Sunday 20 April 2008

Datuk Sukri Mohamed, YOU Are Wrong !

Bernama reported: Kelantan Justices of the Peace Council president Datuk Sukri Mohamed said he had studied the 12-page speech text by the Kelantan Tengku Mahkota and found that DAP chairman Karpal Singh and MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting had misconstrued the speech for their political ends.

"The speech was taken out of context aimed at worsening the situation so that non-Malays become angry with the monarchy institution," he said yesterday.

Sukri said the Tengku Mahkota had stressed the need for Malay unity in the context of a plural society and did not touch on the rights of non-Malays.

We Say

The speech by Kelantan Tengku Mahkota was political, certainly unwarranted from a second-in-line to the throne.

No amount of spin will turn around the fact that the speech is racially-prejudiced and laced with racial undertones that when read in its totality, divides rather than unites the nation.

The Tengku Mahkota should have use his better discretion than to agree to verbalise the words of the text of the speech given to him at the forum by the organisers in Barisan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu .

Our views
posted in an earlier article on this are still relevant.
-Malaysian Unplug


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Monarch's Advice Should Reflect Fairness: Sultan Azlan Shah Says

Excerpts: Read here for more

Speaking at the investiture ceremony to mark his 80th birthday at the Balairong Seri in Istana Iskandariah here, the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah noted that every citizen, regardless of religion, race, sex or political inclination, should be treated FAIRLY.

He also said that the importance of the state and the people should take precedence above politics.

Although the monarchy would act based on the advice of the head of government, the monarch should NOT agree if the advice given did not reflect fairness, he said.

"Based on constitutional monarchy, the role of royalty is to give advice and views, to encourage and to remind," he said, adding that when giving their approval, a ruler should use their WISDOM.

Earlier in his speech, the Regent of Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Shah said a pre-requisite to political stability in the country was to UNITED the people and do away with negative thoughts among the various races.

"Malaysia must NOT allow discrimination to take place nor racism to take root," he said. Read here for more

Read here report in Malaysiakini in Bahasa:


Walaupun Raja bertindak atas nasihat ketua kerajaan, tetapi Raja TIDAK wajar memberi perkenan jika nasihat yang diberikan itu tidak mencerminkan keadilan, titah Sultan Perak Sultan Azlan Shah.

Berasaskan semangat Raja Berperlembagaan, titah baginda, seseorang Raja mempunyai peranan untuk menyampaikan nasihat dan pandangan, memberi galakan dan dorongan serta memberikan sesuatu peringatan dan teguran.

"Raja sewajarnya menggunakan akal bicara, menggunakan hikmah mempertimbangkan secara arif lagi bijaksana dalam memberikan sesuatu perkenan terutama dalam perkara berhubung kepentingan negeri dan rakyat," titah baginda lagi.

Konsep Raja Perlembagaan

Sultan Azlan Shah turut bertitah, institusi Raja perlu bijaksana memberi tafsiran kepada semangat yang terkandung dalam konsep Raja Berperlembagaan dan demokrasi berparlimen.

Titah baginda, kedua-duanya tidak seharusnya dijadikan instrumen menghalalkan cara jika perkara yang dinasihatkan itu sama sekali bertentangan dengan undang-undang dan bercanggah dengan prinsip Perlembagaan.

Sementara itu, baginda bertitah, dalam menghadapi kemungkinan suasana dunia berdepan dengan pelbagai kemelut besar ekonomi, para pemimpin tidak sewajarnya bertelagah sebaliknya mereka perlu mencari kata sepakat untuk kebaikan rakyat dan negeri.

Sultan Azlan Shah bertitah kepentingan negeri dan rakyat hendaklah mengatasi kepentingan politik kepartian.

Titah baginda:

"Masa berkempen telah berakhir. Kini adalah masa bekerja. Berkempen dan bekerja sangat berbeza. Segala janji hendaklah dipenuhi, segala kata perlu dikota.

Segala fikiran, tenaga dan sumber hendaklah dijuruskan untuk memajukan negeri, terutama usaha menambah baik prasarana, menarik pelaburan, merapatkan jurang pendapatan, menyediakan perumahan bagi rakyat berpendapatan rendah, membasmi kemiskinan, membangunkan modal insan dan mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan."

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