Saturday 4 October 2008

UMNO-led BN Govt Short-Changed Malaysian Indians on Tamil Schools

Read here article by "Nathan" in Malaysia-Today

Are Indians all Pariahs?




"...When the Sekolah Kebangsaan in a small town receives new desks and chairs for the pupils, the old desks and chairs are given to the nearest Tamil School.

We built (the Bukit Jalil) Stadium (from land acquired from 'Bukit Jalil Estate'), but we couldn't afford to build for the Bukit Jalil Estate Tamil School a proper school.

In Temerloh, a new 3 storey school building was constructed for the Sekolah Kebangsaan, and the old building was given to the Tamil School, that was squatting on Railway land in Mentakab, Pahang!

I have, in my years of Government service, seen this blatant discrimination for myself !"


Excerpts: Read here for more

In 1998, (Malaysia) hosted the Commonwealth games. For that purpose, the Bukit Jalil Stadium was built. It was built on land acquired from what was formerly known as the 'Bukit Jalil Rubber Estate'.

Now that we have a grandiose stadium called the Bukit Jalil Stadium, the Tamil School of Bukit Jalil Estate is housed in the former smoke house of that rubber estate!! I read this in an article in the press at around the time the Commonwealth games were due to be held; so this is no hearsay!

We built that stadium, but we COULDN'T afford to build that Tamil School a proper school.

Just how much would it have cost to acquire part of the Estate land and build a school for those pupils?

The many Tamil schools in the country are in this category because the government has been most reluctant to acquire estate land and build proper schools for these pupils, even after 51 years of Independance.

In Temerloh, a new 3 storey school building was constructed for the Sekolah Kebangsaan, and the old building that was vacated was given to the Tamil School, that was squatting on Railway land in Mentakab, Pahang!

When the Sekolah Kebangsaan in a small town receives new desks and chairs for the pupils, the old desks and chairs are given to the nearest Tamil School!

I have, in my years of Government service, seen this blatant discrimination for myself!

Wither a place in the Malaysian Sun for the poorer Indians who have been displaced by INDONESIAN labour in the Estates in this Country?

And some still with blind loyalty to the MIC in the Barisan National government hoping that in the next 5 years they will begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

The MIC and Samy Velu have been rejected as "Irrelevant" by the COMMUNITY.

The proof was in the March 8th Verdict!

HINDRAF is trying to change all this, by taking 'the road less travelled'.

Where do you think the Indians fit into this Malaysian Equation?
  • To be offered appropriate opportunities to acquire skills for Social Mobilty, to enhance their economic status?

  • Or are they destined to remain 'pariahs' in their own Country?
    - Nathan
Related Articles

Read here for more and HERE

  1. Kapar Tamil School Without Electricity For 3 Months (29 July 2008)

    "...The Jalan Akob, Kapar Tamil School has been without electricity for the past three months since 7th May 2008 when the school switch board got burnt (Tamil Nesan 10/07/08 g 5). As a result 161 students’ education is effected. Despite the school headmaster’s and Parents Teachers Association’s formal complaint to the Education Department no immediate action has been taken.

    This Tamil School also does not have a fencing to start off with, no canteen, white ants eating up their school wood structures and ceiling and the walls are cracking...."

  2. Asshad Tamil School in Penang

    "...Makkal Osai reported that Penang Deputy Chief Minister Dr P Ramasamy promised the Pakatan Rakyat state government would give land to the 80-year old Asshad Tamil School was in bad shape and didn’t have its own land and building. The school is currently functioning from a building that belongs to and is shared with the Penang Indian Sangam.

  3. Midlands Estate Tamil School, Penang

    "..Makkal Osai also reported that the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor State government will give four acres of land to the Midlands Estate Tamil School. This would end the school’s long battle for it to have its own land to build a new school..."


Anonymous said...

Hindraf mendapat lampu hijau dari Presiden PAS! Wow!
Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Presiden PAS Dato' Seri Abdul Hadi Awang yang merestui perbuatan HINDRAF menyerbu masuk ke majlis sambutan Aidil Fitri oleh Barisan Jamaah Menteri Barisan Nasional di PWTC baru baru ini seperti dilaporkan disini, sini dan disini.

Para pemimpin HINDRAF mesti seronok tak terkata mendapat sokongan dari Presiden PAS sendiri dan ini akan membuka ruang baru kepada sesiapa sahaja yang tidak berpuashati dengan Parti Islam seMalaysia untuk menceroboh dan menyerbu mana mana acara yang akan diadakan oleh parti Islam negara ini pada waktu waktu akan datang?

Nah! Ini baru demokrasi sebenar, kan?

Para PEMUDA PAS dan Unit AMAL usah kelam kabut nanti menahan mana mana kumpulan atau pembantah pembantah yang akan hadir membawa sepanduk sepanduk protes menentang PAS dan polisi polisinya!

Tuan tuan kenalah belajar senyum meleret tak sudah bila menerima tamu tamu yang tak disangka atau diduga duga nanti! `Senyum sokmo!' kata orang Ganu!

Presiden PAS sekarang ternyata seorang yang amat demokratik sekali bilamana ia melibatkan majlis majlis sambutan Aidilfitri seteru politik beliau dan sokongan tidak berbelah bahagi Dato' Seri Abdul Hadi Awang sudah tentu memeranjatkan pemimpin pemimpin HINDRAF kerana tidak sangka mendapat lampu hijau dari beliau diatas tindakan mereka beramai ramai masuk ke PWTC membawa kaum keluarga dan anak anak mereka hadir bukan untuk tujuan makan minum jamuan Hari Raya bersama sama para pimpinan Barisan Nasional tetapi sebaliknya cuma hendak menyerahkan memorandum serta patung anak beruang kepada Mamanda Menteri Kerajaan BN Malaysia ; menuntut pembebasan pemimpin pemimpin HINDRAF yang sedang berada didalam Kem Tahanan ISA di Kemunting, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Saya percaya Presiden PAS tidak akan membantah lagi mana mana pihak yang hadir berdemonstrasi mengganggu gugat mana mana acara acara politik dan keagamaan anjuran PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat mulai dari sekarang.

Sungguh hebat sekali percaturan politik Presiden PAS sekarang yang memang seratus peratus menjulang tinggi siasah ala ala Machiavelli @'matlamat menghalalkan cara!'

Peduli apa dengan saudara sesama agama yang sedang mengadakan acara sambutan Aidilfitri, kan?

Mungkin sentimen agama dan pentingnya nilai Aidilfitri bagi sesama ummah semakin menipis dan hilang bagaikan titisan embun pagi bagi ahli ahli politik zaman sekarang yang boleh menghalalkan sahaja sebarang perlakuan buruk laku dan tidak menepati tuntutan ukhuwah Islamiah dan adat resam bertandang ke mana mana majlis rasmi atau persendirian menurut resam kita orang orang Timur kerana tujuan politik itu lebih penting dan mesti meminggirkan sahaja sebarang keperluan berbudi bahasa diwaktu terkini?

Apa apa pun kita tengok sahaja apa langkah langkah seterusnya Pak Presiden PAS kerana sokongan tidak berbelah bagi ini amat istimewa dan amat dihargai puak puak HINDRAF dan mereka yang seperjuangan dengan mereka!

Molek benarlah nampaknya pengiktirafan Pak Presiden mengajak manusia dinegara ini mengamalkan budaya 'gatecrashers' ala ala Barat untuk menyampaikan maksud mereka!

Kan? Kan? Kan? Kan? Kan?

Iyolah tu!!!!

* Untuk makluman semua yang beriya benar nak menghantar komen, sila ambil perhatian bahawa saya tidak menyokong BN kerana saya rasa bagi mereka yang mengikuti tulisan saya selama ini, anda akan sedia maklum akan sokongan saya untuk perubahan didalam negara ini.

Namun itu tidak bererti saya akan menyokong mana mana pihak biar pun dari Pakatan Rakyat didalam usaha usaha yang tidak berteraskan kepada keadilan dan menurut adat resam serta tuntutan agama Islam yang saya perjuangkan sepenuh hati dan jiwa saya.

Saya berhak menulis apa yang saya mahu didalam ruang saya ini. Saya harap anda dapat terima hakikat ini bahawa sebagai seorang blogger, saya juga mempunyai hak hak saya menyatakan pendapat saya mengenai apa sahaja yang saya ambil peduli didalam kehidupan saya dinegara ini.


Posted by MAHAGURU58 at 8:56 PM 2 comments


Anonymous said...

There should not be a vernacular schools in the first place if chinese and indians are really serious about MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA

I wouldn't even give a cent to schools that did not follow the national sylabbus instead follow CHina/India syllabus..maybe the vernacular schools should ask money from CHINA and INDIA