Sunday 14 December 2008

Must Read ! While World Leaders Worry About Global Financial Crisis, UMNO Leaders are Worried About.....

Read here full article in Malaysiakini


"... What Malays need most in the (Federal)Constitution is NOT the "special privileges" provision, but a clause to protect us from these inept and corrupt leaders..."
-M.Bakri Musa



Dr. M. Bakri Musa

Excerpts: Read here for more

While world leaders are consumed with the evolving global economic crisis - the worst since the Great Depression - Malaysian leaders are obsessed with such trivialities as whether yoga would undermine our faith in Islam, and on such silly issues as Malay special privileges.

This is not just my observation. The Sultan of Selangor recently took the unprecedented step of publicly upbraiding our elected leaders for harping on such trivial matters.

His Highness was right; he went further. For the first time he will not be awarding Datukships to politicians on the occasion of his birthday. That is as public a humiliation as it gets. Now if only the other rulers and the Agong would follow this sultan’s fine example, it might just shame our political leaders to take their responsibilities seriously.

Fatwa and Islam

If brutal dictators like Stalin and Mao Zeedong could not suppress the faith, rest assured that a little bit of calisthenics (read: yoga) in the park would not erode our faith in Islam.

Nonetheless I am ‘touched’ by the concerns of these self-professed defenders of our faith. I would have more confidence if they were the paragon of all things Islamic, like advocating a fatwa against corruption and having some respect for basic human rights.

Special Status

As for the special status of Malay customs, institutions and language, this is also the favorite cause for these Hang Tuah wannabes. Never mind that those rights are enshrined in our constitution; only those Malays who are pathologically paranoid or inherently insecure would need to be incessantly reassured of this fact.

To alter it would require amending the constitution, a process requiring a two-third majority vote in Parliament. It is beyond me why we Malays have to worry about this.

The crux of the issue is not with the fact of the ‘special privilege’ clause in the constitution, but rather how to execute it to benefit the Malay masses. That is a challenge beyond the capacity of current Malay leaders; hence their preoccupation with these distracting trivialities.

Malays are not the only ones in need of constant reassurance. There are those who, despite having their ancestors born in this country, go ballistic whenever an idiot makes references to their foreign origin. They too are plagued by their persistent paranoia and incessant insecurity as to their rightful status in this country.

Present Crop of UMNO Leaders

Then there are the assorted characters now vying for leadership positions in Umno and thus aspiring to lead our nation.

To begin with, there is Najib Abdul Razak, unopposed to be the next leader of Umno and thus the next prime minister. With the country afflicted by rampant crime, the best that he could offer was for citizens to change our perception of it!

As for his supposed knowledge of economics, his major as an undergraduate at a provincial British university decades ago, he is nonchalant about the threatening global economic crisis.

Even Felda farmers have a better grasp of threat of this global crisis, having seen their livelihood destroyed with the plummeting price of palm oil.

Then there are the three candidates for Umno Deputy Leader.
  1. Muhyiddin Yassin is upset with his former cabinet colleague Zaid Ibrahim attending Pakatan Rakyat’s party convention. As the international trade minister, Muhyiddin (should be ) consumed with the ongoing free trade negotiations with America rather than be bothered with what Zaid is doing in his spare time. Muhyyiddin should be busy drumming up foreign investments or finding new markets for our palm oil, especially during these trying economic times.

  2. Malacca Chief Minister Mohd Ali Rustam, is too enthralled with Bollywood studs, having just awarded one of them a Datukship. The song and dance of the Hindi movie is more his style.

  3. The double-Muhammad Taib, was the fellow who was arrested at an Australian airport a few years back with literally millions in cash in his back-pocket. Nobody, least of all Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, has ever asked this former school teacher how he acquired his fabulous wealth.

    In a display of courage borne of stupidity, Muhammad Taib publicly took on Raja Petra Kamarudin of Malaysia Today accusing him of insulting Islam. Raja Petra mercilessly humiliated him into silence by exposing this politician’s sordid past.
These are the BEST of MALAY leadership that we could offer for the world to preview.

Obviously what Malays need most in the constitution is not the ‘special privileges’ provision, but a clause to protect us from these inept and corrupt leaders.

There is one certainty however; corrupt and incompetent leaders are a sure recipe for the destruction of a society.

Unfortunately that is what Malaysia has in abundance today. That thought is enough to depress me, as well as many Malaysians.
-M.Bakri Musa

The Hypocrisy of UMNO and its NEP (New Economic Policy) for the POOR Malays/Bumiputras

(The home of the Selangor UMNO warlord, the late Zakaria Deros)

Video clips:

The Poor Rural Malays/ Bumiputra - In Their Own Words (Put on your speakers)

Puan Aminah Wahab's Story:
Financial Help for her Keropok Business

Sahari a/l Sunta's Story (Orang Asli/Bumiputra):
Financial Support for Her Daughter's Further Education

Othman bin Ali's Story:
The fate of the Govt's Village development project soon
after winning general election

(Video clips courtesy of Malaysia Social Awareness Campaign)

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