The Photo that is worth more than 1,000 words
The FACE That Gives Meaning to the Word "GREED"

Penang DAP said today the recent outburst of former state PKR chairman Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohd Hashim against Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng could be due to personal reasons.
Its chairman Chow Kon Yeow said he believed that Zahrain was frustrated over Lim’s refusal to endorse a tender for the Management of Bukit Jambul Golf Club to a company.
“Lim informed me Zahrain is not happy with the state government for refusing to endorse the company to run the management of the golf club,” he said.
Chow said Zahrain was also unhappy over his removal as the state PKR chairman.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident -- that ALL MONARCHS are usurpers and descendants of usurpers; for the reason that NO throne was ever set up in this world by the will, freely exercised, of the only body possessing the legitimate right to set it up -- the numerical mass of the nation."
- Mark Twain in Letter to Sylvester Baxter of Boston Herald, 1889
The Malay Rulers must NOT only BE "above politics" but they must also BE SEEN as ABOVE POLITICS and BE SEEN as non-partisan.
Their paramount responsibility is as guardian of the general welfare and non-partisan interest of their subjects.
Malaysian citizens rightly demands that their Malay Rulers are not confused, at any time either in form or in substance, by their responsibilities articulated in our Federal Constitution.
They must be crystal clear of the "do's" and "don'ts" in the course of conducting their royal duties during which Malaysian citizens would expect that the boundaries of non-partisan politics are not crossed or be seen to be crossed.
The last thing their subjects want to do is having to preface their comments each time on the Malay Rulers with the words "Patik mohon sembah derhaka".
It must be emphasised that there is nothing in the Federal Constitution to prevent citizens from criticising the Malay Rulers if Malaysians have reasons to believe that their Malay Rulers have step out of their constitutional responsibilities or that their Malay Rulers are seen to be engaged in partisan politics, wittingly or unwittingly.
We humbly urge our Malay Rulers to make every effort to protect their royal image in the eyes of their subjects, because, in the current political climate in the country, that image is getting very fragile.
-Malaysian Unplug
"We say to Zulkifli Noordin: When voters in Kulim-Bandar Baru, especially the NON-Malays/ Non-Muslims, voted for you on March 8, 2008, they voted you to be a Member of Parliament FIRST, and to represent ALL Malaysians, and NOT for you to be in Parliament as a MUSLIM FIRST.
When you displayed your abusive and irresponsible behaviour at the Bar Council forum protest, YOU disgraced the people who voted for you..."
"...PKR and Anwar Ibrahim as the party's leader, MUST address and act , as promised, against the uncalled-for and offensive behaviour of its MP for Kulim-Bandar Baharu, Zulkifli Noordin, during the Bar Council Forum protest.
It is NOT good enough for Azmin Ali to say that PKR understood Zulkifli Noordin's position.
Decent-minded Malaysians will NOT understand Zulkifli Noordin as an elected representative of the people, when he said that he is a Muslim FIRST and a Member of Parliament SECOND...and that he as a Muslim first and a PKR member second.
If that is Zulkifli Noordin's stand, he should be sacked from PKR or asked to resign so that the next MP will be one who is willing to be an MP FIRST and a Muslim second.
Voters did NOT elect Zulkifli Noordin to be in Parliament as a Muslim FIRST, but instead to act and behave as a Member of Parliament FIRST..."
Why is Anwar/PKR so scared and weak kneed to get rid of Zulkifli Noordin from PKR after countless times of his transgressions of party discipline?
Zulkifli Noordin's politics is substantially at tangent and is diametrically opposed to Pakatan Rakyat's Manifesto which was presented to Malaysian voters by Anwar Ibrahim at the March 2008 Election.Zulkifli Noordin is a scourge to Pakatan Rakyat. He continues to destabilise the coalition parties at every crisis faced by Pakatan Rakyat.
He has in fact diminished PKR by his racially divisive attacks and his religious fundamentalist views. Patience of Pakatan Rakyat voters and supporters is wearing thin by the day with Zulkifli Noordin's antics of destabilisation of his own party and the Pakatan Rakyat coalition parties.
Anwar must act forcefully against Zulkifli Noordin in order to retain Pakatan Rakyat's relevance to Malaysian voters for the Coming GE 13.."
-Malaysian Unplug
"If you say the (amendment) of the law is wrong, that's okay. But don't lodge police reports as this is a form of intimidation.He was also unperturbed by the idea of Zulkifli joining Umno, if sacked.
Pakatan's image as a champion of democracy would be affected if the coalition did not act against Zulkifli.
The time has come for PKR to look at itself and ask what kind of people it wants.
It will not be enough to suspend Zulkifli's membership, as this is not the first time the controversial MP has tainted the party's image.
If not 'Middle Malaysia' will ask what we stand for and our party will become a laughing stock. We are not Umno or BN.
He can join any party he wants, but if you keep Zulkifli, others may leave.
I cannot speak for others but the lack of stern action speaks volumes."
Open Letter From "Ice Cream Seller" to Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, Deputy Minister of Finance, MalaysiaNote: Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah today criticised Malaysians who have emigrated, saying it was “wrong” and insinuating that they were betraying the sacrifices of their forefathers.
Husni, who is second finance minister, explained that “our forefathers” settled here because they believed that their children would have a future in Malaysia. Read here for more
Dear Deputy Minister HusniRelated Article
A story (true) in response to your statement about emigration by ingrates.
Sometime in 1980, when I was a final year student in London, I had a very short tele-conversation with my father. In those days, there were no call cards, Skype or the like and calls were expensive. He had a very simple message - "Don't come home, Son".
Now almost 30 years on, I see where he was coming from.
He advised me to stay on in the UK or if I found the weather not to my liking, told me to go to Australia - even if it meant that I may eventually marry a "white girl" as he put it. I was 23 and marriage was certainly not on my mind.
He was a 'pendatang'. This pendatang however secured a scholarship to study in Raffles College (the pre-cursor to the University of Malaya) and served some 30-odd years in various senior teaching positions culminating with the last few years in the Malay College (Kuala Kangsar, MCKK) .
Amongst his students - a list of past and present ministers and opposition figures.
I didn't heed his advice till last year and spent the last 28 years in Malaysia. However, it became increasingly untenable to work here without compromising my values, integrity and conscience.
Why did he advise me such? With hindsight, I saw his foresight.Our home was (at different times) home to 3 delinquent Chinese boys - sent by the Juvenile court. He volunteered to take them in. Add to that a few other Indian boys.
- As an educationist, he saw we were heading to be another Ceylon (from where he was sent when orphaned), Burma, Philippines and in today's scenario, Zimbabwe.
- He saw what the outcome would be when we mess up education with politics.
- He saw that religion would be a divisive factor in years to come (he even encouraged me to learn Jawi as a 9 year old).
- He believed that in a country like this, mixed marriages would help cement society.
He saw in some of our leaders of yesterday that even in their youth, they had unbridled cunning and only needed an opening to exploit that trait.- He saw in some of his students potential to be PM but said that would never be because they were "too smart for UMNO's liking".
- He saw that given our racial demographics, religion would be used as a means to ensure the survival of a particular group.
- He believed that eventually, the Malays would have a class war amongst themselves.
- He said that even amongst the Malays, many of the English educated would opt to live away from Malaysia.
- He told me promotions won't necessarily be given for competence. These are usually won in the Clubs (read political party today) and over a few drinks. Being a bit of an introvert myself, he encouraged me to join clubs, associations and play sports and travel.
- He said honesty doesn't necessarily pay in this world but still better to be honest and live with dignity.
Though not my mother tongue, I spoke to my parents in Malay till I was about 10. We took in a Chinese lady injured during the war and she lived with us for about 40 years till she died. My father referred to her as his mother in law. I thought she was my grandmother even though my mother was not Chinese!!
By the late 70s and early 80s, he saw that this scenario would not likely repeat in the years to come.
When he died in 1982, we were pleasantly surprised to see some of his students (by then in their 50s) come from different states for his funeral.
One told me that it was my father that made sure he spoke flawless English and another told me how my father would bring the 6th Formers home from the hostel and used our home for dinner and to teach them social graces - including dancing (taught by my mother). Partners were arranged from the convent school with the blessings of the headmistress!!!
29 years on, I view his foresight through the same prism and now agonise as to whether I should tell my children the same.
For now, I am allowing my eldest to pursue his tertiary education overseas.
Maybe when he finishes, he may not be as shortsighted as I was. Pray God grant him wisdom and vision.
Last year, I resigned from my job, returned the company car and driver, said goodbye to my executive package and moved to Australia where I now live with no maid, no driver, no Audi 2.8, no golf, no teh tarik sessions, no bonus etc but am rediscovering humanity running a humble ice cream shop.
Sometimes we learn very late.
An ice-cream seller
“Are you sure this is what you want to do?My reply:
Because it is such a shame that Malaysia will lose a professional like you.”
"I would love to contribute to my beloved country.Asst High Commissioner:
However, my husband is an “orang puteh” and although he is a professional, it was impossible for him to get permanent residence in Malaysia.
You don’t make it easy for us, what more I am a woman. My husband will never get citizenship."
"Yes I agree, we don’t make it easy that is why we lose so many professionals."What more can I say.
"... Successive Malaysian governments have conceded ground to communalist lobbies of all hues, be their language and culture activists, religious activists or proponents of narrow localised politics.
How the government appeals to these groups will determine the future outcome of the “Allah controversy”, but also the future development of Malaysia.
Should the government concede to the demand of the Muslim lobby groups, they will regard this as a victory on their part.One consequence might be the alienation of the Christian vote which would not help raise the fortunes of the BN in general.
To concede to the demands of the Christian groups on the other hand also has its consequences, and would be seen as a case of being “soft” on matters of religion and identity. It may also shore up support for the more conservative ethno-religious lobbies and to push them even further in their demands.
In the meanwhile, other pressing economic and structural matters need our attention. The world is not going to stop or slow down to give Malaysia a chance to catch up.
In fact the world is not going to give Malaysia a second chance at all.
We either resolve our differences and accept that we are a complex nation and move on; or we can continue to play the game of narrow communal kampung politics and commit collective economic suicide while the world walks past Malaysia, passing us off as yet another basket-case failed state embroiled in infantile communitarian politics.
The choice, my friends, is as simple as that..."
- Farish Noor
Would East Malaysians have to deny or erase their history and their historical use of the word Allah just to be part of 1 Malaysia?Perhaps that is simply too high a price to pay for them.
A man came home from work and his children ran to him and called out ‘AYAH ! AYAH!’.
His neighbor got very upset and said to him, “Can you please tell YOUR children NOT to call YOU ‘AYAH’?”
The man asked, “Why?”
The neighbor retorted, “Because MY children call ME ’AYAH’ too. They might get confused and mistake YOU for their father.”
Then the man told his neighbour, " Are you not ashamed to say that your children do not know who is their ‘AYAH’. So you are saying by using the word ‘AYAH’ , your children will call me "AYAH" too without knowing who is their father."
The neighbour said, "YES, ONLY I should use the word ‘AYAH".
The man said, "Then there is something wrong in what you are teaching your children.They are NOT sure and do NOT know who is their ‘AYAH’ !"
“Keputusan ini diambil memandangkan keadaan di negeri ini memperlihatkan keharmonian antara kaum yang terjalin erat.Baru-baru ini beberapa negeri melarang penggunaan kalimah Allah dan beberapa perkataan lain di kalangan orang bukan Islam.
Pada asasnya saya sudah jawab, memang boleh guna kalimah ‘Allah’.
Bagaimanapun kerana ada mainan di belakang, jadi untuk menyekat perkara yang tidak betul maka menurut usul fiqh ia harus disekat.
Benda harus kalau bahaya perlu disekat, tetapi kalau benda harus ada manfaat wajib dilakukan, macam air kalau minum air sejuk sebab baik maka wajib dilakukan.
Tetapi kalau doktor kata minum air sejuk tak baik kepada kesihatan maka wajib kita minum air
Saya akin rakyat pelbagai kaum dan agama di negeri ini memahami keadaan sebenar di sebalik isu tersebut.
Peringkat pertama, mahu keharmonian ada dalam kehidupan masyarakat pelbagai kaum dan agama, manakala kedua melihat perkembangan semasa yang berlaku.
Kita mahu beri kefahaman kepada rakyat Kelantan memang nama Allah baik, cuma orang hendak guna nama Allah lebih baik ambil Islam dan jangan ambil nama sahaja.”
“Those people not in politics, they can say anything. But people like me, I depend on my voters.”Atau dalam Bahasa Melayu
“Mereka yang di luar politik boleh berkata apa saja. Tapi, orang seperti saya, bergantung kepada pengundi.”Perkataan ‘saya’ sepatutnya diganti dengan ‘kami’ kerana kenyataan Datuk Seri Nazri sebenarnya mewakili majoriti ahli politik UMNO dan segelintir Pakatan Rakyat.
" Like I said before, the issue hasn't died down. There is even a new twist to describe those who oppose the ruling of the court of first instance. These people are now called the mob.
Anything associated with the mob, should be discounted. As in mob rule. As in mob referring to the gangster. The term mob, in general is always associated with bad things.
Malaysians don't like bad things.
NH Chan, the former judge has employed a subtle and clever use of Syllogism. Let me try to illustrate this method of argument and see whether it makes sense.
All Muslims believe in Allah
All Christians believe in Allah who has a son named Jesus
Therefore All Muslims believe in Jesus as son of Allah.
Now, even using this kind of syllogism, we can already see that the meaning of Allah as used by Christians is not the same as when Muslims used Allah.
The law professor, Azmi is right; we cannot use legal precepts in debating the Allah issue. We must go back to the Holy Scriptures. For us Muslims we go back to the Quran. But we don't read the Quran as we do a story book.
Let us go a little farther. When we, confident people, who are not at all affected when other people of differing faiths use Allah, pass on, the next generation has fused within the religious melting pot.
Why not we call the Sunday church affair as solat hajat hari Ahad?
Or now call the church no longer gereja but masjid ? the great Cathedral in Rome shall be called Rumah Allah or even Kaabah?
From next year, all Hajj pilgrimage will be diverted to Rome, where there is also another Kaabah? "
- "Sakmongkol AK47"
Rais Yatim is so ancient, when he farted, it was the Big Bang.
Rais Yatim is so ancient, his girlfriend was Eve.
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he uses a Nokia 3210
Rais Yatim is so ancient, Parameswara asked him for directions
Rais Yatim is so ancient, Napster ruled
Rais Yatim is so ancient, the King calls him Datuk before confering the title.
Rais Yatim is so ancient, when he went to school, there was no history class
Rais Yatim is so ancient when they couldn’t find his DNA when they were building Jurassic Park
Rais Yatim is so ancient, the world globe at his home is still flat
Rais Yatim is so ancient, that the new word for ‘Ancient’ is ‘Rais’
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he is fertile enough to lay century eggs
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he cooked The Last Supper.. and painted the painting. Not Da Vinci, damn it.
Rais Yatim is so ancient they found his footsteps next to the frozen fossil of a mammoth.
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he smells like a library.
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he grew the Garden of Eve
Rais so ancient you can only tell his age through carbon dating
Rais Yatim is so ancient he used to be able to walk from America to Australia when all continents were still together
Rais Yatim is so ancient he still writes on papyrus
Rais Yatim is so ancient, when God said “Let there be light” he was there to flick the switch
Rais Yatim is so ancient, no one dares to auction him off at antique sale.
Rais Yatim is so ancient he helped the primes to catch The Fallen
Rais Yatim is so old, he shits dust whenever he goes.
Rais Yatim is so ancient, the dinosaurs study him for history.
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he even made Yoda jealous…
Rais Yatim is so old he knew Burger King when it was still a Prince
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he still hang poster of Hang Tuah in his room
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he was the asteroid that slammed into the Earth to create the Moon
Rais Yatim is so ancient, his box of crayons only have black and white colours
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he was actually the Serpent.
Rais Yatim is so ancient, 20th Century Fox hired him as a consultant for the Ice Age cartoons based on his memories.
Rais Yatim is so ancient that he’s actually Gandalf the Great’s great-great grandpa
Rais Yatim is so ancient where he was with the Mayans when they predicted about 2012
Rais Yatim is so ancient that it’s the number of candles on his birthday cake that’s causing global warming
Rais Yatim is so ancient, a book about him is delayed because the publishers can’t get rights to his cave drawings
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he still uses Friendster.
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he helped hoist the batu bersurat from the boat.
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he still watches tv on tv.
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he thought Touch N Go was slang for molestation
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he probably can't "change his mode"
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he pats Parameswara on the back and says "yo bro!"
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he has a sundial on his wrist for a watch
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he worked out the mummification process for the Pharoahs
Rais Yatim is so ancient, he thought HD was High Density floppy disks