiries done behind closed doors, so we need to ask him where would then be the transparency? And what is his motive?

The public has been both delighted and outraged by the Selcat exposure of the former BN government endorsed Balkis (wives of Elected Selangor Representatives Welfare Organisation) squandering public funds ...

... delighted to have a new clean Pakatan government exposing alleged financial dodginess, and outraged that the previous BN government had been allegedly feral in its financial governance of public funds. Woi, mana itu MACC?

Note that the court has recently ruled Balkis is not allowed to deregister itself, meaning its members may now be called to explain how they had used or misused the organization’s funds.

Additionally Selcat is also probing the questionable ways the previous BN state lawmakers had rampagingly used allocated annual funds in a mere first two months of 2008. That’s half a million ringgit per BN ADUN – in a mere 2 months! Frightening!

Yes, why is Hassan Ali so set on Selcat doing the inquiry behind closed doors. Is it to spare the former BN government from the embarrassing public exposure of its alleged misuse of public finds?

The PAS Commissioner claimed he wants to stop Selcat from “bullying public servants” during the recent public inquiry. The public servants he was referring to are District Officers who approved funds required by the former BN ADUNS.

If these DOs had exercise proper financial governance in their duties then they needn’t worry about transparent public accountability.

Wait for the exposure of Hassan Ali's hypocrisy at the end of this post.

Also, Hassan Ali demonstrated a lack of understanding of how a democratic government has the power and right to exercise the parliamentary practices of institutions like Selcat. I really worry about an Islamic government under people like Hassan Ali!

Hassan had insisted that Selcat be chaired by judges – hahaha, and we in Malaysia know how that will turn out – but I suppose Hassan Ali wants it that way.

Teng Chang Kim, chairman of Selcat lambasted Hassan's pathetic lack of knowledge of parliamentary procedures to make such a silly proposal.

The way I look at it, Hassan seems more interested in shielding BN from the current embarrassment of the public knowing about its questionable financial management of public funds.

And then Teng gave Hassan Ali the final blast about the latter’s claim of wanting to protect the District Officers. Teng revealed that Hassan Ali had in fact wanted to replaced them, stating:
“Unknown to them, Hassan Ali had been pushing for all senior civil servants — including DO’s, heads of local authorities, the state secretary and state legal advisor — to be replaced during PR state meetings."
That's his sheer hypocrisy and treachery to the District Officers. One can only conclude that the beneficiaries of his demand for Selcat to be conducted behind closed doors would not be those District Officers.

PAS should get rid of Hassan Ali

From Malaysiakini Readers

Read here for more

Gk: By all means, PAS and PKR should get rid of Selangor PAS chief Hassan Ali and Kulim Bandar Baharu MP Zulkifli Nordin respectively. In fact, those still with Umno's mentality should be out of Pakatan Rakyat. Only then, we can see a vibrant diverse multiracial Malaysia.

AliBaba: As a Selangor voter in Hulu Kelang, I voted for PAS. What Selangor Pakatan does is great and transparent. They should continue with the Selcat and it should be made available for voters like me to watch and review. Why does Hassan want to have a closed inquiry?

Takjamin: Loyalty to your leader is commendable but blind loyalty is not only foolhardy but a big injustice to the rakyat who voted you into this position. You have been given a once in a lifetime chance to govern but look at you today. The rakyat wanted a strong opposition but ended up with a change of state government in four states. Take the opportunity to work out your disagreements and govern. If you don't, you will definitely end up a much weaker opposition next time around.

Schumy: As a professional, I think Hassan should bring all dissatisfaction, ideas or comments to be discussed internally, so as not to disclose unwanted disagreements to the public. Even Malaysiakini highlighted this issue, what more the government-linked media. On the other hand, everyone should be rational and positive. Take into consideration that Dr Hassan was once a civil servant; he might have in-depth knowledge of the government servants' mentality. He might feel that such acts could erode public support towards Pakatan. After all, if Pakatan leaders quarrel among them, what can be achieved? It will only weaken us and what Mahathir said will be true: BN can only win the next election if Pakatan is weak not because BN is strong.

Amir Efendy: If Hassan Ali genuinely has the public servants' interests at heart, does it mean it is okay to embarrass Selcat in public? If he thinks this should be done behind closed doors then why wouldn't he use the same approach in suggesting this to Selcat. Isn't this called hypocrisy?

Sentinel: It is not for Selangor PAS to decide if Hassan Ali the Trojan horse stays or leaves Pakatan. It is the people of Selangor's wish. And the people of Selangor wishes he leaves, so just leave quietly...

FairMind: How can one be embarrassed if one is upright and has done his duties diligently and correctly? It is only when they have not done their duties appropriately and correctly that they are embarrassed!If they do not feel any embarrassment, they would surely repeat their mistakes and continue with their wrongdoings. They should thank their lucky stars that they are just embarrassed and not thrown behind jail for assisting dishonest politicians!

Niexam Mahmud: What is wrong with this Hassan Ali? If we want transparency, the hearing should be conducted in open. The excuse that a court can exercise a closed hearing is stupid and childish and in his own words "macam budak sekolah"! The norm for the court is an open hearing where the public could watch. That is what transparency is: open to the public, no hanky-panky behind closed doors. The public not only will have the opportunity to judge those who are questioned, but even the Selcat panel will be judged too. Yes, they will be judged whether they had fulfilled their duty as Selcat members to the best of their abilities.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

UPDATED: Professor Turiman Suandi and Dr. Zoharah Omar, Plagiarism is a NO-NO in ANY University

Read here and here and here for more


Professor P. Ramasamy, who served as a lecturer in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) for 25 years, said plagiarism was rampant in local universities.

He said at a press conference in Penang:
"This is a serious matter. Plagiarism is the biggest offence in Malaysian universities. But the (higher) education ministry is silent on this problem.

Academics just take things lock, stock and barrel from the internet… students copy, professors copy, associate professors copy

I know of a lecturer at UKM who plagiarised 10 books but all he got was a slap on the wrist.
All the university authorities did was to freeze his increment, and he was later transferred to UUM (Universiti Utara Malaysia) where he served as a professor.

When I was an adviser at the university, even students were doing the same. When I questioned them, they said even the LECTURERS plagiarised the students' work.

Many students also plagiarised to do their theses.
Read here for more and here

  • Read here related article in "The Great Education Debate"
    "....I remembered a core course in my second-year, where the lecturer, a very senior academic and held influential position in the department, "suggests" that all students in the course to purchase the course textbook, which was in Malay. The price of the book was RM10, but was "photocopied" and bind into a book form.

    Upon reading the book, readers will realise that all diagrams and figures in the book was "copy-and-paste", as the diagrams are worded in English, while the description and the texts are in Malay.

    Out of curiosity, a fellow coursemate began to search all textbooks and found the original version. When compared, it was obvious that every sentence of the Malay textbook was "literarily" translated and the diagrams and figures were "copy-and-paste" directly from the English version.

    The "author" to the Malay textbook is the lecturer and no acknowledgement whatsoever could be found that indicate that the Malay textbook was translated or cited from the English textbook...."
    Read here for more

  • Read here article on Australian plagiarism scandal involving Malaysian students
--- END OF UPDATE-----


In 2003, two academics from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) – a professor and one who recently received her PhD – co-authored a reference book titled "Writing an Effective Resume" . The book was meant for management students on writing resumes that would attract potential employers.

The co-authors of the book are Professor Turiman Suandi and Dr. Zoharah Omar, both from University Putra Malaysia ( UPM).

The book, "Writing an Effective Resume", among others, defines a resume and its purpose, making the resume appealing, networking, organising the employment portfolio and preparing curriculum vitae.

Then, about a year ago, suspicions arose within academia that the book may have plagiarised materials of several American university websites, including Harvard and Albion College.

UPM authorities conducted an investigation into these allegations of plagiarism by these two authors.

UPM found that a "substantial" amount of the 64-page book was lifted almost word-for-word, albeit given a local touch.

Plagiarism is simply theft. A plagiarist is an intellectual thief.

It is "HARAM" in academic circles. Among university lecturers and professors, plagiarism attracts "zero tolerance". Definitely plagiarism is a no-no when someone, especially from the academia, is writing a book, whether for profit or not. It is a crime if works are plagiarised for monetary benefit.

In this case involving a professor and a senior lecturer from UPM who wrote a book and put on sale, it can only be said the reputation of the UPM is badly damaged if NO strong action is taken. This is NOT about students who plagiarised to score high marks or students caught plagiarising to pass an exam. This involves a tenured professor and a senior lecturer with Ph.D, individuals who are supposed to lead by examples for their students.

Professor Turiman Suandi has been a lecturer in UPM since 1982; he obtained his Ph.D from the USA (Ohio State University )in 1991 and he was made a professor by UPM in 2003. He is also a DEPUTY DEAN in the School of Graduate Studies. Thus he should be the first to know the pitfalls of plagiarism, especially when it comes to co-authoring a book. Dr. Zoharah Omar has a LAW degree, albeit from the International Islamic University, Malaysia. Based on their professional background alone, there is no excuse at all for not knowing what they did when they plagiarised (with monetary interest) other people's work for their book, "Writing an Effective Resume."

One can only imagine what is going through the minds of those students in UPM currently being tutored by these two lecturers. Firstly, there will be this lurking suspicion on their research dissertation for their Ph.D, and then questions will be asked on the originality of their past publications in journals or as presented in conferences and seminars.

What about the rest of the academic staff in UPM? Are there others in UPM who plagiarised but not yet caught? What about the academic staff of other Universities in the country?

Yet, the authorities in UPM are not taking this problem seriously. UPM vice-chancellor Dr Nik Mustapha R. Abdullah was quoted as saying that Professor Turiman and Dr Zoharah Omar would only get a stern warning for plagiarising materials from the Internet to produce a guide book, and said " this warning would also be included in their service records, which would affect their promotion. Since this is a guide book, we decided that the punishment was reasonable. "

According to the UPM Vice Chancellor, the senior author (Professor Turiman ) admitted the manuscript looked all right to him, not realising that it was taken from another work, and the junior author, (Dr. Zoharah) said that since the source was from the Internet, she thought the information was in the public domain and as such did not cite the article.

These are inexcusable explanations, coming from members of academia writing a book. One can accept a certain level of sloppiness or plead of ignorance by students, but definitely it is not at all acceptable coming from teaching staff of an institution of higher learning.

The UPM Vice Chancellor's statement that plagiarism by Professor Turiman and Dr. Zoharah did not affect UPM undergraduates as the work was not a textbook, only further confirms UPM's HIGH tolerance for cheats and mediocrity.

It is this kind of remarks by Vice Chancellors in the country that stand in the face of the nation's ambition to have its institutions of learning becoming "World Class" universities.

The weak response by UPM to a problem said to be endemic in almost all of our universities sends a wrong message to students, to employers and to the international academic fraternity.

In the interest of their professional integrity and to avoid unnecessary embarrassment with their fellow colleagues and students, Professor Turiman Suandi and Dr.Zoharah Omar should be asked to resign by the UPM authorities, or they themselves should resign voluntarily from their current positions they are holding, if not, from the university totally, to give sufficient time to themselves to rehabilitate professionally from this scandal.

Susan Bakar rightly commented:
" UPM vice-chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Nik Mustapha R. Abdullah says " It is unintentional" . These words shock me MORE than the fact the book was plagiarised!

No academic can ever make the excuse of ignorance or carelessness, since their whole training is in HOW to access, use and build on the intellectual property of OTHERS.

What example does this set for the cut-and-paste generation of students?..."
(Read here more comments on this issue by readers of "Bibliobibuli"Blog)
We agree with the following comment made:

".... These two lecturers have committed a serious offence which is not just against academic integrity but also against the law, as they had used copyrighted material for commercial gain. How can they be “unfortunate” and be “suffering” for plagiarism?

If a full professor can commit supposedly “unintentional” plagiarism, what does it say about this person's credibility as a high ranking academic? The university's investigation had concluded that "substantial" amount of the 64-page book was lifted almost word-for-word, thus how “unintentional” could it be?

It is the dignity of Malaysia's higher education system that suffers the biggest loss and not the printers of the book.

Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin's ignorance in refusing to condemn the actions of the plagiarists and his unconvincing defence by claiming that plagiarism happens in other countries as well shall not be welcomed by Malaysians who yearn for excellence in Malaysian academia...." Read here for more

Here is some advice for Professor Turiman Suandi and Dr Zoharah Omar and other Malaysian academics if they don't know what constitutes plagiarism.

What is Plagiarism: (from Macquarie University)
Definition: Plagiarism involves using the work of another person and presenting it as one's own.

The integrity of learning and scholarship depends on a code of conduct governing good practice and acceptable academic behaviour. One of the most important elements of good practice involves acknowledging carefully the people whose ideas we have used, borrowed, or developed. All students and scholars are bound by these rules because all scholarly work depends in one way or another on the work of others.

Opportunities and temptations for plagiarism have increased with the spread of internet access. Plagiarism is a serious threat to the teaching and accreditation process, and seriously undermines the collegial and ethical principles which underpin the work of a University.

Any of the following acts constitutes plagiarism unless the source of each quotation or piece of borrowed material is clearly acknowledged.
  1. copying out part(s) of any document or audio-visual material (including computer based material);
  2. using or extracting another person's concepts, experimental results, or conclusions;

  3. summarising another person's work;

  4. in an assignment where there was collaborative preparatory work, submitting substantially the same final version of any material as another student.
The following are examples of plagiarism, scaled from the mildest to most serious offences, which may be collectively known as "The Plagiarism Continuum" (Walker, J. (1998) "Student Plagiarism in Universities: What Are We Doing About it?" Higher Education Research and Development, 17, 1, 89-105:
"Sham paraphrasing":
Material copied verbatim from text and source acknowledged but represented as paraphrased.

"Illicit paraphrasing":
Material paraphrased from text without acknowledgement of source.

"Other plagiarism":
Material copied from another student's assignment with the knowledge of the other student.

"Verbatim copying":
Material copied verbatim from text without acknowledgement of the source.

"Self-plagiarism" or "recycling":
Same assignment submitted more than once for different courses.

Assignment written by a third party and represented by student as own work.

Assignment copied from another student's assignment or other person's paper without the person's knowledge.

Turiman bin Suandi (Read here for more)

Position: Professor / Deputy Dean (Student Affairs & QA) of School of Graduate Studies

Qualifications : Dip. Animal Health and Prod. (UPM), B.S. (Florida), M.S., Ph.D. (Ohio State)

Department: Professional Development and Continuing Education

Area of Specialization: Youth & Development


Professor Dr. Turiman Suandi works in the area of youth development and volunteerism as a field of specialization for more than 25 years.

Prof. Dr. Turiman Suandi completed his high school at the Royal Military College, Sungei Besi. He obtained his diploma in Animal Health and Production from UPM in 1978.

He was appointed as a lecturer with Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (now Universiti Putra Malaysia) in 1982. Since then, his contributions in teaching, research and services has been focused on the community and youth development.

Prof. Dr. Turiman Suandi obtained his doctoral degree in 1991 in Extension Education and Youth Development from the Ohio State University, Columbus, USA. He was promoted to Professor in 2003.

Currently he serves as the Deputy Dean in-charge of student and Student Affairs at School of Graduate Studies.

He is actively involved in the Parent Teacher Associations at the primary and secondary schools. He is currently an Honorary Fellow at the Selangor Youth Council and a resource person at the Selangor Youth Consultative Council.


* 2008. Member. Professional Youth Worker. IRPA.
* 2008. Leader. Contemporary youth culture: implications on the future generation. IRPA.



* Steven Eric Krauss, Azimi Hamzah, Zoharah Omar, Turiman Suandi, Ismi Arif Ismail, Mohd Zaidan Zahari & Zanariah Mohd Nor (2009). Preliminary Investigation and Interview Guide Development for Studying how Malaysian Farmers’ Form their Mental Models of Farming. The Qualitative Report Volume 14 Number 2 June 2009 245-260

* Ezhar Tamam, Turiman Suandi, Ismi Arif Ismail, Steven Eric Krauss, Dzuhailmi Dahalan, Khairuddin Idris and Nur Fatihah Abdullah Bandar (209). Benchmarking Malaysian Youth Work Practitioner Ethics. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY SOCIAL SCIENCES, Volume 3, Number 10 (153-160)

* Krauss, S.E. & Suandi, T. (2008). The potential of youth workers as facilitators of values formation and development. Commonwealth Youth and Development, 6:1 (2-14).

* Ali Hassan Khalil, Maimunah Ismail, Turiman Suandi and Abu Daud Silong (2008). Influence of Leadership Competencies on Extension Workers' Performance in Yemen. The Journal of Global Business Management, 4:1 (388-394).

* Ali Hassan Obaid Khalil, Maimunah Ismail, Turiman Suandi and Abu Daud Silong (2008). Extension Worker as a Leader to Farmers: Influence of Extension Leadership Competencies and Organisational Commitment on Extension Workers’ Performance in Yemen. Journal of International Social Research 2008 v.1, n. 4, 368-387.

* Sebastian Koren Francis, Turiman Suandi, Jegak Uli & Muhammad Madi Bin Abdullah (2008). An Indigenous Community Leader’s Self-Directed Life-Long Learning Encounter. International Education Studies, v.1 n.4 2008, p. 86.

* Mohd Ghazali Mohayidin, Turiman Suandi, Ghazali Mustapha, Mohd. Majid Konting, Norfaryanti Kamaruddin, Nor Azirawani Man, Azura Adam & Siti Norziah Abdullah (2008). Implementation of Outcome-Based Education in Universiti Putra Malaysia: A Focus on Students’ Learning Outcomes. International Education Studies, v.1 n.4 2008, p. 147.

* Ruziah Ghazali, Aminah Ahmad, Jegak Uli, Turiman Suandi, and Siti Aishah Hassan (2008). Commitment to Change among Managers in a Selected Service Organization in Malaysia. International Journal of the Humanities, Volume 6, Issue 8, pp.123-134.

* Ezhar Tamam, Turiman Suandi, Ismi Arif Ismail, Steven Eric Krauss, Dzuhailmi Dahalan, Khairuddin Idris and Nur Fatihah Abdullah Bandar (2008). Benchmarking Malaysian Youth Work Practitioner Ethics. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 10, pp.153-162.


* Turiman Suandi (2009). Volunteerism: expanding the frontiers of youth development. Inaugural Lecture Series. UPM Press.

* Rosma Osman, Ghazali Mustapha, Turiman Suandi, Ibrahim Nazri & Bahaman Abu Samah (2008). Teachers' Perception on Thinking Skills as an Innovation and Its implementation in English Language Teaching. In ELT Matters 2: Development in English Language Learning and Teaching. Jayakaran Mukundan, Dzeelfa Zainal Abidin and Dulip Singh Ranjet Singh (Eds.). UPM Press.


* Turiman Suandi, Azimi Hamzah, Wan Mahzom Ahmad Shah, Ezhar Tamam, Ismi Arif Ismail, Siti Raba’ah Hamzah, Mohammad Rezal Hamzah, & Dzuhailmi Dahalan (2009). Jalinan sosial belia Malaysia. UPM Press

* Siti Rabaah Hamzah, Turiman Suandi & Azimi Hamzah (2008). Interfacing Programme: Universiti Putra Malaysia, Oxford University, Brunel University and Commonwealth Youth Programme (in Malay). UPM Press.

Professional and Study Awards

* One silver award at UPM Innovation & Research Expo 2008

Teaching experience

* 27 years teaching experience in the areas of Youth Development & Volunteerism, and Research Methods at undergraduate and graduate levels.

Zoharah bte Omar (Read here for more)

Position: Senior Lecturer

Qualifications : L.L.B. (Hons)(UIA), M.S. (HRD)(UPM), Ph.D Psychology (UKM)

Department: Professional Development and Continuing Education

Area of Specialization: Human Resource Development


Dr. Zoharah Omar completed her high school at the High School, Kluang, Johor.

She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Laws at the International Islamic University, her Master’s degree in Human Resource Development at University Putra Malaysia and her Ph.D degree in Psychology specializing in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia .

Before her appointment as a Lecturer in the Department of Professional Development and Extension Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2003, she has worked as the Legal and Human Resource Manager in a multinational manufacturing company for seven years.

She was also the Industrial Court Panel representing employers. Prior to that, she worked as a lawyer in an advocate and solicitors firm in Kuala Lumpur and has also worked as the Market Supervision Division Executive at the Securities Commission.

She was the investigating and prosecuting officer handling securities industry cases and was involved in the development of policy and procedure for licensing under the Securities Industry Act 1983.

Since her appointment as a Lecturer, she has been involved in several researches and paper presentation activities at both national as well as international level. Besides that, she is actively involved in community services such as delivering public speech to graduates on resume writing, job interview and preparation for employment.

She is also involved in consultancy work, and she is currently a consultant and a resource person to a multinational company.


* Rusinah Joned, Khor Poy Hua & Zoharah Omar. (2008). Parents’ Views on Implementation of Safety Procedures at Child Care Centers. Journal of ARAHE (15)2, 43-50

* Rusinah Joned, Fong Ching Shen & Zoharah Omar. (2008). The Practice of Effective Inter-group Communication Among Hospitality Employees In A Selected Hotel. European Journal of Scientific Research, 20(3) May

* Aminah Ahmad, & Zoharah Omar (2008), Gender differences in Work-Family Conflict and Family Friendly Employment Policies Practices, The International Journal of Humanities, 6(3), 15-26.

* Rusinah Joned, Siti Jalilah Abd Manaf, & Zoharah Omar (2007). Employees’ identification, cohesiveness and communication towards their work group in Post-Merger of XYZ Malaysia Sdn Bhd. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 15(1): 9 - 23.

* Zoharah Omar (2006). The Influence of Work Group Characteristics on the outcomes of self-managed work team design. In Maimunah Ismail, Aahad M. Osman-Ghani, Shamsuddin Ahmad, Abdul Lateef Abdullah, Ismi Arif Ismail, & Jamilah Othman (Eds) Human Resource Development In Asia: Thriving on Dynamism and Change. Vol I. (pp. 718-725) Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education: Serdang.

* Zoharah Omar, Arifin Hj Zainal, Fatimah Omar & Rozainee Khairuddin (2006). Pengaruh konteks organisasi terhadap tingkah laku kewargaan organisasi dalam pasukan kerja pengurusan kendiri. Proceedings of the ISM-UKM Community Development Psychology Seminar. Publication Number 983-99867-8-3. p. 62-73.

* Zoharah Omar (2005). Self-Managing Work Team: An Alternative Approach to Work Re-design. In Aminah Ahmad, Zoharah Omar, NorWahiza Abdul Wahat, & Maimunah Ismail (Eds). Human Resource Development: Practices and Directions for a Developed Malaysia. (pp. 217-223) Universiti Putra Malaysia Press: Serdang.

* Aminah Ahmad, Zoharah Omar, NorWahiza Abdul Wahat, & Maimunah Ismail (Eds) (2005). Human Resource Development: Practices and Directions for a Developed Malaysia. Universiti Putra Malaysia Press: Serdang


Project leader (2006 – 2010)
Project Title: Consultancy services on human resource and related legal matters

Co-researcher (2004 – 2005)
Project Title: Kajian Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Untuk Bahagian Kemahiran MARA


* Appointed by the Ministry of Human Resource as Industrial Court Panel from year 2001 – 2003.

* Appointed by the Ministry of Human Resource as Industrial Court Panel from year 2007 – 2009.

Sunday 20 September 2009


We will be back from the festive season on Tuesday, 22nd September 2009.

Stay safe and take care while travelling

Malaysians Unplugged Uncensored Team

Saturday 19 September 2009

PM Najib Praises the Racist Malay Paper, Utusan Malaysia as "Voice of the People"

Read here article "Najib hails Utusan Malaysia" in Malaysian Insider

Excerpts: Read here for more

MALAYSIAN Prime Minister Najib Razak hailed the Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia today as the voice of the people, especially the Malay community.

Utusan is known for its trademark and its trademark is to voice the desire of the people, especially the Malay community, he said in his speech during a breaking of fast function at Sri Utusan Printing Complex here.


Utusan Malaysia has been criticised for ratcheting up RACIAL tensions.

Read here and here and here and here and here and here for more

The Umno-owned newspaper was also responsible for running daily stories criticising calls to allow former communist leader Chin Peng to return to Malaysia, linking it to what the newspaper says are moves to question Malay rights.

The paper also suggested that DAP is anti-Islam and said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was willing to betray the Malays to be prime minister — both incendiary subjects in mainly Malay Muslim Malaysia.

Friday 18 September 2009

Zulkifli Noordin, You are Irresponsible as a Muslim and Unprofessional as a Lawyer

Read here for more in Khalid Samad blog

Read related article:


"... Saya berkesempatan membaca tulisan YB Zulkilfli Noordin berhubung isu pemindahan kuil Seksyen 19 ke Seksyen 23 yang juga telah dicetak di muka hadapan Utusan Malaysia.

Sebagai seorang peguam dan Ahli Parlimen, YB Zulkifli Noordin sepatutnya lebih teliti dan bertanggung jawab dalam tulisan beliau.

Pendirian beliau adalah menyebelahi pihak segelintir penduduk tersebut dan sokongan beliau terhadap tindakan mereka sebenarnya mendedahkan pendekatan beliau sendiri terhadap orang bukan Islam.

YB Zulkilfi seolah-olah terpengaruh propaganda UMNO ! Bukan sekadar itu, sanggup pula memanjangkannya!

Tidak perlu samseng. Tidak perlu ugut. Inilah dakwah. Ini yang saya rasa YB Zulkifli tidak faham. Adakah yang beliau faham dakwah tu samseng, ugut.

Naik berang dan naik marah bila orang bukan Islam mempersoalkan keadilan undang-undang Islam. Tunjuk “act”?

Biasanya orang tunjuk samseng kerana tidak mampu berhujjah. Pelik juga, ada juga peguam yang tidak mampu berhujjah ke?

YB Zulkifli baca Surah Al-Baqarah dengan niat nak menghina lembu dan agama Hindu ke?

Surah Al-Baqarah tiada kena mengena dengan tindakan menghina lembu atau agama Hindu. Orang Islam baca Surah Al-Baqarah untuk mendapat petunjuk dalam soal mentadbir diri, masyarakat, negara dan dunia mengikut kehendak Allah.

Ada disuruh menghina lembu atau agama lain dalam Surah Al-Baqarah ke?

Begitu juga soal korban. Apabila lembu disembelih, adakah YB Zulkifli meniatkan untuk hina lembu dan agama Hindu? ..."

- Khalid Samad

Dari Shah Alam ke Kulim: Respon Buat YB Zulkilfi Noordin


Khalid Samad
(Khalid Samad is MP for Shah Alam, Member of PAS Central Political Bureau (Lujnah Politik PAS Pusat)

Baru kini saya berkesempatan membaca tulisan YB Zulkifli Noordin berhubung isu pemindahan kuil Seksyen 19 ke Seksyen 23 yang juga telah dicetak di muka hadapan Utusan Malaysia.

Saya dapati tulisan dan anlisa beliau terhadap isu ini begitu lemah dan tidak profesional sama sekali.

Sebagai seorang peguam dan Ahli Parlimen, beliau sepatutnya lebih teliti dan bertanggung jawab dalam tulisan beliau. Faktanya kesemuanya tidak tepat dan tuduhan yang dilemparkan tidak berasas. Oleh yang demikian, untuk mengelakkan kekeliruan, adalah wajar bagi saya menjelaskan isu sebenar untuk makluman beliau dan mereka yang bersependapat dengan beliau.

Pada mulanya YB Zul menyatakan pendirian tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan ‘demonstrasi kepala lembu’. Beliau secara jelas menyatakan ianya “tidak dihalalkan, malahan ditegah oleh Al-Quran”. Beliau juga menyatakan bahawa beliau tidak bersetuju dengan kelakuan liar segelintir yang hadir sesi dialog dengan MB, yang katanya “seperti dirasuk syaitan kehaiwanan, mengugut dan memaki hamun”.

Pada awalnya tulisan beliau kelihatan waras dan wajar.

Namun apabila terus membaca tulisannya, didapati beliau membela mereka dan menyalahkan pula kerajaan Negeri Selangor yang katanya ‘menceroboh’ tanah di Seksyen 23. Ummat Islam dikatakan sebagai ummat yang ditindas di bumi sendiri. Akhirnya amat jelas pendirian beliau adalah menyebelahi pihak segelintir penduduk tersebut dan sokongan beliau terhadap tindakan mereka sebenarnya mendedahkan pendekatan beliau sendiri terhadap orang bukan Islam.

Adakah Ahli PAS Terlibat?
Sebelum mengupas tulisan beliau dalam soal ini dan mendedahkan kesilapan dan prejudis beliau sendiri, biarlah saya nyatakan di sini bahawa dakwaan kononnya ada seorang ahli PKR dan 4 ahli PAS yang terlibat di dalam demo tersebut hanya merupakan dakwaan semata-mata. Hingga ke hari ini tiada apa-apa bukti dikemukakan. Saya telah mencabar Hishamuddin untuk mengemukakan bukti dan sekiranya benar saya akan mendesak PAS supaya memecat mereka. Ini adalah kerana tindakan mereka seperti yang ditegaskan oleh YB Zul adalah “tidak dihalalkan dan ditegah oleh Al-Quran”.

Namun hingga ke hari ini, tiada apa-apa yang dikemukakan sebagai bukti. Amat pelik apabila YB Zul menzahirkan keyakinan dengan begitu padu terhadap laporan akhbar yang dikuasai BN.

Begitu juga dengan kenyataan YB Zul “ternyata mereka bersatu dalam aqidah walau berbeza dari segi wadah”. Bunyi betul-betul macam UMNO yang sedang gilakan perpaduan dengan PAS. Betul ke tiada perbezaan ‘akidah’ di antara PAS, UMNO dan PKR? Yang berbeza hanya wadah? Kalau begitu patutlah ada yang meminta kita bersatu supaya perbezaan itu selesai kerana yang berbeza hanya wadah. Nampak gaya selama ini YB Zul sendiri tidak faham mengapa PAS menentang UMNO dan mengapa PAS wujud sebagai PAS, tidak bersatu dengan UMNO.

Sebenarnya yang sama adalah semuanya Melayu, walaupun ada yang macam mamak atau yang macam cina. Mungkin bagi YB Zul, Melayu adalah akidah.

Hakikatnya isu ini didalangi UMNO. Pemimpin UMNO (Noh Omar) turun menghasut segelintir penduduk ahli UMNO tegar, penyokong Ketua Bahagian UMNO Shah Alam, untuk bertindak menentang cadangan kerajaan walaupun belum lagi mendengar cadangan tersebut. Pemimpin UMNO juga (Hishamuddin) yang membela pendemonstrasi selepas demonstrasi berkenaan seperti yang sedang dilakukan YB Zul. Jangan nak libatkan PAS atau PKR. Usaha nak kaitkan PAS adalah taktik kotor UMNO.

Apa Arahan Kerajaan Selangor?

Menurut YB Zul, kerajaan Negeri Selangor keluarkan arahan “bina ‘kuil besar’ di Seksyen 23 di kawasan kediaman ummat Islam”. Saya tidak tahu dari mana beliau mendapat maklumat beliau tetapi seperti biasa YB Zul cakap tanpa selidik. Hanya nak sensasi sahaja.

Kerajaan Selangor hanya mencadangkan tapak baru bagi kuil yang sediada di Seksyen 19. Bukan kuil baru. Kerajaan Selangor BN dulu cadangkan kuil tersebut dipindahkan ke Seksyen 18 (6 ekar untuk 7 kuil) pada awalnya dan seterusnya ke Seksyen 22 (1 ekar untuk kuil itu sahaja). Kami mencadangkan ia dipindahkan ke Seksyen 23, dalam kawasan Industri, bukan di kawasan kediaman ummat Islam. Rumah terdekat terletak 200 meter dari tapak cadangan tersebut. Luas tanah untuk kuil adalah ¼ ekar dan ¼ ekar lagi untuk tempat letak kereta.

Dari maklumat di atas, pemindahan kuil itu tidak merupakan isu dan diusahakan sejak zaman BN lagi. Namun mereka gagal. Oleh itu, mereka kuathir kita berjaya!

Persoalannya adakah benar kerajaan arah ‘bina kuil besar’ di ‘kawasan kediaman ummat Islam’? Jelas tidak benar. Istilah ‘bina’, ‘kuil besar’ dan ‘kawasan kediaman ummat Islam’ semuanya istilah yang digunakan UMNO untuk mengelirukan ummat Islam dan menaikkan semangat kebencian mereka. YB Zul seolah-olah terpengaruh propaganda UMNO! Bukan sekadar itu, sanggup pula memanjangkannya!

Hakikatnya, kerajaan tidak ‘bina’, tiada ‘kuil besar’ dan bukan juga di ‘kawasan kediaman ummat Islam’. Ia di kawasan industri.

Benarkah ‘Wakil Hindu’ Menghina Azan?

Pertama, tiada ‘wakil Hindu’ sepertimana juga tiada ‘wakil Islam’. YB Zul mungkin menganggap kumpulan liar mewakili Islam, saya tidak. Mereka didalangi UMNO. Mungkin YB Zul anggap UMNO mewakili Islam. Saya tidak.

Yang hadir adalah penduduk. Seorang penduduk yang beragama Hindu menyebut, “kami tiada masalah dengan azan 5 kali sehari...” Mendengar itu kumpulan liar terus bertindak liar. Mungkin malu sendiri dengan sikap ekstrim mereka berbanding toleransi orang Hindu maka ingin menenggelamkan suara penduduk Hindu tersebut.

Dalam kes ini saya tidak nampak penduduk Hindu berkenaan menghina azan. Yang saya nampak adalah kumpulan liar menghina Islam dengan mendakwa tindakan liar mereka adalah atas nama Islam. YB Zul jangan menyokong atas dasar ‘asobiyyah’. Kerana satu pihak Hindu dan satu pihak lagi Melayu, maka kita sokong Melayu walaupun tindakan mereka bercanggah dengan Al-Quran.

Atas semangat yang sama YB Zul bertanyakan kisah Jeff Ooi dan Majlis Peguam. Saya rasa isu Jeff Ooi sudah selesai. Beliau sudah pun menarik kembali kenyataan beliau. Ini membuktikan bahawa untuk membetulkan salah faham dan salah tanggap tidak perlu kita bertindak seperti samseng. Jelaskan secara hikmah. Bila kita bertindak sebegitu kita rasa kita ‘teror’ tetapi orang nampak kita bodoh dan lemah akal. Tidak mampu berhujjah. Hanya mampu mengugut dan bertindak kasar.

Setelah dijelaskan Jeff Ooi menyedari kesilapan beliau dan menarik semula kenyataannya. Tanpa ugutan. Tanpa kesamsengan. Begitu juga perlu kita usahakan dengan Majlis Peguam. Kita faham bahawa mereka dipengaruhi fahaman kebaratan. Macam UMNO juga.Tetapi UMNO kononnya parti orang Islam. Majlis Peguam tidak. Nilai-nilai mereka dipengaruhi nilai-nilai dominan tamaddun Barat.

Persepsi mereka terhadap undang-undang syariah agak meleset hasil kekeliruan yang tersebar luas oleh UMNO. Kita perlu berhujjah membetulkan fahaman mereka dan ini yang sedang dilakukan oleh beberapa pemimpin. Seperti tersiar dalam Harakah di mana pimpinan menjelaskan isu Kartika dari sudut pandangan Islam. Kewajaran dan falsafah hukum Syariah. Bezanya hukum sebat syariah dan sebat sivil. Dan sebagainya.

Tidak perlu samseng. Tidak perlu ugut. Inilah dakwah. Ini yang saya rasa YB Zul tidak faham. Adakah yang beliau faham dakwah tu samseng, ugut. Naik berang dan naik marah bila orang bukan Islam mempersoalkan keadilan undang-undang Islam. Tunjuk ‘act’?

Tetapi Al-Quran ada menyebut “Seru kepada jalan Tuhanmu dengan hikmah dan nasihat serta contoh yang baik dan berhujjah dengan mereka dengan cara yang terbaik…” Tiada sebut kaedah samseng, tiada juga kaedah ugut. Terangkan sahaja dengan tenang, dengan hujjah dan anggap keadaan ini sebagai peluang untuk memberi penjelasan mengenai Islam. Peluang untuk berdakwah bukan alasan untuk naik berang.

Biasanya orang tunjuk samseng kerana tidak mampu berhujjah. Pelik juga, ada juga peguam yang tidak mampu berhujjah ke?

Memutarbelit Al-Quran

YB Zul menuduh sayalah tu, maka tidak perlulah berlapik dengan mengatakan Pak Janggut memutarbelitkan Al-Quran untuk mempertahankan pembinaan kuil.

  1. Pertama, kita tidak bina kuil. Kita hanya beri tapak. Ganti tapak lama yang akan diambil alih PKNS.

  2. Kedua, bukan kuil tambahan tetapi kuil lama yang hendak dipindahkan.

  3. Ketiga, ayat mana yang diputarbelit dan bagaimana tidak dijelaskan.

Kebiasaannya cara UMNO, buat tuduhan tapi tidak ada fakta. Janganlah ikut cara mereka.

Sebagai umat Islam, Al-Quran adalah rujukan kepada semua persoalan. Walaupun berhubung isu kuil. Dalam soal ini saya harap YB Zul setuju. Kecuali beliau ingin merujuk ‘Mein Kempf’ pula apabila menguruskan persoalan kuil!

Saya sebut Al-Quran menuntut ummat Islam bertindak adil terhadap semua, termasuk yang bukan Islam. YB Zul setuju tetapi beliau menyatakan kita hanya adil terhadap kebajikan mereka.
“Dalam soal ketuhanan”, kata beliau lagi, “tidak timbul keadilan”. Ada sesiapa yang faham kenyataan beliau ini? Saya tidak faham. Adakah dimaksudkan dalam soal ketuhanan Islam meminta kita bertindak zalim? Kerana lawan adil adalah zalim. Jika itulah yang dimaksudkan maka saya tidak setuju kerana Islam adil dalam semua aspek.

Beliau terus menyebut pula, “kita memelihara tempat ibadat mereka, bukan mewujudkan yang baru dicelah kediaman kita”.

B Zul tidak tahukah, yang terletak di ‘celah kediaman’ orang Islam ialah yang di Seksyen 19. Itulah antara sebabnya kita cuba pindahkan dan dicadangkan ke Seksyen 23, yang berjauhan dari kawasan kediaman. Dan ianya bukan soal bina kuil baru.

Ianya soal pemindahan. Haai... kalau tidak tahu jangan cakaplah.

Walaubagaimanapun saya setuju dengan YB Zul dalam satu hal. Sepatutnya kita “memelihara tempat ibadat mereka” dengan mengambil kira wujudnya kuil berkenaan di situ semasa kawasan perumahan dibangunkan.

Ini tidak. Dibina rumah keliling kuil seolah-olah kuil tersebut tiada, dijualnya pula tanpa menyatakan wujudnya kuil tersebut dan sekarang apabila timbul masalah dengan penduduk sekeliling, terpaksa pula kita pindahkan.

Satu lagi dakwaan yang ditimbulkan oleh YB Zul ialah haramnya pembinaan kuil baru. Adakah benar ianya haram dan ditegah sama sekali oleh Islam? Walaupun penduduk semakin ramai, yang Islam dan bukan Islam, adakah benar pembinaan kuil, gereja serta tok kong baru ditegah?

Yang boleh dibina hanya Masjid dan Surau untuk menampung pertambahan penduduk? Kalau benarlah dakwaan YB Zul, maknanya setiap perumahan baru, bandar baru, tidak kira ada berapa ramai penduduk bukan Islam, tidak boleh dibina tempat ibadat untuk mereka.

Hmmm, ulama’ mana pula rujukan beliau. Saya tahu Islam tidak sesempit itu. Saya syorkan beliau buat rujukan betul-betul, jangan main buat hukum ikut perasaan dan emosi beliau.

Islam ini agama Allah, bukan agama rekaan manusia yang berhati sempit.

Ulama zaman dahulu telah banyak berbincang berhubung persoalan pembinaan tempat ibadah orang bukan Islam. Di mana boleh, di mana tidak boleh. Kalau di kawasan orang Islam ramai bagaimana. Apa syarat-syaaratnya dan sebagainya. Bukan buat hukum borong seperti orang yang jahil.

Statistik Kuil dan Masjid

Saya tidak tahu sejauh mana kebenaran statistik YB Zul.

Yang saya tahu statistik di Shah Alam, Seksyen 1 hingga seksyen 24. Kuil yang berdaftar hanya 10.

Tiga darinya duduk atas tapak yang siap diwarta sebagai ‘tapak kuil’ dan tujuh yang lain, termasuk yang di Seksyen 19, akan dipindahkan ke tapak yang lebih sesuai yang akan diwartakan sebagai tapak kuil. Atau, jika tiada masalah mungkin tapak sediada terus diwartakan sebagai tapak kuil dan kuil kekal di situ setelah mengambil kira berbagai factor.

Tetapi untuk Seksyen 19 tidak sesuai.Masjid dan Surau, tidak termasuk surau di pejabat-pejabat, kompleks beli belah, kawasan R&R, stesyen minyak dan sebagainya, di Shah Alam sahaja ada 106. Statistik YB Zul hanya menceritakan Masjid sedangkan surau-surau pun banyak dan perlu juga diambil kira untuk memberi gambaran yang lebih tepat.

Inilah masalah apabila ambil statistik bersumberkan UMNO. UMNO ini jahat. Semuanya ada udang sebalik batu. Termasuklah statistiknya.

Sekarang soalnya Shah Alam. Kalau di tempat lain terlalu banyak kuil, tangani ditempat berkenaan. Maka tidak perlu babitkan Shah Alam. Di Shah Alam kuil hanya 10 dan untuk Seksyen 19, 20 dan 23 hanya ada satu untuk penduduk beragama Hindu yang seramai 3,000 lebih.

Tidakkah adil mereka dibenarkan sebuah kuil? Atau adakah dalam soal ini ‘kezaliman’ dituntut oleh Islam mengikut pandangan YB Zul?

Soal Hak Penduduk Seksyen 23

YB Zul menyatakan penduduk tidak diberikan hak. Hairan saya. Bukankah diadakan majlis dialog untuk mendengar pandangan penduduk?

Masalahnya sebelum majlis dialog itu diadakan segelintir dari mereka telah bertindak kerana adanya agenda politik. Kalau tiada agenda politik, tiada sebab mereka perlu bertindak sedemikian rupa. Mereka telah diberitahu majlis itu akan diadakan mengikut prosesnya.

Tunggu sahajalah. Tetapi tidak. Heret kepala lembulah.....lepas itu bila dunia kecam tindakan mereka sebagai melampau, salahkan kerajaan Negeri! Yang kamu buat kerja seperti itu siapa suruh?

Bila diadakan majlis dialog pula, tunjuk perangai. Tuduh orang tidak mahu dengar tetapi akhirnya dunia tahu siapa yang tidak mahu dengar.

Geng samseng UMNO sememangnya tidak boleh dibawa berbincang. Takde class.

Soal Surah Al-Baqarah dan Ibadah Korban

Dari mana pula datangnya ide YB Zul untuk mengharamkan bacaan Surah Al-Baqarah?

YB Zul baca Surah Al-Baqarah dengan niat nak menghina lembu dan agama Hindu ke? Surah Al-Baqarah tiada kena mengena dengan tindakan menghina lembu atau agama Hindu. Orang Islam baca Surah Al-Baqarah untuk mendapat petunjuk dalam soal mentadbir diri, masyarakat, negara dan dunia mengikut kehendak Allah.

Ada disuruh menghina lembu atau agama lain dalam Surah Al-Baqarah ke?

Begitu juga soal korban. Apabila lembu disembelih, adakah YB Zul meniatkan untuk hina lembu dan agama Hindu? Kalau Ya, maka adalah haram memakan daging lembu yang disembelih dengan niat sebegitu. Niat korban hanya untuk Allah, untuk mencari keredaanNya. Disebut nama Allah yang Ar-Rahman dan Ar-Rahim, bukannya “cis Hindu aku bunuh lembu”.

Perbezaan ketera bagi yang pertama dipenuhi perasaan rendah diri dan kelembutan, mengharapkan keampunan Illahi. Yang satu lagi dipenuhi kebencian.
Kasihan orang yang menganggap dirinya pembela agama Allah,
Walhal sebenarnya merupakan penghalang kepadanya.
Menjatuhkan imej Islam dengan setiap perkataan
Yang ditutur kononnya untuk membelanya.
Mana mungkin menjadi pembela Islam sedangkan hati dipenuh prejudis!
Melihat manusia mad’unya tanpa perasaan kasihan belas.
Sebaliknya kebencian yang teramat,
sehingga kezaliman dilihat sebagai keadilan,
penindasan pula sebagai pertolongan...

WaLlahu ‘Alam