Friday 18 April 2008

Up hold Justice For ALL : Malaysia Does NOT Belong to UMNO

From Malaysia-Today: Read here


S. Ali Mahmud


"Malaysia is a country that belongs to EVERY single citizen who is born here.

Malaysia does NOT belong to UMNO or any specific person.

We have sufficient legislations including the fundamental law of the land, the Federal Constitution which guarantee each citizen their rights and freedoms.

As for fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, live up to what the Quran and Sunnah required of us to do by ensuring justice is served!

Whatever school of thoughts you may be, Shafie, Hambali, Maliki or Hanafi even Hadhari, it is your PERSONAL responsibility to upholding justice, without fear or favour."
-S.Ali Mahmud

Excerpts: Read here for more

Fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, live up to what the Quran and Sunnah required of us to do by ensuring justice is served!

Whatever school of thoughts you may be, Shafie, Hambali, Maliki or Hanafi even Hadhari, it is your PERSONAL responsibility to upholding justice without fear or favour.

(And) I wish to call upon all Malaysians this country to do what all religions required all of you to do, i.e. Uphold justice.

Justice means the same treatment to be accorded to every mankind irrespective of their background or social status.

Malaysia does NOT belong to UMNO, Mahathir, Najib or any specific person.

If these people wish to administer this country in accordance to their whim and fancy, by all means go get themselves an island and rule it whatever way they wish.

Malaysia is a country that belongs to every single citizen who is born here. We have sufficient legislations including the fundamental law of the land, the Federal Constitution which guarantee each citizen their rights and freedoms.

Over the last couple of decades, or rather since Mahathir was made the Prime Minister of this country, justice has been perverted only to those who are wealthy and well connected. Freedom of expressions has been severely curtailed and justice appeared to be a myth rather than fact.

The citizens of this country have been indoctrinated with fear and suspicious of others, just as wanted by Mahathir in his ‘divide and rule’ strategy. Those disillusioned and can afford migrated and those who are less fortunate decided to close an eye to their surroundings.

Take a look at the public offices. Most of the Director-Generals and head of Departments are buffoons who are incompetent and speak even when it is completely unnecessary. Looking back, except for a handful, credibility and competency do not seem to be within the job descriptions required of these people rather, their appointment depend very much on how willing they are to ‘kow tow’ to these unscrupulous politicians.

As a result, you have a clueless management that mismanage a statutory body which its functions are clearly stated and defined in the statute; a ‘half past six’ judge (as he then was) who required the assistance of a lawyer to ensure he be appointed as the country’s Lord.
-S.Ali Mahmud

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