Monday 6 April 2009

The ONLY PAS Leader Credible to be the Next Prime Minister of Malaysia

(Photo courtesy of People's Parliament blog )

As Datuk Seri Haji Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, took to the stage, diners and non-diners alike, were on their feet to warmly welcome a man who, in the shortest possible time, has won the affection of the people with his genuine concern for all, regardless of race or religion, and his drive to unite all Malaysians and to end race-based politics in the country.

He stressed how, in 10 months of governance, the Pakatan state government had begun the efforts to bring real harmonious co-existence amongst the various races in the state.

When he stepped up to the rostrum to deliver his short speech, he was passionate about what he had to say.

He pulled no punches and was not bashful in asking those present to give him their vote to send him to parliament.

He call the by-election in Bukit Gantang the TURNING POINT, not just for this.

He urged,

“Let this by-election be the first step to the dissolution of the state assembly here, and then let the other states follow.

Let this by-election pave the way for fresh elections in the country.

Let this by-election pave the way for a new Pakatan Rakyat government to bring about the changes that the rakyat want.

On Tuesday, will you give your vote to send me to parliament to represent you?”.

The crowd was ecstatic.

(Photos courtesy of People's Parliament blog )

Read here for more in People's Parliament blog

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