Saturday 20 September 2008

Syed Azidi Syed Aziz aka Shieh Kickdefella Released from Detention

Blogger Syed Azidi Syed Aziz - better known as Sheih Kickdefella - was released from custody at about 4.30pm on Saturday.

We Say,

Syed Azidi's arrest and detention by the Police on the pretext of protecting security of the nation are unwarranted and a blatant abuse of the Internal Security Act by the Police and the Home Ministry.

We reiterate the view that the Police could have conducted an investigation to verify the facts BEFORE arresting and detaining citizens.

Police tactics using the ISA as an excuse to arrest and detain innocent citizens outside the rule of law cause unnecessary emotional distress not only to families but to all Malaysians.

The Police Force exists to make innocent citizens feel secure and criminals insecure, not the other way round.

This on-going creation of the climate fear of the "knock at the door by the police in the middle of the night" has to stop - and stopped immediately.

We will never be a safe and confident nation with gestapo-like police tactics hovering over the lives of ordinary Malaysian citizens.
-Malaysian Unplug

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