Read here for more
Mohamad Sabu, Ahli Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat, menyifatkan pendapat yang mengatakan jika Umno kalah, maka Melayu juga kalah atau mundur adalah tahyul dan merupakan satu tafsiran mengarut.
Katanya, kepimpinan Umno lazimnya membuat kenyataan tahyul itu bahawa sekiranya Umno kalah dalam pilihan raya nanti, masyarakat Melayu akan hidup dalam suasana kelam kabut atau tertekan sebagaimana zaman Jepun.
Padahal, jelasnya jika Umno kalah, maka PAS dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) iaitu parti yang seagama dengan kepimpinan Umno pula akan memegang tampuk pemerintahan serta meneruskan kelangsungan perjuangan tetapi berlainan pendekatan untuk membela rakyat.
"Bila Umno kalah, PAS dan PKR pula yang akan teruskan perjuangan tapi kali ini bukan macam Umno yang berkepentingan dan kroni, kita akan urus tadbir negara dengan baik," tambahnya semasa berucap dalam program ceramah anjuran Dewan Pemuda PAS di Dataran Kompleks An-Nadhoh, Penanti malam tadi.
Katanya, pemimpin Umno sanggup menggertak supaya orang Melayu jangan mengundi PAS atau PKR yang digambarkan sebagai petualang bangsa kerana kononnya menggadai maruah kepada kaum lain.
"Sekarang ini biarlah Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN) nak gelarkan apa pun, kita jangan peduli. Kita patut pandang ke depan dengan satu matlamat mendaki Putrajaya kerana jalan tersebut boleh menyelamatkan maruah negara yang sudah tercalar di mata dunia," tegasnya.
Rakyat, ujarnya wajar menilai kepimpinan PAS di Kelantan, Terengganu sebelum tewas pada pilihan raya ke-11 lalu dan terkini di Kedah, adakah gagal melaksanakan tanggungjawab mentadbir dengan baik.
Jawapannya, kata beliau pasti lebih cemerlang berbanding Umno dan BN kerana pentadbiran mereka penuh dengan penyelewengan, pembohongan fakta dan penipuan.
"Sebagai kepimpinan parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat, saya lihat sudah ada kemahiran dan pemimpin tidak melatah seperti sebelum pilihan raya 2004 yang mana DAP lari keluar yang akhirnya kita kalah sebagai pakatan pembangkang," katanya.
Namun, katanya kini Umno memainkan rentak yang sama iaitu isu Melayu untuk bersatu dengan PAS.
Menurutnya, mereka menggunakan mufti untuk kepentingan politik sempit padahal peranan mufti menasihati tingkah laku kepimpinan Umno yang terlalu banyak penyelewengan sehinggakan rakyat terpaksa menolak kerajaan BN pada pilihan raya umum ke-12 lalu.
"Mufti pun jadi kalut sekarang ini nak satukan PAS dan Umno. Saya dengar 'geli' bila sebut tentang kerjasama PAS dan Umno. Nak kerjasama macam mana, depan ajak elok dengan senyuman sampai ke telingga tapi di belakang mereka panah kita dengan anak panah berbisa.
“Lupakanlah kerjasama tu kerana yang penting biar Umno karam manakala kita daki Putrajaya bersama parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat yang lain," tegas beliau. menyifatkan pendapat yang mengatakan jika Umno kalah, maka Melayu juga kalah atau mundur adalah tahyul dan merupakan satu tafsiran mengarut.
Thursday 29 July 2010
Former MCA President-cum-Transport Minister Arrested over PKFZ Scandal
Read here for more in Malaysiakini
Former MCA President and Transport Minister Tun Ling Liong Sik was today charged in the Kajang Sessions Court over his involvement in the multi-billion ringgit Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.
He is the second MCA president to be placed in the dock after Tan Koon Swan. Today’s prosecution of Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik over his role in the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal, has sent shockwaves through the MCA, leaving party leaders stuttering in response.
Dr Ling is believed to be the first Tun in the country to face such prosecution.
Ling is charged with misleading the cabinet between Sept 25 and Nov 6, 2002, ( Section 418 of the Penal Code). into agreeing to purchase 999.5 acres of land on Pulau Indah for a project, now known as PKFZ, at a price of RM25psf on a deferred payment method for a 15-year period, at a 7.5 percent interest rate . The cumulative interest paid would total RM720 million at the end of the repayment period.
He was also offered an alternative charge, under Section 417 of the Penal Code, for the same offence.
According to the charge sheet, the Finance Ministry had already valued the land at RM25psf - inclusive of compounded interest - and this fact was withheld from the cabinet by the accused.
Ling pleaded not guilty to both charges and Sessions Court judge Suzana Hussin set bail at RM1 million.
Mention has been fixed for Sept 3.
As Ling needed time to post bail, he was released on personal bond for today and given time to post bail at the Sessions Court tomorrow.
He was represented by counsel RR Sethu. Ling appeared in court at 4.45pm, accompanied by his wife Ena and two sons.
PKFZ, a commercial and industrial project south of the capital, was conceived as a RM1.82 billion venture constructed over 1,000 acres.
However, costs are now expected to balloon to RM12.5 billion, making the affair one of the country's biggest financial scandals and a major embarrassment for the government.
Investigations into the project's financial records since then have revealed instances of corruption, cases of conflict of interest as well as breach of trust.
Last November, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) had recommended in its report on the PKFZ controversy that former transport minister Chan Kong Choy and former Port Klang Authority (PKA) general manager OC Phang be probed for criminal breach of trust.
This was over the wrongful issuance of three letters of support by Chan and three letters of undertaking by Phang without Finance Ministry approval.
PAC said that it was informed by the attorney-general that the letters were implicitly a form of guarantee from the government to ensure that there would be allocations for PKA to enable it to meet its obligations under the development agreement.
Former MCA President and Transport Minister Tun Ling Liong Sik was today charged in the Kajang Sessions Court over his involvement in the multi-billion ringgit Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.
He is the second MCA president to be placed in the dock after Tan Koon Swan. Today’s prosecution of Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik over his role in the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal, has sent shockwaves through the MCA, leaving party leaders stuttering in response.
Dr Ling is believed to be the first Tun in the country to face such prosecution.
Ling is charged with misleading the cabinet between Sept 25 and Nov 6, 2002, ( Section 418 of the Penal Code). into agreeing to purchase 999.5 acres of land on Pulau Indah for a project, now known as PKFZ, at a price of RM25psf on a deferred payment method for a 15-year period, at a 7.5 percent interest rate . The cumulative interest paid would total RM720 million at the end of the repayment period.
He was also offered an alternative charge, under Section 417 of the Penal Code, for the same offence.
According to the charge sheet, the Finance Ministry had already valued the land at RM25psf - inclusive of compounded interest - and this fact was withheld from the cabinet by the accused.
Ling pleaded not guilty to both charges and Sessions Court judge Suzana Hussin set bail at RM1 million.
Mention has been fixed for Sept 3.
As Ling needed time to post bail, he was released on personal bond for today and given time to post bail at the Sessions Court tomorrow.
He was represented by counsel RR Sethu. Ling appeared in court at 4.45pm, accompanied by his wife Ena and two sons.
PKFZ, a commercial and industrial project south of the capital, was conceived as a RM1.82 billion venture constructed over 1,000 acres.
However, costs are now expected to balloon to RM12.5 billion, making the affair one of the country's biggest financial scandals and a major embarrassment for the government.
Investigations into the project's financial records since then have revealed instances of corruption, cases of conflict of interest as well as breach of trust.
Last November, the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) had recommended in its report on the PKFZ controversy that former transport minister Chan Kong Choy and former Port Klang Authority (PKA) general manager OC Phang be probed for criminal breach of trust.
This was over the wrongful issuance of three letters of support by Chan and three letters of undertaking by Phang without Finance Ministry approval.
PAC said that it was informed by the attorney-general that the letters were implicitly a form of guarantee from the government to ensure that there would be allocations for PKA to enable it to meet its obligations under the development agreement.
Wednesday 28 July 2010
Ketuanan Melayu Justice by UMNO-controlled Malaysian Judiciary
The 12 protesters involved in the infamous cow-head protest last year (SEE VIDEO CLIP BELOW) were ONLY fined RM1,000 each by the Shah Alam Sessions court today, after pleading guilty to an alternative charge of taking part in an illegal assembly.
".... These guys played with fire, stirred up religious sentiments, instigated racial disharmony. They should have been sent to prison under ISA.
Just as everyone predicted, the UMNO -linked-and-endorsed 'cow's head' mob were let off with nothing more than a silky caress on the wrist by the 'judiciary'.
With their crimes amply documented in print, photo and on video, this pathetic verdict is the best that the court could come up with?
If this was done by non-Muslims, the whole case would be different. Well done, BN, this is your 1Malaysia.
There really is no longer any point in saying that this makes a mockery of the Malaysian justice system - because there no longer exists a justice system to mock anyway.
When such blatantly malicious and provocative actions are allowed to go unpunished - and are openly endorsed by the home minister himself - they merely add further proof that Najib's '1Malaysia' is nothing more than a hypocritical public relations exercise and that Umno is nothing more than a mob of corrupt, racist thugs hiding behind the tattered fig leaf of pseudo-nationalistic ethnocentrism.
The kangaroo courts have again showed the rakyat the kind of twisted minds that sit on the judiciary. This verdict is an insult to all those who profess the Hindu religion.
1Malaysia, 2 systems. One for Umnoputras and one for others. Umnoputras can get away with murder. The rest will be severely punished, even with ISA.
The rot starts from the court house.. ..."
The 12 protesters involved in the infamous cow-head protest last year were fined RM1,000 each by the Shah Alam Sessions court today, after pleading guilty to an alternative charge of taking part in an illegal assembly.
Four of them however were granted a discharge not amounting to an acquittal from additional sedition charges by judge Hasbi Hasan, after the prosecution decided not to pursue the case.
The four - Ibrahim Sabri, 43, Ahmad Mahayuddin Abd Manaf, 37, Ahmad Suhairy Zakaria, 31 and Mohd Hilmi Ali, 41 - maintained their innocence and were supposed to go through separate trials to hear their cases related to the desecration of the cow-head - deemed offensive to Hindus.
The deputy public prosecutor Ishak Mohd Yusoff decided not to submit further evidence in both cases as two other protesters, Eyzva Ezhar Ramli, 32, and Mohd Azmir Mohd Zain, 36, had already plead guilty to similar charges.after pleading guilty to an alternative charge of taking part in an illegal assembly.
The group were initially charged under Section 27(5A) of the Police Act 1967, but were offered an alternative charge under Section 143 of the Penal Code which carries a lower penalty of six months' jail or fine.
The group looked visibly relieved when Hasbi read out her judgment, though Eyzva and Azmir appeared expressionless, given the additional punishment meted out to them.
The 12 nevertheless proceeded to congratulate one another and their lawyers at the end of the trial, clearly happy that the whole affair had ended.
In a Reuters report, critics said the light sentences may further strain race relations between Muslims, who make up the majority of the country's 28 million population, and minority Hindus and Christians who complain of discrimination.
"Going (forward), this will become a political issue for the country's minorities and further reinforce their unhappiness," said James Chin, a politics professor at Monash University in Kuala Lumpur.
Read here for more in Malaysiakini
Read here for more in Malaysiakini
- The cow-head protesters' actions were supported by some politicians, including the home minister. The punishment is too soft and will not deter such a crime again. Secondly, there's been a lack of transparency in this. I would like to know why the four have had their charges dropped. Finally, what about those who supported the protest openly, such as Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein. If his actions were not illegal, the least he should do is to issue a public apology for his actions and swear not to repeat them in future.
- This must be the joke of the year. These guys played with fire, stirred up religious sentiments, instigated racial disharmony. They should have been sent to prison under ISA. The ISA should not be used against reporters and politicians, but against those who initiate racial and religious hatred. The rot starts from the court house.
- Regardless of the punishment, do you think they feel any remorse at all? The four who were found to be innocent congratulated each other publicly, presumably because justice was served when it came to them. But did they think about justice for the Hindus who had to face this ugly protest made against their right to practise their religion in that neighbourhood?
- Syabas, Barisan Nasional. Now we all know the government sanctioned punishment for insulting another religion and threatening violence. Hooray!
- What kind of justice is this - the four refused to plead guilty and they were set free? What kind of justice system are we practising?
- So this is the punishment? One week in jail and RM3,000 fine for inciting racial tension? If a pig-head were paraded in the streets the next time by some insensitive Chinese, the punishment would be just one week's jail and RM3,000 fine or just a RM3,000 fine?
- They were slapped with a fine only, no ISA, and even the charges were changed to allow a lower penalty. If this was done by non-Muslims, the whole case would be different. Well done, BN, this is your 1Malaysia.
- Only RM1,000 fine? Great, at least when Umno pays the fine for them, not that much of our taxpayers money will be siphoned out of the nation's coffers. This is classic eye-wash by the government. If we the rakyat remain ignorant and dumb, then rest assured that we'll all vote Umno again into power. Thereupon, Umno can continue to orchestrate some more cow-head protests and continue to let the kangaroo courts perform the eye-wash they're so great at.
- An absolutely disgusting verdict. Even in the face of compelling and irrefutable evidence of wrongdoing, the judiciary refuses to do justice. It is no surprise why FDI is in the negative. There is no justice for the non-Umno entities in Malaysia. Only by kicking out Umno will justice prevail once again.
- I am sure BN demanded this lenient fine. This will raise investors confidence as more FDI (foreign direct investments) will arrive to start up cow-farming to cater for higher demand of cow heads since the punishment for such acts are pretty reasonable.
- 1Malaysia, 2 systems. One for Umnoputras and one for others. Umnoputras can get away with murder. The rest will be severely punished, even with ISA. The rakyat are totally fed up. I will definitely want to see a change. If BN retains power after 13th general election, we may as well get ready to quit this country and migrate as we have no locus standi here.
- I studied 'civilised' law so that I can uphold justice. Now it seems to have been a big mistake because Malaysia practices the 'law of the jungle'.
- To all BN component parties except for Umno, are you blind to the insidious and slow cultural and religious genocide that has been going on for the last 30-plus years? Now we know that some people can trample on your religious icons, insult your religion and probably firebomb your house of worship and get away with a relatively light sentence of illegal assembly and disorderly behaviour.
- The kangaroo courts have again showed the rakyat the kind of twisted minds that sit on the judiciary. Everyone has a limit to condoning things, and this is the beginning of the end. This verdict is an insult to all those who profess the Hindu religion. Indians of the Hindu faith, do you still want BN to represent you?
- "Eyzva Ezhar was ordered to serve his week in jail after he completes his current jail time. He is currently serving time in a prison in Jelebu for a previous drug conviction ". So the 'defenders' of Islam are made up of the dregs of society, low-level scum found in the drains and back lanes of Lorong Haji Taib and Chow Kit.
- Just as everyone predicted, the Umno-linked-and-endorsed 'cow's head' mob were let off with nothing more than a silky caress on the wrist by the 'judiciary'. With their crimes amply documented in print, photo and on video, this pathetic verdict is the best that the court could come up with?
There really is no longer any point in saying that this makes a mockery of the Malaysian justice system - because there no longer exists a justice system to mock anyway. When such blatantly malicious and provocative actions are allowed to go unpunished - and are openly endorsed by the home minister himself - they merely add further proof (as if any more were needed) that Najib's '1Malaysia' is nothing more than a hypocritical public relations exercise and that Umno is nothing more than a mob of corrupt, racist thugs hiding behind the tattered fig leaf of pseudo-nationalistic ethnocentrism.
Extremists like Perkasa will now see this as an open license to further insult and inflame race relations. - No wonder there is no racial equality in Malaysia today. These troublemakers are so lightly punished for a crime against social stability that it really makes a mockery of the entire justice system. I say shame on the judge and shame on those perpetrators for their insulting crime against the Indians. Imagine what would happen if a wild boar head is thrown and dragged to the front gate of a mosque?
- Far from being a deterrent, the sentence only encourages future behaviour like this.
- As expected.
- The protestors in the cow-head incident were just slapped witha small fine! To the Hindus, the cow is SACRED! By stepping on it, the protetsors were trying to look down on the sacred cow; and the religion that goes with it! Yet, there charges of sedition were dropped! Compare this incident with the seditious speech by one UMNO man in Penang. Nothing happened to him except suspension from UMNO while the news reporter from Sin Chew was locked up under ISA!" Protection for her ?"
- I am totally ashamed of our judiciary and home ministry and the people who helm it. These are criminals of the lowest level. These are the brutes who shd be under ISA. God save this country from bigots, extremists, thieves and liars in high places. Rest assured, God is watching. You shall burn in hell!!
- I am sure MIC especially 'UMNO thamby' could'nt wait to kiss the hands of these 4 holy "Cow Heads"! MIC you are just a BORN LOSER....
- So I assume, Najib, that cow head protesting is a small offense under the 1 Malaysia concept.
- The whole trial is an eyewash to show that something is done. Haven't the people expected the verdicts? Had the trouble-makers been from the other camps, God would have to help them! Don’t we know we have kangaroo courts in this Umno-led BN government?
Tuesday 27 July 2010
Peringatan Sejarah:
"..... Orang UMNO sendiri lupa bahawa Dato Onn Jaafar sendirilah yang pada akhirnya yang menentang UMNO.
Apabila Dato Onn Jaafar KELUAR daripada UMNO dan menubuhkan Parti Negara lalu bertanding dalam pilihanraya umum di Johor Bharu pada tahun 1955 Dato Onn telah kalah.
Lalu pada pilihanraya tahun 1959 PAS telah memberi laluan kepada Dato Onn Jaafar untuk bertanding di kubu kuat PAS ketika itu iaitu di Kuala Trengganu lalu Dato Onn telah memenangi kerusi tersebut.
Inilah sejarah yang sering dilupakan oleh rakyat malah orang UMNO sendiri....." Read here for more
Read here for more
Aku juga Melayu. Aku juga beragama Islam.
Tapi kenapa aku membenci tindakan sesetengah tindak - tanduk pemimpin Umno yang mengaku diri mereka memperjuangkan Melayu.
Adakah dengan langkah aku membenci Umno maka aku mengkhianati Melayu?
Aku benci kepada Umno kerana mereka sering kali memperbodohkan Melayu.
- Lihat sahaja laungan Ketuanan Melayu tapi yang merampas tanah - tanah orang Melayu adalah mereka.
- Yang merobohkan Kampung Berembang adalah mereka.
- Yang menutup mata untuk penduduk Kampung Tanjung Tokong Pulau Pinang adalah mereka.
- Yang merampas biasiswa untuk Bumiputera adalah mereka.
Kenapa masih ada yang mempercayai Umno memperjuangkan Melayu. Kenapa masih ada yang terus - menerus memberi undi kepada Umno?
Aku Melayu, tapi aku tidak pernah sesekali memberikan undi aku kepada Umno kerana aku yakin Umno tidak pernah mempertahankan Melayu.
Mereka hanya menggunakan nama Melayu untuk merompak harta negara. Mereka mencandukan orang Melayu dengan slogan - slogan yang cukup enak untuk didengar.
Lihat sahaja rumah Khir Toyo. Hartanya puluhan juta. Hasilnya kerana terus menerus memperbodohkan Melayu. Apabila Melayu khayal dan terus seronok menyokong Umno, maka lahirlah Istana Kaya Raya Khir Toyo.
Apakah itu tidak cukup untuk membuka mata orang Melayu?
TIDAK ! Orang Melayu disajikan dengan orang Cina nak rampas tanah Melayu. Orang Cina akan buang hak - hak Melayu. Tanah orang Melayu akan dirampas oleh Cina. Sokong parti pembangkang orang Melayu akan musnah.
Maka orang Melayu sekali lagi terpedaya dengan dakyah dan tipu muslihat bangsat Umno ini. Sedangkan yang berusaha untuk menghalau orang Melayu di tanah mereka sendiri adalah orang Umno.
Lihat sahaja apa yang berlaku di Kampung Berembang. Orang Melayu dihalau bagaikan anjing.
Apakah itu tidak cukup memperlihatkan betapa bangsatnya Umno?
Aku Melayu, apabila melihat betapa bangsatnya penipuan Umno terus aku membenci Umno.
Aku yakin Umno tidak pernah ikhlas mahu membantu orang Melayu. Umno hanya mempergunakan sensitif orang Melayu untuk mengekalkan kuasa mereka dan terus - menerus mengKAYAkan sanak - saudara mereka.
Atas sebab itu aku yakin, Umno harus dimusnahkan jika tidak, orang Melayu terus akan mundur di kampung. Orang Melayu tergadai tanah mereka. Orang Melayu terus - menerus nasib mereka tidak dibela.
Namun sayangnya, hanya segelintir sahaja yang berfikiran seperti aku. Masih ramai lagi disana yang terpedaya dengan tipu muslihat Umno.
Kenapa mereka masih tidak berubah? Kerana maklumat tidak sampai. Menjadi tanggungjawap kita menyampaikan maklumat untuk mereka.
Aku Melayu apakah dengan penulisan ini aku dianggap mengkhianati Melayu? Silakan.
Aku mahu melihat Melayu bebas dari pengaruh Umno yang bangsat ini. Sedangkan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w pun digelar pengkhianat oleh puak Jahiliyyah Quraisy.
Jadi aku akan terus - meneruskan mengatakan Umno pengkhianat Melayu.
Buang Umno maka Melayu selamat. Percayalah
Friday 23 July 2010
Must Watch Video::Why TRUTH Matters ESPECIALLY for Bloggers in the Alternative Media
- Video Clip from CNN's "ANDERSON COOPER 360" Program
Events leader to and after Blogger Andrew Breitbart lied by editing a video clip of Shirley Sherood's speech in March 2010 intend to smear her reputation and which led to the Secretary of the US Dept of Agriculture to wrongly call for her resignation.READ TRANSCRIPT OF THE VIDEO CLIP BELOW
- Andrew J. Breitbart ( born February 1, 1969) is an American blogger, publisher-commentator for the Washington Times, author, and an occasional guest commentator on various news programs.
He may be best-known for serving as an editor for the Drudge Report website. He was a researcher for Arianna Huffington, and was employed by her as "the primary developer" of her website, the Huffington Post.
He currently runs his own news aggregation site,, and five other websites:, Big Hollywood, Big Government, Big Journalism, and Big Peace - Shirley Sherrod was a United States Department of Agriculture Georgia State Director of Rural Development, and who was forced to resign after a heavily edited video of her address to a March 2010 NAACP meeting was posted on Andrew Breitbart's Big Government website on July 19, 2010.
In the video, Sherrod (an African American woman) described her own attitude, while employed at a private advocacy firm in 1986, when a white farmer sought her help after his farm was about to be foreclosed.
The decision to fire her was revisited after the full version of the video, which presents the context for Sherrod's excerpted remarks, was made public. The event ignited debates regarding racism in the United States, the reporting practices of the Fox News Channel, and the decisions made by the administration of President Barack Obama.
Sherrod has since received an apology from the administration, and has been offered another job with the Department of Agriculture.
Read here in Independent UK
Shirley Sherrod: A Week is a Long Time in Politics
By Rupert Cornwell
On Monday Shirley Sherrod was called racist and forced to resign. Now the White House is begging her to return
It began, like so many political brouhahas these days, with a video posted on a website – a clip from a speech by a mid-level black official of the US Department of Agriculture in which she mused on an incident from a quarter of a century ago, long before she joined the federal government.
But in the space of a couple of news cycles, Shirley Sherrod's life story was rewritten – TWICE/
First she was branded an unreconstructed racist and sacked. Within barely 24 hours however, she was offered a new job by the Government, this time hailed as a symbol of racial reconciliation and redemption.
In the same blinks of the news cycle, the right saw a seeming propaganda coup transformed into an own goal; the Agriculture Department was obliged to issue a cringing apology; and the Obama White House, not for the first time, had clumsily stumbled into a controversy on race – the very issue this President was supposedly uniquely placed to overcome.
Utterly forgotten amid the fracas were two genuinely important political events: passage of an extension of jobless benefits that will help millions of Americans brought low by the recession, and the signature of the most sweeping financial regulatory reform in 75 years.
Welcome, in short, to US politics in this hot and ill-tempered pre-election summer of 2010. Depending on how you look at it, the story began either 24 years ago or at the start of this week.
On Monday morning, the conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart posted a two-and-a-half minute video extract of a speech made in March 2010 by Ms Sherrod, the Agriculture Department's (USDA) director of rural development for Georgia, in which she apparently admitted having discriminated against a white farmer.
Within hours she was receiving abusive messages. Inevitably the controversy was seized upon by Fox News, mouthpiece of the conservative movement, which denounced the "shocking" video and demanded Ms Sherrod's resignation.
It hardly needed to ask. That afternoon she was travelling when Cheryl Cook, a deputy undersecretary at the USDA called to inform her that the White House, no less, wanted her out, because her comments were causing a furore on the cable networks.
"They called me twice," Ms Sherrod explained. "The last time, they asked me to pull over to the side of the road and submit my resignation on my BlackBerry, and that's what I did."
Not for the first time, political accusation, conviction and assassination, internet-style, had taken less than half a day.
Even the NAACP, the venerable US civil rights group that had organised the meeting at which Ms Sherrod spoke, praised her ousting – a move probably not unconnected with its accusation a few days earlier that the right-wing Tea Party movement, darling of Fox News among others, had racist elements in its ranks.
Alas, in this particular assassination it quickly became apparent that the wrong person had been put to the sword. The clip, it emerged, had been lifted entirely out of context from a speech that lasted 43 minutes.
Far from venting reverse racist spleen against whites, the 62-year-old Ms Sherrod was telling her thoroughly uplifting life story – of how her father had been murdered by white men in 1965, at the height of the civil rights struggle; how she had married her husband Charles, a civil rights campaigner committed to non-violence; and how she had become the director of a non-profit group that helped black farmers, in an era when the USDA was notorious for its discrimination against blacks.
Yes, she admitted to her NAACP audience, she initially had had her doubts when the white farmer and his wife approached her back in 1986, desperate for help. But help them she did, as she came to understand that economic and financial pressures were the same for everyone, regardless of the colour of their skin.
In the event, she became friends with the farmers she saved from ruin. "If we hadn't found her we would have lost everything," Roger Spooner, now 82, says. "She's always been nice and polite and considerate," adds his wife, Eloise. "She was just a good person."
By this point in proceedings it was clear – even to right-wing diehards convinced that black officials in the Obama adminstration, from the President down, are waging a war of revenge against whites – that the original story didn't quite stand up, that the vilified racist was in fact an exemplar of racial harmony.
By Wednesday Bill O'Reilly no less, that most pugnacious of Fox hosts, was apologising to Ms Sherrod "for not doing my homework".
He wasn't the only one.
Tom Vilsack, the Agriculture Secretary, called with an apology, offering her another job at his department. Albeit more circumspectly, the White House also ate humble pie. "A disservice was done. An apology was owed," said Robert Gibbs, Mr Obama's spokesman.
Given the cable beast's unquenchable need for novelty, the uproar probably will subside quickly; Ms Sherrod's personal 15 minutes of fame will soon be up. But the lessons of the affair ought to linger.
With the exception of the lady herself and the Spooners, who resolutely confirmed what really happened, no-one emerges with credit. Not the right and its media acolytes, in their eagerness for anything with which to smear the Obama adminstration, and further improve the Republicans' already bright prospects for November's mid term elections.
Nor the USDA or the NAACP, which both bought the original story and acted without fully checking the facts.
"We were snookered," [into believing that Ms Sherrod made racist remarks] Benjamin Jealous, the NAACP president, noted ruefully.
And certainly not the White House. It claims it had no direct hand in Ms Sherrod's hasty removal, but her version of events suggests otherwise.
The White House was as guilty as Bill O'Reilly of not doing its homework.
And Team Obama has a wider problem. This is America's first black president, whose moving and perceptive speech on race was a highlight of his 2008 campaign. But for the second time in a year he has put his foot in it on an issue of race.
In July 2009 Mr Obama's statement that the police had "acted stupidly" in arresting the black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates led to uproar only put to rest by a "beer summit" at the White House of the various parties involved.
Perhaps a similar exercise involving Mr Obama, Mr Vilsack, Ms Sherrod and the Spooners is in order. (The President and Ms Sherrod are said to have spoken yesterday.)
Either way, it is hard to dispute that this White House is overly fearful of giving the slightest ammunition to the right, however dubious that ammunition's provenance.
Above all, these three days in July have provided a sobering cameo of how news operates in Washington in the internet age.
Politics in America has always been a brutal sport, in which anything – including heavily edited footage of an obscure Agriculture Department official talking about a tiny event long ago – is fair game. But more than ever, the media is part of the process. Talk show hosts become national political candidates, and vice versa.
News is born, explodes and dies at cyberspace speed. No one, it seems, dares take a deep breath to check the facts.
"This is a good woman, and she's been put through hell," said Mr Vilsack, who is said to have offered Ms Sherrod a post at the USDA focusing on civil rights. But Ms Sherrod was dubious yesterday.
"I'm not so sure that going back to the department is the right thing to do," she told CNN.
The Blogging Culprit
And who can blame her?
In America's firmament of conservative bloggers, few stars shine brighter than Andrew Breitbart, who counts Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh as friends and considers Matt Drudge a mentor. (Strangely, he also co-founded the liberal Huffington Post website, an association he dropped as his former colleague Arianna Huffington moved to the left.)
His suite of websites, the first of which he started in 2005, has become a key arena for right-wing opinionating in the US and Breitbart has never shied from the limelight.
He cheerfully refers to Barack Obama as a Marxist, is regularly speared by liberal watchdogs for distorting the truth to attack his enemies, and used his Big Government site to air a series of heavily edited videos that led to the demise of the ACORN voter registration group over allegations of fraud.
If the row over the Shirley Sherrod case exposes him to a new level of publicity, it seems unlikely that he will shrink from it.
Transcript of CNN- Anderson Cooper 360 Video Clip
ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening, everyone.
Tonight: BP comes closer to killing the well, but also burying the only hard evidence we will ever have about just how much oil was flowing into the Gulf. We're "Keeping Them Honest" on that.
But we begin tonight with the smearing -- the smearing of Shirley Sherrod. Well, the White House apologized today. So did the guy who fired her. And she has been offered a new job. We will talk to her in a minute to see if she is going to accept that new job.
But the damage has been done. And a woman who gave the speech about the change in her outlook and her heart has been dragged through the mud and has had to prove she is not a racist.
This can happen to anyone. And it is not right. Imagine it happening to you.
The truth is, it can happen to anyone, and the truth does matter.
But we live in an age where that simple fact is increasingly lost, as people on the right and the left, people who view things through the prism of politics and ideology, seek to score points by scoring scalps.
Cable news is part of the problem. There's no doubt about that. The left and the right have their own anchors who only report on the stories that suit their slant. That's their right.
But we think the truth matters.
It's even worse on the Internet, where there are no standards and where anonymity allows for the cruelest expressions of vitriol and hate.
Now, if you watched much of the coverage of Shirley Sherrod today, what seems to have been lost in much of it is the man who first posted this video, which was clearly edited to deceive and slander Ms. Sherrod.
His name is Andrew Breitbart.
Now, I don't know him. I have never met him. But watching him try to weasel his way out of taking responsibility for what he did to Ms. Sherrod today is a classic example of what's wrong with our national discourse.
Andrew Breitbart is a conservative, but of course there are liberals who are just as narrowed-minded and who are also refuse to admit when they are wrong. Breitbart posted the clip on Monday on his Web site. Nearly everything Mr. Breitbart said about Shirley Sherrod was either wrong or somehow slanted to make a larger point about racism in the NAACP.
He initially said her speech showed a government official who allowed racist views to influence her work with a white farmer. But we now know it was a speech about her change of heart 24 years ago, when she wasn't even at the USDA.
Today, Mr. Breitbart could have just apologized, said he was wrong, but he didn't. Bullies never do. Nor do ideologues in our divided country.
Instead, he now claims this was never about Ms. Sherrod; it was about the NAACP and what he says is their racism based on the audience's reaction to her speech.
Here's what he said last night on "JOHN KING, USA."
This tape is about the NAACP. Its raison d'etre is about nondiscrimination.(END VIDEO CLIP)
And when Shirley Sherrod is talking there in which she expresses a discriminatory attitude towards white people, the audience responds with applaud -- with applause -- and the NAACP agrees with me. And it rebuked her.
COOPER: Well, the fact is, there was no applause when Ms. Sherrod was talking about the white farmer.
And we will talk to members of the audience who were there that night about the reaction that they saw and heard and that they, themselves, had.
You know, Breitbart also said today that there were cheers over racist comments. Again, the facts do not bear him out.
The truth matters.
Now, the closest Mr. Breitbart came to an apology today was this comment.
I feel bad that they made this about her. And I feel sorry that they made this about her. I'm not sure if that was done because they rushed to judgment or whether they wanted to make it about Shirley vs. me, because that's what it's become.(END VIDEO CLIP)
COOPER: He goes on to say he's sympathetic to what Ms. Sherrod has gone through. Notice the passive voice here, because -- his words -- -- quote -- "They went after her, and not the NAACP."
It's like the arsonist saying, I'm sorry, ma'am, for the water damage done by firefighters. He started the fire. Andrew Breitbart said the clip he first posted proved black racism happened now at the USDA and the NAACP.
It didn't.
He said it proved racism in the crowd. You can decide for yourself about that. We will play you the tapes and you will talk -- we will hear from audience members.
He claims to feel sorry for the victim, but blames others acting on his misleading information for hurting her. It was a phony story. It isn't the first and it isn't the first about race. But why let the truth stop you, when you're making political points? That's the way a lot of people seem to think these days on left and the right.
Now, you can blame the media for acting as a conveyor belt. You can blame the Obama administration for being hyper-sensitive about race.
Race-baiters, smear artists and game-players have learned that trumped-up stories about race pay off, because people care about race.
But they care more, we think, about the truth.
And the truth matters.
It certainly does to Shirley Sherrod and certainly should to all of us.
Now, as we mentioned, the White House apologized today. Then so did her former boss at the Agriculture Department, Secretary Tom Vilsack.
Here is what he said.
This is a good woman. She has been put through hell.(END VIDEO CLIP)
And I could have done and should have done a better job. I want to learn from that experience. I want the agency and department to learn from that experience. And I want us to be stronger for it.
I want to renew the commitment of this department to a new era in civil rights. I want to close the chapter on a very difficult period in civil rights.\
So, I accept responsibility. And I -- I -- I don't think -- the buck stops with me, as it should.
which Blogger Andrew Breitbart edited a part of the video
and accused Shirley Sherrod as a racist.
which Blogger Andrew Breitbart edited a part of the video
and accused Shirley Sherrod as a racist.
Tuesday 20 July 2010
UMNO-led Govt Described as "One of the World's Most Insidious Authoritarian Governments"
(NOTE: The Huffington Post is a liberal/progressive American news website and it is a top destination for news, blogs, and original content. The Huffington Post has an active community, with over one million comments made on the site each month. It is an aggregated blog founded by Arianna Huffington, Kenneth Lerer, and Jonah Peretti, featuring various news sources and columnists.)
"...The modern splendor of this city (Kuala Lumpur) and the surrounding wealthy state of Selangor help disguise one of the world's most insidious authoritarian governments.
Controlled by the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) since independence and now led by the increasingly autocratic Prime Minister Najib Razak, the Malaysian government knows Anwar Ibrahim is the only viable threat to its half-century of rule.
The charges against Anwar are transparently political. But the obvious intent of the trial matters little in Malaysia, where the government exercises a disabling grip on the justice system and the media.
Najib's UMNO is trying to jail Anwar again in hopes of crushing his People's Justice Party (PKR). If Anwar is neutralized, this opposition movement would be paralyzed.
Najib's most powerful tool is the Internal Security Act that gives the Interior Minister power to indefinitely and arbitrarily imprison any Malaysian without trial or even evidence.
Through the ISA the government creates a climate of fear by arresting dozens of politicians, journalists, and student leaders.
Virtually ALL positions in the JUSTICE SYSTEM beyond the local level are held by government cronies.
Almost ALL major national newspapers, magazines, television channels, and radio stations here are tied to the ruling UMNO party.
Most problematic is that the local media cannot report on the ISA and the puppet justice system. The Printing Presses and Publications Act gives Najib near-absolute control over the news as media organizations need the government's permission to operate.
Not just because it means Malaysians can't easily find truth, but also because the next generation has grown uninterested: real journalism can no longer be practiced.
Through the silencing of opposition voices, vote-shopping, and gerrymandering, the UMNO-led government is able to continue its autocratic rule while calling Malaysia a democracy.
And Najib seeks to perpetuate this charade by clamping down on Malaysian youth. Through the University and University College Act, students are forbidden from having any involvement in politics.
Despite their systemic nature, Malaysia's human rights violations are largely unknown to the outside world.
Many academics and journalists group the country with Indonesia and Turkey as a promising moderate Muslim democracy. And Wikipedia's entries on Malaysia and on Najib avoid any mention of human rights, the Internal Security Act, censorship, or the crumbling rule of law.
Such whitewashing is not surprising given that Najib hired Washington-based APCO Worldwide to burnish his image and besmirch Anwar's.
Sadly, this country's appalling human rights record remains buried under a sea of APCO press releases.
-Thor Halvorssen and Alex Gladstein
Read here for more in Huffington Post
Malaysia's Bridge is Falling Down
Thor Halvorssen and Alex Gladstein
(Thor Halvorssen is the president of the Human Rights Foundation and the founder of the Oslo Freedom Forum. Alex Gladstein is its Chief Operating Officer.)
The farcical trial of Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim resumes this week in Kuala Lumpur.
This is the second time that the country's ruling establishment has tried to destroy Anwar's career with trumped-up allegations of sodomy. It succeeded 12 years ago, when he was imprisoned for six years on similar charges. Now Anwar faces up to 20 years in jail and whipping if convicted.
Controlled by the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) since independence and now led by the increasingly autocratic Prime Minister Najib Razak, the Malaysian government knows Anwar is the only viable threat to its half-century of rule. Anwar became a risk to the government as deputy prime minister in 1998 when he began attacking corruption and calling for reform. Ultimately he became leader of the opposition.
Najib's UMNO is trying to jail Anwar again in hopes of crushing his People's Justice Party (PKR). A secular Muslim party, PKR leads a diverse political coalition with ethnic Chinese and Islamist partners. If Anwar is neutralized, this opposition movement would be paralyzed.
Anwar's accuser - a former intern- admits to meeting with Najib just days before the alleged sexual act occurred and he has since changed his story several times.
The charges against Anwar are transparently political. But the obvious intent of the trial matters little in Malaysia, where the government exercises a disabling grip on the justice system and the media.
Yet as one visits Kuala Lumpur today, these autocratic tendencies are not immediately visible.
The modern splendor of this city and the surrounding wealthy state of Selangor help disguise one of the world's most insidious authoritarian governments.
Najib's most powerful tool is the Internal Security Act - a remnant from the days of British colonialism that gives the Interior Minister power to indefinitely and arbitrarily imprison any Malaysian without trial or even evidence.
Through the ISA the government creates a climate of fear by arresting dozens of politicians, journalists, and student leaders.
Opposition voices like Anwar who are politically attacked through the courts are hardly better off than victims of the ISA.
Virtually all positions in the justice system beyond the local level are held by government cronies.
Most problematic is that the local media cannot report on the ISA and the puppet justice system. The Printing Presses and Publications Act gives Najib near-absolute control over the news as media organizations need the government's permission to operate.
Almost all major national newspapers, magazines, television channels, and radio stations here are tied to the ruling UMNO party.
And Najib continues to tighten his grip in the face of Anwar's trial. Suara Keadilan, the publication of Anwar's PKR party, and the two other visible opposition outlets had their permits revoked on July 1.
The only way to get unfiltered news in Malaysia is online. Here, the media is protected by the "Bill of Guarantee of No Internet Censorship" - a law passed in the 1990s, at the strong suggestion of Bill Gates, to woo IT development to Malaysia.
Unfortunately, internet penetration is extremely limited outside of Malaysian urban centers. In some provinces, less than 10% of the population has online access, and most are stuck with the broadsheets.
These read as if from a 1984 dystopia - there is no bad news, and other than culture and sports, there is cant-laden drivel about the government's righteous quest to "serve the people".
On a visit to the offices of a small opposition monthly, the editors despaired at the suffocating Malaysian media culture. Not just because it means Malaysians can't easily find truth, but also because the next generation has grown uninterested: real journalism can no longer be practiced.
Through the silencing of opposition voices, vote-shopping, and gerrymandering, the UMNO-led government is able to continue its autocratic rule while calling Malaysia a democracy.
And Najib seeks to perpetuate this charade by clamping down on Malaysian youth. Through the University and University College Act, students are forbidden from having any involvement in politics.
Despite their systemic nature, Malaysia's human rights violations are largely unknown to the outside world.
Many academics and journalists group the country with Indonesia and Turkey as a promising moderate Muslim democracy. And Wikipedia's entries on Malaysia and on Najib avoid any mention of human rights, the Internal Security Act, censorship, or the crumbling rule of law.
Such whitewashing is not surprising given that Najib hired Washington-based APCO Worldwide to burnish his image and besmirch Anwar's.
Anwar, who has been profiled in TIME, the New Yorker, and Newsweek, and is frequently lionized as a promising Muslim leader, has recently been APCO's target.
In Malaysia, Anwar has often been mocked for having "Jewish friends." Najib's mentor and predecessor, Mahathir, even went so far as to say Anwar "would make a good prime minister for Israel."
In return, Anwar seized Najib's hiring of APCO as a chance to issue inflammatory remarks on the firm's supposed ties to Israel. This backfired when APCO distributed Anwar's comments internationally along with a series of unattributed anti-Semitic statements posted on his website.
The result is that on the eve of his trial many of his Western allies have questioned Anwar's integrity.
The truth is that Anwar has been critical of some policies of the current Israeli government. And in the last few months he has even become more vocal as he wrestles with Najib's media apparatus to avoid being pinned as blindly pro-Israel.
But Anwar is hardly an anti-Semite.
Contrast this with UMNO--which has led entire rallies inveighing against "the Jew." Anwar's critics should be careful not to carry water for Najib's party, which proudly sports venomous anti-Semitic rhetoric and conspiracy.
Over dinner in Kuala Lumpur, Anwar told us that unless international actors address issues like censorship and imprisonment without trial, Malaysia will not become the oft-discussed bridge between East and West. Only if his trial is exposed as a sham and he avoids prison might Malaysia have a real democratic contest with elections in 2012 or 2013.
Sadly, this country's appalling human rights record remains buried under a sea of APCO press releases.
Ustaz and Muftis on a Con-Job to Unite Malay Muslims Under UMNO
Read here for more
How the Religious People are Trying to Con Us (Malays)
Raja Petra Kamarudin
NOTE: BERNAMA reported:
For two years now Umno has been attempting to court PAS and for two years now PAS has made it very clear that it is not interested in getting married to Umno. But still Umno persists even though each time PAS has made it very clear that there is absolutely no possibility of an Umno-PAS marriage.
Now the religious leaders are jumping into the fray.
Muftis and ex-Muftis are trying to con the Malays into believing that it is their Islamic duty to unite under one political party. And that political party has to be Umno.
But why Umno? Why not PAS?
If the objective is to promote Malay unity for the sake of Islam then it does not matter which political party they unite under. Why not they wind up Umno and all the ex-Umno members join PAS? After all, the objective is to seek Malay unity for the sake of Islam and not to strengthen Umno.
I remember back in September 2008 when I was first sent to the Kamunting detention centre under the Internal Security Act. I was made to attend religious rehabilitation classes and the first lecture was by a lecturer from JAKIM -- that Malaysian government agency that has been accused of promoting violence and terrorism. (Read more here).
The lecture by the ustaz from JAKIM was about the need for Muslim solidarity. If the Muslims become divided then the enemies of Islam -- the Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Jews -- would take advantage of the situation to destroy Islam.
So it is the duty of all Muslims to unite and not become divided. It is what God (Allah) commands. So if we remain divided then we are defying God.
I have never heard worst bullshit in my entire life.
I sat there patiently waiting for the questions-and-answers session and once the ustaz opened the session to the floor I leaped to my feet and fired away.
I asked the ustaz:
It does not exist and has never existed for almost the entire history of Islam.
So what nonsense is he trying to espouse by asking us ISA detainees to unite in the interest of Islam and for the sake of Islam?
When I ended my tirade the ustaz looked at his watch and said that the time is up and he is not able to respond to my comment. He then ended the session without confirming or contradicting what I had said.
The Special Branch was of course there taking notes and later I was summoned and told not to embarrass the ustaz from JAKIM in public. I tried defending myself by arguing that what I had quoted was a fact of history.
Never mind, they replied. You can’t expect the ustaz to engage in an intellectual debate with you. What you say may be true but the objective of the religious rehabilitation classes is to correct the misconceptions you may have about Islam and to guide you back to the right path.
You are supposed to listen to the lectures, not debate with the ustaz and embarrass him in public.
So I expect the same holds true here. We are supposed to only listen to what these religious people preach and not question or contradict them. And when they ask us to all unite under Umno for the sake of Islam we are not supposed to question that.
Why the hell did God give us a brain then if we are not supposed to use it?
Muftis and ex-Muftis are trying to CON the MALAYS into believing that it is their Islamic duty to unite under ONE political party.
For two years now Umno has been attempting to court PAS. And for two years now PAS has made it very clear that it is not interested in getting married to Umno.
And that political party has to be Umno.
But why Umno? Why not PAS?
When I was first sent to the Kamunting detention centre under the Internal Security Act. I was made to attend religious rehabilitation classes and the first lecture was by a lecturer from JAKIM .
The lecture by the ustaz from JAKIM was about the need for Muslim solidarity. If the Muslims become divided then the enemies of Islam -- the Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Jews -- would take advantage of the situation to destroy Islam.
So it is the duty of all Muslims to unite and not become divided. It is what God (Allah) commands. So if we remain divided then we are defying God.
I have never heard WORST BULLSHIT in my entire life.
The point I was trying to make to this ustaz from JAKIM is that Islamic unity is a FALLACY . It does NOT exist and has NEVER existed for almost the entire history of Islam.
So what nonsense is he trying to espouse by asking us ISA detainees to unite in the interest of Islam and for the sake of Islam?
When I ended my tirade, the ustaz looked at his watch and said that the time is up and he is not able to respond to my comment. He then ended the session without confirming or contradicting what I had said.
The Special Branch was of course there taking notes and later I was summoned and told not to embarrass the ustaz from JAKIM in public. You are supposed to listen to the lectures, not debate with the ustaz and embarrass him in public.
We are supposed to only listen to what these religious people preach and not question or contradict them.
And when they ask us to all unite under Umno for the sake of Islam we are not supposed to question that.
Why the hell did God give us a brain then if we are not supposed to use it?
-Raja Petra Kamarudin
How the Religious People are Trying to Con Us (Malays)
Raja Petra Kamarudin
NOTE: BERNAMA reported:
Religious advisor to the prime minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Md Zin, said it was compulsory for Muslims to unite the Malays in the country as it was feared that if factionalism was allowed to continue, it would not only affect national harmony, but the status of Islam itself.The Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, and many other Umno leaders are making statements about ‘Malay unity for the sake of Islam'.
As such, he asked everyone to be tolerant in ensuring that solidarity between Umno and PAS could be realised. Abdullah also supported the move by the Mufti of Perak, Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria, who offered to be the mediator to both parties as the move was most appropriate for Muslim solidarity.
For two years now Umno has been attempting to court PAS and for two years now PAS has made it very clear that it is not interested in getting married to Umno. But still Umno persists even though each time PAS has made it very clear that there is absolutely no possibility of an Umno-PAS marriage.
Now the religious leaders are jumping into the fray.
Muftis and ex-Muftis are trying to con the Malays into believing that it is their Islamic duty to unite under one political party. And that political party has to be Umno.
But why Umno? Why not PAS?
If the objective is to promote Malay unity for the sake of Islam then it does not matter which political party they unite under. Why not they wind up Umno and all the ex-Umno members join PAS? After all, the objective is to seek Malay unity for the sake of Islam and not to strengthen Umno.
I remember back in September 2008 when I was first sent to the Kamunting detention centre under the Internal Security Act. I was made to attend religious rehabilitation classes and the first lecture was by a lecturer from JAKIM -- that Malaysian government agency that has been accused of promoting violence and terrorism. (Read more here).
The lecture by the ustaz from JAKIM was about the need for Muslim solidarity. If the Muslims become divided then the enemies of Islam -- the Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Jews -- would take advantage of the situation to destroy Islam.
So it is the duty of all Muslims to unite and not become divided. It is what God (Allah) commands. So if we remain divided then we are defying God.
I have never heard worst bullshit in my entire life.
I sat there patiently waiting for the questions-and-answers session and once the ustaz opened the session to the floor I leaped to my feet and fired away.
I asked the ustaz:
“Since when has Islam ever been united? From the day the Prophet died Islam became divided and has remained divided ever since for about 1,500 years. And millions of Muslims have died at the hands of fellow Muslims because of this. In fact, more Muslims have died at the hands of Muslims than at the hands of the so-called enemies of Islam.”I then related the events in Islamic history to support my argument. And my narration on the history of Islam went as follows:
The day the Prophet died the Muslims of Medina were embroiled in a three-day argument as to who should replace the Prophet as the successor (Caliph in Arabic). In the meantime the Prophet’s body lay unburied for three days as this conflict continued.The point I was trying to make to this ustaz from JAKIM is that Islamic unity is a fallacy.
The Medina people wanted a Medina man as the successor while the ‘pendatang’ Mekah people wanted a Mekah man.
Ali, the Prophet’s son-in-law and cousin to the Prophet, said that just before the Prophet died he (Prophet Muhammad) had summoned him (Ali) to his deathbed and whispered in his ear that when he (Prophet Muhammad) dies he (Ali) must replace him as the successor. Aishah was a witness to this, said Ali (the Prophet died on Aishah’s lap).
Aishah was summoned and asked about this but she said she did not hear anything. Since Aishah could not confirm Ali’s story the choice of successor went to Abu Bakar, Aishah’s father.
Abu Bakar then appointed Omar as his deputy and when Abu Bakar died Omar took over as the second Caliph. But Omar did not appoint any deputy and as he lay dying he told a committee to choose the next successor. The committee that was headed by Osman’s uncle selected Osman as the third Caliph.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, the bottom line is many Muslims believe that Ali should have been the successor and first Caliph but that he was bypassed three times.
Many Muslims also believe that Aishah had a personal grudge against Ali and that was why she did not confirm Ali’s story resulting in her father, Abu Bakar, getting the job instead.I said this is what many Muslims believe. Whether I too believe this is not the issue.
The issue is this belief divided the Muslims from the day the Prophet was buried right until today.The evidence that there was a personal grudge between Aishah and Ali was when Aishah led an army from Mekah to invade Medina during the time when Ali became the Caliph.
This event is called ‘The War of the Camel’.And this was not the only war between Muslims and Muslims. The most devastating war was of course at Karbala, which utterly divided the Muslims forever. This event is still celebrated in Iran until today as the most tragic event in Islamic history.
It does not exist and has never existed for almost the entire history of Islam.
So what nonsense is he trying to espouse by asking us ISA detainees to unite in the interest of Islam and for the sake of Islam?
When I ended my tirade the ustaz looked at his watch and said that the time is up and he is not able to respond to my comment. He then ended the session without confirming or contradicting what I had said.
The Special Branch was of course there taking notes and later I was summoned and told not to embarrass the ustaz from JAKIM in public. I tried defending myself by arguing that what I had quoted was a fact of history.
Never mind, they replied. You can’t expect the ustaz to engage in an intellectual debate with you. What you say may be true but the objective of the religious rehabilitation classes is to correct the misconceptions you may have about Islam and to guide you back to the right path.
You are supposed to listen to the lectures, not debate with the ustaz and embarrass him in public.
So I expect the same holds true here. We are supposed to only listen to what these religious people preach and not question or contradict them. And when they ask us to all unite under Umno for the sake of Islam we are not supposed to question that.
Why the hell did God give us a brain then if we are not supposed to use it?
Monday 19 July 2010
UPDATED: A Malay Gentleman Speaks Up for His Country and Indicts the Government
Read here for more on Sakmongkol AK47 Blog, "The changing mental landscape of the Malays?"
The following is a letter sent to blogger, Sakmongkol AK47, aka Dato' Mohd Ariff Sabri bin Hj Abdul Aziz (former ADUN from Pahang). It was posted on Sakmongkol AK47 Blog ( here)
The following is a letter sent to blogger, Sakmongkol AK47, aka Dato' Mohd Ariff Sabri bin Hj Abdul Aziz (former ADUN from Pahang). It was posted on Sakmongkol AK47 Blog ( here)
Dear Dato',
I am 65 and have no stable job.
I have been following your blog for quite sometimes and I find it informative, direct and dare to point out weaknesses in UMNO, the government and the Malays in general.
My favourite newspapers used to be Utusan and the New Straits Times. I have STOP reading them.
And now I also STOP watching TV3 and RTM news. I just cannot stand it anymore.
I am NOT a member of any political party.
As an ordinary citizen, like most other citizens of this country, I want a Malaysia which is progressive, modern and tolerant and most importantly a government which practices fairness, justice, etc.
I want to see the government fight corruption whole-heartedly, practice transparency and stop cronyism.
The government says they are doing all these.What I can see it is all talk and no action.
I sometimes cannot comprehend the reasoning and logic given by judges, including those sitting in the highest court.
DS Najib has been talking non-stop of everything that can bring good to the country. But I didn't see any result, as if he forgets everything he said once he finished talking.
Our DPM has a brain more like a 17-year olds.
And I didn't hear anything worth listening from the UMNO vice-presidents, and what more senior ministers, especially Rais Yatim.
When I think of the country's future I feel hopeless. I don't think UMNO, under the present leadership, can lead the country forward.
I hope your writings will be more forceful and cover wider subjects especially on reinventing the Malay minds.
Actually, the Malays has NOTHING to be proud of. We have to understand and accept our weaknesses. We are lacking in so many things.
As I see it, the Malays are going backward. The Malay mind has to be revamped and re-programmed. We cannot go forward using the current mind-set.
What can people like Ibrahim Ali help to advance the Malays?
What happen to our government servants? Every decisions, however minor, has to be brought and decided by committees. What's the use of sending them to Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, etc.
Where is the delegation of duties in the government? Even buying stationeries has to go to the committee.
You can see the quality of Malay university professors talking on TV talk shows. They talk to please their hosts and to protect their positions, rather than truth and facts.
Another sore point for me. When a problem occurs in our society most Malay leaders points out the lack of religious education as the main cause.
To me this is too simplistic and sometimes irrelevant.But the Malays in general can accept this line of reasoning, which doesn't requires THINKING.
Anything bad that happen in society is blamed on the lack of religious education.We know that society's problems are very complex and cannot be solely attributed to religious factors.
But the Malays seem to think that religion is everything, at least a large majority of them.
- FROM "Sakmongkol AK47" aka Dato' Mohd Ariff Sabri bin Hj Abdul Aziz
That was a letter I received over the e mail from a Malay gentleman. I have chosen not to reveal his name.
What if this gentleman's personal perceptions represent what the typical Malay now thinks of? Our government needs to recognise this.
The way we govern may no longer be sustainable. We govern with the belief that our population stays in villages, shut out from information waves and excluded from rising awareness.
So we think, we secure peoples blind trust when we give free houses to a certain number of applicants. For 100 people who got free houses, there may be 1000 people cursing the government why they didn't get the houses. They blame the penghulu, they blame the ketua kampong, they blame the district office they blame the ADUN for skewed selection process. The sad truth is, they are probably right.
In a few years, most of our population will live in cities. Villages and kampongs change in character, as the old give way to the young. People develop different expectations. Children who are better educated tell parents a different story.
That's reverse counsel.
Parents aren't equipped to tell children what's good for society. Educated children at various levels tell parents what's good for society-things like right to a decent living because government exists to manage the economy properly. And standards of assessment such as what the above gentleman is saying- good governance, fair, free from cronyism, free from corruption.
People no longer want to accept the arguments of 'democracy tax' whereby democratic countries have to tolerate certain levels of inept bureaucracy, certain levels of nepotism and cronyism, certain levels of corruption. Why? Because people are better informed and this agitates and move them into action.
A government that sits stubbornly refusing to adapt to a changing political landscape, is simply pushed to the back seat. If UMNO doesn't adapt to these changes, it loses relevance.
How does the government reach out to the people?
I was listening to the talk given by Robert Fisk yesterday. He was talking about Palestine mainly but he also touched about journalism in general. People all over the world, and not just the gentleman above no longer believe and even read mainstream journalists any more. They believed that mainstream journalists no longer report the truth. They just earn a living from the owners of newspapers.
So in Malaysia if the mainstream papers are actually owned by the government, eventually the government will not be believed. Bob Fisk was telling, tongue in cheek I hope, that you have to start a new newspaper.
-"Sakmongkol AK47" - From a reader, "MELAYU BARU" on Sakmongkol AK47 Blog: (Read here)
Assalamualaikum Dear Dato' Sak,
I read the old man's letter, and I can tell you that I agree with his observation.
I am a Malay, age 40.
My parents used to live in squatter house in KL. I am also among the lucky few who were sent to study abroad, courtesy of the DEB and BN government. In a way, I am indebted to the governments' policy, for my father who worked as a petrol pump attendant would never be able to send me to local university - what more halfway around the world.
Life abroad open your mind in many ways. There, I encounter sons and daughters of famous politicians and chief ministers. They are there also courtesy of government scholarship.
As long as they are qualified, lets send all the bumiputras abroad. Herein lies the problem - they arent qualified. They became spoilt brats - famous for throwing parties and having too much fun. One became alcoholics. Many were trapped in new found freedom. Many descended into a state of decadence.
After my return to Malaysia, I didnt care about politics. I have many friends in politics - all from UMNO - and seeing how they conduct their lives make me sick. Money is almost not a problem in the roaring 90s. Thousands will be spent in one night, and there are many of those nights.Why was it spent that way? It came too easy, via many ways. Still, Im not interested in politics.
In my 30s, I got promoted to higher positions in MNC - and started to deal with many politicians. There, one incident crystallize UMNO in my mind forever. It was an awakening, that made me realize what UMNO is.
This politician and I were discussing about general state of Malays - power grab, money politics, enriching the clans and supporters.
He said these to me - "Kau nak tau tak? Kalau UMNO terus dengan style macam ni, nanti satu hari semua melayu jahanam"
I looked at him. I cant believe its coming from him. This person is a ketua bahagian. And I ask him "But Dato', why are you in this yourself?"
And he said this "Eh! Esok kalau Melayu dah jahanam, anak bini aku nak makan apa?"
There. The word that was told to me many years ago - still clear in my mind. What do you see today is even worse. There's no more honor among thieves - but free for all. There's no clear leadership. And the word of the man may be true.
The fight for power and wealth has made UMNO a stage IV cancer patients. Now, the remedy to this is clear - you know it, they know it, and every Malaysians know it. But that remedy will kill the patient.
And that's why I said that voice of conscience like you will always be like Cassandra. you know the future. You tell it to the masses - and no one believes you.
May your effort be rewarded, but I doubt that UMNO in its current shape and form will take the medicine. The mess has become too big to correct. I have since distrust UMNO - as many of my friends in the same age.
Oh yes - as parting note. The friends abroad? They are now ADUNs in an east coast state involved in a long standing feud with their CM.
-Melayu Baru (19 July 2010 21:46) - From a reader, "UMAR" on Sakmongkol AK47 Blog: (Read here)
Do you decently think that UMNO can reform ?
My experience :
I worked in JKR for 20 years. Resigned, opened my own construction firm doing all and sundry. I tendered for a project in Putrajaya.
Company A tendered 3.0 M
Company B tendered 2.5 M
My company quoted 2.0 M
I have worked on supervising on site for years in JKR. I know I can still profit by tendering 2.0 M
The project was awarded to Com A.
On a sunday, they called me to Putrajaya. The Pengarah told me to do the job for 2.0 M although Com A has got the job officially.
I was asked to be the sub-contractor.
I have to come up with Bank guarantees and start the work with my own capital. Upon completion, I have to collect my money from Com A. This com was NOT willing to put any upfront money.
I did not take up the job. WE all knew COM A belongs to DG and crony.
So much for open tender or negotiated tender. Who is going to pocket this 1.0 M ?
Sorry, man, you can write about UMNO,PM, DPM for all your life and dream about rebranding or reform! Malay leadership today is rotten to the core.
We are being conned and robbed by Malay leaders .
Melayu sudah hilang jati diri !
- "Umar" (20 July 2010 01:39) - From a reader, "ANONYMOUS " on Sakmongkol AK47 Blog: (Read here)
There is a belief that among Malay that meritocracy should be preached among Malays WITHOUT removal of the NEP. The problem with that belief is that the presumption is WRONG.
Its wrong because NEP is NOT a true affirmative action program. A true affirmative action program do NOT use QUOTAS - instead it uses targets and handicaps. All results are transparent with all its flaws opened for all to see.
From the start, using of targets and handicaps was publicly and administratively unpleasant, the politicians sold the idea of qoutas that were untransparent.
Take tender for example. A tender could be opened to all but a bumi tender could have been given a small price advantage over non-bumis to enable him compete. That would have brought out the best and real bumi entreprenuer. However, because it was politically more expedient and advantageous to the privilleged to use qoutas, such methods were dismissed.
Regardless, its too late in the game to even just do handicaps and targets now.
The Malay problem now is that the gap between the privileged and the rest is too wide.
Even a more meritocratic system such as handicaps and targets among Malay will not spread the benefit wide enough. A more dynamic system is required and that means open competition to all.
A system that is constantly bringing new opportunities that the priviileged Malays or non-Malays do not have an unfair advantage is required.
That means moving up the education curve, up the skills and technology curve and creating new activities where its fair to all. - From a reader, "WALLA " on Sakmongkol AK47 Blog: (Read HERE)
" The Malay gentleman said the government is all talk and no action. Actually it's the Barisan government which has been all talk and the Pakatan government which has been all action.
Take governance practices. No one can deny that the FOI statute that will be presented by the Selangor state government ranks as one of the most important governance measures in the entire history of this country. It will open up the books for the rakyat to see.
If this is not walking the talk about transparency and accountability, what is?
That Khalid has invited the opposition, namely Barisan, to head the PAC of his administration is another masterstroke to show Pakatan has nothing to hide.
That Toyo could not return the compliment but gave an evasive response shows he and his ilk have things they don't want the rakyat to know.
.....Yet we can see the challenges which Najib faces. He has to go forward. Time is the essence. But he has a legacy problem.
Too many have been cocooned from global reality they can even change history to protect their origin. It is a process of trying to defend the indefensible. It is as if being brutish and loud are their last line of defense against reality.
Look at the way they argue things. The method has never been about looking at the problems as they stand, without recourse to racial overtones. And when their arguments fail, they jump to make ad hominem attacks and cast ridiculous slurs.
...What is depressing is that even some of the overseas-trained, like from LSE, Malay minds, have some sort of embedded chauvinism whenever there is honest criticism of the way the Malays are carrying themselves, even when the criticism has been constructive.
This is extremely sad because they are part of the future of this country.
There are a lot of other things one can ponder about mental landscapes but I am starting to think it's a waste of time. With investments tapering off, funds running out, debts ballooning every second, crazy ideas still being put up, spendings like wildfire, corruption uncontested, jokers jumping around, how, man?
Some are saying the DAP is anti-Malay.- How come they have Malay office-bearers, and where exactly have they been anti-Malay?
- Two, LGE has shown that the Malays don't lose out when open tenders were practiced; the Malay subcontractors in Penang won most of them by open competition.
- Three, if the Suqiu had to apologize in public, why not Perkasa?
- Four,...what for, Sak?!
- How come they have Malay office-bearers, and where exactly have they been anti-Malay?
Saturday 17 July 2010
When Lim Guan Eng was Imprisoned in 1998 - An Open Letter
Lim Guan Eng
Chief Minister, Penang
"....Dear Guan Eng
I am a MALAY with a family of my own.
I shall remember you as a CHINESE father who fought for the rights of a Malay grand-mother and her sexually abused grand-daughter.
I know that when you decided to take on the case, you knew the price for your action would be heavy for you and your family, personally and politically.
Today, you are still paying the price. You languish alone in prison.
Ironically, as in Nelson Mandela's case, the longer they lock you up, the greater will be your stature, the more powerful the focus on the issues you fought for.
I also know that, all through this, you can look into the eyes of your wife, children and parents,and say, with deserved pride and honour, that "Guan Eng has not prostituted his dignity, decency and self-respect in the face of oppression and tyranny"......."
- Narmi Saila
Petaling Jaya, Selangor
The following letter was published in the December 1998 issue of ALIRAN MONTHLY.
It was written by Narmi Saila from Petaling Jaya, Selangor addressed Lim Guan Eng when he was incarcerated in Sg Buloh prison by the Govt.
Dear Guan Eng,
As you languish in prison, I have had plenty of time to reflect on you and your idealism.
Rightly or wrongly, the Democratic Action Party has long tried to have a 'MALAYSIAN' character when the vast majority in the country still perceive it to be essentially a political party for the ethnic Chinese.
I realise that recently people like you have tried hard to attract Malaysians, especially Malays, to make the DAP truly Malaysian, but not too successfully, in my view.
Then came an explosive event- the Rahim Thamby Chik case- which made a lot of Malays sit up and change their perceptions of the DAP.
That case rocked MALAY society to its very foundation.
Your conduct and role in pursuit of truth in that scandal earned my deepest admiration. The series of events following that scandal, culminating in the judicial proceedings against you, have turned out to be a classic example of how a verdict in a ' court of law' has become subordinate to the ' court of public opinion'.
Ask any MALAY mother anywhere. Few would agree that the famous grandmother in that scandal should have been abandoned by UMNO, and the under-aged girl should have been so blatantly violated and her family silenced.
By your words and deeds, you challenged the government, police, media, and the judiciary, and exposed yourself to certain incarceration and vindictive punishment by Dr. Mahathir and the political elite.
I have always believed that God works in mysterious ways.Inexplicably, He chose you to put the DAP into sharp focus. He chose you to force Malaysians to look at themselves and reflect on the abuse of basic values in our society.
To that extent, God in His wisdom made the DAP no longer just a Chinese political party, but, overnight, into a truly Malaysian one which fights for the deprived.
I am a MALAY with a family of my own.
I shall remember you as a CHINESE father who fought for the rights of a MALAY grand-mother and her sexually abused grand-daughter.
I know that when you decided to take on the case, you knew the price for your action would be heavy for you and your family, personally and politically.
Today, you are still paying the price.
You languish alone in prison. Ironically, as in Nelson Mandela's case, the longer they lock you up, the greater will be your stature, the more powerful the focus on the issues you fought for.
I also know that, all through this, you can look into the eyes of your wife, children and parents,and say, with deserved pride and honour, that "Guan Eng has not prostituted his dignity, decency and self-respect in the face of oppression and tyranny".
You have truly given new meaning to the maxim, 'Politics With Honour'.
More importantly, you have made me look in the mirror and ask, 'Who Am I?
What have I done to speak out against the evil forces which confronted two Malay kampong women? Why have I remained silent? Have I lost my decency and self-respect?'
In all honesty, I cannot say I have the guts to look into the eyes of my family members and say I have done them proud. I have kept silent.
I owe it to you, Guan Eng, for opening my eyes and stirring my conscience.
Our inaction and apathy have allowed oppression, tyranny and injustice to continue. We have to search our hearts and souls to find ways to make up for our negligence and ineptitude.
To you, Guan Eng, I offer prayers from my family.
May the blessings of the Almighty continue to give you strength, courage and tenacity to do what is right and just for all Malaysians.
Yours Sincerely,
Narmi Saila
Petaling Jaya, Selangor
(This letter was published in the December 1998 issue of ALIRAN MONTHLY.)
Lim Guan Eng was arrested in 1994 after protesting the Attorney General's failure to bring State Minister Rahim Thamby Chik's statutory rape case to trial. Lim Guan Eng was convicted on sedition charges and served 12 months of an 18 month sentence.
On 8 March 2008, Lim contested in the Bagan parliamentary seat and Air Putih state seat in the 2008 General Election. He won the Bagan seat, defeated Song Choy Leng (BN) with a majority of 22,070 votes, and the Air Puteh seat beating Tan Yoke Cheng (BN) with a 4,061 vote margin.
He has sworn in as the Chief Minister of Penang on March 11, 2008.
Read here
The trial of opposition parliamentarian Lim Guan Eng
With the verdict on the trial of Malaysian parliamentarian Lim Guan Eng due to be delivered shortly, Amnesty International reiterates its concern that Lim Guan Eng could face up to six years in jail and be disqualified from Parliament.
Amnesty International considers that the charges against Lim Guan Eng were politically motivated, designed to intimidate dissenting voices and to limit debate on an issue of genuine public concern. Amnesty International believes that if convicted, Lim Guan Eng would be a prisoner of conscience imprisoned solely for the peaceful expression of his political views.
Lim Guan Eng, a member of parliament for Kota Melaka (Malacca) and Deputy Secretary General of the opposition Democratic Action Party (DAP), was charged in 1995 under the Sedition Act and the Printing Presses and Publications Act . His trial opened in January 1996 and concluded on 28 February 1997 at the Malacca High Court. Judge Datuk Mohd Noor Abdullah is expected to deliver his judgement on 28 April 1997.
Members of parliament who are jailed for a year, or who are fined more than RM2,000 (approximately US$780), automatically forfeit their parliamentary seats. In addition to Amnesty Internationals concern that Lim Guan Eng could be imprisoned, the organisation is also concerned that, if he is convicted, Lim Guan Engs constituents will be denied their elected representative simply because he spoke out on their behalf.
This is not the first time that Lim Guan Eng has faced imprisonment for the peaceful expression of his opinion. Along with his father, DAP leader Lim Kit Siang, he was detained without charge or trial under the Internal Security Act (ISA) from 1987 till 1989.
The charges
Malaysian police arrested and charged Lim Guan Eng after he publicly criticized the government's handling of allegations of statutory rape against the former Chief Minister of Malacca, Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik in 1994. In January 1995 Lim Guan Eng stated that 'double standards' were being applied in the statutory rape case. Attorney General Mohtar Abdullah had decided not to prosecute Rahim Tamby Chik, while the underaged alleged victim, a fifteen-year old Muslim schoolgirl, was placed under 'protective custody'.
On 28 February 1995 Lim Guan Eng was accused under Section 4(1) (b) of the Sedition Act of prompting 'disaffection with the administration of justice in Malaysia'. If found guilty he faces up to three years in jail, a RM5,000 (approximately US$1,960) fine or both. In addition, on 17 March 1995 Lim Guan Eng was charged under Section 8A (1) of the Printing Presses and Publications Act for 'maliciously printing' a pamphlet containing allegedly 'false information' specifically because he had used the term 'imprisoned victim' in reference to the alleged rape victim. This charge carries a jail term of three years, a fine not exceeding RM20,000 (approximately US$7,894) or both.
The trial
Lim Guan Eng's trial was lengthy in part because of legal deliberations over the standard of proof required in this and other criminal cases. His trial was suspended in March 1996 pending a general ruling, delivered by the Federal Court in July 1996, that the standard of proof required at the end of a prosecution's case, and before an accused is required to make his/her defence, was that of "beyond reasonable doubt" and not the previously upheld standard of "prima facie" - on the face of things - evidence.
However following the Federal Court's ruling Judge Datuk Mohd Noor Abdullah ruled that the prosecution had in fact proved both charges against Lim Guan Eng "beyond reasonable doubt" and that the defence had a case to answer. Regarding Lim Guan Eng's allegedly seditious verbal statements the judge ruled that the report of a single junior police officer, unsupported by an audio recording, constituted sufficient evidence to proceed. Regarding the charges of printing 'false information' the judge ruled that the prosecution had proved beyond reasonable doubt evidence suggesting that the phrase
'imprisoned victim' was false - apparently ignoring assertions that the statutory rape victim had been detained by police for ten days without parental consent.
The statutory rape case
Lim Guan Eng's statements in early 1995 reflected widespread public disquiet over the handling of the statutory rape case, and the fact that the victim and not the alleged perpetrator appeared to have been punished. Before Lim made his statements local newspapers and women's groups openly criticized Attorney General Mohtar Abdullah's public disclosure, in apparent violation of the Evidence Act, of the victim's sexual history when he announced in October 1994 that charges would not be pursued against Rahim Tamby Chik due to 'insufficient evidence' [1].
Criticism focused on the fact that the police appeared to have detained the girl for ten days before gaining her father's permission to place her in 'protective custody' in a home for 'wayward' girls for a period of three years. In November 1994 the daughter of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, Marina Mahathir, described the authorities' treatment of the girl as appearing to be a 'mockery of justice' in comments published in an article.
Unresolved concerns over the Attorney Generals' handling of statutory rape case were rekindled during Lim Guan Eng's trial when the victim confirmed that she had indeed had a sexual relationship with Rahim Tamby Chik. It remained unclear why, whilst in police custody, the girl lodged police reports against other men with whom she admitted having a sexual relationship, but did not lodge a report against Rahim Tamby Chik - who was not charged or detained as is the usual practice in statutory rape cases. The other men involved, who admitted guilt, were brought to court and bound over for good behaviour.
Following the statutory rape allegations and unrelated charges of corruption Rahim Tamby Chik resigned all his official posts. In January 1996 the Supreme Council of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), the dominant party in the ruling National Front coalition, decided to reinstate him as UMNO Youth leader after Attorney General Mohtar dropped charges against him involving corrupt land deals. However, during UMNO national elections held in October 1996 party members voted Rahim Tamby Chik out as Youth leader.
Dissent and the use of restrictive legislation
The government continues to use an array of restrictive legislation, including the Sedition Act, the Printing Presses and Publications Act and the Internal Security Act (which allows for indefinite detention without charge or trial) for political purposes which far exceed the primary justifications put forward by their colonial originators - namely that these Acts served to preserve security and social stability at times of national emergency.
Although the UMNO-led ruling coalition maintains an overwhelming parliamentary majority and remains politically secure Prime Minister Mahathir's government asserts that Malaysias rapid economic growth and its racial and religious harmony can only be safeguarded if the government continues to uphold an authoritarian stance towards dissenting opinion.
Prime Minister Mahathir is also an advocate of so-called 'Asian values' that stress respect for authority, and the rights of the community above those of the individual.
Efforts by opposition politicians to carry out their duty to publicly question government actions, as well as attempts by Malaysian non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to comment on 'sensitive' social issues, risk the arbitrary exercise of Executive power - including prosecution and threats of imprisonment.
The sedition charges against Lim Guan Eng, apart from being an apparent move to silence a leading critic, appear to be part of an established government strategy of selectively using repressive laws in prominent cases to engender a wider public reluctance to criticize the authorities.
A similar intimidatory stance was reflected in December 1996 when the government threatened to use the ISA against those seeking to organise an NGO forum to discuss alleged abuses of police powers. Threatened with detention without charge or trial, the organizers suspended the forum indefinitely.
Members of the government and ruling coalition have also publicly criticised those regarded as dissenters after questioning their patriotism. In December 1996 Prime Minister Mahathir accused some Malaysian NGOs of acting in collaboration with foreigners to undermine the countrys international reputation and described them as 'traitors' and 'leftists'.
Similarly in November 1996 in a parliamentary speech a senior UMNO parliamentarian accused Lim Guan Eng of being a 'traitor' because he had allegedly referred his case to the Geneva-based Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) thereby 'damaging Malaysias international image'.
Within this context Amnesty International is concerned that Lim Guan Eng will once again be imprisoned and that he will lose his parliamentary seat.
Please send faxes/telegrams/express and airmail letters either in English or your own language:
* urging the Malaysian Government to do all within its power to ensure that Lim Guan Eng is not imprisoned for peacefully expressing his views as a parliamentarian;
* urging the Malaysian Government to ensure that those peacefully expressing their right to freedom of expression do so free from intimidation and the threat of imprisonment.
Prime Minister
Dato Seri Dr Mahatir bin Mohamad
Prime Minister
Jalan DatoOnn
50502 Kuala Lumpur
Fax: +603 298 4172 Salutation: Dear Prime Minister
Attorney General
Datuk Mohtar Abdullah
Attorney Generals Chambers
Jabatan Peguam Negara Malaysia
Tingkat 20, Bangunan Bank Rakyat
Jalan Tangsi
50512 Kuala Lumpur
Fax: +603 293 2021 or + 603 298 4989 Salutation: Dear Attorney General
and to diplomatic representatives of Malaysia accredited to your country.
Read here
Born in 8 December 1960, Lim Guan Eng, Member of Parliament for Bagan, State Assemblyman for Air Puteh.
He is the 4th Chief Minister of the State of Penang, he is also the Secretary-General of the Malaysian Democratic Action Party (DAP).
DAP completed a clean sweep of all 19 Penang state seats it contested in the 12th Malaysian General Election. He is married to Betty Chew Gek Cheng, State Assemblyperson for Kota Laksamana. They have four children.
Lim Guan Eng attended the La Salle Primary English School in Petaling Jaya and later the Batu Pahat Montfort Primary English School. For secondary education, he went to Batu Pahat High School and Malacca High School. He graduated from Monash University, Australia in Bachelor of Economics and was a qualified professional accountant by 1983. He was the president of MUISS (Monash University International Student Society).
Prior to joining politics he was a bank senior executive. In 1986, he was elected as MP for Kota Melaka, by defeating former Malaysian football captain Soh Chin Aun with a majority of 17,606 votes.
In October 1987 , he was detained in ‘Operation Lalang’ under the inhumane Internal Security Act(ISA) , he was released after 18 months on April 1989.
His political life becomes more active since then. He was elected as DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY) chairman 1989 and 1992. He was re-elected as MP for Kota Melaka for a second and third term in 1990 and 1995 respectively. In 1995, he became DAP Deputy Secretary-General.
Lim was arrested by Malaysian police in 1994, following his criticism of the government’s handling of allegations of statutory rape of one of his constituents by former Chief Minister of the state of Melaka, Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik.
Consequently, while the Attorney General decided not to charge Rahim Thamby Chik, Lim was charged under Section 4(1) (b) of the Sedition Act 1948 for causing ‘disaffection with the administration of justice in Malaysia’.
Lim was also charged under Section 8A (1) of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 for ‘maliciously’ printing a pamphlet containing allegedly ‘false information’ because he had described the alleged rape victim as an ‘imprisoned victim’ because she was initially detained by Malaysian police without parental consent for 10 days.
After a series of appeals, Lim was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment. He was, however, released after 12 months on August 25, 1999. Due to his incarceration he was disallowed from standing for election to public office for a period of 5 years, and he was therefore ineligible to contest in the 2004 Malaysian General Election.
In May 2004, Lim Guan Eng was elected as Secretary-General of DAP.
On 8 March 2008, Lim contested in the Bagan parliamentary seat and Air Putih state seat in the 2008 General Election. He won the Bagan seat, defeated Song Choy Leng (BN) with a majority of 22,070 votes, and the Air Puteh seat beating Tan Yoke Cheng (BN) with a 4,061 vote margin.
Lim garnered the second highest number of votes (620) from delegates at the party’s 15th National Congress on August 23rd, 2008. The result was a vindication of his leadership in leading DAP to its biggest electoral win in the 12th general election on March 8th, 2008.
He has sworn in as the Chief Minister of Penang on March 11, 2008. Since then, he has been initiating the system of governance based on the principles of ‘Competency, Accountability and Transparency’(CAT) and with a soul as one that adopts an ethical and moral leadership that professes and gives faith, hope and love.
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