Sunday 15 April 2007

Raja Nasrin: You Are Called Forth to Offer Yourself be Our Next Prime Minister of Malaysia

From Zorro-Unmasked Blog (Bernard Khoo) : Read Here


"...This posting is to PERSUADE Raja Nazrin Shah, the Sultan-in-waiting of my homestate Perak, to offer himself as the next Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Raja Nazrin, without a shadow of a doubt you have the mettle to make long overdue changes.

You have every equal right to claim the premiership, despite your royal status. Only with your leadership will Malaysia belong to all Malaysians equally..."
- Bernard Khoo ("Zorro-Unmasked')

Excerpts: Read here for more

We have been led like zombies into believing "semua-nya ok".

We want to change the rules. This country needs a make-over. This country must be revived with a massive blood transfusion.


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket This posting is to PERSUADE Raja Nazrin Shah, the Sultan-in-waiting of my homestate Perak, to offer himself as the next Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Who says a royal cannot be a Prime Minister?

Our first PM was of royal lineage!

Raja Nazrin's recent speech (click here to read) delivered to Young Malaysians was a refreshing breeze in this current doldrum.

His speech jolted me out of this zombisque stupor.

This future King declared that Malaysians of all races, religions and geographic locations need to believe beyond a doubt that they have a place under the Malaysian Sun....and all have equal rights and responsibility to take ownership of their country and that Malaysia belongs to all Malaysians equally.

NEVERR had any our our leaders dared to utter such declarations (considered anathema). 'Beyond a shadow of a doubt; equal rights;' equally played mental gymnastics in my mind.

The grand Alliance of the 50s played its role in the fight for Independence. We still revere those founding fathers.

A new creature, the Barisan Nasional, complacent at never being challenged seriously. Today, it has lost its moral compass.

Today it (Barisan Nasional) is mired with a litany of diseases: corruption, decadence, profligacy, ignorance, misconduct, defilement, falsification, nefarious, chicanery, discrimination, coarseness and vileness.

'Raja Nazrin,

Without a shadow of a doubt you have the mettle to make long overdue changes.

You have every equal right to claim the premiership, despite your royal status.

Only with your leadership will Malaysia belong to all Malaysians equally.'

I have made my stand. It was a well-meaning post. most sincere post to date.
-Bernard Khoo

1 comment:

hurricanemax said...

pardon my cynicism...Until his royal highness takes concrete action and practise what he is all nothing but another royal wayang kulit ala Perak.

The opportunity to repeat his belief came and went on at least 2 BIG occasions in the past week, yet he let them slipped by without a squeek.

On the bright side of the 1sen coin, at least someone spoke up without fear of ISA.