"... Firstly, I don’t know why Akramsyah Sanusi claims himself to be “educated”.
Being educated and having an education are two very different things.
In order to be educated, one has to exhibit certain qualities and virtues. One cannot simply claim that one is educated. One has to earn the right to claim oneself as educated.
And an “educated” man can easily differentiate between Malay causes and that of Islam.
When the issue of Allah name came up, narrow minded Malays like Akramsyah Sanusi can turn to nothing else but the “Malay Anger” mentality usually inspired by the 13th May incident. What’s abhorring about Akramsyah Sanusi's rantings is that he is using Islam as a justification.
In Indonesia, Islamic leaders are laughing at Malaysian Muslims for making an issue of of this. It shows how trivial the Malay mind can become under the leadership of UMNO. And chief spokesman to Malay trivial mentality is no one else but Akramshah Sanusi.
So, no Akram. You have NO right to claim that you are educated.
All I know, the money paid for your expensive education might as well have been flushed down the toilet.
So my former classmate Akramsyah, you're everything BUT educated. More likely indoctrinated rather than anything else.
Please stop all these racists rantings. It’s not Islamic and it’s stupid.
Besides, you lineage are NOT even Malay. Achenese do not speak the Malay language.
-"Tulang Besi"
Akramsyah Sanusi - Profile
Akramsyah Sanusi is the son of Sanusi Junid, a former Minister of Agricultre and an Acehnese
Akramsyah is also a member of the Malaysian Bloggers Alliance under the leadership of the blogger, a self-professed (and read here) Sufi Muslim, "Mahaguru58".
In a leaked email from Mahaguru58 to the MBA members, a secret meeting was held with Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in mid-2009 to organise Muslim Bloggers to demonise Catholics/Christians for pursuing to use the word "Allah".
Akramsyah wrote about himself :Seorang anak Melayu profesional berketurunan Aceh.
Seorang anak Malaysia, Anak SAins MARA lantaran itu anak DEB.
Juga ahli setia UMNO (no 01827033, Bendang Baru, Langkawi) selama lebih 15 tahun.
Berijazah Sarjana Kejuruteraan Kimia dari Imperial College, London. Saya menawarkan diri ke jawatan Exco Pemuda UMNO.
Akramshah Sanusi Exhibits What is Wrong with the Malay Psyche
Read here for more on Malaysia Waves
Firstly, I don’t know why Akramshah claims himself to be “educated”. I mean, being educated and having an education are two very different things. In order to be educated, one has to exhibit certain qualities and virtues. One cannot simply claim that one is educated. One has to earn the right to claim oneself as educated.
His article Torched Churches... Reaping What Is Sown could easily be construed as an articled written by a New York street bum. There isn’t anything “educational” about it at all.
The part I like the most is when he tried to explain the phases of what he calls “Malay Anger”. The phases he explained is very much inspired by the 13th of May incident (though he doesn’t mention 13th May, but Malays usually will refer to the incident when talking about issues with racial content).
But, most Malays do not realize that the reason for Malay disenfranchisement before 13th May is mostly due to UMNO’s continuation of the former colonial “lassez faire” economy. UMNO made a choice not to start affirmative action program for Malays right off the bat from Merdeka. Yet, when their failure is out on the open, they blame the Chinese. And the Chinese had to bear the brunt of Malay frustration.
So, naturally, when the issue of Allah name came up, narrow minded Malays like Akramsyah Sanusi can turn to nothing else but the “Malay Anger” mentality usually inspired by the 13th May incident. It somewhat gives a sense of justifications for Malays to act rationally and with reason. Akram is no exception.
What’s abhorring about Akramsyah rantings is that he is using Islam as a justification.
When until now, there has been no Islamic injunction prohibiting the use of the term Allah for Christians. In Egypt for instance, the Church of Alexandria has been using the term for about 1000 years. Yet, the oldest Islamic seats of learning, Al Azhar, has never issued an edict prohibiting Christians from using the term.
What motivates me to write this piece is the need to separate what Akramshah stands for with real Islam.
It is my duty to Islam to explain to the masses that what Akramsyah stands for has NOTHING to do with Islam.
Akrahmsyah is trying to prohibit what Islam doesn’t prohibit. And he is masking his “Malay Superiority” ideology with what he claims to be Islam.
In truth, there is NOTHING Islamic about what Akram stands for.
His anger and emotions are driven by his Malay nationalist ideology, which is prohibited by Islam.
And an “educated” man can easily differentiate between Malay causes and that of islam. This is something Akram has completely fail to do. No wonder he is in the same bandwagon as Mahaguru58 in an autocratic organization call “Muslim Blogger Alliance”.

Blogger "Mahaguru58" with fellow Sufi Muslims
My reason for bringing up the May 13th incident is to show you how UMNO manipulates Malay emotions to stop Malays from using reason in their action. Uncontrolled emotions has helped UMNO many times throughout the history of Malaysia in their quest to hold on to power.
To this day the Malays continue to blame the Chinese for the pre 13th May Malay disenfranchisement. Yet, the real factor is UMNO’s failed economic policies caused it.
Why? Because of the “Malay Anger” Pavlovian mental conditioning applied by UMNO on the Malay mass.
That’s why UMNO had to kill off Utusan Melayu back in the 60’s in order to get the Pavlovian conditioning a success.
Evoking these emotions is usually UMNO’s last straw and it usually works in the past. However, this time around, Allah Al Mighty has failed UMNO’s plans and machinization. It seems whatever they’ve done has backfired.
Maybe Akram can explain how the “Malay Anger” can help to rescue our fledgling economy. The fact that oil money is slowly running out and that our economy is not looking very promising in the future should be explained by Akramsyah Sanusi.
The negative coverage throughout the world on this issue is shaming Malaysia. In Indonesia, Islamic leaders are laughing at Malaysian Muslims for making an issue of of this.
It shows how trivial the Malay mind can become under the leadership of UMNO.
And chief spokesman to Malay trivial mentality is no one else but Akramshah Sanusi.
So, no Akram. You have NO right to claim that you are educated.
All I know, the money paid for your expensive education might as well have been flushed down the toilet. IT makes no difference at all.
I know beggars on the street of Kansas City who thinks better than you, Akramshah.
Please stop all these racists rantings. It’s not Islamic and it’s stupid.
Besides, you lineage are NOT even Malay. Achenese do not speak the Malay language.
So my former classmate Akramsyah, you're everything but educated. More likely indoctrinated rather than anything else.
As for UMNO, they want Malays not to use their ability to think and rather use their raw and uncontrollable emotion. It works more in UMNO favor that way.
Cause any Malay with a mind will stay away from UMNO with a 20 ft pole.
And yes, Akram is not one of those Malays with a mind. That's why he sticks with UMNO.
- Tulang Besi
To this day the Malays continue to blame the Chinese for the pre 13th May Malay disenfranchisement. Yet, the real factor is UMNO’s failed economic policies caused it.
Why? Because of the “Malay Anger” Pavlovian mental conditioning applied by UMNO on the Malay mass.
That’s why UMNO had to kill off Utusan Melayu back in the 60’s in order to get the Pavlovian conditioning a success.
Evoking these emotions is usually UMNO’s last straw and it usually works in the past. However, this time around, Allah Al Mighty has failed UMNO’s plans and machinization. It seems whatever they’ve done has backfired.
Maybe Akram can explain how the “Malay Anger” can help to rescue our fledgling economy. The fact that oil money is slowly running out and that our economy is not looking very promising in the future should be explained by Akramsyah Sanusi.
The negative coverage throughout the world on this issue is shaming Malaysia. In Indonesia, Islamic leaders are laughing at Malaysian Muslims for making an issue of of this.
It shows how trivial the Malay mind can become under the leadership of UMNO.
And chief spokesman to Malay trivial mentality is no one else but Akramshah Sanusi.
So, no Akram. You have NO right to claim that you are educated.
All I know, the money paid for your expensive education might as well have been flushed down the toilet. IT makes no difference at all.
I know beggars on the street of Kansas City who thinks better than you, Akramshah.
Please stop all these racists rantings. It’s not Islamic and it’s stupid.
Besides, you lineage are NOT even Malay. Achenese do not speak the Malay language.
So my former classmate Akramsyah, you're everything but educated. More likely indoctrinated rather than anything else.
As for UMNO, they want Malays not to use their ability to think and rather use their raw and uncontrollable emotion. It works more in UMNO favor that way.
Cause any Malay with a mind will stay away from UMNO with a 20 ft pole.
And yes, Akram is not one of those Malays with a mind. That's why he sticks with UMNO.
- Tulang Besi
Look at the broader picture. Maybe it will be Malaysia's turn in the watchlist from USA regarding the perception of how the Muslims behave or misbehave in a plural society. The events happening during the past 2 week will surely send out negative signals to the international community. For what the Government had done (or rather not have done), the overall sentiment is Malaysia is never as pretty as the Government paints her out to be. Now religion. Next, bumiputras and race. It's all a never-ending story since 1957.
Wish the British had never left!!!
There is nothing more to tell the International community. The International TV programmes 9repeating the same story over and over again) would have ingrained into the heads of every viewer all about Malaysia. We have been bull shitting Malaysia to the World expecting the citizens of the world to be naive and stupid as most Malaysians like to behave.
Whilst Rome burnt - NERO played the harp. By the same token whilst the PDRM and MACC and the Civil Service goes to rot and gets itself fully entrenched in corruption and living on other peoples blood and sweat - the Country gets more and more on the 'Road to Zimbabwe" not the good old 'Road to Casablanca" with Humphrey Bogart.
We are being bull shitted that Investors are flocking in with Billions of Ringgit. They cant be that bloody stupid. All they are doing is pulling out and going to Indonesia and Vietnam.
We have reached the very depths of depravity. Our name is 'shit' on the world map. Our advertisements all over the world and on TV show 'Malaysia - Truly asia' but you only see Indoensian looking faces and attires in the advertisements. Surely that does NOT depict Malaysia. People ask that on Airplanes if your neighbour on the flight is a foreigner. We have to tell some dumb stupid stories for the sake of saving face.
Soon the UK will insist on Visas to enter the UK. The European Community will follow. Then we will know how it feels to be a 'Pariah".
Allah bless those who use His name to glorify Him *He will punish those who use his name in vain kill or destroy like you know who* Malaysia turn into terrorist Nation with full of hypocrites
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